Awakening Soul Consciousness: Faith Encouragement & Jesus' Divine Love Book

Awakening Soul Consciousness: Faith Encouragement & Jesus' Divine Love Book, updated 7/5/23, 6:27 AM


Are you feeling spiritually overwhelmed and looking for encouragement? With the Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation, you will find messages to awaken the deeper self and help make sense of a troubled world. Visit for more information.

Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation 488 Central Avenue, Gibsons, BC VON1V1, Canada Website Email

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Awakening Soul Consciousness:
Faith Encouragement & Jesus' Divine
Love Book
If you are looking for more love and purpose in
your life, the Divine Love Sanctuary offers
"Finding Our Way Home"
comprises spiritual
lessons and insights from
Jesus of Nazareth, as
channeled through Albert
J. Fike.
In a world marked by a
high level of
uncertainty and turmoil,
you may seek deeper
spiritual knowledge.
"Finding Our Way
Home" helps you
understand the larger
meaning of life and
offers a path to
The author conveys
spiritual lessons that
can awaken your soul
and provide support in
an increasingly
unstable world.
"Finding Our Way
Home" aims to
spark feelings of
joy, creativity, and
The main theme is the power of Divine Love,
and how love can transform hearts and minds.
Find out more