Artist work for hire agreement template

Artist work for hire agreement template, updated 6/18/19, 10:33 PM

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This is an Agreement between ____________________[NAME OF ARTIST], hereinafter Artist,
normally doing business at _______________________________________________________
[FULL ADDRESS] and _____________________________________[NAME OF HIRING
CREATIVE FIRM], hereinafter Creative Firm, normally doing business at
___________________________________________________[CREATIVE FIRM ADDRESS].
This Agreement covers the preparation of __________________________________[PROJECT
TITLE OR DESCRIPTION], hereinafter Project, further described as:

and submission of ideas and materials therefor. Artist will receive 50% of the total agreed
amount in advance, within a week of both parties signing the agreement. Artist will receive a
total fee of $_________[FEE] upon satisfactory completion. Artist will deliver to Creative Firm
on or before ______________ [AGREED DATE] the Project in form and content satisfactory to
creative firm.
Artist is an independent contractor. This work is considered work-for-hire under the United
States Copyright Act of 1976. All concepts, ideas, copy, sketches, art- work, electronic files and
other materials related to it will become the property of Creative Firm. Artist acknowledges that
Project is being created by Artist for use by Creative Firm.
At Creative Firm's sole and absolute discretion, Creative Firm may make any changes in,
deletions from, or additions to Project. Creative Firm is not under any obligation to use Project or
derivative materials.
Artist acknowledges that Project is being created by artist for use by Creative Firm and that
Project is a work made for hire under the United States Copyright Act of 1976. At all stages of
development, the Project shall be and remain the sole and exclusive property of Creative Firm. If
for any reason the results and proceeds of Artist's services hereunder are determined at any time
not to be a work made for hire, Artist hereby assigns to Creative Firm all right, title and interest
therein, including all copyrights as well as renewals and extensions thereto.
Credit for the work may read: “Credit to Artist”, provided that a substantial portion of Artist's
work is used in Creative Firm's final product. No inadvertent failure by Creative Firm to comply
with the credit line shall constitute a breach of this Agreement.
Artist retains self-promotional use of the work, such as portfolio display or similar. Artist agrees
to abstain from using the work that would create confusion with Creative Firm's trademarks,
brands, services, products, or artist's association with Creative Firm.
Artist represents and warrants to Creative Firm that to the best of his/her knowledge the
concepts, ideas, copy sketches, artwork, electronic files and other materials produced do not
infringe on any copyright or personal or proprietorial rights of others, and that he/she has the
unencumbered right to enter into this Agreement.
Artist will indemnify Creative Firm from any damage or loss, including attorney's fees, rising out
of any breach of this warranty.
Artist grants Creative Firm the right to issue and authorize publicity concerning Artist and to use
Artist's name and approved biographical data in connection with the distribution and advertising
of the project.
Any proprietary information, trade secrets and working relationships between Artist and Creative
Firm and its clients must be considered strictly confidential, and may not be disclosed to any
third party, either directly or indirectly.
With reasonable cause, either party reserves the right to cancel this Agreement without obligation
by giving 45 days written notice to the other party of the intent to terminate. In the event that
either party shall be in default of its material obligations under this Agreement and shall fail to
remedy such default within 60 days after receipt of written notice thereof, this Agreement shall
terminate upon expiration of the 60 days’ period. Should Artist's commission be cancelled or
postponed for any reason before the final stage, Creative Firm agrees to pay a cancellation fee
based on work completed.

Please indicate acceptance of the terms set forth above by signing this Agreement.

Artist Signature
