Linderman Dentistry, located in Carmel, Indiana, has updated its oral cancer screening services. Patients can receive cancer screening services during any routine dental cleaning or check-up. Visit to learn more.
Kick Cancer to the Curb
With An Oral Cancer
Screening Session from
Dr Linderman!
Linderman Dentistry in Carmel, Indiana recently updated
their oral cancer screening & early detection services.
The oral cancer screening
process is completed quickly
and comfortably during your
routine dental cleaning or check-
Dr. Linderman, a second-generation dentist, updated the clinic’s oral cancer
screening services to encourage his patients to participate in early-detection
and prevention of the disease.
Oral cancer, often referred to as mouth
cancer, can occur anywhere in the
mouth, tongue, lips, inside the cheek,
gums, the roof or floor of the mouth,
tonsils, or in salivary glands.
The objective of oral cancer screening is to identify cancerous
cells or precancerous sores early and prevent the spread and
acceleration of cancerous cells.
Early detection of cancerous
cells significantly increases the
chances of successful removal
and recovery.
Factors such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, poor oral hygiene
practices, and hereditary conditions can all increase the likelihood that an
individual will experience oral cancer in their lifetime.
Dr Linderman encourages his patients to be
aware of common symptoms such as mouth
sores that do not heal, pain when
swallowing, red or white patched in the
mouth, jaw pain or stiffness, and a painful
tongue, among others.
According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 48,330
Americans received a diagnosis of oral cancer in 2016, 9,570 of
which ultimately resulted in death.
Oral cancer is more common is
those over forty and is more
prevalent in men than women.
Dr. Linderman graduated from the Indiana University School of Dentistry
in 1986 and practiced pediatric dentistry for 5 years before joining his
father’s dental practice.
A satisfied patient said, I feel at ease
whenever I visit Dr. Linderman's. He is
knowledgeable and skillful, also
approachable and caring. The staff is always
friendly and responsive. I highly recommend
Dr. Linderman.”
Visit for more!
With An Oral Cancer
Screening Session from
Dr Linderman!
Linderman Dentistry in Carmel, Indiana recently updated
their oral cancer screening & early detection services.
The oral cancer screening
process is completed quickly
and comfortably during your
routine dental cleaning or check-
Dr. Linderman, a second-generation dentist, updated the clinic’s oral cancer
screening services to encourage his patients to participate in early-detection
and prevention of the disease.
Oral cancer, often referred to as mouth
cancer, can occur anywhere in the
mouth, tongue, lips, inside the cheek,
gums, the roof or floor of the mouth,
tonsils, or in salivary glands.
The objective of oral cancer screening is to identify cancerous
cells or precancerous sores early and prevent the spread and
acceleration of cancerous cells.
Early detection of cancerous
cells significantly increases the
chances of successful removal
and recovery.
Factors such as tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, poor oral hygiene
practices, and hereditary conditions can all increase the likelihood that an
individual will experience oral cancer in their lifetime.
Dr Linderman encourages his patients to be
aware of common symptoms such as mouth
sores that do not heal, pain when
swallowing, red or white patched in the
mouth, jaw pain or stiffness, and a painful
tongue, among others.
According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 48,330
Americans received a diagnosis of oral cancer in 2016, 9,570 of
which ultimately resulted in death.
Oral cancer is more common is
those over forty and is more
prevalent in men than women.
Dr. Linderman graduated from the Indiana University School of Dentistry
in 1986 and practiced pediatric dentistry for 5 years before joining his
father’s dental practice.
A satisfied patient said, I feel at ease
whenever I visit Dr. Linderman's. He is
knowledgeable and skillful, also
approachable and caring. The staff is always
friendly and responsive. I highly recommend
Dr. Linderman.”
Visit for more!