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BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036

• 8


S, P, and E (Substrate, Product, Enzyme)
Amounts and Concentrations
Active Site
Initial Velocity
Little k’s
Michaelis-Menten Equation
Special Points
Rate Accelerations
Steady-State Approximation
Transformations and Graphs
Allosterism and Cooperativity
The Monod-Wyman-Changeaux Model

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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
Kinetics seems scary, but understanding just a few things spells relief.
Two problems with kinetics are the screwy (and often unexplained) units
and the concepts of rate and rate constant. And you can’t ignore enzyme
kinetics; it forms the foundation of metabolic regulation, provides a diag-
nostic measure of tissue damage, and lies at the heart of drug design and
The most well-studied enzyme catalyzes the reaction SsP. The
kinetic question is how time influences the amount of S and P. In the
absence of enzyme, the conversion of S to P is slow and uncontrolled. In
the presence of a specific enzyme (S-to-Pase1), S is converted swiftly and
specifically to product. S-to-Pase is specific; it will not convert A to B
or X to Y. Enzymes also provide a rate acceleration. If you compare the
rate of a chemical reaction in solution with the rate of the same reaction
with the reactants bound to the enzyme, the enzyme reaction will occur
up to 1014 times faster.
A quantity
A quantity/volume
mg, mole
M (mol/L), M
g, mol
mM, mg/mL
Quantities such as milligrams (mg), micromoles (mol), and units
refer to amounts. Concentration is the amount per volume, so that
molar (M), micromolar (M), milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml), and
units per milliliter (units/ml) are concentrations. A unit is the
amount of enzyme that will catalyze the conversion of 1 mol of
substrate to product in 1 min under a given set of conditions.
Enzyme (E) converts substrate(s) (S) to product(s) (P) and acceler-
ates the rate.
1 Enzymes are named by a systematic set of rules that nobody follows. The only given is that
enzyme names end in -ase and may have something in them that may say something about the
type of reaction they catalyze—such as chymotrypsin, pepsin, and enterokinase (all proteases).
8 Enzyme Kinetics
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BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
The concentrations of substrate and product are invariably in molar
units (M; this includes mM, M, etc.), but enzyme concentrations may
be given in molar (M), milligrams per milliliter (mg/mL), or units/mL.
The amount of enzyme you have can be expressed in molecules, mil-
ligrams, nanomoles (nmol), or units. A unit of enzyme is the amount of
enzyme that will catalyze the formation of 1 mol of product per minute
under specifically defined conditions. A unit is an amount, not a con-
Units of enzyme can be converted to milligrams of enzyme if you
know a conversion factor called the specific activity. Specific activity is
the amount of enzyme activity per milligram of protein (micromoles of
product formed per minute per milligram of protein, or units per mil-
ligram). For a given pure enzyme under a defined set of conditions, the
specific activity is a constant; however, different enzymes have different
specific activities. To convert units of enzyme to milligrams of enzyme,
divide by the specific activity: units/(units/milligram)  milligrams. Spe-
cific activity is often used as a rough criterion of purity, since in crude
mixtures very few of the milligrams of protein will actually be the
enzyme of interest. There may be a large number of units of activity, but
there will also be a large amount of protein, most of which is not the
enzyme. As the enzyme becomes more pure, you’ll get the same units
but with less protein, and the specific activity will increase. When the
protein is pure, the specific activity will reach a constant value.
Enzyme concentrations in milligrams per milliliter can be converted
to molar units by dividing by the molecular weight (in mg/mmol).2

The active site is the special place, cavity, crevice, chasm, cleft, or
hole that binds and then magically transforms the substrate to the
product. The kinetic behavior of enzymes is a direct consequence of
the protein’s having a limited number (often 1) of specific active
2 mmol/mL and mol/L are both the same as mol/L or M. Other useful realizations include
mM  mol/mL.
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
Most of enzyme kinetics (and mechanism) revolves around the
active site. As we’ll see later, saturation kinetics is one of the direct con-
sequences of an active site.
How fast a given amount of substrate is converted to a product
depends on how much enzyme is present. By measuring how much prod-
uct is formed in a given time, the amount of enzyme present can be deter-
mined. An assay requires that you have some way to determine the
concentration of product or substrate at a given time after starting the
reaction. If the product and substrate have different UV or visible spec-
tra, fluorescence spectra, and so forth, the progress of the reaction can be
followed by measuring the change in the spectrum with time. If there are
no convenient spectral changes, physical separation of substrate and
product may be necessary. For example, with a radioactive substrate, the
appearance of radioactivity in the product can be used to follow product
There are a number of interchangeable words for velocity: the
change in substrate or product concentration per time; rate; just plain v
(for velocity, often written in italics to convince you it’s special); activ-
ity; or the calculus equivalent, the first derivative of the product or sub-
strate concentration with respect to time, d[P]/dt or d[S]/dt (the minus
means it’s going away). Regardless of confusion, velocity (by any of its
names) is just how fast you’re going. Rather than miles per hour, enzyme
velocity is measured in molar per minute (M/min) or more usually in
micromolar per minute (M/min).
Velocity—rate, v, activity, d[P]/dt, d[S]/dt—is how fast an en-
zyme converts substrate to product, the amount of substrate con-
sumed, or product formed per unit time. Units are micromoles per
minute (mol/min)  units.
An assay is the act of measuring how fast a given (or unknown)
amount of enzyme will convert substrate to product—the act of
measuring a velocity.
8 Enzyme Kinetics
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BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
Figure 8-1 shows what happens when enzyme is added to a solution
of substrate. In the absence of enzyme, product appearance is slow, and
there is only a small change in product concentration with time (low
rate). After enzyme is added, the substrate is converted to product at a
much faster rate. To measure velocity, you have to actually measure two
things: product (or substrate) concentration and time. You need a device
to measure concentration and a clock. Velocity is the slope of a plot of
product (or substrate) concentration (or amount) against time.
Velocity can be expressed in a number of different units. The most
common is micromolar per minute (M/min); however, because the
velocity depends on the amount of enzyme used in the assay, the veloc-
ity is often normalized for the amount of enzyme present by expressing
the activity in units of micromoles per minute per milligram of enzyme
[mol/(min  mg)]. This is called a specific activity. You may be won-
dering (or not) where the volume went—after all, product concentration
is measured in molar units (M; mol/L). Well, it’s really still there, but it
[Product] (

∆ [Product]
∆ time
mL min
velocity =
velocity = slope
time (min)

Figure 8-1
The VELOCITY of product formation (or substrate disappearance) is defined
as the change in product concentration per unit time. It is the slope of a plot of
product concentration against time. The velocity of product formation is the
same as the velocity of substrate disappearance (except that substrate goes away,
whereas product is formed).
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
canceled out, and you don’t see it because both the product and enzyme
are expressed in concentration units; both are per milliliter. Let’s do a
numerical example.
Adding 0.1 g of fumarase to a solution of 5 mM fumarate (sub-
strate) in a final volume of 1.0 mL results in the formation of 0.024 mol
of malate (product) per minute. At the beginning of the reaction, the con-
centration of product is zero. If we wait 10 min. 10  0.024 mol of
malate will be made, or 0.24 mol. In a volume of 1 mL, 0.24 mol rep-
resents a concentration of 0.24 mM. So, over a period of 10 min, the con-
centration of malate went from 0 to 0.24 mM while the concentration
of fumerate went from 5 to 4.76 mM (5 mM  0.24 mM). The spe-
cific activity of the enzyme would be [0.024 mol/(min  mL)]/(0.1 
103 mg fumarase/mL) or 240 mol/(min  mg).
To make matters worse, velocity is often reporting using the change
in the amount of product per time (mol/min). To actually determine the
concentration, you need to know the volume. The key unit that always
shows up somewhere with velocities and never cancels out is the per time
part; the rest can usually be sorted out, depending on whether you’re
dealing with amounts or concentrations.
As substrate is consumed, the substrate concentration falls and the
reaction may get slower. As product is made, the reaction may slow down
if the product is an inhibitor of the enzyme. Some enzymes are unstable
and die as you’re assaying them. All these things may cause the veloc-
ity to change with time. If the velocity is constant with time, the plot of
product against time is a straight line; however, if velocity changes with
time (the slope changes with time), this plot is curved (Fig. 8-2).
Usually enzyme activities are measured under conditions under which
only a tiny bit of the substrate is converted to product (like 1 to 5 per-
cent)3 This means that the actual concentration of substrate will be very
This is the measurement of the rate under conditions under which
there is no significant change in the concentration of substrate.
3 This is not a completely true statement. As you may see later on, the velocity of an enzyme-
catalyzed reaction depends on the concentration of substrate only when the substrate concen-
tration is near the Km. If we start out with a concentration of substrate that is 1000 times the
Km, most of the substrate will have to be used up before the velocity falls because of a decrease
in substrate concentration. If the product of the reaction does not inhibit and the enzyme is
stable, the velocity will remain constant for much more than 1 to 5 percent of the reaction.
It’s only when we’re near the Km that substrate depletion during the assay is a problem.
8 Enzyme Kinetics
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BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
close to what you started with. It’s obviously changed (or you couldn’t
have measured it), but it’s not changed all that much. When you stick
with the initial part of the velocity measurement, the velocity is less
likely to change due to substrate depletion, or product inhibition, and
you’re more likely to know what the actual substrate concentration is.
Initial velocity measurements help avoid the dreaded curvature.
A mechanism tells you what happens to whom, in what order, and
where. The mechanism in the box is the simplest one possible for a one-
substrate enzyme. First, the enzyme must find the substrate in solution
and bind to it, forming the ES complex in which the substrate is bound
at the active site. The ES complex then converts the substrate to product
E  S ∆ ES ∆ E  P
Product (nmol)
velocity at later
time is slower
velocity at early
time is faster
Time (min)
Figure 8-2 The Velocity May Change with Time
The velocity is not necessarily the same at all times after you start the reaction.
The depletion of substrate, inhibition by the product, or instability of the enzyme
can cause the velocity to change with time. The initial velocity is measured
early, before the velocity changes. Initial velocity measurements also let you
assume that the amount of substrate has not changed and is equal to the amount
of substrate that was added.
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
second order
first order
first order
E + S
E + P
E . S
Figure 8-3 The Simplest Enzyme Mechanism
A mechanism provides a description of individual chemical steps that make up
the overall reaction. How fast each reaction occurs is governed by the rate con-
stant for the reaction. The observable kinetic constants Km and Vmax are related
to the individual rate constants for the individual steps by a bunch of algebra.
and releases it. Real enzymes are obviously more complicated and almost
never proceed through just one enzyme-substrate–enzyme-product com-
plex—there are often many steps involved. However, even though there
may be lots of steps involved, the slowest one will really determine the
rate of the overall reaction. For this reason, the Michaelis-Menten mech-
anism and equation (see later) describe the behavior of a large number
of enzymes. Many very complex mechanisms often follow the simple
Michaelis-Menten equation when only one substrate is varied at a time
and the others are held constant.
The Km and Vmax of the Michaelis-Menten equation are actually
made up of sums and products of little k’s. You only have to look in most
biochemistry texts to see a description of the derivation of the Michaelis-
Menten equation in terms of little k’s. The little k’s are like quarks and
leptons—you’ve heard the names, but you’re not quite sure what they are
and even less sure about how they work. There’s a section later (actually
last) in the book if you haven’t heard or can’t remember about rate
The little k’s are rate constants (numbers) that tell you how fast the
individual steps are. You will see two kinds of little k’s, rate constants—
first-order and second-order (Fig. 8-3).
A ¡ B
v  k[A]
k in s1
A  B ¡ C
v  k[A][B]
k in M1s1
8 Enzyme Kinetics
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BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
First-order rate constants are used to describe reactions of the type
A  B. In the simple mechanism for enzyme catalysis, the reactions
leading away from ES in both directions are of this type. The velocity of
ES disappearance by any single pathway (such as the ones labeled k2 and
k3) depends on the fraction of ES molecules that have sufficient energy
to get across the specific activation barrier (hump) and decompose along
a specific route. ES gets this energy from collision with solvent and from
thermal motions in ES itself. The velocity of a first-order reaction
depends linearly on the amount of ES left at any time. Since velocity has
units of molar per minute (M/min) and ES has units of molar (M), the
little k (first-order rate constant) must have units of reciprocal minutes
(1/min, or min1). Since only one molecule of ES is involved in the reac-
tion, this case is called first-order kinetics. The velocity depends on the
substrate concentration raised to the first power (v  k[A]).
The reaction of E with S is of a different type, called second order.
Second-order reactions are usually found in reactions of the type A  B
 C. The velocity of a second-order reaction depends on how easy it is
for E and S to find each other in the abyss of aqueous solution. Obvi-
ously, lower E or lower S concentration make this harder. For second-
order reactions, the velocity depends on the product of both of the
reacting species (v  k[S][E]). Here k must have units of reciprocal molar
minutes (M1 min1) so that the units on the left and right sides balance.
The second-order rate constant in the mechanism of Fig. 8-3 is k1.
Another special case deserves comment—zero-order reactions. For
a reaction that is zero-order with respect to a given substrate, the veloc-
ity does not depend on the concentration of substrate. We see zero-order
behavior at Vmax; the reaction is zero-order in the concentration of sub-
strate. Note that even at Vmax, the reaction is full first order in the con-
centration of enzyme (the rate increases as the enzyme concentration
Hyperbolic kinetics, saturation kinetics


Velocity depends on substrate concentration when [S] is low but
does not depend on substrate concentration when [S] is high.
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
Equations are useless by themselves—what’s important is what the
equation tells you about how the enzyme behaves. You should be able
to escape biochemistry having learned only three equations. This is one
of them. The Michaelis-Menten equation describes the way in which the
velocity of an enzyme reaction depends on the substrate concentration.
Memorize it and understand it because the same equation (with only the
names of the symbols changed) describes receptor binding and oxygen
binding to myoglobin. In the cell, the enzyme is exposed to changes in
the level of the substrate. The way the enzyme behaves is to increase the
velocity when the substrate concentration increases. The dependence of
enzyme velocity on the concentration of substrate is the first line of meta-
bolic regulation. In cells, enzymes are often exposed to concentrations of
the substrate that are near to or lower than the Km. Some enzymes have
evolved to have Km’s near the physiological substrate concentration so
that changes in the substrate levels in the cell cause changes in the veloc-
ity of the reaction—the more substrate, the faster the reaction.
Mathematically, the Michaelis-Menten equation is the equation of a
rectangular hyperbola. Sometimes you’ll here reference to hyperbolic
kinetics; this means it follows the Michaelis-Menten equation. A number
of other names also imply that a particular enzyme obeys the Michaelis-
Menten equation: Michaelis-Menten behavior, saturation kinetics, and
hyperbolic kinetics.
The initial velocity is measured at a series of different substrate con-
centrations. In all cases the concentration of substrate used is much
higher (by thousands of times, usually) than that of the enzyme. Each
substrate concentration requires a separate measurement of the initial
velocity. At low concentrations of substrate, increasing the substrate con-
centration increases the velocity of the reaction, but at high substrate con-
centrations, increasing the initial substrate concentration does not have
much of an effect on the velocity (Fig. 8-4).
The derivation of the equation is found in most texts and for the most
part can be ignored. What you want to understand is how and why it
works as it does.


When there is no substrate present ([S]  0), there is no velocity—
so far, so good. As the substrate concentration [S] is increased, the reac-
tion goes faster as the enzyme finds it easier and easier to locate the
substrate in solution. At low substrate concentrations ([S] Km), dou-
bling the concentration of substrate causes the velocity to double.
8 Enzyme Kinetics
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BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
As the initial substrate concentration becomes higher and higher, at
some concentration, the substrate is so easy to find that all the enzyme
active sites are occupied with bound substrate (or product). The enzyme
is termed saturated at this point, and further increases in substrate con-
centration will not make the reaction go any faster. With [S]
Km, the
velocity approaches Vmax.
The actual velocity of the reaction depends on how much of the total
amount of enzyme is present in the enzyme–substrate (ES) complex. At
low substrate concentrations, very little of the enzyme is present as the
ES complex—most of it is free enzyme that does not have substrate
bound. At very high substrate concentrations, virtually all the enzyme is
At high [S], v doesn't change
much when [S] changes
At low [S], v increases linearly
as [S] increases
Km = [S] where v = 1/2 Vmax
1/2 Vmax
Figure 8-4
SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION affects the velocity of an enzyme-
catalyzed reaction. Almost all enzyme-catalyzed reactions show saturation
behavior. At a high enough substrate concentration, the reaction just won’t go
any faster than Vmax. The substrate concentration required to produce a velocity
that is one-half of Vmax is called the Km.
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
in the ES complex. In fact, the amount of enzyme in the ES complex is
just given by the ratio of v/Vmax, that is, ES/(ES  E)  v/Vmax  [S]/
(Km  [S]).
The Vmax is a special point. At Vmax, the velocity does not depend
on the concentration of substrate. Most assays are performed at substrate
concentrations that are near saturating (the word near is usually used
because Vmax, like Nirvana, is approached, not reached). For practical
people, though, 99 percent of Vmax is as good as Vmax. The Vmax and v
have exactly the same units. The Vmax conceals the dependence of the
velocity on the concentration of enzyme. It’s buried in there. If Vmax is
expressed in units of micromolar per minute (M/min), then doubling the
enzyme concentration doubles Vmax; in contrast, if Vmax (and v) are given
in units of micromoles per minute per milligram [mol/(min  mg), i.e.,
specific activity], the normalized velocity and Vmax won’t depend on
enzyme concentration.
The turnover number, or kcat (pronounced “kay kat”), is another way
of expressing Vmax. It’s Vmax divided by the total concentration of
enzyme (Vmax/Et). The kcat is a specific activity in which the amount of
enzyme is expressed in micromoles rather than milligrams. The actual
units of kcat are micromoles of product per minute per micromole of
enzyme. Frequently, the micromoles cancel (even though they’re not
exactly the same), to give you units of reciprocal minutes (min1). Notice
that this has the same units as a first-order rate constant (see later, or see
Chap. 24). The kcat is the first-order rate constant for conversion of the
enzyme–substrate complex to product. For a very simple mechanism,
such as the one shown earlier, kcat would be equal to k3. For more complex
Turnover number—another way of expressing Vmax.
Micromoles of product made per minute per micromole of enzyme
(Vmax/Et). The kcat is the first-order rate constant for the conversion
of the enzyme–substrate complex to product.
This is the velocity approached at a saturating concentration of sub-
strate. Vmax has the same units as v.
8 Enzyme Kinetics
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BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
mechanisms kcat is actually a collection of sums and products of rate con-
stants for individual steps of the mechanism.
If [S]  Km, the Michaelis-Menten equation says that the velocity
will be one-half of Vmax. (Try substituting [S] for Km in the Michaelis-
Menten equation, and you too can see this directly.) It’s really the rela-
tionship between Km and [S] that determines where you are along the
hyperbola. Like most of the rest of biochemistry, Km is backward. The
larger the Km, the weaker the interaction between the enzyme and the
substrate. Km is also a collection of rate constants. It may not be equal to
the true dissociation constant of the ES complex (i.e., the equilibrium
constant for ES s E  S).
The Km is a landmark to help you find your way around a rectan-
gular hyperbola and your way around enzyme behavior. When [S] Km
(this means [S]  Km  Km), the Michaelis-Menten equation says that
the velocity will be given by v  (Vmax/Km)[S]. The velocity depends lin-
early on [S]. Doubling [S] doubles the rate.
At high substrate concentrations relative to Km ([S]
Km), The
Michaelis-Menten equation reduces to v  Vmax, substrate concentration
disappears, and the dependence of velocity on substrate concentration
approaches a horizontal line. When the reaction velocity is independent
of the concentration of the substrate, as it is at Vmax, it’s given the name
zero-order kinetics.
The specificity constant, kcat/Km, is the second-order rate constant for
the reaction of E and S to produce product. It has units of M1min1.
[S] Km
v  Vmax[S]/Km
v  Vmax
[S]  Km
v  Vmax/2
This is the concentration of substrate required to produce a veloc-
ity that is one-half of Vmax.
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
BG McGraw-Hill: Gilbert, Basic Concepts in Biochemistry, JN 5036
4 If you’re reading this section because you want to understand how rate accelerations are actu-
ally determined, proceed; however, this information will be pretty low on the trivia sorter list.
The term kcat/Km describes the reaction of any enzyme and substrate
at low substrate concentration. At low substrate concentration, the veloc-
ity of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is proportional to the substrate con-
centration and the enzyme concentration. The proportionality constant is
kcat/Km and v  (kcat/Km)[S] [E]T. If you’re real astute, you’ll have
noticed that this is just a second-order rate equation and that the second-
order rate constant is kcat/Km.
The term kcat/Km lets you rank enzymes according to how good they
are with different substrates. It contains information about how fast the
reaction of a given substrate would be when it’s bound to the enzyme
(kcat) and how much of the substrate is required to reach half of Vmax.
Given two substrates, which will the enzyme choose? The quantity
kcat/Km tells you which one the enzyme likes most—which one will react
The term kcat/Km is also the second-order rate constant for the reac-
tion of the free enzyme (E) with the substrate (S) to give product. The
kcat/Km is a collection of rate constants, even for the simple reaction
mechanism shown earlier. Formally, kcat/Km is given by the pile of rate
constants k1k3/(k2  k3). If k3
k2, this reduces to k1, the rate of
encounter between E and S. Otherwise, kcat/Km is a complex collection
of rate constants, but it is still the second-order rate constant that is
observed for the reaction at low substrate concentration.
To impress you, enzymologists often tell you how much faster their
enzyme is than the uncatalyzed reaction. These comparisons are tricky.
Here’s the problem: Suppose we know that the reaction S  P has a first-
order rate constant of 1  103 min1 (a half-life of 693 min). When
an enzyme catalyzes transformation of S to P, we have more than one
E  S ∆ ES ¡ E  P
Which of these reactions do we pick to compare with the noncatalyzed
reaction? We can’t pick k1, because that’s a second-order reaction. You
Compare apples to apples and first order to first order.
8 Enzyme Kinetics
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can’t directly compare first- and second-order reactions—the units are
different. The comparison to make in this case is with k3. You’re actu-
ally comparing the first-order rate constant for the reaction when the sub-
strate is free in solution to the first-order rate constant for the reaction
when the substrate is bound to the enzyme. So, for a first-order reaction,
we compare the uncatalyzed rate constant to the kcat for the enzyme-
catalyzed reaction. If kcat were 10
3 min1 (half-life of 0.000693 min, or
41 ms), the rate acceleration would be 106-fold.
What about reactions of the type A  B  C? This is a second-
order reaction, and the second-order rate constant has units of M1min1.
The enzyme-catalyzed reaction is even more complicated than the very
simple one shown earlier. We obviously want to use a second-order rate
constant for the comparison, but which one? There are several options,
and all types of comparisons are often made (or avoided). For enzyme-
catalyzed reactions with two substrates, there are two Km values, one for
each substrate. That means that there are two kcat/Km values, one for each
substrate. The kcat/KA
5 in this case describes the second-order rate con-
stant for the reaction of substrate A with whatever form of the enzyme
exists at a saturating level B. Cryptic enough? The form of the enzyme
that is present at a saturating level of B depends on whether or not B can
bind to the enzyme in the absence of A.6 If B can bind to E in the absence
of A, then kcat/KA will describe the second-order reaction of A with the
EB complex. This would be a reasonably valid comparison to show the
effect of the enzyme on the reaction. But if B can’t bind to the enzyme
in the absence of A, kcat/KA will describe the second-order reaction of A
with the enzyme (not the EB complex). This might not be quite so good
a comparison.
As with most assumptions and approximations, those professors who
do not ignore this entirely will undoubtedly think that you should at least
know that it’s an assumption. What the steady-state assumption actually
This is an assumption used to derive the Michaelis-Menten equa-
tion in which the velocity of ES formation is assumed to be equal
to the velocity of ES breakdown.
5 KA is the Km for substrate A determined at a saturating level of substrate B.
6 Sometimes the binding site for one substrate does not exist until the other substrate binds to
the enzyme. This creates a specific binding order in which A must bind before B can bind (or
vice versa).
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Basic Concepts in Biochemistry
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does is to allow enzyme kineticists (a hale, hardy, wise, but somewhat
strange breed) to avoid calculus and differential equations. Think about
what happens when E and S are mixed for the first time. E begins to react
with S. Although the S concentration is large and constant, the E con-
centration begins to drop as it is converted to ES (v  k1[E][S]). At the
same time, the velocity of ES breakdown to E  S and to E  P starts
to rise as the ES concentration increases. Since ES is destroyed by two
different reactions, the velocity of ES breakdown is the sum of the veloc-
ities of the two pathways (v  k2[ES]  k3[ES]). At some point, the con-
centrations of E and ES will be just right, and the velocity at which ES
is created will be exactly matched by the velocity at which ES is con-
verted to other things. As long as the velocity of ES formation remains
the same as the velocity of ES destruction, the concentration of ES will
have to stay constant with time. At this point the system has reached
steady state. At steady state, the concentration of ES (and other enzyme
species) won’t change with time (until [S] decreases, but we won’t let
that happen because we’re measuring initial velocity kinetics). If the con-
centration of the ES complex doesn’t change with time, it really means
that d[ES]/dt  0. This has consequences.
At any time, the velocity of product formation is
v k3[ES]
The k3 is just a constant. What we don’t know is [ES], mainly because
we don’t know how much of our enzyme is present as [E]. But we do
know how much total enzyme we have around—it’s how much we
[E]total  [E]  [ES]
But we still don’t know [ES]. We need another equation that has [E] and
[ES] in it. Here’s where the steady state approximation comes in handy.
At steady state, the change in the concentration of [ES] is zero, and the
velocity of [ES] formation equals the velocity of [ES] breakdown.
vformation  k1[E]
vbreakdown  k2[ES]  k3[ES]
k1[E]  (k2  k3)[ES]
The rest is simple algebra.7 Solve the preceding equation for [E] and stick
the result in the equation for [E]total. The E and ES should disappear at
7 At least, it’s simpler than calculus.
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this point, and you should be left with something that has only k’s and
[E]total in it. Call k3[E]t by the name Vmax and call (k2  k3)/k1 by the
name Km, and you’ve just derived the Michaelis-Menten equation.
Confirming that curved lines are the nemesis of the biochemist, at
least three or more different transformations of the Michaelis-Menten
equation have been invented (actually four)—each one of which took two
people to accomplish (Fig. 8-5). The purpose of these plots is to allow
you to determine the values of Km and Vmax with nothing but a ruler and
a piece of paper and to allow professors to take a straightforward ques-
tion about the Michaelis-Menten expression and turn it upside down
(and/or backward). You might think that turning a backward quantity like
Km upside down would make everything simpler—somehow it doesn’t
work that way.
Don’t bother memorizing these equations—they’re all straight lines
with an x and y intercept and a slope. The useful information (Vmax or
Km) will either be on the x and y intercepts or encoded in the slope (y
intercept/x intercept). Remember that v has the same units as Vmax, and
Km has the same units as [S]. Look at the label on the axes and it will
tell you what the intercept on this axis should give in terms of units. Then
match these units with the units of Vmax and [S].
The y intercept of a Lineweaver-Burk plot (1/v is the y axis) is
1/Vmax (same units as 1/v). The x intercept has the same units as 1/[S] so
that 1/Km (actually 1/Km) is the x intercept. For the Eadie-Hofstee plot,
the x axis is v/[S] so that the x intercept is Vmax/Km (units of the x axis
are v/[S] units). Get the idea?
The useful thing about the Lineweaver-Burk transform (or double
reciprocal) is that the y intercept is related to the first-order rate constant
for decomposition of the ES complex to E  P (kcat or Vmax) and is equal
to the rate observed with all of the enzyme in the ES complex. The slope,
in contrast, is equal to the velocity when the predominant form of the
enzyme is the free enzyme, E (free meaning unencumbered rather than
1/v vs. 1/[S]
v vs. v/[S]
[S]/v vs. [S]
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– Km
Figure 8-5
TO AVOID CURVED PLOTS there are several ways to rearrange the
Michaelis-Menten equation so that data can be plotted to give a straight line.
The slope and intercepts give you values for Km and Vmax or give you values
from which Km and Vmax can be calculated.
Competitive: Slope effect
Intercept effect
Noncompetitive: Slope and intercept effect
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Inhibitors are molecules that often resemble the substrate(s) or prod-
uct(s) and bind reversibly to the active site (this means if you remove the
inhibitor, the inhibition goes away). Binding of the inhibitor to the active
site prevents the enzyme from turning over.8 Many drugs are reversible
enzyme inhibitors that have their physiological effect by decreasing the
activity of a specific enzyme. If an inhibitor has an effect on the veloc-
ity, it will be to decrease the velocity. The concentration of inhibitor
needed to inhibit the enzyme depends on how tightly the inhibitor binds
to the enzyme. The inhibition constant (Ki) is used to describe how
tightly an inhibitor binds to an enzyme. It refers to the equilibrium dis-
sociation constant of the enzyme-inhibitor complex (equilibrium constant
for EI s E  I). The bigger the Ki, the weaker the binding.
There are three types of reversible inhibition: competitive, uncom-
petitive, and noncompetitive. Most texts acknowledge only two kinds of
inhibition—competitive and noncompetitive (or mixed). This approach
makes it difficult to explain inhibition on an intuitive level, so we’ll use
all three types of inhibition and explain what the other nomenclature
means in the last paragraph of this section.
Inhibition experiments are performed by varying the concentration
of substrate around the Km just as you would in an experiment to deter-
mine the Km and Vmax, except that the experiment is repeated at several
different concentrations of an inhibitor. On a Lineweaver-Burk transfor-
mation (1/v vs. 1/[S]), each different inhibitor concentration will be rep-
resented as a different straight line (Fig. 8-6). The pattern that the lines
make tells you the kind of inhibition. There are three possibilities: (1)
The inhibitor can affect only the slopes of the plot (competitive), (2) the
inhibitor can affect only the y intercepts of the plot (uncompetitive), or
(3) the inhibitor can affect both the slopes and the intercepts (noncom-
petitive). Plots are plots, and what’s really important is not the pattern on
a piece of paper but what the pattern tells us about the behavior of the
The Lineweaver-Burk plot is very useful for our purposes since the
y axis intercept of this plot (1/Vmax) shows the effect of the inhibitor at
a very high concentration of the substrate. In contrast, the slope of this
plot (Km/Vmax) shows the effect of the inhibitor at a very low concentra-
tion of substrate.
The hallmarks of competitive inhibition are that Vmax is not affected
by adding the inhibitor and the plots intersect on the y axis. A high con-
centration of substrate prevents the inhibitor from exerting its effect.
8 An enzyme’s turning over is not like a trick your dog can do. Enzyme turnover refers to the
cyclic process by which the enzyme turns the substrate over into product and is regenerated.
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[ I ]
[ I ]
[ I ]
Figure 8-6 Enzyme Inhibition
An inhibitor can have different effects on the velocity when the substrate con-
centration is varied. If the inhibitor and substrate compete for the same form of
the enzyme, the inhibition is COMPETITIVE. If not, the inhibition is either
NONCOMPETITIVE or UNCOMPETITIVE depending on whether or not
the inhibitor can affect the velocity at low substrate concentrations.
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Competitive inhibitors bind only to the free enzyme and to the same site
as the substrate. Competitive inhibitors are molecules that usually look
like the substrate but can’t undergo the reaction. At an infinite concen-
tration of the substrate (1/[S]  0), the competitive inhibitor cannot bind
to the enzyme since the substrate concentration is high enough that there
is virtually no free enzyme present.
E  S ∆ ES ¡ E  P
Since competitive inhibitors have no effect on the velocity at saturating
(infinite) concentrations of the substrate, the intercepts of the double-
reciprocal plots (1/Vmax) at all the different inhibitor concentrations are
the same. The lines at different inhibitor concentrations must all intersect
on the y axis at the same 1/Vmax.
At low concentrations of substrate ([S] Km), the enzyme is pre-
dominantly in the E form. The competitive inhibitor can combine with
E, so the presense of the inhibitor decreases the velocity when the sub-
strate concentration is low. At low substrate concentration ([S] Km),
the velocity is just Vmax[S]/Km. Since the inhibitor decreases the veloc-
ity and the velocity at low substrate concentration is proportional to
Vmax/Km, the presence of the inhibitor affects the slopes of the
Lineweaver-Burk plots; the slope is just the reciprocal of Vmax/Km.
Increasing the inhibitor concentration causes Km /Vmax to increase. The
characteristic pattern of competitive inhibition can then be rationalized if
you simply remember that a competitive inhibitor combines only with E.
If the inhibitor combines only with ES (and not E), the inhibitor exerts
its effect only at high concentrations of substrate at which there is lots of
ES around. This means that the substrate you’re varying (S) doesn’t pre-
vent the binding of the inhibitor and that the substrate and inhibitor bind
to two different forms of the enzyme (E and ES, respectively).
E  S ∆ ES ¡ E  P
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At very low substrate concentration ([S] approaches zero), the enzyme is
mostly present as E. Since an uncompetitive inhibitor does not combine
with E, the inhibitor has no effect on the velocity and no effect on
Vmax/Km (the slope of the double-reciprocal plot). In this case, termed
uncompetitive, the slopes of the double-reciprocal plots are independent
of inhibitor concentration and only the intercepts are affected. A series
of parallel lines results when different inhibitor concentrations are used.
This type of inhibition is often observed for enzymes that catalyze the
reaction between two substrates. Often an inhibitor that is competitive
against one of the substrates is found to give uncompetitive inhibition
when the other substrate is varied. The inhibitor does combine at the
active site but does not prevent the binding of one of the substrates (and
vice versa).
E  S ∆ ES ¡ E  P
Noncompetitive inhibition results when the inhibitor binds to both E and
ES. Here, both the slopes (Km/Vmax) and intercepts (1/Vmax) exhibit an
effect of the inhibitor. The lines of different inhibitor concentration inter-
sect (their slopes are different), but they do not intersect on the y axis
(their intercepts are different).
In many texts, the existence of uncompetitive inhibitors is ignored,
and noncompetitive inhibitors are called mixed. The different types of
inhibitors are distinguished by their effects of Km and Vmax. It is difficult
to rationalize the behavior of inhibitors by discussing their effects on Km;
however, it is well suited for memorization. In this terminology, non-
competitive inhibition is observed when the inhibitor changes Vmax but
doesn’t have an effect on Km. The lines intersect at a common Km on the
x axis. In true noncompetitive inhibition, the inhibitor does not effect Km
only if the dissociation constants of the inhibitor from the EI and ESI are
the same. Otherwise, the point of intersection in above or below the
x axis depending on which of the two inhibition constants is bigger. The
term mixed inhibition is used to refer to noncompetitive inhibition in
which both Km and Vmax are affected by the inhibitor. This is all terribly
and needlessly confusing. If you’re not going to be an enzymologist, the
best advice is to just give up.
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Allosterism and cooperativity are lumped together because of the
commonality of the structural changes required by both. The essence of
both effects is that binding (and catalytic) events at one active site can
influence binding (and catalytic) events at another active site in a multi-
meric protein. Cooperativity requires a protein with mulitple active sites.
They are usually located on multiple subunits of a multimeric protein.
Cooperative enzymes are usually dimers, trimers, tetramers, and so forth.
This implies that the binding of the effector molecule (the one causing
the effect) changes the structure of the protein in a way that tells the other
subunits that it has been bound. Frequently, the regulatory regions and
active sites of allosteric proteins are found at the interface regions
between the subunits.
The separation between allosteric effectors and cooperativity lies in
the molecule doing the affecting. If the effector molecule acts at another
site and the effector is not the substrate, the effect is deemed allosteric
and heterotropic. If the effector molecule is the substrate itself, the effect
is called cooperative and/or homotropic.
Positive cooperativity means that the reaction of substrate with one
active site makes it easier for another substrate to react at another active
site. Negative cooperativity means that the reaction of a substrate with
one active site makes it harder for substrate to react at the other active
Cooperative enzymes show sigmoid or sigmoidal kinetics because
the dependence of the initial velocity on the concentration of the sub-
strate is not Michaelis-Menten-like but gives a sigmoid curve (Fig. 8-7).
Since the effects of substrate concentration on the velocity of a coop-
erative enzyme are not described by a hyperbola (Michaelis-Menten), it’s
not really appropriate to speak of Km’s. The term reserved for the spe-
cial concentration of substrate that produces a velocity that is one-half of
Cooperativity: Observed when the reaction of one substrate mol-
ecule with a protein has an effect on the reaction of a second
molecule of the substrate with another active site of the pro-
Positive: The binding of the first substrate makes the reaction of
the next substrate easier.
Negative: The binding of the first substrate makes the reaction of
the next substrate harder.
Allosterism: The binding of an effector molecule to a seperate
site on the enzyme affects the Km or Vmax of the enzyme.
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Vmax is S0.5. Enzymes that are positively cooperative are very sensitive
to changes of substrate near the S0.5. This makes the enzyme behave
more like an on–off switch and is useful metabolically to provide a large
change in velocity in response to a small change in substrate concentra-
tion. Negative cooperativity causes the velocity to be rather insensitive
to changes in substrate concentration near the S0.5.
Figure 8-7
COOPERATIVE ENZYMES do not show a hyperbolic dependence of the
velocity on substrate concentration. If the binding of one substrate increases the
affinity of an oligomeric enzyme for binding of the next substrate, the enzyme
shows positive cooperativity. If the first substrate makes it harder to bind the
second substrate, the enzyme is negatively cooperative.
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The model most often invoked to rationalize cooperative behavior is
the MWC (Monod-Wyman-Changeaux), or concerted, model. This
model is 1.5 times more complicated than the Michaelis-Menten model
and took three people to develop instead of two. Most texts describe it
in detail. In the absence of substrate, the enzyme has a low affinity for
substrate. The MWC folks say that the enzyme is in a T (for tense or
taut) state in the absence of substrate. Coexisting with this low-affinity
T state is another conformation of the enzyme, the R (for relaxed) state,
that has a higher affinity for substrate. The T and R states coexist in the
absence of substrate, but there’s much more of the T state than the R.
This has always seemed backward, since one would expect the enzyme
to be more tense in the presence of substrates when some work is actu-
ally required. In keeping with the tradition of biochemistry, the MWC
folks obviously wanted this to be backward too (Fig. 8-8).
The MWC model says that in the R state, all the active sites are the
same and all have higher substrate affinity than in the T state. If one site
is in the R state, all are. In any one protein molecule at any one time, all
subunits are supposed to have identical affinities for substrate. Because
the transition between the R and the T states happens at the same time
to all subunits, the MWC model has been called the concerted model for
allosterism and cooperativity. The MWC model invokes this symmetry
principle because the modelers saw no compelling reason to think that
one of the chemically identical subunits of a protein would have a con-
formation that was different from the others. Alternative models exist that
suggest that each subunit can have a different conformation and differ-
ent affinities for substrate. Experimentally, examples are known that fol-
low each model.
The arithmetic of the MWC model is not worth going into, but the
sigmoidal behavior arises from the fact that the enzyme is capable of inter-
acting with multiple ligands with reactions of the type (E  4S s ES4).
The MWC model describes cooperativity.
Each subunit exists in a conformational state that has either a low
affinity (T state) or a high affinity (R state) for substrate.
In any one enzyme molecule, all the subunits are in the same
conformational state.
In the absence of substrate, the T state is favored. In the presence
of substrate, the R state is favored.
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This type of binding introduces exponents into the concentration of sub-
strate terms so that you can draw a curve like the one shown in Fig. 8-10.
A substrate or effector that binds preferentially to the R state
increases the concentration of the R state at equilibrium. This can only
happen if, in the absence of substrate or effector, the enzyme is predom-
inantly in the T state. If the enzyme were predominantly in the R state
to begin with, it would already have increased affinity for the substrate
and there would be no allosteric or cooperative effects. Consequently, the
MWC model cannot account for negative cooperativity (but this is rare
Substrates can affect the conformation of the other active sites. So
can other molecules. Effector molecules other than the substrate can bind
to specific effector sites (different from the substrate-binding site) and
shift the original T-R equilibrium (see Fig. 8-9). An effector that binds
preferentially to the T state decreases the already low concentration of
the R state and makes it even more difficult for the substrate to bind.
These effectors decrease the velocity of the overall reaction and are
referred to as allosteric inhibitors. An example is the effect of ATP or
citrate on the activity of phosphofructokinase. Effectors that bind specif-
T state predominates
in the absence of substrate
Figure 8-8 The MWC Model for Positive Cooperativity
In the absence of substrate, there is more of the T state than the R state. Sub-
strate binds more tightly to the R state. Within one enzyme molecule, the sub-
units are all T or all R.
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ically to the R state shift the T–R equilibrium toward the more active
(higher-affinity) R state. Now all the sites are of the high-affinity R type,
even before the first substrate binds. Effectors that bind to the R state
increase the activity (decrease the S0.5) and are known as allosteric acti-
vators. An example is the effect of AMP on the velocity of the phos-
phofructokinase reaction (Fig. 8-10). Notice that in the presence of an
allosteric activator, the v versus [S] plot looks more hyperbolic and less
sigmoidal—consistent with shifting the enzyme to all R-type active sites.
The effects of substrates and effectors have been discussed with
regard to how they could change the affinity of the enzyme for substrate
(S0.5). It would have been just as appropriate to discuss changes in Vmax
in a cooperative, or allosteric fashion.
Allosteric inhibitors
bind specifically
to the T state and
make it harder for
substrate to switch
enzyme into the
R state.
Allosteric activators
bind specifically to the
R state and pull more
of the enzyme into the
more active R state.
Figure 8-9
ALLOSTERIC EFFECTORS bind specifically to either the T or the R states.
Heterotropic (nonsubstrate) activators bind to and stabilize the R state, while het-
erotropic inhibitors bind preferentially to the T state.
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allosteric activator
allosteric inhibitor
Figure 8-10
PHOSPHOFRUCTOKINASE shows positive cooperativity with fructose-6-
phosphate as the substrate. ATP, an allosteric inhibitor, binds to the T state and
decreases the velocity. AMP, a signal for low energy, binds to the R state and
increases the velocity of the reaction.