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Constitution of India
This article is part of the series:
Constitution of India
Fundamental Rights
I ∙ II ∙ III ∙ IV ∙ V ∙ VI ∙ VII
First ∙ Second ∙ Third ∙ Fourth ∙ Fifth
Sixth ∙ Seventh ∙ Eighth ∙ Ninth
Tenth ∙ Eleventh ∙ Twelfth
I ∙ II ∙ III ∙ IV ∙ V
1 - 10 ∙ 11 - 20 ∙ 21 - 30
31 - 40 ∙ 41 - 50 ∙ 51 - 60 ∙ 61 - 70
71 - 80 ∙ 81 - 83
Politics of India
Union Government
Political Parties
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The Constitution of India (Hindi: ???????
???????, see names in other Indian lan-
guages) is the supreme law of India. It lays
down the framework defining fundamental
political principles, establishing the struc-
ture, procedures, powers and duties, of the
government and spells out the fundamental
rights, directive principles and duties of cit-
izens. Passed by the Constituent Assembly on
November 26, 1949, it came into effect on
January 26, 1950.[1] The date 26 January was
chosen to commemorate the declaration of
independence of 1930. It declares the Union
of India to be a sovereign, democratic repub-
lic, assuring its citizens of justice, equality,
and liberty; the words "socialist", "secular"
and "integrity" were added to the definition
in 1976 by constitutional amendment.[2] In-
dia celebrates the adoption of the constitu-
tion on January 26 each year as Republic
Day.[3] It is the longest[4] written constitution
of any sovereign country in the world, con-
taining 444 articles, 12 schedules and 94
amendments[5], for a total of 117,369 words
in the English language version. Besides the
English version, there is an official Hindi
translation. After coming into effect, The
Constitution replaced the Government of In-
dia Act 1935 as the governing document of
India. Being the supreme law of the country,
every law enacted by the government must
conform to the constitution.
Government of India Act 1919
The Government of India Act 1919 (9 & 10
Geo. V c. 101) was an Act of the Parliament
of the United Kingdom. It was passed to ex-
pand participation of the natives in the gov-
ernment of India. The Act embodied the re-
forms recommended in the report of the Sec-
retary of State for India, Sir Edwin Montagu,
and the Viceroy, Lord Chelmsford. The Act
covered ten years, from 1919 to 1929.
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Constitution of India
Government of India Act 1935
The Government of India Act 1935 was the
last constitution of the British Raj.
The Cabinet Mission Plan
The 1946 British Parliamentary Delegation in
In 1946, at the initiative of British Prime Min-
ister Clement Attlee, a cabinet mission to In-
dia was formulated to discuss and finalize
plans for the transfer of power from the Brit-
ish Raj to Indian leadership and providing In-
dia with
independence under Dominion
status in the Commonwealth of Nations.[6][7]
The Mission discussed the framework of
the constitution and laid down in some detail
the procedure to be followed by the constitu-
tion drafting body. Elections for the 296 seats
assigned to the British Indian provinces were
completed by August 1946. With the inde-
pendence of India on August 15, 1947, the
Constituent Assembly became a fully sover-
eign body and began work on 9 December
The Constituent Assembly
The Constitution was drafted by the Constitu-
ent Assembly, which was elected by the elec-
ted members of the provincial assemblies.[8]
Jawaharlal Nehru, C. Rajagopalachari, Ra-
jendra Prasad, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel,
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Shyama Prasad
Mukherjee and N R Ghosh [Nalini Ranjan
Ghosh] were some important figures in the
There were more than 30 members of the
scheduled classes. Frank Anthony represen-
ted the Anglo-Indian community, and the
Parsis were represented by H. P. Modi and R.
K. Sidhwa. The Chairman of the Minorities
Constituent Assembly in session.
Mookerjee, a distinguished Christian who
represented all Christians other than Anglo-
Indians. Ari Bahadur Gururng represented
the Gorkha Community. Prominent jurists
like Alladi Krishnaswamy
B. R.
Ambedkar, Benegal Narsing Rau and K. M.
Munshi Ganesh Mavlankar were also mem-
bers of the Assembly. Sarojini Naidu, Hansa
Mehta, Durgabai Deshmukh and Rajkumari
Amrit Kaur were important women members.
first president of
the Constituent
Assembly was Sachidanand Sinha later, Ra-
jendra Prasad was elected president of the
Constituent Assembly.[8] The members of the
Constituent Assembly met for the first time in
the year 1946 on December 9.[8]
Jawaharlal Nehru signing the Constitution of
In the August 14, 1947 meeting of the
Assembly, a proposal for forming various
committees was presented. Such committees
include Committee on Fundamental Rights,
the Union Powers Committee and Union Con-
stitution Committee. On August 29, 1947, the
Drafting Committee was appointed, with Dr.
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Constitution of India
Ambedkar as the Chairman along with six
other members. A Draft Constitution was pre-
pared by the committee and submitted to the
Assembly on November 4, 1947.
The Assembly met, in sessions open to
public, for 166 days, spread over a period of
2 years, 11 months and 18 days before adopt-
ing the Constitution.[3] After many delibera-
tions and some modifications, the 308 mem-
bers of the Assembly signed two hand-written
copies of the document (one each in Hindi
and English) on the January 24, 1950. Two
days later, the Constitution of India became
the law of all the Indian lands.
The Indian Constitution has undergone 94
amendments in its less than 60 years of
Structure of the Union
Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar as chairman of
the Constitution Drafting Committee, was
one of Constitution’s chief architects.
The basic form of the Union Government en-
visaged in the Constitution was introduced by
Dr. Ambedkar as follows,
“ A democratic executive must satisfy
two conditions:
1. It must be a stable executive, and
2. It must be a responsible executive.
Unfortunately, it has not been

possible so far to devise a system
which can ensure both conditions in
equal degree. ..... The daily assess-
ment of responsibility, which is not
available in the American system is,
it is felt, far more effective than the
periodic assessment and far more ne-
cessary in a country like India. The
Draft Constitution in recommending
the parliamentary system of Execut-
ive has preferred more responsibility
to stability.[9]
India, thus adopted a Parliamentary form of
government, with the President as the nomin-
al head of the Executive and the Prime Minis-
ter and the Council of Ministers wielding ac-
tual power.
Structure of the
The Constitution, in its current form, consists
of a preamble, twenty-two parts containing
three hundred and ninety five articles, twelve
schedules, ninety-four amendments, and five
The Preamble states:
ing solemnly resolved to constitute
India into a SOVEREIGN
to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and
LIBERTY of thought, expression,
belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dig-
nity of the individual and the unity
and integrity[Note 1] of the Nation;
ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of
November, 1949, do HEREBY

The preamble delineates the basic structure
of the Constitution of India. It does not con-
tain laws enforceable in a court but, no law
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Constitution of India
The original Preamble to the Constitution of
can be enacted or amended in a manner that
violates the spirit of the preamble. The Su-
preme Court, in the case of Kesavananda
Bharati vs. The State of Kerala, recognized
that the Preamble may be used to interpret
ambiguous areas of the Constitution where
differing interpretations present themselves.
However, the Preamble is useful as an inter-
pretive tool only if there is an ambiguity in
the article itself and should not be treated as
a rights bestowing part of the Constitution.
The original draft of the constitution, as it
came into effect in 1950, had the words
the first line. The words SOCIALIST and
SECULAR were inserted by the controversial
42nd amendment. Through the same amend-
ment, the words unity of the nation were
changed to unity and integrity of the nation.
The amendment was pushed through by
Indira Gandhi in 1976, when she had dictat-
orial powers. A committee under the chair-
manship of Sardar Swaran Singh recommen-
ded that this amendment be enacted after be-
ing constituted to study the question of
amending the constitution in the light of past
experience.[Note 2]
The Preamble reflects the basic structure and
the spirit on which the Constitution of India
is based. Even though the Preamble does not
bestow any rights to individual or entity; it
serves as a guiding tool for the interpretation
of the Constitution in its entirety.[Note 2]
The beginning words of the Preamble -
"We, the people" - signifies that power is ulti-
mately vested in the hands of the people of
India. It also tells that the constitution is
made by & made for the people of India and
not given to them by any outside powers.The
Preamble lays down the most important na-
tional goals which every citizen and the gov-
ernment must try to achieve — justice,
liberty, equality, and fraternity.
The word sovereign means supreme or inde-
pendent. India is internally and externally
sovereign - externally free from the control of
any foreign power and internally, it has a free
government which is directly elected by the
people and makes laws that govern the
The word socialist was added to the Pre-
amble by the 42nd amendment act of 1976,
during the emergency. It implies social equal-
ity, and does not connote any economic or
political ideology. Social equality in this con-
text means the absence of discrimination on
the grounds only of caste, colour, creed, sex,
religion, or language. Under social equality
all are equal before law and has equal status
and opportunities. Economic equality in this
context means that the government will en-
deavor to make the opportunities available to
its citizens equitable, and each citizen is to
have every right to improve his or her condi-
tion, on his or her own efforts and merits.
This is not to emphasise a commitment to-
wards the formation of a welfare state, as
evidenced by the Indian government’s de-
cision to open public business schools, known
formally as the Indian Institutes of Manage-
ment, around the same time as the enact-
ment of this amendment.
The word secular was inserted into the Pre-
amble by the 42nd amendment act of 1976,
during emergency. It implies equality of all
religions and religious
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Constitution of India
therefore does not have an official state reli-
gion. Every person has the right to preach,
practice and propagate any religion they
choose. The government must not favor or
discriminate against any religion. It must
treat all religions with equal respect. All cit-
izens, irrespective of their religious beliefs
are equal in the eyes of law. No religious in-
imparted in government or
information about all established
world religions is imparted as part of the
course in Sociology, without giving any im-
portance to any one religion or the others.
The content presents the basic/fundamental
information with regards to the fundamental
beliefs, social values and main practices and
festivals of each established world religions.
The Supreme Court in S.R Bommai v. Union
of India held that secularism was an integral
part of the basic structure of the constitution.
However demand for Uniform civil code is
generally perceived as anti-Secular and sub-
sidizing religious schools or pilgrims is gen-
erally perceived as promoting secularism in
India is a democracy. The people of India
elect their governments at all levels (Union,
State and local) by a system of universal
adult franchise; popularly known as ’One
man one vote’. Every citizen of India, who is
18 years of age and above and not otherwise
debarred by law, is entitled to vote. Every cit-
izen enjoys this right without any discrimina-
tion on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex,
religion or education.
As opposed to a monarchy, in which the head
of state is appointed on hereditary basis for a
lifetime or until he/she abdicates from the
throne, a democratic republic is an entity in
which the head of state is elected, directly or
indirectly, for a fixed tenure. The President of
India is elected by an electoral college for a
term of five years. The Post of the President
Of India is not hereditary. Every citizen of In-
dia is eligible to become the President of the
Preamble plays pivotal role when there is
ambiguity in provisions of any Article or in-
terpretation becomes confusing, spirit of pre-
amble becomes guiding factor. Preamble is
stem, root and source of constitution.
Parts are the individual chapters in the Con-
stitution, focused in single broad field of
laws, containing articles that addresses the
issues in question.
• - Union and its
• - Citizenship.
• - Fundamental
• - Directive
Principles and
• - The Union.
• - The States.
• - States in the
B part of the
• - The Union
• - Panchayat
system and
• - The
scheduled and
Tribal Areas
• - Relations
between the
Union and the
• - Finance, Property,
Contracts and Suits
• - Trade and
Commerce within the
territory of India
• - Services Under the
Union, the States and
• - Elections
• - Special Provisions
Relating to certain
• - Languages
• - Emergency
• - Miscellaneous
• - Amendment of the
• - Temporary,
Transitional and
Special Provisions
• Short title, date of
Authoritative text in
Hindi and Repeals.
Schedules are lists in the Constitution that
categorizes and tabulates bureaucratic activ-
ity and policy of the Government.
First Schedule— States and Union
The first schedule lists the states and territ-
ories on of India, lists any changes to their
borders and the laws used to make that
Second Schedule— Emoluments for
High-Level Officials;
The second schedule lists the salaries of offi-
cials holding public office, judges, and Comp-
troller and Auditor-General of India.
Third Schedule— Forms of Oaths;
The third schedule lists the oaths of offices
for elected officials and judges.
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Constitution of India
Fourth Schedule— Allocation of the
number of seats in the Rajya Sabha
(Council of States - the upper house
of Parliament) per State or Union
Fifth Schedule— Provisions for the
administration and control of
Scheduled Areas[Note 3] and
Scheduled Tribes[Note 4] (areas and
tribes needing special protection
due to disadvantageous conditions);
Sixth Schedule— Provisions for the
administration of tribal areas in
Seventh Schedule— The Union
(central government), State, and
Concurrent (dual) lists of
Eighth Schedule— The Official
Ninth Schedule— Article 31B- (land
and tenure reforms; the accession of
Sikkim with India);The Courts can
review this[10]
Tenth Schedule— Anti-Defection
provisions for Members of
Parliament and Members of the
State Legislatures;
Eleventh Schedule— Panchayat Raj
(Rural Development);
Twelfth Schedule— Municipality
(Urban Planning).
Changing the
Article 368 of the Constitution provides that
amendments to the Constitution can take
place in three ways. These are;
• By simple majority of the Parliament:
Amendments in this category can be made
by a simple majority of members present
and voting, before sending them for the
President’s assent.
• By special majority of the Parliament:
Amendments can be made in this category
by a two-thirds majority of the total
number of members present and voting,
which should not be less than half of the
total membership of the house.
• By special majority of the Parliament and
ratification by at least half of the state
legislatures by special majority. After this,
it is sent to the President for his assent.
Constitutional amendments per decade.[11]
In theory, an amendment to the Constitu-
tion is an extremely difficult affair. However,
the Constitution is one of the most frequently
amended governing documents in the world;
amendments average about two a year. This
is a consequence of the Indian Constitution
spelling out governmental powers in consid-
erable detail. Amendments are required to
deal with matters addressed by ordinary stat-
ute in most other democracies.
Since 1967, the Supreme Court has inter-
preted Article 13 of the Constitution to mean
that the document’s "basic structure" cannot
be altered by any means. Using this doctrine,
the Supreme Court has struck down the 39th
Amendment and parts of the 42nd Amend-
ment as being in violation of the Basic Struc-
ture of the Constitution. Some noted authors
of Constitutional law, such as HM Seervai,
have argued that this is an usurpation of
amending power by the judiciary, which was
never intended by the framers of the Consti-
tution. However, it can be argued that this
doctrine is necessary to protect basic human
rights from being legislated away. The 44th
Amendment [12] carried out during Morarj
Desai’s Janata Party rule in 1978 repealed
many of the freedom curtailing provisions of
the 42nd Amendment.[2]
The principles of Basic Structure and lib-
eral interpretation of Fundamental Rights are
well discussed
famous cases
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Constitution of India
Keshvanand Bharti, Maneka Gandhi,[13] Min-
erva Mills, Bonded Labour, Bhopal Gas
tragedy case etc. The method of amendment
was borrowed from South African constitu-
tion. The constitution laid down three lists of
subjects for law-making - namely; Union,
State and Concurrent. The Union law is more
powerful compared to the State law, but, if
the president has given assent to the State
law, then it prevails over the Union Law.
There have been a total of 94 Amend-
ments to the constitution of India, as of 2009.
One of the major amendments (74th) was to
reserve one third of PRI seats for women. It
was a landmark amendment legislating af-
firmative action for women. After 1994, more
than a million women are able to enter polit-
ics to share power with men.
List of Major Amendments
The List of Major Amendments is listed below
in terms of the types, and impact rather than
chronological order.
Restrictions on Fundamental Rights
The most important and frequent reason for
amendments to the Constitution is the cur-
tailment of Fundamental Rights. This
achieved by boxing laws violating Funda-
mental Rights into Schedule 9 of the Consti-
tution. The Schedule 9 protects such laws by
making them open to limited judicial review.
The typical areas of restriction include
laws relating to property rights, reverse dis-
crimination in favour of Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and other Backward
Classes etc.
Territorial Changes
Changes in the territory of India due to incor-
poration of Former French Colony of Pondi-
cherry, Former Portugese Colony of Goa and
minor exhange of terriroties with Pakistan
impacted external boundaries of India.
Litoral rights over Exclusive Economic
Zone of 200 Miles also necessiated constitu-
tional amendment.
Formation of new states and Union Territ-
ories by reorganization of existing states also
needed constitutional amendments.
Transitional Provisions
The Constitution provides for Transitional
Provisions applicable for limited period until
the situation normalizes. These need to be re-
newed periodically.
Amendments to continue reservation in
parliamentary seats for Scheduled Castes
and Tribes is extended every ten years.
President’s rule was imposed in Punjab for
extended period of time in blocks of six
months until the Khalistan Movement and in-
surgency subsided.
Strengthening Democratic Institu-
tions & Procedures
New checks and balances have been incor-
porated over a period of time to futher
strengthen democratic set-up of the country.
Amendments of this nature include:
Creation of National Commission
Scheduled Castes
Creation of National Commission
Scheduled Tribes
Creation of mechanisms for Panchayati
Raj (Local Self Governance)
Disqualification of Members switching
party allegiance
Restrictions on size of Cabinet
Restrictions on imposition of
Judicial Review
Judicial review is actually adopted in the Indi-
an constitution from the constitution of the
United States of America. In the Indian con-
Judicial Review is dealt under
Article 13. Judicial Review actually refers
that the Constitution is the supreme power of
the nation and all laws are under its suprem-
acy. Article 13 deals that
1. All the post constitutional laws, after the
coming into force of constitution, if differs
from it in all or some of its provisions then
the provisions of constitution will prevail
& the provisions of that post constitutional
law will hide till any amendment in
constitution relating to the same matter.
In such sitution the provision of that law
will again come into force this is called the
Theory of Eclipse.
1. In a similar manner, laws made after
adoption of the Constitution by the
Constituent Assembly must be compatible
with the constitution, otherwise the laws
and amendments will be deemed to be
In such type of situations Supreme Court or
High Court inteterprets the LAW as if they
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Constitution of India
are in conformity with constitution or not. If
find it not in conformity they declare it either
whole & if possible to separate, then only
that much of provision to be void which are
IN 2001 the National Commission to Review
the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC)[14]
was setup to look into updating the constitu-
tion of india.
[1] ^ Added through the 42nd Amendment in
[2] ^ Kesavananda Bharati v. The State
of Kerala AIR 1973 SC 1461
[3] Scheduled Areas are autonomous areas
within a state, administered federaly,
usually populated by a predominant
Scheduled Tribe.
[4] Scheduled Tribes are groups of
indigenous people, identified in the
Constitution, struggling socio-
[1] "Introduction to Constitution of India".
==. Ministry of Law and Justice of India.
July 29, 2008.
coiweb/introd.htm. Retrieved on
[2] ^ "Forty-Second Amendment to the
Constitution". Ministry of Law and
Justice of fishys. August 28, 1976.
amend42.htm. Retrieved on 2008-10-14.
[3] ^ [[:Template:cite book]]
[4] Pylee, M.V. (1997). India’s Constitution.
S. Chand & Co.. pp. 3. ISBN
[5] "Constitution of India". Ministry of Law
and Justice of India. July, 2008.
welcome.html. Retrieved on 2008-12-17.
[6] Mansergh, Nicholas; Moon, Penderel
(1977). The Transfer of Power 1942-7 ..
Vol VII. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office,
London. ISBN 9780115800825.
[7] "Parliamentary Archives: HL/PO/1/595/
11". Parliament and India, 1858-1947.
British Parliamentary Archives.
indian_independence.cfm. Retrieved on
[8] ^ "The Constituent Assembly Debates
(Proceedings):(9th December,1946 to
24th January ,1950)". The Parliament of
India Archive.
debates.htm. Retrieved on 2008-02-22.
[9] Ahir, D.C. (1990). The legacy of Dr
Ambedkar (10th ed.). South Asia Books.
pp. 75–76. ISBN 978-8170186038.
[11]Sharma, Dinesh; Singh, Jaya;
Maganathan, R.; et al. (2002). Indian
Constitution at Work. Political Science,
Class XI. NCERT.
[12] "Forty-Fourth Amendment to the
Constitution". Ministry of Law and
Justice of India. May 9, 1978.
amend44.htm. Retrieved on 2008-10-14.
[13]Maneka Gandhi Case (AIR 1978 SC 597)
• Baruah, Aparajita (2007). Preamble of the
Constitution of India : An Insight &
Comparison. Eastern Book Co. ISBN
• Basu, Durga Das (1965). Commentary on
the constitution of India : (being a
comparative treatise on the universal
principles of justice and constitutional
government with special reference to the
organic instrument of India). 1 - 2. S. C.
Sarkar & Sons (Private) Ltd.
• Basu, Durga Das (1984). Introduction to
the Constitution of India (10th ed.). South
Asia Books. ISBN 0836410971.
• Basu, Durga Das (1981). Shorter
Constitution of India. Prentice-Hall of
India. ISBN 9780876922002.
• Das, Hari Hara (2002). Political System of
India. Anmol Publications. ISBN
• Dash, Shreeram Chandra (1968). The
Constitution of India; a Comparative
Study. Chaitanya Pub. House.
• Ghosh, Pratap Kumar (1966). The
Constitution of India: How it Has Been
Framed. World Press.
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Constitution of India
• Jayapalan, N. (1998). Constitutional
History of India. Atlantic Publishers &
Distributors. ISBN 8171567614.
• Khanna, Hans Raj (1981). Making of
India’s Constitution. Eastern Book Co.
ISBN 9788170121084.
• Basu, Durga Das (1984). Introduction to
the Constitution of India (10th ed.). South
Asia Books. ISBN 0836410971.
• Pylee, M.V. (1997). India’s Constitution. S.
Chand & Co.. ISBN 812190403X.
• Pylee, M.V. (2004). Constitutional
Government in India. S. Chand & Co..
ISBN 8121922038.
• Sen, Sarbani (2007). The Constitution of
India: Popular Sovereignty and
Democratic Transformations. Oxford
University Press. ISBN 9780195686494.
• Sharma, Dinesh; Singh, Jaya; Maganathan,
R.; et al. (2002). Indian Constitution at
Work. Political Science, Class XI. NCERT.
• "The Constituent Assembly Debates
(Proceedings):(9th December,1946 to 24th
January ,1950)". The Parliament of India
debates/debates.htm. Retrieved on
See also
• History of democracy
• List of national constitutions
• Magna Carta
• Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
• Uniform civil code of India
• Constitution of Alabama. The longest
written constitution of any area.
External links
• Constitution of India -with amendments
• Constitutional predilections
• Constitution of India as of 29 July 2008
• Commonwealth Legal Information
Institute - Online Copy
• Ministry of Law and Justice of India - The
Constitution of India Page
• Online version of Constitution of India,
• Article 19
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Categories: 1949 in law, Government of India, Independent India, Indian historical docu-
ments, Constitution of India
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Constitution of India