Anti Bullying Coaching and Resources Catlogue

Anti Bullying Coaching and Resources Catlogue, updated 1/11/18, 1:47 PM


About James H Burns

Since 1977 Jim Burns has been working with students who have learning disabilities and behavioral problems.  He has almost 40 years of experience working as an administrator, teacher, college instructor, and seminar leader.  He is committed to helping administrators, parents, and teachers establish standards of excellence and help them build successful relationships with their staff, students, and children.  He has written and designed The Bully Proof Classroom, a graduate course that is now offered at The College of New Jersey, and La Salle University in Pennsylvania in partnership with The Regional Training Center. This course has been endorsed by the NJEA.  He has also written “Anti Bullying 101.” A book that provides teachers, administrators, support staff and parent’s 101 tips on how to achieve permanent help in dealing with unruly behavior and can be used as part of any anti-bullying program. In May of 2015 Jim was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by Gratz College in recognition of his almost forty years of work in student behavior management and anti bullying.   He is available for on sight in-services and keynotes.

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Anti Bullying Coaching and Resources

Become Part Of The Solution
James H Burns MA, DHL

Store Purpose ....................................................................................................................................4
Products and Resources .....................................................................................................................4
10 Great Anti Bullying Resources +4 More ..........................................................................................4
10 Ways To Build Any Relationship .....................................................................................................5
100 Everyday Strategies: Helping Students and Teachers Become Their Personal Best .........................5
13 Simple Anti Bullying Activities ........................................................................................................6
15 Character Qualities That We Must Teach To Our Students ..............................................................6
15 Essays That Report On The Bullying Epidemic .................................................................................7
20 Everyday Strategies That Help Your Students Become Their Personal Best ......................................7
40 Years Of Small Compromises .........................................................................................................8
8 Great Lesson Plans That Combat Bullying and Cyber Bullying ............................................................8
A Students Guide To Cyber Bullying (Middle School) ...........................................................................9
A Webinar On Respect .......................................................................................................................9
Adult Bullying: What It Looks Like .................................................................................................... 10
An Anti Bullying Conference ............................................................................................................. 10
Anti Bullying 101 .............................................................................................................................. 11
Anti Bullying Writing Prompts .......................................................................................................... 11
Brain Bursts ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Bullying Is Behavior That No One Forgets.......................................................................................... 12
Can You Handle The Truth? .............................................................................................................. 13
Captive Thoughts ............................................................................................................................. 13
Character Card Posters ..................................................................................................................... 14
Character Education Placemats ........................................................................................................ 14
Character is Everything: A Five Hour Self Study Course ...................................................................... 15
Comeback Cards .............................................................................................................................. 15
Courage Is Like A Muscle .................................................................................................................. 16
Courageous Conversations ............................................................................................................... 16
Dealing With Angry and Irate Parents: A Five Hour Self Study Course ................................................ 17
Dealing With Parents Who Lack Respect and Responsibility .............................................................. 17
Defusing Power Struggles ................................................................................................................. 18
Do Bullies Have Low Self Esteem? ..................................................................................................... 18
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lessons On Character ............................................................................. 19
Everybody Knows Presentation ........................................................................................................ 19
Everybody Knows The 10 Hour Self Study Course ........................................................................... 20
Fear The Greatest Motivator ............................................................................................................ 20
FOX-CNN-MSNBC ............................................................................................................................. 21
Freedom Of Speech .......................................................................................................................... 21
Helping Kids To Disagree But, With The Right Attitude ...................................................................... 22
Helping Parents Understand Bullying ................................................................................................ 22
Helping Students Understand What Motivates Them ........................................................................ 23
Helping Your Students To Bully Proof Themselves ............................................................................. 23
Helping Your Students Retain Information (Video) ............................................................................ 24
How Rumors and Gossip Affect The School Climate: A One Hour Self Study Course ............................ 24
How To Avoid Confrontations With Problem Students In Front Of Your Class .................................. 25
How To Teach Compliance ............................................................................................................... 25
Instruction, Warning and Correction ................................................................................................. 26
Keys To An Effective Anti Bullying Campaign ..................................................................................... 26
Keys To An Effective In School Suspension Program .......................................................................... 27
Knowing The Presidents ................................................................................................................... 27
Motivating Disaffected and Hard To Handle Students (Course) .......................................................... 28
Respect and Responsibility Writing Prompts ..................................................................................... 29
Sexual Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying In Schools and In The Workplace ................................ 29
Society's Morality Can't Keep Up With Technology (Podcast) ............................................................ 30
Teaching Kids How To Cooperate Even Though They Disagree (Podcast) ............................................ 30
Teaching Your Students Good Study Habits....................................................................................... 31
The Anti Bullying Teacher Toolbox .................................................................................................... 31
The Behavior Management Teacher Toolbox .................................................................................... 32
The Effects Of Recess and Play On The Academic Achievement Of Children ....................................... 32
The Eye That Mocks The Father ........................................................................................................ 33
The New 3R's: Respect: Respect, Responsibility and Relationships .................................................... 33
The Provocative Victim (Video) ........................................................................................................ 34
The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience ....................................................................... 34
The Teacher's Life Notebook ............................................................................................................ 35
What If The Frankenstein Monster Was Really A Nice Guy? ............................................................... 35
What Is Really Weakening Our Schools? ........................................................................................... 36
About Jim Burns ............................................................................................................................... 36

Store Purpose
This store is designed to provide quality lesson plans, activities, books, podcasts,
videos and other resources on the topics of anti-bullying, classroom behavior
management, and for the development of a positive school and classroom climate. After
40 years in education I now have the opportunity to share my work with other teachers,
administrators, parents, and support staff. By taking one of the courses offered you
could receive between one and ten professional development credit hours as allowed
by your local school district.
Products and Resources
10 Great Anti Bullying Resources +4 More
This is a 45 minute video that outlines 10 great strategies that you can use in your
classroom right away. It can be watched by a whole school as part of professional
development training. The website on the first screen should read It includes 4 bonus strategies at the end.

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10 Ways To Build Any Relationship
Well there they are 10 great ways to build any relationship. That is to build; I mean this
stuff doesn't happen overnight. We may like things to happen fast but when it comes
down to people expectations are always a problem, and what we expect we never get in
whole and the parts that we get are never really enough. We have to learn to be patient
with those that are family members, loved ones, and co-workers. We can't keep pulling
up the flowers to see how the roots are doing, and we can't count on others to do these
things for us.

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100 Everyday Strategies: Helping Students and Teachers Become Their
Personal Best
This e-book provides 100 great strategies that will inspire teachers and students alike
and help improve student achievement and improve classroom climate. This is a must
read for any teacher.

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13 Simple Anti Bullying Activities
Bullying has become an epidemic in our schools. However it is defined, bullying is not
just child's play, but a terrifying experience many American school children face every
day. It can be as direct as teasing, hitting, or threatening, or indirect as exclusion,
rumors, or manipulation. During the past decade, bullying has become more lethal and
has occurred more frequently than it had in the previous two decades. Cyber bullying
with the use of cell phones, the computer and the social media have created an
environment for our children where they can be bullied at any time and in any place.
These simple strategies provide some solutions to the problem.
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15 Character Qualities That We Must Teach To Our Students
If students are to be successful they must posses certain qualities that they can carry
with them throughout life. This FREE resource contains 15 articles that explain the
importance of these qualities and why they must be taught to our students.

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15 Essays That Report On The Bullying Epidemic
These essays provide an in depth look at the bullying epidemic. It gives you some of the
when, where, why, and how's of the problem and offers some solutions that schools and
teachers can use.

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20 Everyday Strategies That Help Your Students Become Their Personal
This 30 minute video provides you with 20 strategies that will help improve student
learning, improve classroom behavior, and promote a positive classroom climate. This
presentation includes a study guide for the viewer to follow that enhances the video
content. An excellent tool to earn professional development hours as per your local
school district.

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40 Years Of Small Compromises
This 50 minute podcast reveals the small compromises that have been made over the
last 40 years that have led to the deterioration of educational systems throughout the

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8 Great Lesson Plans That Combat Bullying and Cyber Bullying
8 great lesson that include activities and a step by step approach that will help your
students think about and the discuss the topic of bullying and their role in helping to
prevent and stop it. There is something for every grade level in this package.

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A Students Guide To Cyber Bullying (Middle School)
This presentation is a great resource for teachers to use as a tool to teach their students
about the perils of cyber bullying . It describes what it looks like, steps that need to be
taken if you are being cyber bullied, and who to go to for help. A must presentation that
should be shown to students in their middle school years.

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A Webinar On Respect
Disrespect is pervasive in society. We all have to learn how to have a high regard for
the rights and privileges of another person. We model what our children become.

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Adult Bullying: What It Looks Like
Schools, offices, corporations or any where people work together you've got them; adult
bullies. As an adult do we know what it looks like or better yet what to do about it if it
happens to us. This podcast gives some insights on how to manage this problem. This
was a radio broadcast.

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An Anti Bullying Conference
This Conference provides the factors that must be understood as a family, a community,
a school, and as a society in dealing with the bullying epidemic. It is hyperlinked
throughout and contains links to books, podcasts, and articles. It is an excellent tool for
any staff to acquire professional development hours and can be used for discussion at
faculty meetings.

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Anti Bullying 101
Anti-Bullying 101 is designed to support whatever program your school is using and to
provide a resource for teachers to call upon when the going gets tough. Some of the
tips might surprise you. They not only address bullying but also provide ways to build
positive relationships, improve the attitude of your students, and provide some life
lessons that we all can learn from. So read on: Anti-Bullying 101 will prove to be the
supplement that you and your school need to help stop bullying. It is very basic and very
easyuse them in school, use them with your own children, and apply them in life.

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Anti Bullying Writing Prompts
These prompts make students think and reflect on the topic of bullying, its causes,
affects, and what they can do to help stop it in their school. It is set up in a journal
format with plenty of room for the students to write.

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Brain Bursts
I am introducing Brain Bursts. These 30-60 second activities help increase circulation,
get the students moving, increase body awareness, and improve focus. They can be
done with the students standing at their desks and require very little space. These
activities mimic what young children love to do and that's run. If you look at a child they
run from place to place, not walk. They naturally engage their brain by sprinting short
periods of time. Games like basketball, tag, baseball, and football are all sports that
have the participants sprinting, rarely do you see a 7 or 8 year old doing long distance
running. Great for all ages, excellent for Grades K-8.

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Bullying Is Behavior That No One Forgets
Have you or someone you know been victimized by bullying. Often as adults we can't
understand our low sense of self worth, anger, and problems in relationships. Bullying
may be the problem but it may have occurred many years ago. Bullying not only
impacts young people but the trauma has a lasting effect as a person moves into adult
hood. This video will give some insights on how we can recognize some of the
symptoms of being bullied, what we can do now, and how we can help children.
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Can You Handle The Truth?
Society seems to want to withhold the truth and make everyone believe that they are
smarter than what they are and that their behavior is based upon circumstance, their
environment, or lack of therapy or medication. Facing the truth about their abilities and
work ethic can put a student back on track, and help them choose a good vocation, and
understand and how they need to improve academically and behaviorally. This one hour
presentation will give teachers the tools to confront students without condemning them
and help them help students to evaluate their efforts and work to realistically look at
their performance.

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Captive Thoughts
Captive Thoughts is a Reflective Journal that gives Christians and non-Christians alike
an opportunity to explore God's Word. It will help the reader and writer gain an
understanding of how scripture can be used to help change our perspective on life, and
how it can be used to help improve our thoughts, words, and actions. Ten topics are
provided with scripture verses to help the reader begin to journal and they are
encouraged to search the topics and scriptures at greater length. The hope is the reader
will discover the Word of God as a magnificent tool to help improve their quality of life
and to develop and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ. This digital journal
provides links to five podcast that help explain the importance of responsible thoughts,
words, actions, attitudes, and motives. They were part of a blog talk radio broadcast that
aired in 2013. These podcasts were related to bullying but are relevant and related to
the topics of respect and responsibility. This is a great resource for teachers who are
working in schools with a religious affiliation.
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Character Card Posters
These posters are designed to be reminders to your students about the importance of
character and what these 10 qualities actually mean. Each poster has the quality and a
definition of the quality. They are excellent for elementary levels K-6. Once downloaded
they can be laminated and displayed. They can also be given as rewards when you
believe a student has displayed one of the qualities.

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Character Education Placemats
Eight place mats to be downloaded and laminated. Each place mat has six character
qualities on it with the definition and the opposite. Great to use for in class lunches and
parties. A great character building tool.

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Character is Everything: A Five Hour Self Study Course
This product is a five hour self study course that helps the participant gain an
understanding on the importance of character education in our schools and provides
insights, ideas, strategies, and methods on how to incorporate character education in a
school curriculum. Once purchased you keep the course. A five hour certificate of
completion is provided at the end.

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Comeback Cards
These cards are designed to be downloaded, cut out and laminated. They are extremely
useful in helping elementary and middle school students develop the language to deal
with bully's who use their words to hurt or embarrass others. They also provide students
with positive self talk statements that help to improve the victims self esteem and
confidence. Once these cards are produced they can be given to multiple students and
placed in a folder or punched and placed in a binder. They are an excellent tool to help
deal with individual fears that occur because of a bully's harassment and intimidation.

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Courage Is Like A Muscle
When confronting bullies a victim has to understand that they only have to be brave for
2 minutes at a time. Knowing this can help build confidence and allow the victim to
begin to draw healthy boundaries. This podcast outlines the steps to success.

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Courageous Conversations
This journal poses 10 questions that helps students see their responsibility in social
problem solving. It helps the student see that the problem starts with me and ends with
us. A great tool for conflict resolution and mediation.

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Dealing With Angry and Irate Parents: A Five Hour Self Study Course
Parents who are angry and irate can wreak havoc on a classroom or school where the
teacher can feel harassed, intimidated, and bullied. This module will give the
participants the strategies and the skills necessary to manage unruly parents and give
them the skills to manage both planned and unplanned parent/teacher meetings. The
participants will develop a clear understanding as to why the parents are angry and gain
insight as to why these parents can make them feel so intimidated. This module will also
to help alleviate the stress that can develop during parent meeting and help the teacher
regain control and manage the parent/teacher relationship with confidence.

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Dealing With Parents Who Lack Respect and Responsibility
Dealing with angry and irate parents can be intimidating and at times threatening. This
product gives you some guidelines on how to deal with parents who lack respect and
responsibility and offers suggestions on how to manage planned and unplanned parent
teacher conferences. A must for new teachers.

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Defusing Power Struggles
The biggest problems teachers and even parents face on a daily basis is dealing with
confrontational students. The students who want to engage the teacher in power
struggles. Power struggles with students produce fear and intimidation in the heart of
the teacher. Students who engage in struggles with teachers disrupt the educational
environment and reduce the confidence of the teacher to teach on a daily basis. This
book will provide some tips, strategies, and advice on how to handle difficult students
and parents.

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Do Bullies Have Low Self Esteem?
This podcast explores the bully victim dynamic and poses the question: Do bullies have
low self esteem.

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lessons On Character
These lessons are designed to provide the students with a view of some of the quotes
by Dr. Martin Luther King and also the character qualities that he displayed as a civil
rights leader in the 1960's. The lesson includes 10 quotes with one bonus quote at the
end. Each quote has a character quality associated with it and 5-6 questions that you as
the teacher can ask your students that will provoke discussion and give the students a
chance to think of their responsibility as it relates to the character qualities. There is a
short quiz at the end that the class can take as a whole, with one bonus question. Each
question is worth 10 points. The bonus question can be awarded as many points as the
teacher would like in order to increase the student's score.

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Everybody Knows Presentation
This power point presentation covers the 10 things that Everybody Know with a short
video at the end. It is designed to help teachers learn to speak up and speak out
regarding the pervasiveness of disrespect, irresponsibility, and lack of compliance in our

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Everybody Knows The 10 Hour Self Study Course
What are these things that we in education know all too much about, but won't talk
about or even discuss. This 10 hour self study course provides the participants with 10
problems and then offers solutions to the issues. This is a great way to professional
development hours and for discussions at faculty meetings

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Fear The Greatest Motivator
Fear should be a warning sign that something is not right. We may not have been as
responsible as we should in our actions and attitudes.

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All the news fair and balanced. Or is it? Our students come from homes where these
news outlets become the moral compass of their parents. They then come into school
with less tolerance for others only to discover that diversity is everywhere including their
classroom. This audio will help you understand why teaching tolerance is so important.

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Freedom Of Speech
This podcast explains why Freedom of Speech is not the freedom to say what you want
but the wisdom to say what you ought.

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Helping Kids To Disagree But, With The Right Attitude
We all disagree from time to time. The trick is to do it in a way that maintains dignity and
respect for both parties. Kids need this skill and it needs to be taught early on so they
can maintain positive relationships with their parents, teachers, and even their peers.

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Helping Parents Understand Bullying
This presentation is designed to be used at parent conferences, back to school nights,
or during PTA meetings to help parents gain an understanding of the problem of
bullying. It gives parents the information on what to do if their child is being victimized by
a bully. This also includes the article "Who Will Parent The Parents." This article gives
insight on what to do with emotionally immature parents. Excellent for administration.

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Helping Students Understand What Motivates Them
Once a student understands what motivates them they are more apt to tackle problems
using their strengths rather than their weakness. This activity can be used by teachers
or students to help them discover their motivational gift and is a great way to promote a
positive school and classroom environment.

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Helping Your Students To Bully Proof Themselves
This presentation can be used by any teacher to teach the fundamentals for helping
students understand the bully/victim dynamic and the role of the bystander. It gives
some tips and strategies to help make them aware of what bullying looks like and how
to deal with it.

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Helping Your Students Retain Information (Video)
This 30 minute presentation gives the viewer the tools necessary to help students
commit information to their long term memory and develop the confidence to become
lifelong learners.

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How Rumors and Gossip Affect The School Climate: A One Hour Self
Study Course
Complaining about students in the faculty room does nothing to support the educational
environment. Once you find other teachers who enjoy complaining about students, it
becomes much easier to get into a routine of complaining to each other. This one hour
self study helps the participant understand the damage that spreading rumors and
gossip causes and offers solutions to the problem.

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How To Avoid Confrontations With Problem Students In Front Of Your
Power struggles happen and at times can't be avoided. We can't put ourselves on the
battlefield without a plan on how to get off. This FREE manual will give teachers the
tools necessary to defuse a confrontation in front of the class. This allows both the
teacher and the students to make graceful exits and maintain dignity and respect. A
must for new teachers.

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How To Teach Compliance
Without compliance classrooms can become chaotic and out of control. How do you get
kids to be compliant? This product outlines the steps that need to be taken to teach
compliance while maintaining a positive relationship with your students.

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Instruction, Warning and Correction
If you want behavior change the instruction, warning, and correction model can make
the difference.

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Keys To An Effective Anti Bullying Campaign
Anti Bullying should be a school wide effort. This product provides with a step by step
guide on how to write it, prepare it, and present it to the school as a method of creating
a bully proof classroom and school.

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Keys To An Effective In School Suspension Program
Suspensions at times don't work but, In school suspension can work if it is handled the
correct way. This step by step guide outlines the keys to an effective in school
suspension program and provides a handy log to monitor student progress both
academically and behaviorally. A great resource.

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Knowing The Presidents
This lesson is designed to help students get a comprehensive understanding of who the
presidents were/are, years served and who served with them as vice president. The
students will work to memorize the required information and then fill in a worksheet
identifying the key information. (Answer keys are provided) The students will then
answer questions about some of the presidents identifying some important facts. The
Students will have the opportunity to create their own fact sheet about a president of
their choice. This is an excellent lesson for grades 5-12.

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Motivating Disaffected and Hard To Handle Students (Course)
There is a direct relationship between motivation and discipline. The hard to motivate
are often hard to discipline. Teachers are becoming increasingly more frustrated and
are asking what we do with students who are not prepared, don't care, will not work,
and are on track for failure as adults. Finding tools and strategies to increase motivation
can solve many behavior problems. There are many things educators can do to
reawaken motivation in students who have lost interest and perhaps hope. This seminar
helps teachers develop techniques that build respect, increase responsibility, and
develop greater compliance in students who are hard to handle. It helps teachers
overcome the strong emotional frustration that saps their energy and ultimately leads to
burnout. This course will help the participants:

Learn the symptoms of difficult students and treatment plans that work
Build respect and rapport with your most difficult students
Understand why students don't care
Develop language that confronts without condemning
Break through the emotional wall of your students and increase motivation and
Strengthen relationships with your students

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Respect and Responsibility Writing Prompts
These prompts help students and teachers discover the importance of respect and
responsibility. They include strategies and tips to help answer the prompts and are
designed to make this a whole school activity. They are great for designing lesson plans
and improving classroom behavior.

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Sexual Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying In Schools and In The
This guide is usable for teachers and students alike. It explains what Sexual
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying looks like which is a great way for teachers to
start a discussion with their students on the topic. It also fits in with the culture of our
world today as this issue seems to be in the news on a daily basis. It is truly instructive
and preventative.

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Society's Morality Can't Keep Up With Technology (Podcast)
Technology moves so fast that often kids don't have time to think. Often they lack the
necessary self control to keep them out of trouble. This podcast provides the listener
with the necessary information to help understand why we need to council our students
regarding the correct use of facebook, twitter, and text messaging. A must listen for
teachers and parents.

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Teaching Kids How To Cooperate Even Though They Disagree (Podcast)
Kids seem to think that they don't have to cooperate when they disagree. Nothing could
be further from the truth. This podcast helps teachers understand how to teach this
important attitude.

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Teaching Your Students Good Study Habits
This workbook can be used by your students to help improve study habits, avoid
procrastination, learn how to manage time and set goals. A great resource for students
grades 5-12.

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The Anti Bullying Teacher Toolbox
The idea behind this toolbox is to provide as many resources as possible to help a
teacher deal with the bullying epidemic. It is downloadable and has many links that can
be accessed with a click. It provides material that can be added to and can be modified.
It has podcasts and some very unique videocasts. Believe it or not it is a starting point
for teachers and as they move forward they can create their own folder and add
materials to the tool box making it their own very powerful resource that can be used to
help students and other teachers deal with bullying issues in their school. Be sure to
use the links, this toolbox is designed to be viewed on your computer. You don't have to
be on the web as some of the links were created offline.

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The Behavior Management Teacher Toolbox
This toolbox provides teachers with 12 strategies on how to manage unruly behavior. It
includes 16 bonus tips on how to build relationships, teaching listening skills, dealing
with lack of cooperation, defusing power struggles, how to use praise effectively and
much more. It is a must for new teachers and veteran teachers will be amazed on how
with just some small tweaking in language or attitude can make lasting changes in
student behavior. Designed to be used for students K-12. Excellent resource.

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The Effects Of Recess and Play On The Academic Achievement Of
This presentation covers the importance of physical activity and its relationship to
academic achievement. It has been researched and it contains a bibliography at the
end. It also includes the article Playground Politics which cover the benefits of physical
activity and how it promotes healthy competition and how it develops problem solving
skills. This is a great resource and is a must at faculty meetings, for professional
development, and for new teachers.

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undefinedThe Provocative Victim (Video)
Victims can become angry and bitter and at times take matters into their own hands.
However there is a group of victims who need social skills training, as well as other
forms of training such as walking with confidence. This group is known as provocative
victims. This course covers the many things that teachers and parents can do in order
to help this victim understand his own behavior and how he can become more aware
about how is behavior can be irritating, sarcastic, and inflammatory.

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The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience
These are not your garden variety lesson plans. They were written to include one plan
for each of the 3R's with the inclusion of suggestions, links, and podcasts that the
reader can click on to listen to. If you purchase a hard copy of the book I have included
the link where applicable so it can be copied into your browser. I have gone very narrow
and very deep and tried to really hit a home run with the activities. I also included
character qualities associated with each one of the 3R's and in the area of resiliency
have included some activities and suggestions that are related to these qualities that
can be used in a classroom, or in a home. There is also included a bonus course at the
end of the book as well.

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The Teacher's Life Notebook
The purpose of this Life Notebook is to provide teachers an opportunity to reflect on
some areas of their professional life and help identify their strengths and challenges. As
a teacher it is important to like yourself if in fact you are going to have positive
relationships with your students and other staff members. It's necessary to get along
with administration, avoid spreading rumors and gossip, problem solve, learn to forgive
and above all take care of yourself.

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What If The Frankenstein Monster Was Really A Nice Guy?
This lesson is designed to help students understand what society would do today with
the Frankenstein Monster and what might happen if the monster was really a nice guy.
It also explores how we as a society handle difference and the reaction that others
might have when they realize that this person was artificially created with the use of
used body parts. A great lesson for grades 5 and up. January 1st is the 200 anniversary
of the publishing of Mary Shelly's book Frankenstein.

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