Stress Relief Group Coaching By Dr. Leslie Bosch Shifts Perception On Stress

Stress Relief Group Coaching By Dr. Leslie Bosch Shifts Perception On Stress, updated 6/22/22, 4:51 AM

Dr. Leslie Bosch, Founder of Bosch Integrative Wellness, offers a stress relief group coaching program for high-achievers. The course provides efficient stress management strategies that help you bring calm and clarity into your life. Learn more at

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Stress Relief Group
Coaching Program By Dr.
Bosch Shifts Perception
On Stress
If you've been lashing out at people and suffering from
headaches recently, you may be stressed and not even
know it.
The truth is, all of us get
stressed, but how we manage it
is what separates high-
achievers from the rest.
Dr. Leslie Bosch, Founder of Bosch Integrative Wellness,
offers a Stress RESET Group Coaching Program.
The stress management course is
ideal for ambitious, goal-focused men
and women who want to learn
effective strategies on improving their
The beta launch of the stress relief coaching program invites 15
participants to work closely with Dr. Bosch. In exchange for their
feedback, participants will receive a substantial discount. 
Enrollment is open until July 10,
2022 with the classes running
from July 12 to August 16 from
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EDT. 
If you take part, you will learn how to reset your response to
stressful situations. 
Benefiting from the latest research in positive
psychology, you will discover how to change
your response to stress so that you can achieve
consistently high performance, get your youthful
energy and vigor back, and be passionate about
your work again.
Stress in moderate doses can improve
However, when experienced for
prolonged periods, stress becomes
chronic and can lead to unhealthy
outcomes like anxiety, high blood
pressure, and depression.
By enrolling in the Stress RESET Group Coaching Program, you will learn how to transform your
life in deeply satisfying ways by addressing the root causes of stress, incorporating new
strategies, prioritizing your core needs, and regaining clarity about what is important to you.
Imagine being able to perform at
your best consistently! Say
"Goodbye" to constantly being
emotionally tired and stressed! 
Learn more at