Indiana University Health Physicians Case Study

Indiana University Health Physicians Case Study, updated 2/6/17, 11:21 PM

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Indiana University Health Physicians (IUHP) is one of the fastest growing, most
complete multi-specialty physician groups in the state comprised of the most
comprehensive network of primary care and specialty physicians. With more
than 1500 board-certified or board-eligible physicians, 250 advanced practice
providers and 1,800 staff members at 200 locations statewide, the physician
group provides patients with the most innovative treatments and latest technol-
ogies offering more treatment options than anywhere in the state.
With the many changes in healthcare regulation, and pressures in keeping
healthcare providers and professionals up-to-speed on the latest technology,
IUHP’s training and support team, who visit multiple physician practices on a
daily basis, needed a better way to manage their technology training and sup-
port efforts throughout the state of Indiana.
Managing the communication, training activities, contact information and fol-
low-up had become nearly impossible. The team was using email, Excel spread-
sheets and Microsoft Word to manage their on-site training activities, which
became very unproductive and ineffective. The team needed a better way to
manage their clinic account and contact data, overall interactions and keep ev-
eryone better coordinated. “We could see that as our organization would grow
our system of using Excel spreadsheets and Microsoft Word wasn’t a sustain-
able model,” says Jim Gordon, Manager, EHR Training and Support at IUHP. “We
needed to find a way to manage and track everything and the solution was
Microsoft Dynamics CRM.”
Overall, IUHP needed a solution that would:
+ Provide a centralized database to consolidate information
+ Allow greater access and visibility into data for better tracking of
activities and follow-ups
+ Improve team productivity and streamline communications
+ Provide greater insight into training needs and student feedback
Minneapolis | Atlanta | Chicago
Cincinnati | Dallas | Philadelphia
Omaha | New York | Seattle | Toronto
612.339.3355 | 866.770.3355
The organization was
lacking an integrated CRM
solution that would allow them
to automate tasks, better man-
age customer accounts and
clinical services, as well overall
record keeping and billing.
PowerObjects implemented
acustomized, reliable
on-premise Microsoft
Dynamics CRM/xRM.
+ Integrated solution easily
accessible by all staff and
+ Centralized location for all data
+ Improved customer service
+ Streamlined work processes
+ Flexible security and
Indiana University Health
Physicians e ded a CRM
o help manage their
echn logy tr ining and
support efforts for their
physician practices and clinics.
Microsoft Dyna ics CRM and
PowerObj cts PowerPack
Provide a centralized
database to consolidate
Allow gr ater access and
visibility into data for better
tacking of activities and
Improve t am p oductivity
and streamline communica-
+ Provide a greater insight into
training needs and student
As the need for training and adoption on key health care technologies such as
Electronic Health Records (EHR) became ever increasing, so did the need for
better management of the training and support efforts for their large number of
physician groups and clinics. The IUHP team knew they needed a cloud-based
CRM solution due to the mobility of the staff and evaluated several different
cloud CRM solutions. After considering all the options, they decided Microsoft
Dynamics CRM online would be the best fit and could grow with their organiza-
tion. The organization chose Microsoft Dynamics CRM because of the familiar-
ity their team has in working with other Microsoft Office applications including
Outlook, as well as the skill set PowerObjects brought to the table. They were
impressed with PowerObject’s CRM expertise, healthcare experience, and ability
to understand and deliver a solution that fit their needs.
“Thanks to PowerObjects and Dynamics CRM, we have seen a big increase in
productivity as well as overall effectiveness and communication throughout
the organization. Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been a big win for our team
and we look forward to expanding it to other areas of our organization as we
continue to grow.”
Manager, EHR Training and Support
One of the greatest benefits IUHP realized with the solution was the ability for
the team to access a centralized database of information. Before Dynamics CRM,
they were using a myriad of databases to manage their contact information
and the activities associated with them. Now the organization has an integrated
Dynamics CRM system that everyone can access and gain valuable information
from. The training team is on the road every day, and having the ability to login
and get the information needed to do their jobs effectively has been invaluable.
Through the dashboards and reporting set-up in Dynamics CRM, not only does
each team member have greater access and visibility into the data, they also can
pull activity reports quickly and easily. From a team and clinic perspective, the
reports show real-time status of each account and provide better visibility into
the activities and follow-up that needs to occur. With this information at their
fingertips, they can better manage their team activities and service the physician
accounts with greater accuracy and insight. “Dynamics CRM has great flexibility.
Even our non-technical people are able to create fields, forms, and custom lists
quickly and easily—and this has been very helpful for us,” Gordon says.
With Dynamics CRM in place, many of the manual activities in organizing and
communicating with physician offices and clinics have been reduced. The team
is much more coordinated and spends far less time making phone calls and
looking for data. Many of the team members cover a large territory, and now
their days are more productive because they are focused on proactively meeting
the training and support needs of their accounts verses worrying about if any-
thing has fallen through the cracks.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has also provided additional knowledge and intel-
ligence on the training needs as a whole. Through the reporting in Dynamics
CRM, IUHP can better understand where they should focus their training and
education, if there are gaps or needs to be met, as well as see overall technolo-
gy trends throughout the organization. With PowerObjects’ PowerPack add-on,
PowerSurvey, gathering student feedback on training is much more effective.
“When we want to create a survey we use PowerSurvey to track all the feedback
in CRM and we can tie this back into our training plans. We also get much more
accurate feedback since all survey results can now be confidential instead of
having our students fill out a sheet of paper,” says Gordon.
2012 + 2013
Microsoft Dynamics Partner
of the Year
2011 + 2013 + 2014
Inner Circle for Microsoft
2009 + 2010 + 2011 + 2012
Inner Circle for Microsoft
Convergence Customer
Excellence Awards

Inner Circle for Microsoft
Minneapolis | Atlanta | Chicago
Cincinnati | Dallas | Philadelphia
Omaha | New York | Seattle | Toronto
612.339.3355 | 866.770.3355
Established in 1993,
PowerObjects is one of a hand-
ful of organizations recognized
as a leader in delivering
Microsoft Dynamics CRM/xRM
solutions to customers.
PowerObjects fully embraces
the power of customer choice
and offers hosted, on-premise
and online CRM deployment
PowerObjects provides CRM
solutions to businesses and
non-profit organizations in
multiple industries including
healthcare, life scienes,
insurance, financial services,
publishing, distribution,
manufacturing and
professional services.
Minneapolis | Atlanta | Chicago
Cincinnati | Dallas | Philadelphia
Omaha | New York | Seattle | Toronto
612.339.3355 | 866.770.3355
In terms of regulatory requirements, Dynamics CRM has made the process of
tracking and ensuring standards are met much easier for IUHP. “With Health-
care Reform in place, doctors are being tracked and measured on how well they
use medical records and how they use computers to manage a person’s chart.
Having a system that can be adapted to keep up with changes in the industry is
very beneficial. Without Dynamics CRM, our team wouldn’t be able to track the
extensive amount of information needed. We have found that nothing outside of
Dynamics CRM can do a better job,” Gordon says.
As the training and support team at IUHP has continued to expand its use of Mi-
crosoft Dynamics CRM, user adoption has steadily increased due to the familiar
and intuitive Microsoft interface. “Dynamics CRM is easy to learn on the fly and
it’s a very flexible system. Instead of using our industry’s system, we use Dynam-
ics CRM because it’s actually more effective for what we need to do and much
easier for our users to adopt,” Gordon adds.
With PowerObjects and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, IUHP has an easy-to-use, fully
scalable system tailored to their organization’s unique needs. “Thanks to Pow-
erObjects and Dynamics CRM, we have seen a big increase in productivity as
well as overall effectiveness and communication throughout the organization.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been a big win for our team and we look forward
to expanding it to other areas of our organization as we continue to grow,” says
“Dynamics CRM is easy
to learn on the fly and
it’s a very flexible system.
Instead of using our in-
dustry’s system, we use
Dynamics CRM because
it’s actually more effective
for what we need to do
and much easier for our
users to adopt”
EHR Training and Support