Bonanza Rummy

Bonanza Rummy, updated 12/4/15, 10:18 PM

collectionsGames & Fun

Bonanza Rummy Rules - Parker Brothers Game - A standard deck playing card game played with a special layout (or board) and poker chips. It is a modern version of the game of Poch. Each hand has three phases: "Hearts", "Poker", and "Michigan Rummy". All cards are dealt out, including one extra hand which remains unseen. Players place chips in the spaces for the special combinations on the playing mat/board, the "Poker" pot, and the "Kitty". The first phase pays off for holding certain cards or combinations (that match the combinations on the playing layout/board). The second phase is a hand of poker; each player selecting five cards from his hand to play. A hand of Poker betting takes place, with bets added to the "Poker" pot, and the winner wins the "Poker" pot. In the third phase, players play a slight variation of the game of Michigan (similar to Fan Tan), and the first to go out wins the chips in the "Kitty".

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Rules for
Bonanza Rummy
2 to 9 players
Players begin by placing a coin on each of
the 10 sections on the Bonanza board.
Pennies are most commonly used. Nickels or
quarters can be used instead but this would
cost a player more per game.
The dealer shuffles the playing cards,
including one Joker and passes the deck to
the player on the dealer's right. That player
cuts the deck and returns it to the dealer.
Then the dealer gives one card to each
player face down, starting with the player to
the dealer's left. The dealer is dealt two
hands (the extra one is called the “widow”)
and continues to deal until all cards have
been distributed, regardless of the fact that
some of the players will receive an extra
The dealer picks up his hand and reviews
the cards. If the dealer is dissatisfied with
his hand, but without looking at the widow,
the dealer can choose to play the widow. If
the dealer is satisfied with his hand, the
widow can be sold to another player. The
player to the dealer's left can choose to
make a bid or pass. Betting starts at one
coin and increases by one coin until it is
auctioned to the highest bidder.
First Half of the Sheet (Joker through
The dealer begins the game by calling in
succession the first five sections of the
board, starting with Joker. The player who
has it may either discard it and collect all
the coins in that section or remain silent,
holding it for use as a wild card on one of
the four subsequent calls. The joker may
only be used once and must be discarded
when shown.
The dealer then calls Jack of Diamonds-
Queen of Spades, Sequence and 10 of
Diamonds-2 of Spades. In these next
sections, the player simply shows the cards,
picks up the coins and returns the cards to
his hand to be used later (except if he used
a Joker then he must discard it). When
Sequence is called, every player with a set
of 3 cards, of the same suit and in
increasing order, shows these cards and the
highest sequence wins. If the highest cards
are the same, the winner is determined by
suit in this order: spades, hearts, diamonds,
then clubs, except if one of the hands
includes a joker and then the natural
sequence wins.
Players with a poker hand may compete by
bidding a set amount of coins to play,
usually two. The player with the best poker
hand wins all the coins in this section
including the bids.
Value of Poker Hands:
1. Royal Straight Flush (A,K,Q,J,10 all in
one suit)
2. Straight Flush (any 5 card sequence
all one suit)
3. Four of a Kind
4. Full House (three of a kind and one
5. Flush (all 5 cards of same suit)
6. Straight (any 5 card sequence in
different suits)
7. Three of a Kind
8. Two Pairs
9. One Pair
Second Half of the Sheet (Jack through
The dealer starts by putting down the
lowest card (aces are high) of any of the
suits in his hand, laying it face up and
announcing it to the other players. The
player with the next card in the same suit
then puts that card on the table face up
while calling it out. For example, the dealer
puts down the 2 of Spades and another
player puts down the 3 of Spades. This
continues until no other player can continue
the sequence. Players can win coins in the
process but only if they play the Ace of
Spades, King of Hearts, Queen of Diamonds,
or Jack of Clubs. These are called money
The player who put down the last card in the
sequence starts a new sequence by putting
down a card of another color. This card must
be the lowest card of the other color suit in
that player's hand. If he cannot do this, the
play passes to the left until one of the
players is able to make the correct play. (If
none of the players can make the correct
play, the one who played the last card may
play his lowest card of any suit.)
The first player to get rid of all cards wins all
the coins in the Bonanza circle and one coin
for each card that remained in the hands of
other players.
When the hand ends, the chips which have
not been won by any of the players are left
on the sheet and each player must again
place one coin on each of the ten spaces,
making it possible for them to accumulate.
The deal passes to the left after each hand.
End of Game
When the players wish to terminate the
game, the winners of any chips left on the
sheet after the final hand are determined in
any way agreed upon by the players. Have