This DBT Therapy Center In Fort Myers Has Holistic Therapies & Coaching

This DBT Therapy Center In Fort Myers Has Holistic Therapies & Coaching, updated 11/7/23, 6:20 PM


Calusa Recovery (866-530-3206), a holistic therapy center, is Florida’s leading home of compassionate, ethical and holistic recovery care for people with mental health struggles, including first responders. Go to to find out more.

Calusa Recovery City: Fort Myers Address: 15611 New Hampshire Ct Website Phone +1-866-798-3232 Email

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This DBT Therapy Center In Fort
Myers Has Holistic Therapies &
Calusa Recovery has an established reputation as one of the most
compassionate and holistic recovery centers and one of the leading
DBT therapy clinics in Florida.
If you have a mental health
struggle like PTSD, anxiety or
depression, their new life
coaching services can aid you in
recovering and envisioning a
clearer and brighter future. 
With their life coaching update,
Calusa is also reaching out to first
responders. They know that, if
you're devoted to helping others,
it can be difficult to accept you
need help.
That’s why they believe life
coaching is an essential
component of healing and of
building meaningful
strategies that will allow you
to live a more mentally well
At Calusa you will receive a
completely individualized care
plan and will be directed to
whichever model of care will
be most beneficial for you—
whether inpatient or
In addition to DBT therapy—which is at the core of their therapy model—at
Calusa Recovery, you will also enjoy holistic wellness activities like yoga
and massage.
The recovery center also prides itself on their unique adventure
program, which they believe can bring fun, laughter and optimism back
to your life.
Go to
to find out more.