Bonanza Rummy

Bonanza Rummy, updated 12/4/15, 10:18 PM

collectionsGames & Fun

Bonanza Rummy Rules - Parker Brothers Game - A standard deck playing card game played with a special layout (or board) and poker chips. It is a modern version of the game of Poch. Each hand has three phases: "Hearts", "Poker", and "Michigan Rummy". All cards are dealt out, including one extra hand which remains unseen. Players place chips in the spaces for the special combinations on the playing mat/board, the "Poker" pot, and the "Kitty". The first phase pays off for holding certain cards or combinations (that match the combinations on the playing layout/board). The second phase is a hand of poker; each player selecting five cards from his hand to play. A hand of Poker betting takes place, with bets added to the "Poker" pot, and the winner wins the "Poker" pot. In the third phase, players play a slight variation of the game of Michigan (similar to Fan Tan), and the first to go out wins the chips in the "Kitty".

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