
58-In-Control_MILW_Apr2008.pdf, updated 10/17/19, 2:28 PM


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Keeping you informed in the fast-changing world of controls.
In This Issue . . .
This issue of In-Control–Milwaukee introduces
Danfoss, our newest product line, featuring the Dan-
foss Performer Scroll Compressors and Universal TR6
Air Conditioning Kit, plus the Polar Technology re-
frigerant recovery program, along with revisiting
the Nu-Calgon Clean Coil Program and important
R-22 phase out information, with another reminder
to sign up for the Honeywell Contractor PRO Pro-
gram, plus upcoming events you won’t want to miss!
to the spring issue of In-Control–Milwaukee News!
Keeping you informed in the fast-changing world of controls – that’s Climatic
Control Company’s goal in our continuing effort of providing you with product
information, applications, technical tips, training opportunities, upcoming local
events, and fun stuff, too. We welcome your comments on the topics presented.
Feel free to pass this information along to others in your organization that may
benefit from it.
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendar so you won’t miss
these upcoming events!
Vendors of the Month — Nu-Calgon & Polar
Fishing Package Drawing — In April, we will be
holding a drawing for a rod and reel. Any product
purchase qualifies you to enter. Drawing will be held
on Wednesday, April 30.
Vendors of the Month — Danfoss & Belimo
Milwaukee Busch Race Drawing — During
May, enter to win a pair of tickets to a Milwaukee
Busch Race – a $200 value! Rev up your chances to
qualify with any Danfoss or Belimo product purchase.
Vendors of the Month — Danfoss & Belimo
Summerfest Tickets Drawing — Every Friday
during June, we will hold a drawing for two
Summerfest tickets. No purchase necessary; just
throw your name in the fishbowl at the counter.
Brewer Tickets Drawing — Also during June,
enter to win two tickets to a Milwaukee Brewers
game - a $100 value. Any purchase qualifies you for
the drawing. The drawing will be held on June 30.
Summer Drawing — During June, July, and Aug.,
enter to win a HDTV - a $500 value. Any Belimo or
Danfoss product purchase qualifies you for the
drawing . . . so buying lots of these products means
you’ll have a better chance to win! The drawing will
be held at the end of August.
5061 West State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Phone: 414-259-9070
Fax: 414-259-0613
Spring 2008

What’s New?
Danfoss - New Product
Line Offering
It’s been said that a picture is worth 1000 words. This picture visually
illustrates our newest line – all of the Danfoss products now available
for your immediate consideration at Climatic Control Company.
As you can see, the Danfoss refrigeration line includes TXVs, sole-
noid valves, pressure and temperature controls and system protection
devices, as well as scroll compressors (see separate article), her-
metic compressors and condensing units. We also have the
Maneurop compressors made by Danfoss. Come on in and see
them for real! ¡
Low Pressure Liquid/Vapor
Low Pressure Liquid/Vapor
Check Valve
Sight Glass
Ball Valve/
Shut-Off Valve
Filter Drier
Ball Valve/
Shut-Off Valve
HighPressure Liquid
Pressure Control
KPU 15
Oil Separator
High Pressure Vapor
Page 2
Climatic Control Company is offering a new refrigerant recovery program through Polar Technology. As the
innovation leader in refrigerant recovery, Polar Technology makes it easy for contractors (and distributors) to
safeguard the environment and meet the most rigorous safety and environmental regulations.
Here’s how the program works:
1. You drop off used or filled cylinder(s) at the counter
• No minimum weight required
• No cylinder appearance required
• No need for current certification date
• No need to know refrigerant type
• 30-, 50-, 125-lb cylinders (350 or 400 psi) accepted
• Must be a reusable cylinder
2. You receive a beautifully reconditioned & recertified cylinder on the spot
• Freshly painted – no stickers or writing and graffiti removed
• Whole handles
• Operative valves
• Compliant sleeve with safety, health, and contact information
Now that’s simple! Bring in those tired refrigerant cylinders and give us – and Polar Technology – a try! ¡
Looking for Danfoss scroll compressors?
New Product Line Introduction:
Danfoss Performer Scroll Compressors
Look no further – they’re right here at Climatic Control Company!
Danfoss’s Performer scroll compressors are specially designed for
commercial air conditioning applications:
• Optimized discharge assembly – low noise
and higher efficiency
• Precision balanced moving parts – reduce
• 100% suction gas cooled and shielded
motor – high reliability and long lifetime
• Carefully designed channel – low resis-
tance to suction gas
• Compact footprint
• Lightweight
• Ultra-precise scroll profile slides on an
oil film – no contact between scroll flanks
• Floating tip seals – perfect axial sealing re-
duces friction losses
• Advanced oil management & large oil
• Large internal free volume
Stop in soon or give us a call – see what CCC and Danfoss can do for you!
CCC Designated
2008 Honeywell
Diamond Distributor
Climatic Control Company (CCC) has been
bestowed the distinguished Honeywell
Diamond Distributor recognition for 2008.
Considering there are only nine other Dia-
mond Distributors across the U.S., Climatic
Control Company is indeed thrilled to have
earned this highest Honeywell distributor
honor. ¡
Refrigerant Recovery Program
“If at first you don’t succeed, try
looking in the wastebasket for
the directions.”
Don’t forget to sign up for Honeywell’s Con-
tractor PRO Rewards Program. Simply
go to www.contractorpro.com to see the long
list of membership benefits, along with the
qualifying product list, and information on how
to become a member. Sign up today!
5061 W. State Street • Milwaukee, WI 53208 • Phone: 414-259-9070 • Fax: 414-259-0613
Page 3
New Product Highlight
Danfoss Universal TR6
Kit for Air Conditioning
Are you paying higher energy bills due to an older, less
efficient central heat pump or air conditioner? Now there’s
a simple, easily installed solution – Danfoss’s Universal TR6
thermostatic expansion valve.
The TR6 valve uses the same technology found in newer, high-
efficiency air conditioning systems which allows your customers
to save energy regardless of their current system efficiency.
According to DOE legislation, all new systems sold today must
have a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency) rating of 13 or higher.
If your customer’s unit is six years or older, it will likely have a
SEER rating of 10 or less. The TR6 retrofit generally increases
system efficiency by one SEER level – this could lower your
customer’s utility bills by up to 15%.
How does the TR6 do this? By automatically adjusting and
accurately admitting the right amount of refrigerant into the
evaporator. The system runs less frequently, which saves
electricity, thereby decreasing equipment and component wear
and tear.
Universal TR6 features include:
• Patented, internal check valve
• Three connection options in every kit
3/8" x 3/8" ODF, Chatleff and Aeroquip
• Adjustable superheat
• Anti-hunt sensing bulb
• Stainless steel power head and cap tube
• R-22 and R410A versions
Save your customers’ energy with an easy upgrade! The TR6 is
available for your immediate consideration at Climatic Control
Company. ¡
The “Dirt” on
Dirty Coils
Did you know that the energy
consumption of equipment oper-
ating with dirty coils can be as
much as 37% more than equip-
ment with clean coils?
According to Nu-Calgon, a typical 10-ton air condition-
ing system costs about $1650 to operate with clean
coils for an average cooling season (1500 hours or six
months). With dirty coils, that cost jumps to $2268 –
that’s a $618 completely controllable difference.
Dirty coils:
¡ Reduce cooling capacity – built-up dirt and grime
on the coils restricts heat transfer causing the com-
pressor to work harder. This additional heat raises
the head pressure as much as 75%, which can
result in a loss of up to 30% of the system’s cool-
ing capacity. This costs money!
¡ Shorten equipment life – higher operating tem-
peratures and pressures caused by dirty coils can
lead to lubricant breakdown and acid formation that
can seriously compromise the compressor. Com-
pressor failure means NO COOLING!
¡ Affect air quality – a dirty evaporator coil is a breed-
ing ground for bacteria and mold. This impacts
indoor air quality!
Nu-Calgon’s Clean Coil Program offers a 4-Step
solution for cleaning and protecting your coils:
1. Clean indoor and outdoor
coils using appropriate cleaner.
2. Protect the coils with Cal-
Shield® with Teflon®.
3. Kill bacteria with EPA-reg-
istered Bio-Fresh®.
4. Prevent biological growth
and slime with EPA-regis-
tered PanPads.
So kick the dirt from those
coils – avoid costly equipment
breakdowns, save significant
energy, and enhance occupant comfort and safety. We
have Nu-Calgon products in stock now. ¡
The stratospheric ozone layer shields the Earth
from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. An
"ozone hole" discovered over the South Pole was
the catalyst for a global response. It was determined
that emissions of certain synthetic chemicals – includ-
ing chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds, halons, and
hydro chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) compound – contain
ozone-depleting chlorine, which destroys the ozone
In 1990, the United States committed to a collaborative,
international effort to regulate and phase out ozone-de-
pleting substances through the Montreal Protocol on
Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Acting in
accordance with the Montreal Protocol international
treaty, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
through the Clean Air Act phased out of CFCs and
halons in the mid-90s. This treaty has also mandated
the eventual phase out of HCFC R-22. By 2010, the
manufacturing of heating and cooling equipment using
R-22 will be prohibited, and by 2020 the production of
R-22 itself must cease.
The R-22 phase out is being enforced via production
and consumption rights – one right = one kilogram of
R-22 supply. Since 1998, the EPA has been limiting the
amount of available R-22 for refrigeration and air condi-
tioning equipment by lowering the consumption rights
over time. The next big date is on January 1, 2010,
when production of new R-22 equipment (including im-
port equipment) is banned except for continuing
servicing needs of existing equipment.
Interestingly, even though the most common non-ozone
depleting compound alternative, R410A (there are oth-
ers, too), has been available for awhile, the demand for
R-22 equipment is still high.
Some of the reasons why include:
• 3% Unit sales growth per year over the past five years
• Increases in minimum SEER ratings have increased
refrigerant charge size by 30% on average
• Slower than anticipated transition into 410A
• Growing R-22 equipment installed base
• Just how much R-22 the EPA's 2010 decision will
allow for air conditioning and refrigeration applica-
Due to the eventual phase out, U.S. companies are not
investing in R-22 equipment production and the aging
installed base is becoming more expensive to operate
Other important phase out dates; January 1, 2015 - ban
on sale and use of all HCFCs except for certain uses,
including continuing servicing needs of refrigeration
equipment, and January 1, 2020 - ban on remaining
production and import of R-22 (and HCFC-142b). After
2020, the servicing of systems with R-22 will rely on
recycled or stockpiled quantities.
Climatic Control Company will help you stay on top of
the R-22 phase out. ¡
What You Need to Know About
the HCFC R-22 Phase Out
Page 4
The Next Step Down in 2010 is Fast Approaching