Oatley Licensed Glaziers Installs Glazed Glass Office Partitions For Businesses

Oatley Licensed Glaziers Installs Glazed Glass Office Partitions For Businesses, updated 7/5/23, 2:57 AM


Get fast, reliable emergency glass replacement or repair services anywhere within Sydney, including Oatley, NSW. Call glazing specialists SOS Glass Services at 0410-311-916 now or go to https://sosglassservices.com.au to learn more.

SOS Glass Services Pty Ltd 34 Verdun Street, Bexley, NSW 2207, Australia Website https://sosglassservices.com.au Email prc.pressagency@gmail.com

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Oatley Licensed Glaziers Installs Glazed Glass Office
Partitions For Businesses
Sure, you’ve heard the old wives’ tale about seven
years of bad luck from a broken mirror, but let’s be
real - the bad luck is in dealing with the broken
glass itself!
One wrong move, and you could
find yourself nursing a nasty cut.
You see, handling broken glass
requires finesse, expertise, and
some serious safety gear.
Luckily, the folks at SOS
Glass Services are
always ready on a
moment’s notice to
provide emergency glass
removal, replacement,
and installation services.
The company offers
emergency services related
to weather events,
vandalism, and burglaries
and can replace interior and
exterior glass fixtures in your
storefront, home, or office.
Beyond emergency
replacement services, the
company offers an array of
services to meet all your needs.
These services include the
installation & repair of glass
balastrades & more.
The frameless glass
installations offered by SOS
Glass Services are made to
measure for a precise, clean
finish and are constructed to
meet Australian safety
All services are rendered by
licensed professional
glaziers committed to
delivering quality, durable,
and aesthetically pleasing
Find Out More At