Article Marketing - How To Submit Article For Massive Web Traffic.pdf

Article Marketing - How To Submit Article For Massive Web Traffic.pdf, updated 8/6/21, 9:30 AM


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How To Submit Articles For Massive Traffic
By Steve Shaw
How To Submit Articles For Massive Traffic by Steve Shaw
Copyright © 2005 Steve Shaw
As you perhaps already know, article submissions can drive a huge amount of traffic to your web site
for months if not years. The first step is obviously to get a good article written, with a suitable resource
box at the end containing a link to your site to drive traffic to your site. But without submitting your
article effectively, all this hard work will be of little benefit.
In this article, you're going to find out exactly how to submit your articles in exactly the same way as
people like Terry Dean, Joe Vitale, and Jim Edwards have done before you.
And there's no reason why you can't achieve a similar level of success with your own article
There are three main distribution channels for your articles that you should concentrate on:
1. Ezine Editors
You need to find editors who publish ezines in the same 'category' as your article - for example, if your
expertise, and your web site, focuses on gardening, you should be submitting your articles to editors of
ezines in the same genre (of course, only if they accept article submissions).
To build up your list, you need to scour ezine directories (see the list at for ezines within your genre, check
each ezine to see if they accept article submissions, and then double check with each editor to confirm
that their details are correct, and that they still accept article submissions - you will unfortunately find
many of the listings are out of date, and some ezines are no longer published at all for whatever
2. Announcement Lists
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Presented by Daniel Toriola
Another way to contact hundreds, if not thousands, of potential publishers, is through what we call
article announcement lists.
An article announcement list is a type of mailing list that concentrates on article submissions. The
subscribers of the mailing list are either publishers looking for content, providers of that content (i.e.
article writers such as yourself), or possibly both.
Every article you submit to these lists get sent to all of the subscribers of that list - by submitting to
multiple lists, you're effectively sending out your article to thousands of potential publishers.
You can find a listing of suitable article announcement lists at
3. Article Directories
There are numerous such article directories on the web that allow you to submit your articles, and
allow subsequent retrieval by publishers. I've located several of them, as listed at
After submitting an article to some of these, I'm often amazed at the amount of instant traffic and sales
it can bring, often because many of the directories display a 'Recent Articles'-type listing which
dramatically improves the profile of your article for a short period after your submission.
I've now shown you exactly how to go about submitting your article all over the Internet, exactly the
same methods used by people who are now considered to be 'gurus' on the Internet. Yes, it can be
hard work - but who said success was easy?
Steve Shaw develops systems and software to help you succeed in your online business. The article
above has been extracted and condensed from his e-course on how to publish articles to promote your
web site - to receive the full e-course direct to your mail box, and also discover a much quicker, highly
efficient way to submit your articles, sign up now at:
In this article, you're going to find out exactly how to submit your articles in exactly the same way as
people like Terry Dean, Joe Vitale, and Jim Edwards. And there's no reason why you can't achieve a
similar level of success with your own article submissions.
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Presented by Daniel Toriola
How to Get Traffic Through Social Media
By Cliff Posey Jr
If you haven't begun using social media applications as part of your Internet marketing campaign,
you're missing out on a golden opportunity. Social media has become one of the most effective ways
to submit articles and get traffic to a web site.

What is Social Media?

Social media is a term given to the Internet tools people use to submit articles and share electronic
information. Some of the forms social media can take on include blogs, forums, bookmarking sites, and
news sites. Most social media sites actively encourage users to submit articles, photos, links, and other
content. They want to get traffic to their site and don't mind if you get traffic to your web site in return.

How to Get Traffic

It is possible to get traffic--a lot of traffic--through social media marketing. However, you need to make
sure you do everything just right if you want to make the most of your marketing efforts. You can't
submit articles to just anyone and hope for the best. You need to choose the right social media outlet.

To start, it must be popular. If the social media site doesn't get traffic, your site won't get traffic either.
Choosing a social media application that openly encourages users to bookmark or submit articles is
important as well. It is also a good idea to select a site that makes it easy to submit articles and get
traffic. Social media can be valuable to an Internet marketing campaign, but it is only one part and
shouldn't take up too much of your time.

Choosing a Social Media Site

Social media tag sites and news sites that work well include: Yahoo! Buzz, Digg, Reddit,
StumbleUpon, Fark, Slashdot, Ebaum's World, Delicious, and Propeller. Yahoo! Buzz is probably the
best place to submit articles and get traffic. Webmasters who have a top page story on this social
media site report getting an average of 500,000 to 1,000,000 unique visitors in a 24 hour period.

How to Submit Articles to Social Media Sites

Every social media site has different rules for users who want to submit articles. It is essential that you
follow these rules when you submit articles or other content. Social media sites are sticklers. They
don't care if you are trying to get traffic--if you don't follow the rules you will not be allowed to submit
articles and you may have your account banned.

There are a few other rules you will want to keep in mind in addition to site rules. To start, you should
only submit articles that are high quality and interesting to the people who frequent social media sites.
If an article is poorly written or geared towards the wrong crowd, you will not get traffic. You should
also try to submit articles from other sites beside your own and participate in the community whenever
possible. While your ultimate goal is to get traffic, you shouldn't make it obvious to social media users.
Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff has
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Presented by Daniel Toriola
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