Term Clarifications: The genesis of the AFG Fireball® and its component certifications

Term Clarifications: The genesis of the AFG Fireball® and its component certifications, updated 5/30/21, 12:03 AM


Fireball® introduces clarity: inventorship, UL certified components and Made in the USA with foreign components.

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Term Clarifications: The genesis of the AFG Fireball®
and its component certifi
Auto Fire Guard announced a product clarification about the
popular Fire Extinguisher Alternative, Fireball?.
Grant Van Der Jagt created the Fireball's patented
designs and formulated its unique mix of ingredients to
extend product life and stop fires safely.
No one else has invented a product like the Fireball? because no one else uses
the chemical mixture that has become Auto Fire Guard's trade secret; no one
else has made a device that functions like the Fireball? and looks as good, nor
may anyone else use the trademark "Fireball?".
Why the nuance? It is important to understand
the parts that make up the whole so as to clearly
understand what is meant by the next clarified
announcement: "Auto Fire Guard's Fireball? uses
UL certified components." Ok, let's break this
What are components? In the Fireball?,
the component that is UL certified is the
fire suppressant chemical, which
amounts to 97% of the Fireball? by
Could someone say the Fireball? is UL certified? Perhaps a lay
person, but here, the term is tightly controlled by the UL.
The Fireball? as a unique
device is not UL certified.
Because the UL certified components are not certified for use in the
device, contrary to information given to Auto Fire Guard previously
by the UL and other professionals who work with the UL, the UL
logo legal team has instructed Auto Fire Guard that it can't use the
UL component logo until the com
Similar confusion may be discovered when asked where
Auto Fire Guard makes the Fireball?.
Auto Fire Guard says "Made in the USA with foreign
components." If anyone purchased any of the Fireball?
devices believing Grant Van Der Jagt was the inventor
each part: the ball, styrofoam, plastic, dry chemical powder
or any other attributes of the device not clearly explained
herein or if anyone
New customers can also use the site
to purchase the latest version of
Fireball? and register their Fireball to
activate the extended warranty.
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