The Digital Value Institute

The Digital Value Institute, updated 1/19/19, 4:35 PM

collectionsBusiness News

Digital technologies are evolving and changing at a growing pace, but our business strategies are lagging behind. We are therefore launching a Digital Value Institute to fast-track the digital learning curve for business transformation and innovation. We have already established a CXO Advisory Council from the “buyer-side”, and members include the Chief Digital Officer at Kroger (443k employees), CTO at Dick´s Sporting Goods (30k employees), IT Division Chair at Mayo Clinic (63k employees), CIO at University of California San Diego (26k employees), CIO at TD Ameritrade (9k employees), CIO at University of Alabama at Birmingham (21k employees), CMO at White Castle (10k+ employees), and the CIO at Boston Red Sox (1k employees). We have a global focus even though most of our Council members are from North America. The Advisory Council Chair is futurist, author, and educator Thornton May.

About Jack Berlin

Founded Accusoft (Pegasus Imaging) in 1991 and has been CEO ever since.

Very proud of what the team has created with edocr, it is easy to share documents in a personalized way and so very useful at no cost to the user! Hope to hear comments and suggestions at

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