Docc Hilford - Fem Fatale.pdf

Docc Hilford - Fem Fatale.pdf, updated 10/19/22, 7:30 AM


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docc hillford's
64 Sinful Secrets of the
Copyright© 2003 Docc Hilford
First printing May, 2003
No portion of this book or original illustrations can be reproduced in
any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.
Docc Co.
10275 Collins Ave. Suite 824 Bal Harbour, FL 33154
Basic Effect
Juliet and her Romeo
Al & Rudy
Tossed Deck II
Tomorrow's Thought
8 Master Magazine Test
Blinded by the Light
10 Blinded Too
1 1 Siamese Twins

12 Turkish Delight
13 E'voqued
14 Souled
15 A Truly Open Prediction
16 Memoed
17 Mediumystic
18 TresMentalia
19 Three on a Match
20 Remote Quickie
21 Psychic Friends
22 The $1,000,000 Telephone Test
23 Good-outitude
24 Hypnometer
25 Q'ed
26 The Flame
27 Fingers Sensitivus
28 An Honest Deal
29 Hey Nineteen
30 Miracle Thought
31 Par Optic Divination
32 Major Tom's a Junky
33 Thought Poker
34 Blackjacked
35 Colded
36 Reverse Hype
37 The Premonitionist
38 In the Corner Pocket
39 One in the Side Pocket
40 Sound Advice
41 Penciled In
42 Cartouche
43 Destiny
44 Cessasion
45 Aussie Even
46 Star Cross'd Lovers
47 Anyplace Anytime
48 Out of Order
49 Nailed
50 Knight's Tour
51 Poker Prediction
52 Billetus
53 A Light in the Darkness
54 Contact
55 Contacted!
56 Abducted!
57 Card in Cigarette
58 And We Named Him Checkers.
59 20 Questions
60 Strange Coincidence
61 Birthday Wish
62 Checker/Bingo
63 Trade Show Stopper
64 The NEW Deck
Any time a magician gets his hands on a book of sixty-four different
killer card tricks, it's a good book. But when the book is actually a manual on
the use of a stealth gimmick, it soon becomes a classic. That gimmick is The
Cassandra Deck™. The tricks in this book are all good, some are great and
others still outstanding. There are no bad or mediocre tricks here. A
remarkable card gimmick needed a remarkable collection of tricks to go with
Understand that these tricks can be combined into routines. When
routining a program, you may use The Cassandra Deck™ for more than one
effect in the same program. You can finish one trick with another. By
carefully selecting different tricks from this book, you could read minds,
influence dealing, make startling co-incidences, hypnotize others, be a poker
shark and cause a mental selection to disappear from the deck and reappear
across the room in a single show. There even is a simple trick in this book
that allows you to switch in a cold deck of ungimmicked cards after you're
finished using The Cassandra Deck™.
Besides The Cassandra Deck™, the tricks here use Himber wallets,
books, nail writers, contact mind reading, billet switches, sound reading,
and the ubiquitous pocket index. However, none of the tricks require much
skill. The gimmicks are simply to add to your flair for showmanship. The
Cassandra Deck™ does most of the work for you.
You are free to use methods with which you are most comfortable. If
a method suggests using a tea cup and a finger palm, you may wish to do a
straight billet switch. You may find placing the slip under an ashtray is
better for you than inside a hat. The choice is, of course, up to you as the
A couple of tricks require you to add an indifferent card to the top of
the deck. It is suggested that you move the Ace of Clubs to the top, however
this is not the only way to add an indifferent card. You may add the joker.
The instructions give you the most direct way to achieve the effect. After
some practice you may change the method to suit your style and needs.
I have several favorites to perform from this book, as I am certain
you will select your favorites. Two that 1 perform constantly are Tomorrow's
Thought and Hey Nineteen. Tossed is another that 1 use in performance. I
perform many others, but there arc simply too many tricks here to perform
all my favorites. Keep in mind that one trick may not be right for you while
in someone else's hands it becomes a showstopper. It is not the trick, but the
tools that are being taught here.
Try not to skip any of the tricks. I created them as illustrations to the
hundreds of tricks possible with The Cassandra Deck™. The trick you skip
might be the one that sends you over the top. Many trick methods explain
more than the M.O. of that particular trick. Tres Mentalia, for example, has
a professional view of the way a triple prediction effect can be best sold to
an audience. I'm certain you will find the information very helpful. Three
on a Match gives a way to be a full step ahead in a triple billet test so you're
clean before the selections are made!
One of the wonders of this deck is that it can be used as a force deck.
But better than that, it is a mental selection force deck! You control which
card they think of and there are several tricks based on this feature
including. The Flame.
Another fine feature is that the cards are set for poker and blackjack
deals. Check out Thought Poker and Black Jacked. Cards can be made to
vanish from the deck be simply displaying them in a reverse riffle, as in
Hypnometer. There's a simple force of a magazine in Master Magazine Test
and Psychic Friends and The $1.000.000 Telephone Test are ways to
promote private readings! You can learn contact mindreading with Contact,
or sound reading with Sound Advice. If you need a trick that covers you
while you try pocket writing or nail writing, there in here too.
The original title to this book was, 56 Tricks With The Cassandra
Deck™. After several months the title was changed to 64 Tricks With The
Cassandra Deck™ and it sold with two decks for $100! Less than fifty
professionals were allowed to know her secrets. Now, four years later, you
have it for much less than the original price.
Some wags may protest that a few of these tricks may be performed
with a regular deck... and twenty years of practice. And others may claim
that an effect is not new even if the method is. This may be the case, but it is
not the goal of this work to invent 64 new and wonderful tricks with a pack
of cards, but rather, an array of original examples of how to use the
wonderful Cassandra Deck™.
Docc Hilford
May. 2003
How to Construct The Cassandra Deck™:
The Cassandra Deck™ is revolutionary. It was designed from Gene
Grant's Psvchorama in his wonderful book, Phantini's Mental Key (circa
1951). After developing this deck, Jack Dean informed me that although she
contains some elements of the Koran Deck and the Himber Deck, The
Cassandra Deck™ is quite original. The pumping deck — although
addressed by Phantini, as well as Waters, Chelman, Corinda and others —
dates back to the late Nineteenth century. You have a utility deck that will
fool both magicians and you. Guard its secret carefully.
How it works: The Cassandra Deck™ consists of 52 cards plus a
Joker. There are 10 force cards, 5 red and 5 black. These cards are repeated
2.6 times to make a half deck of 26 force cards. 26 mixed indifferent cards
separate the 26 force cards.
The Set-up: The force cards are all regulation size. The pump is
based on a "stranger" card formula. They are JH-2H-3C-QC-5H-6C-7C-8H-
9S-10D and remain in a fixed order for dealing tricks. From the top (back)
of the deck down is a group of 10, another group of 10 identical force cards
in the same order, a joker, and an incomplete group of slightly more than
half (6) of the force cards group; combined with six indifferent cards known
as the "Bottom Twelve". This is the order of the full deck: JH-x-2H-x-3C-x-
7C-x-8H-x-9S-x-10D-Joker-JH-x-2H-x-3C-x-QC-x-5H-x-6C-Aceof Clubs.
The Joker (a short card) appears before the bottom twelve cards. This
helps you when handling the deck, and by breaking the pattern, helps
deceive the eye when the cards are ribbon spread. It is not a necessity after
you become comfortable with The Cassandra Deck™.
The indifferent cards are all trimmed short and none of them are
repeated anywhere in the deck. They are specially selected to resemble, but
not duplicate, the force cards. When spread face-up, the force cards become
invisible because of the randomness of the indifferent cards between them.
The indifferent, or x, cards are: AD-3D-6D-7D-9D-QD-3H-4H-6H-7H-9H-
QH-KH-2S-5S-8S-10S-JS-KS-2C-4C-5C-8C-l()C-JC-AC-JOKER and
should be mixed before assembling the deck.
It takes five decks to make The Cassandra Deck™, but if you van the
suits of both the force and the indifferent cards, you can make four decks
from the five. The easiest way for me to explain this is to say get out a piece
of paper and write down the ten force cards. Under this list, write a second
list with duplicate values but substitute the suits. That is, wherever there is a
club on the original list, put a heart on the second list, a spade on the third
list, and a diamond on the forth list. Wherever there is a heart on the
original list, put spade on the second list, a diamond on the third, and a club
on the fourth. Wherever there is a spade on the original list, put diamond on
the second list, a club on the third, and a heart on the fourth. And wherever
there is a diamond on the original list, put a club on the second, a heart on
the third, and spade on the fourth.
The indifferent cards are two full decks, both cut short. Make certain
your indifferent cards are not duplicating any force cards for the other decks.
You will find that the indifferent cards listed here will work with the force
cards that have the Jack of Diamonds and the other 26 indifferent cards will
work with the force cards that contain the black jacks.
Now. you can construct four deck out of the five needed.
On a peel & stick label, make a small crib sheet to queue you on the
order of the force cards
[Fig 1]. Stick it on the
inside flap of the card
A tip is to
secretly mark each
Fig i
indifferent card with a
pencil dot on the back corner. This allows you to instantly see that all is in
order when you fan the deck. The Ace of clubs is at the bottom. If the deck is
cut, you can re-cut it to starting of position at any time by cutting at the Ace
of Clubs. This keeps the "Bottom Twelve" at the bottom. You may switch
the Ace of Clubs with the Joker if you prefer to have the joker at the bottom
face of the deck.
How to display: Hold The Cassandra Deck™ face-down on your left
palm. Pick up the deck with your right hand; fingers on one narrow end and
your right thumb on the opposite narrow end. Place the nail of your right
index finger against the back of the deck and apply some pressure. Allow
cards to slide off under your thumb and back into your left palm.
This is the same display as done with a Svengali Deck and allows the
spectators to see only force cards, plus the indifferent, Ace of Clubs, bottom
card. Tell the spectator not to select the bottom card as it is too obvious.
Figure 1
If you repeat the above procedure with the cards oriented face-up in
your left hand, only the indifferent cards will be seen as they fall face-up into
your left palm. When displaying the cards, go slow enough for the spectator
to mentally select a card. However, don't go so slow as to reveal the fact that
any cards are repeated.
How to cut: The indifferent cards being trimmed short assures that
the spectator must cut to a force card on the bottom of the portion cut.
Hold the deck face-down in your left palm. Keep your left fingers and
thumb along the wide sides of the deck. This forces the spectator to grab the
deck by its narrow ends. He will be able to only touch the edges of the force
cards. The spectator lifts up a group of cards and looks at the bottom card of
that group. That is a force card.
How to shuffle: The same principle allows you to dovetail shuffle
The Cassandra Deck™. Cut the deck and tap the far ends on the table to
expose all the long edges of the force cards. Shuffle with your thumbs
touching the narrow, inside, ends of the cards. The cards will fall in pairs of
one force card and one indifferent card. This jumbles the order of the force
cards, but doesn't disrupt the working of the deck. A single shuffle will not
put duplicate force cards together, but repeated shuffles may.
How to re-set the deck: If your deck gets jumbled — either by
accident or design during a shuffle — it is an easy matter to re-set it.
Separate the force cards from the shorter indifferent cards. Look at the crib
on the flap of the card box and place the first force card (Jack of Hearts)
face-up on the table. Cover it with an X card, then the second force card
(Two of Hearts), an X card, and so on. The 40th card is the Joker and the
bottom card is the Ace of Clubs. The X cards are easy to spot because they
are shorter than the force cards. If pencil marked, they're really easy to spot.
The Tricks
What follows are 64 different tricks with The Cassandra Deck™. To
understand the working of the deck, it's suggested you read through the first
seven tricks.
-1- Think-a-Card
A spectator is told to think of any card in a regular deck. So she can
pick one at random, and not one that most people pick, you offer a visual
aid. She remembers one she sees in a deck. The deck is quickly shown to the
spectator and put away. You make a series of correct statements about her
card. Finally, you name the thought of card.
Method: Each set often force cards can be divided by the fact that
they are either red suits or blacks. Each set of five (either all red or all black)
has a series of "stranger" cards. Four are the same suit, one is a "stranger"'.
Of the four, three are not face cards, one is a "stranger" (a face card). Of the
remaining three, two are odd if black (or even if red) and one is a "stranger".
Of the two cards left, one is a high card (above seven) and one is low
By a series of positive statements, you are able to reveal the mentally
chosen card while appearing as if you are not asking any questions. And you
are never wrong!
You will make statements about:
1. The color
2. The suit
3. The court card
4. A low value
How to make correct statements:
On the inside of the card box flap is your crib. The top row of five is
all the red force cards. The row below is all the black force cards. The
number above or below the card's initials indicates the order in the group
stack. [Fig. 11 The value of the force card also indicates its position in the
group. Please note that the jack is 1 and the queen is 4. This helps break any
visual pattern
The cards are listed in the order of the statements you will make.
Always make a statement based on the majority cards, NOT the "stranger"
card, (with the exception of the court card — as explained later)
When making your statements aim to get a response from the
spectator's facial expressions only and not a verbal answer. The force cards
are specifically selected to help in this. Your statements are timed with a
pause so that you can correct yourself if needed after seeing the spectator's
facial response.
For example: The first statement you will make is, "Your card
wouldn't be red, would it?" This is an ambiguous statement. You seem to be
correct no matter what the spectator's answer.
If the response (either facial or verbal) is 'Yes' you know to make
your statements about the red force cards on the bottom row of your queue
list. You add, ''Of course it is."
If the response is 'No' you know to make statements based on the top
row of black cards. You say, "Of course it wouldn't." With either response
you affirm that you knew what the response would be.
We will assume she smiles or nods her head, which tells you the
response is 'Yes', her card is red. You secretly look at the crib list. The first
red card on the list is the first "stranger" card of the red set, the Ten of
Diamonds (10D). The remaining majority of force cards on the bottom list
are hearts.
Continue your statements about the majority cards. Say, "Your card is
a heart..." leaving your voice hanging. There is a 4 to 1 chance you are
If she frowns or looks blank, the response is 'No' and you
immediately know her card is the Ten of Diamonds. You finish your
statement with, "...or a diamond. Yes. it is a diamond. The Ten of
Diamonds." You have correctly identified her card quickly and directly.
If the response is "Yes" go on and make your third statement.
The next card on the list is the Jack of Hearts (JH). Say. "I see a
picture of your card. Please mentally count the Hearts on your card."
If she looks puzzled because it is impossible to count spots that aren't
on a face card, you know for certain that her card is the Jack of Hearts.
Quickly add, 'There are two in the corners, but I see lots of hearts all over
the card. It's a picture card. The Jack of Hearts!"
If she seems to be counting the spots, you know she does not have the
jack in mind. Go to the next statement.
The next card on the list is the Five of Hearts (5H). Say, "I believe
you're counting an even number of spots on your card..." You have made a
statement about the majority force cards both of which are even in this
If the facial clue is "No" you instantly know her card is the Five of
Hearts. You immediately add, ""...don't say anything! .... The card is shaped
like this." drawing a five shape in the air. "I'm not certain whether it is a
five or a two. There seems to be an odd number of spots. Hmmm, it is a five.
The Five of Hearts." You have re-stated your position on the number of
spots and hidden it under the action of drawing out the number.
If the response is 'Yes' to your statement about an even card, go on to
your final statement before the revelation.
The next two cards are lower and higher than seven, (the black set of
force cards contains a seven as high card and the red set contains an eight.)
The high cards (seven and eight) are confusing to the spectator because they
are not usually thought of as high valued cards. In this example the high
card is the Eight of Hearts. Say, "Your card is a low valued card..."
If the response is 'Yes' you immediately know her card is the Two of
If she looks as if she's not certain whether her card is actually a low
card, you know her card is the Eight of Hearts. You add, "... low and even,
like a four, six or eight. It is the Eight of Hearts." You have made five
correct statements before revealing the card.
If you get an oral 'No' response, you correct it with, "Lower than a
nine or ten", and immediately reveal the card. Each time you seem to be
The same procedure is used with the black suit set of force cards with
appropriate adjustments to your statements.
In performance, the basic effect should give the appearance of real
mindreading. The audience should forget that a deck of cards was ever used.
It should be emphasized that a card was simply thought of and never
touched. Because the deck is handled for about ten seconds at the beginning
and put away, later, many will remember your ability to read minds, not
your clever handling of cards.
It is important to practice the way you make the statements. You
must avoid sounding as if you are merely eliminating groups of the entire
deck. You stress that each statement is true. You are not fishing. Be bold!
-2- Shuffled
Effect: A deck is shuffled, cut and riffled toward a spectator. He
remembers one card he sees. Even after the shuffle and cut, you reveal his
mental selection.
Method: The basic trick of The Cassandra Deck™ can still be done
after one or two dovetail shuffles. The shuffles and cuts do not disturb the
mechanism. However, the order of the force cards is changed after shuffling,
so any counting tricks cannot be performed following a shuffle.
-3- Juliet and her Romeo
Effect: A woman thinks of any card she sees in a deck of cards. A
man is asked to think of any card he sees, as long as it is different from the
woman's. She is not to tell him the card, just name aloud the color of her
card's suit. The man looks for a card of the opposite color. This ensures that
both cards are different.
You make statements about each card. All statements are true.
Eventually, you reveal both cards.
Method: The same procedure as the basic effect is used. But in this
presentation, you already know the color of each person's card. You have
eliminated one possible negative response. You make the statements based
on the force card crib and identify the mentally chosen cards.
This is quick, concise and easy to follow. Really, it's the perfect
mental card trick!
-4- Al&Rudy
Effect: You show the audience a sealed envelope tucked in a
compartment of your wallet. The Cassandra Deck™ is shown to a spectator
who thinks of any card he sees. The spectator states the card's name aloud.
You open your wallet and remove the envelope. When the spectator opens it.
it contains a duplicate of the same card as was mentally selected.
Method: Rudy Hunter developed a version of Koran's Five Star
Miracle using a Himber wallet as an index. A duplicate of one of the ten
force cards is in an envelope on one side of the wallet and the other nine
duplicate cards are in envelopes on the opposite side of the wallet. You
display the single envelope at the trick's beginning. After the spectator
names his card the correct envelope is removed from the wallet. If the card
in the single envelope is named it can be removed from the wallet openly: if
not. the appropriate envelope is removed from the other side of the wallet
without showing the other eight envelopes.
-5- Tossed
The Cassandra Deck™ can be used for David Hoy's Tossed Out
Deck trick. The original used a single card force deck. Subsequent methods
have used a three way force deck or other multi-card decks. The Cassandra
Deck™ makes possible the best presentation of this classic effect.
Effect: A deck of cards is spread face-up in front of a spectator for a
moment and then closed. A heavy rubber band is snapped around one of the
narrow ends of the deck. The audience is shown how you want them to lift
up some of the cards with their thumbs and look at a card.
The deck is tossed out into the audience. The person who catches the
deck lifts some cards, peeks at one card and tosses the deck to someone else.
That person peeks at a card and tosses the deck to another person. Three to
six people are allowed to peek at cards. They toss the deck back to you.
You ask all who saw a card to stand. Individually, you reveal each
person's card.
Method: Displaying The Cassandra Deck™ face-up will not disclose
its secret. When the deck is closed, give it a tap on a flat surface such as a
table to knock all the card ends to one end. This ensures a good long/short
relation at the other end. Place the rubber band around the flush end.
By following your instructions the spectators can only peek at force
cards because the force cards are longer than the indifferent cards.
After the spectators see a card each, tell them that you are receiving
many thoughts at once. Ask all who are thinking of red cards to stand. We
will assume that four of six participants stand.
Look at your crib. Address the four standing spectators and have
-7- Tomorrow's Thought
Many amazing predictions can be performed with The Cassandra
Deck™. This is one, based on an idea from Clayton Rawson's (a.k.a. Don
Diavolo) Tomorrow's Card trick published in the Jinx.
Effect: You write something on a slip of paper, fold it and put it in an
empty coffee cup. A deck is handed to a spectator. Another person is asked
to call out any number from 1 to 52. The spectator deals that many cards
face-up off the top of the deck and a card is set aside, face-down.
The spectator takes the slip of
paper from the cup. He opens and reads
the paper. It says the name of the card
just set aside! Proving you knew in
advance the card that would be selected.
Method: There are only ten
cards that can be forced. Write the
names of these cards on ten slips of
paper and fold them into billets. Put the
Fi ClUfe 2
first five card names in a matchbook
[see fig.2] and put it in your right
pocket. Place the last five card names in another matchbook and put it in
your left pocket.
The easy version, or The "'Soft" Formula, [see appendix] is used to
determine which force card is at the chosen number. It is based on whether
the announced number is odd or even. First, move the Ace of Clubs from the
bottom to the top of the deck.
If even: the chosen number (n), is divided by 2 and use the last card
dealt (a). - {Even=(n)/2=a}
If odd: the chosen number (n), plus 1, is divided by 2 and use the next
card (b). - {Odd=(n+l)/2=b}
If you get a two digit number as your sum, discard the first digit (for
example: 23 is thought of as 3).
This single digit number is the same as the force card value. It is also
on your crib inside the card box flap. [Fig. 11 (There is an even better and
faster formula at the end of this book. The "Soft" formula is intended only lo
acquaint you with the working of The Cassandra Deck™)
Let's assume that the spectator called 18. Eighteen is even so you
divide by 2 to get 9. Deal nine cards off the deck and look at the last card
dealt. It is the card numbered 9 on your crib (9H). Notice that the force card
position matches the card's value.
When you make your prediction be certain to fold the slip the same
way as the index slips are folded. As you place the folded prediction in the
cup, you actually finger-palm it out again and the cup remains empty.
While the spectator is dealing the cards, casually put your hand in
the appropriate pocket and find the correct billet. You have plenty of time to
palm it out and add it to the cup while moving the cup closer to the
spectator. Do this before the dealing is over and no one will notice you ever
touched the cup. The audience will remember that the spectator removed the
I always deal the cards trick face-up. But if you're worried about the
one or two dupes being seen, deal face-down if the number is higher than
22. The first 21 cards have no duplicates, so always deal them face-up.
-8- Master Magazine Test
Effect: You show five different magazines. The interiors are shown to
the audience. All are apparently different. They are laid in a row on a table.
A spectator deals cards into two face-down piles. A randomly
selected card from one pile is used to select one of the five magazines. A
selected card from the other pile is used to select a page in the magazine.
You never get a glimpse of the page because your back is turned.
Still, you reveal specifics about the chosen page. As if reading the page with
telepathic eyes.
Method: Three of the magazines are different and ungimmicked.
Two are duplicates of each other with different covers. Some magazines are
held upside-down when flipped through. If the two dupes are one shown
upside-down and one rightside-up, they appear quite different from each
other. The magazines are shown with the force magazines 2nd and 4th and
stacked in a pile.
False shuffle The Cassandra Deck™. Spread the deck face-up briefly
for (he spectator to see the random order of the cards. Close the deck and
have the spectator deal a card to the right and one to the left. He continues
dealing the deck into two piles. As he's dealing, explain that all cards have
numerical values. Even the face cards have a value, i.e., jack 11. queen 12,
and king 13. The suits of the cards have no numerical value. The pile on
the left contains all indifferent cards. The spectator cuts this pile and takes
the top card. This card indicates which magazine is to be selected.
The spectator holds the stack of magazines. He deals a magazine to
the table as he counts the card's value. If he runs out of magazines, he picks
up the stack and continues. If the card vale is even, the last magazine he
dealt is forced. If the value is odd. the next magazine is forced. The
spectator can turn the stack of magazines over when he picks it up. It won't
matter. You need only to know if the spectator has dealt an even or odd
number of magazines to know which one is forced; you don't have to know
what card was chosen.
Each of the ten force card values can be translated into a one or two
digit page number. The other pile consists of all force cards in reverse order.
The spectator is told to cut the pile and take the top card as he did with the
first pile. This card value sends him turning to the page indicated. You pick
up all the cards and note the bottom card of the force pile. The value one
lower of the bottom card is the page selected. For example, if the bottom card
is the Six of Clubs, the page number will be 5. If you see the Jack of Hearts
on the bottom, the page number is 10.
You have cleverly made a crib sheet about the contents of the ten
force pages of the force magazine and pasted it to a note pad. When you
know the chosen page, just look it up and write some notes on one of the pad
sheets. Go south with the deck, the other magazines and the pad before you
reveal the chosen page. This leaves you clean and puts the emphasis on the
single magazine and you.
-9- Blinded by the Light
Effect: You are blindfolded with a handkerchief. A spectator shuffles
a deck of cards. The deck is kept face-down and cut. The card on the bottom
of the cut half is noted and put in the spectator's pocket.
You psychically look through the blindfold and into the spectator's
pocket to reveal the chosen card. This is accomplished without any questions
Method: This is a strong trick, even without (he blindfold. The
Cassandra Deck™ will always cut to a force card facing you if the deck is
held face-down.
The force cards are in a set order. When the spectator cuts the cards,
you must get a glimpse of the card second from the top of the half you hold.
This is a force card and will queue you as to the previous force card in the
stack. If you see the Six of Clubs, for example, you know the chosen card is
the Five of Hearts. The blindfold you use allows you to see down the side of
your nose. Spotting the second card from the top of the deck is easy because
the audience believes you are sightless. Hold the deck face-up and simply
slide the top two cards over and glimpse the index while the spectator shows
his chosen card to the audience.
-10- Blinded Too
Effect: You are blindfolded with coins, tape and a handkerchief. A
deck is spread face-up then closed. A spectator shuffles the deck. You riffle
the cards and show them to be quite mixed. Still holding the deck face-up,
you tell the spectator to place his finger in the cards as they fall. He is to
take the unseen card above his finger. The card is noted and placed in the
spectator's pocket.
By using x-ray vision and looking through the blindfold and into the
spectator's pocket the chosen card slowly becomes clear. You reveal the
name of chosen card and it is removed from the pocket.
Method: This is really the basic effect with a blindfold and buildup.
The shuffling doesn't separate the force cards from the indifferent cards.
The cards can be displayed as different and well shuffled by riffling them
face-up. A force card will always be above the spectator's finger if riffled in
this manner. When he puts his finger in the deck, turn the right hand
portion up and have him take the top face-down card. He looks at it and puts
it in his pocket.
The blindfold is real, not allowing any vision down the side of his
nose. You simply pump the spectator - as in the basic effect - and reveal the
chosen card. This is a terrific press effect because of the authenticity of the
-11- Siamese Twins
Effect: You write two predictions, each on a slip of a different color. They
are dropped into your hat. Two spectators count down to a number mutually
agreed upon and note the cards arrived at. The predictions, both of which
you wrote and placed in the hat before the deck was handed out, prove to be
Method: My good friend and mentor. Orville Meyer, contributed
Twin Prediction to The Jinx in the 1930's. The Cassandra Deck™ is ready
to perform wonderful trick without additional set-ups. Also, the choice of
numbers is increased from 20 to 52. Begin by moving the Ace of Clubs from
the bottom to the top. This puts all the force cards at even positions in the
deck. When removing the cards, leave the Six of Clubs on the bottom of the
deck in the box.
The matchbook indices are used again; all of the billets being white
paper. After a false shuffle and cut The Cassandra Deck™ is handed to one
of the two spectators. Pick up a white slip of paper, look at the man with the
deck and write anything on the slip. Fold it exactly as the billets in your
matchbooks are folded. Drop it in full view near the hat. Look at the second
person and pick up the colored slip. On this write the name of the Ace of
Clubs. Fold this paper and drop it into the hat. Pick up the white slip and
pretend to put it in the hat also, but finger palm it instead.
The person holding the deck is asked to name aloud any number
from 1 to 52, but he is reminded that the higher the number the longer the
dealing. No matter what number is called, you will cause him to get a force
card. If the number is even, use the last card dealt. If the number is odd, use
the next card. In either case, after the card is noted, it is placed on the dealt
pile and the cards returned to the top of the deck.
Pick up the deck and give it a false cut and hand it to the second
person. He counts off the same number of cards and looks at the last dealt or
next card - the same way the first person did. This automatically forces the
Ace of Clubs.
When you know the number, you use the "Soft" formula to figure the
card at the position. During the last procedure you cop the correct billet
from your pocket and finger palm it. When the second card is noted, you
reach into the hat and push the palmed billet to your finger tips. Pick up the
colored slip and bring both out. Hand the correct slips to each spectator and
everything is examinable.
-12- Turkish Delight
Effect: A spectator looks at any card in a deck. You ask the name of
the card. You cut the deck and tell the spectator that the card, " ... is the 37th
card from the top. Wait! It has moved. It's now the 18th card down. Wait! It
moved again. It is now seven cards down from the top of the deck." The
spectator deals the cards face-up and finds the mentally selected card at the
stated position. You have demonstrated remarkable skill in the control of
playing cards.
Method: Riffle the cards so the spectator sees only the ten force cards.
Calculate the correct position of the chosen card by using this formula:
Double the card's value and subtract 1. False cut the deck (so any discrepancy
in position is accounted for) and announce two false positions. Finally, state
the card's actual position.
A simple, yet very strong trick. It has a certain similarity to the Lazy
Man's Card Trick, however it has the advantage of the card being mentally
selected. This effect could be performed with a memorized deck, but why
would one wish so much brain work?
-13- E'voqued
Effect: A business card wallet is shown and said to contain a detailed
prediction about the future. A deck is cut several times by a spectator and
you. Finally, five cards are dealt face-down on the table. The spectator
selects two cards and turns them face-up. He picks one of the two.
The wallet is opened and a card removed It is read aloud. It predicts
the card that is finally selected as well as the other card not chosen and what
order they were picked!
Method: Thank Rudy Hunter for the prediction used in this fine trick.
The card in the business card wallet is a folded index card. Unfolded the
entire prediction reads: You will pick the Jack of Spades..., but will keep the
Two of Spades. The card is folded at the point before the word '"but" and
placed writing side out under the window portion of the wallet. Only the
first half of the prediction is visible through the window.
The Cassandra Deck™ must be riffled and cut with a ten valued
force card on the bottom. This is easy as there are three ten force cards and
they run in succession. This makes them easy to spot and cut to. By cutting a
force ten to the bottom of the deck it places a jack and a two 2nd and 4th in
the line of five cards dealt. These are perfect positions for an Equivoque.
You tell the spectator to touch a card with his right finger. If the
spectator touches the jack, the wallet is opened. The first half of the
prediction is seen through the plastic and reads: You will pick the Jack of
Spades, and the trick ends there.
If he touches the two he is told to touch another card with his other
hand. He will most likely touch the jack. If so, both cards are turned face-up
and he is allowed to openly choose either card. If he selects the jack the
wallet is opened, the prediction read and the trick concluded. If he selects
the two. the wallet is opened and the card is removed and unfolded. The
entire prediction is read. This is the best scenario.
If the spectator does not touch either force card, the two cards he
touched are eliminated and you continue as above with a three card
Equivoque. The spectator touches two more cards because, '"...this is the
important decision." If he selects the two force cards turn them face-up and
allow him to openly choose one of them. Show the appropriate prediction
and the tricks ends as needed.
If he selects the Jack of Hearts and one indifferent card, use the
standard Equivoque to force the jack and show the window prediction. If he
selects the Two of Hearts and an indifferent card, eliminate them and turn
the jack face-up. Show the prediction with the jack.
Every prediction in this effect is much cleaner than a simple l-in-5
You can tape the wallet closed and send the prediction to a reporter or
club president. Later, you allow him to open the wallet at your performance;
much like a headline prediction! Then either let him view the prediction
through the plastic or tell him to read it and remove the card to get the
kicker finale'.
-14- Souled
Effect: You write a prediction on a slip of paper, fold it and drop it
into a coffee cup. A woman notes a card in a deck and names her card. A
second prediction is written on a slip, folded and dropped into the cup. A
man now notes a card and names it aloud. The slips are removed from the
cup and read aloud. One states that. The man will chose the Two of Clubs
and the other reads that, The woman will chose the Four of Diamonds. Your
predictions were correct for each person!
Method: Al Baker's original trick, Two Souls, used a lot of dealing.
Annemann in his, Lady and Gentleman improved it, by adding a pocket
index of 52 billets, but the dealing remained. With The Cassandra Deck™
the spectators don't have to do any dealing of the cards, they just think of a
card! You don't have to have bulky pocket indices; just a matchbook with
five slips!
Have one of the matchbook indices (described previously in
Tomorrow's Thought) set in your right pocket. Each of the five billets has
the words. The man will think of the... and the name of one of the black
force cards.
Look at a woman spectator and tell her you can see a bit of her
future. Write anything on the first billet and finger palm it as you act as if
you are putting it in the cup. Be certain the slip is folded identically to the
slips in the matchbook index. Reach into your pocket for the deck of cards and
secretly leave the billet behind.
Explain that the woman will think of any card. She is asked to
choose red cards or black, reminding her that it doesn't really matter what
she says as you have already written a prediction.
If she chooses the red cards - as woman often do - ask her to select a
red card as you riffle The Cassandra Deck™. If she chooses the black cards
tell her, "Very good. " Turn to the man and add, "Don't of that black card
yet, let her choose a card first/' Whatever her answer, the woman is
instructed to think of a red card as the deck is riffled. She is asked to name it
aloud. You seem pleased with her response.
Now, turn to the man. Write a prediction for him, really writing. The
woman will think of... and fill in the name of the card she just named. Drop
the billet into the cup.
Riffle the deck for the man and have him remember any black card he
sees. He looks for a black card to be assured that he sees a different card
from the woman. Ask the man to name his card. When he does, cop the
appropriate billet from the matchbook index in your pocket. Keep it finger
palmed. Dump the single billet from the cup onto the finger palmed billet.
Both predictions are opened and read aloud. They both match the mentally
selected cards. A truly miraculous effect!
-15- A Truly Open Prediction
Effect: You write a prediction on a slip of paper, fold it and drop it
into your upturned hat. A deck is separated into two piles. Any two cards
from one pile are totaled to make up a number. That many cards are dealt
from the second pile. While the spectator deals the cards face-up, your
prediction is opened and read aloud. When the dealing is finished the
randomly chosen card is set aside. After some build up, it is found that the
card matches your prediction. This is the last word in open predictions.
Method: Walter Gibson invented a clever trick with a deck of cards.
One had to deal the cards face-up into red and black piles, perform metal
calculations and add the top two cards of the first pile to get a second card. A
cute trick, but very restraining. In Practical Mental Effects. Ted Annemann
devoted a chapter to the use of billet indices and credited
Gibson's trick as the inspiration. Annemann's Omega Card Prophesy is now
immensely improved by using The Cassandra Deck™. The trick becomes 52
times more powerful and 52 times easier!
The ubiquitous matchbook indices are used again. One book in each
pocket as before.
You begin by writing a prediction on a billet. Fold it identically to
the billets in the matchbooks and act as if you drop it in your hat. You
actually finger palm it so the hat remains empty. A spectator deals the cards
into two face-down piles. This splits the cards - one pile of force cards and
one pile of indifferent cards. The piles are quickly checked to be certain they
contain 26 cards each. The spectator counts the face-down pile of indifferent
cards and you count the force cards. This action reverses the order of the
indifferent cards and, most importantly, the force cards.
Any two cards are taken face-down from the indifferent pile and their
values totaled. Note only the last digit of the total and that queues you as to
the force card. For example, if the two cards total 15, the Five of Hearts is
the force card. A spectator deals the same number of cards from the other
pile as the indifferent cards" sum. He deals them face-down. This gives you
time to cop the correct billet from one of the matchbooks. The billet is
covertly added to the hat when you hand the hat to a spectator. If the sum is
less than ten, the cards can be dealt face-up because there will not be any
force cards repeated.
The prediction can be read even before the selected card is turned
face-up. And that fact makes this a truly open prediction effect.
-16- Memoed
Effect: After performing a number of effects, you shuffle the deck and
ask a spectator to cut it three times. The deck is retrieved and fanned so both
you and the audience can see the mixed cards. You claim you will
memorize the entire deck
A spectator is told to cut the deck in halves. One half is cut again by a
second spectator. You mark the cut by placing the two sections together in a
crossed fashion. The other half of the deck is riffled for the first spectator and
he thinks of one of the cards he sees.
The crossed quarters are separated and the bottom card of the top
quarter is set aside. The two quarters are put together and both halves of the
deck are shuffled together. The deck is riffled again and you and the
audience look at the cards flip by. You claim you have memorized every
position of every card and that you even know which card is missing. You
hand the cards to the second spectator and ask the first spectator what card he
has mentally selected. He says, for instance, the Five of Hearts.
You say the Five of Hearts is the 9th card from the top of the deck.
The spectator deals the cards face-up and counts aloud. The 9th card is, in
fact, the Five of Hearts.
You add that the missing card is the Ace of Clubs. The spectator is
told to gather the dealt cards on top of the deck and deal all the cards faceup
on the table. He must count aloud as he looks for the Ace of Clubs. There are
only 51 cards and no Ace of Clubs. The card set aside is turned face-up. It is
the Ace of Clubs. You have proven your wonderful talent of being able to
memorized a deck of cards by viewing them only once.
Method: This is a pretty impressive demonstration. The buildup of
finding the missing card is quite strong. The deck is false shuffled at the
opening. (If you can't do a good false shuffle multiple cutting will do).
When fanning the deck you look for the Ace of Clubs and cut there. This
puts everything in correct order again.
The deck is cut into two halves by a spectator. The left half is the
bottom half. It is cut again and the "Cross-cut" force employed. The bottom
card from the top quarter is actually the bottom card of the deck. It appears
that you have taken a card from a randomly cut place. The result is the Ace
of Clubs has been forced. Return the quarters to their original positions.
The other half of the deck is riffled for the spectator to make a
mental selection. Only the force cards will be seen, as in the basic effect.
Both halves are false shuffled together so all cards are in their
original order. (If you still can't do a good false shuffle just put the halves
together with the right half on top). Riffle the full deck face-up so all
indifferent cards show. Say you have just memorized the deck and you can
tell which card is missing, plus you know the position of all the remaining
When the mentally selected card is named use this secret formula.
Use the card's value (V) to figure the position of the chosen card (P),
multiply it by 2 and subtract one. [(V\2)-1=P| Call this number (P) as the
position of the chosen card. It will always be less than 20 so the cards may be
dealt face-up.
As a climax. the spectator deals all the cards face-up and searches for
the missing Ace of Clubs. The entire deck may be dealt face-up without fear
of duplicate force cards being discovered as the spectator is counting while
looking for the named card. This action makes it impossible to spot any
duplicate cards.
-17- Mediumystic
Effect: Your woman partner is introduced as a spirit medium. She
sits in a chair away from the seance table and wears a velvet blindfold. As a
warm-up to the evening's spiritual activities, she is able to ascertain the
thoughts of several people at the seance table and give brief readings based
on any mentally selected cards.
Method: You and your partner use The Cassandra Deck™ to have
the sitters look at and think of different cards. Riffle the cards from your
right hand into your left until the sitter says to stop. The sitter looks at the
card. Separate your hands and as your right hand displays the chosen card to
the sitter, your left pushes the second card from the top to the side. The
index of this second card should be visible. You secretly flash this to the
medium behind your back.
The medium uses a gimmicked velvet blindfold that allows straight
ahead vision for her to clearly see the card index. She looks at the exposed
index and knows what the next force card is in the cycle. This is the chosen
card. A brief reading is given by the medium based on the mentally selected
card. After each reading you can repeat the procedure for another sitter.
An alternate presentation is for you to look at the index and queue the
medium with a secret queueing device or code. In this alternate presentation
the medium could be out of the room or use a real blindfold.
-18- Tres Mentalia
Effect: You write a prediction and drop it into a paper cup. Ask
someone to think of any word he sees in a book. You riffle the pages and the
spectator names a word. "That's right!" you say. ''Let's try another one."
Because you apparently feel you have been successful in your first test you
write a second prediction and drop it into the cup with the first prediction. A
second spectator is told to think of any page number from the same book.
You riffle the pages again and he names a selected page number.
When you hear the number, you are very happy that you have hit two-for-
two. You look around for something different to use besides the book. A
third prediction is written and added to the other two in the cup. A third
spectator is told to think of any card he sees from a deck of cards. You riffle
the cards, as you did with the book, and the third spectator names a chosen
You are very excited and explain that making a single hit was a 1-in-
5,000 problem as there are about 5000 different words in the book. Making a
two correct hits made it about a 1-in 1,000,000 problem because you
multiply the 200 pages by the first odds. But the most difficult is to make a
third correct prediction, because multiplying 52 by 1,000,000 makes a third
successful prediction a l-in-52,000,000 proposition!
To prove the amazing outcome of you predictions, you dump the slips
from the cup and hand them to one of the spectators. Upon inspection, all
three slips are found to have the correct choices written on them. Three in a
row correct; a l-in-52,000,000 hit!
Method: Before the simple working of this trick is explained, it is
important you understand the psychology of the triple prediction. This is a
hoary trick, but only because it is so often misused. A performer who asks
for a random thought, and then writes it down doesn't fool audiences. That
is how spectators see most triple prediction effects. It is extremely important
that you have the mind-set of trying one experiment only. Because the first
one is a success you continue. That is the true secret of the tri-prediction.
This trick employs the two matchbook indices again (see Tomorrow's
Thought. The first slip containing the first prediction is not actually put in
the paper cup, but is secretly retained in your hand and ditched. A paperback
book is riffled for a word selection. This action is important because it is the
same way the cards will be riffled later. When the spectator announces his
selection you are pleased because you have apparently been correct. This
encourages you to attempt another test.
What you write on the second slip is actually the first choice of a
word. The audience believes you are writing a second prediction. The paper
is folded exactly as the index billets and dropped in the cup. The book pages
are riffled to the second spectator to note a page number. He announces his
selection and you are openly excited. You propose a third test and look
around for another selection pool. Here is where the deck becomes secondary
to the effect. It appears as if you decide, at that moment, to use it as the final
The third slip will really get the chosen page number written on it.
The audience believes you are writing a third prediction. You fold the paper
and drop with the other. When you riffle The Cassandra Deck™ the third
spectator sees a force card and names it. You have plenty of time to cop the
appropriate billet from the correct index while explaining the odds of being
correct three times in a row. You add the stolen billet to the others dumping
the two from the cup onto the finger palmed billet.
The patter about odds is very important. Although the odds are not
correct, they seem to make sense. The purpose is to explain why each
selection pool becomes smaller. This is a problem with most triple
prediction presentations. In this presentation you have covered every angle.
-19- Three on a Match
Effect: The topic of conversation turns to your psychic abilities.
Explaining the different types of ESP, you offer to demonstrate your psychic
abilities by using precognition to predict a thought a spectator will have.
You will also use telepathy to read another spectator's mind, and finally,
clairvoyance to see a card hidden in a spectator's pocket.
Method: Before you begin, have the ubiquitous matchbook indices in
your pockets (see #7). Act as if you write a prediction of a thought the first
spectator will have. You really write anything on a billet slip and palm it
away while acting as if placing it in a bowl.
The first spectator, we'll call Allen, puts his finger in The Cassandra
Deck™ while it is being riffled. The deck is cut at that spot. The top card is
an indifferent card. The spectator takes the top card and holds it. A second
spectator, Bruce, is instructed to take the next card off the deck (a force
card) and put it in his pocket without looking at it. A third spectator,
Candice, takes the next card off the top of the deck (another indifferent
card) and holds it.
You remind everyone that you wrote something on a slip of paper
before any cards were chosen. You will perform an experiment in
precognition with Allen. He is told to show his card. You comment about
your accuracy and continue to the next experiment. "The selection will be
checked against the prediction in just a moment, now I must follow the
psychic connection I feel,'' you say.
Secretly note the bottom card of the deck for it will tell you the next
force card in order. This is Bruce's card. "Now for telepathy," you say. Look
at Candice and begin to read her mind. Cop the appropriate billet from the
correct matchbook index and stealthily hold it. After receiving her thought
write your ''telepathic" impression on a slip of paper, fold it over the palm
billel and put both as one in the bowl. You have actually written the name of
the card shown by Allen.
The bowl now contains two billets and can be watched by the
audience. You are a full step ahead and are clean before the trick ends! Ask
Candice to reveal her card to you and the audience. You are impressed with
the apparent success of the second experiment.
"And finally, the most difficult of all ESP techniques, clairvoyance,
or remote viewing." Look into space and explain that you're trying to see
the card in Bruce's pocket. Write your thought on a third slip and drop it in
the bowl. Really write the name of Candice's card. Drop the third billet
openly into the bowl.
Take your time in recapitulating all that has happened. The trick is
over, but the magic is just beginning. Let anyone take the three billets from
the bowl and open all of them at the same time. When the billets are read, it
is apparent that two of the names match the selected cards. The final slip is
for Bruce's card, which still resides in his pocket. The card is removed and
matches the name on the slip. A fitting climax.
Combing the full step ahead principle with the psychology of Tres
Mentalia makes this a perfect billet test!
-20- Remote Quickie
Effect: a spectator repeatedly cuts A deck of cards. You turn your
head away from the spectator and the cards. He chooses two cards. Without
looking at the cards one card is put one under a plate and the other under a
book. You face the audience and announce that you will view the faces of
the hidden cards remotely. You envision one of the cards and reveal its
name. The card is retrieved from under the plate. The other card is
psychically viewed, revealed and picked up from under the book. Both cards
are shown to the audience proving that you were correct in both cases.
Method: The Cassandra Deck™ can be cut as often as wished and
the set-up will not be disturbed. The spectator selects cards by sticking his
finger into the deck while it is riffled. You hold the deck, but turn your head
away. The card under the spectator's finger is an indifferent card and goes
to under the book. The very next card goes under the plate. Cut the deck at
the spot where the cards were chosen. * Note the identity of the bottom card.
This force card queues you as to what card was chosen. The next value
higher is the card under the plate. For example: the bottom card is the Two
of Spades. The next higher value is a three. The force card is the Three of
Clubs. So the card under the book is the Three of Clubs. The card under the
plate is still unknown.
Look at the plate and declare that the card hidden from everyone's
view is... and name the force card; in this case the Three of Clubs. Lift the
plate, set the card aside without showing it getting a glimpse of the index.
Look at the book and name the card that was just under the plate.
Lift the book and place the card face-down on top of the card you
hold. When you turn both cards face-up, slide them so they change positions.
(This is the well known Two Card Monte move.) Show the pair to the
audience. You are correct in both cases.
Replace the indifferent card followed by the force card on the
top of the deck cut the Ace of Clubs to the bottom again. The
Cassandra Deck™ is now in first position again.
*In this effect it is important that the "Bottom Twelve " does interfere
with your queue. If the Six of Clubs is on the bottom, check the second card
down from the top of the deck. If you see the Two of Hearts, the chosen
force card in the Jack of Hearts. If the second card from the top is the Eight
of Hearts, the chosen force card is the Seven of Clubs. This is easily done
while putting the halves together.
-21- Psychic Friends
Effect: You tell the guests at a party about your psychic friend. After
the usual questions about his authenticity, you offer a test to demonstrate his
psychic powers.
You give your friend's business card to a guest. The guest can think of
anything, but it must be from a controlled selection pool, because your
psychic friend is real and not a magician! You suggest playing cards. The
guest thinks of any card she sees in a deck. She calls your friend on the
phone using the phone number on the business card. The guest asks your
friend if he can psychically determine what she has in mind. Your friend
picks up the psychic vibrations and says, "A playing card." This is a good
revelation, but your friend is then able to tell the guest the exact mentally
selected card.
Method: You riffle The Cassandra Deck™ for a mental choice as in
the basic effect. Your friend is in his home or office. He has the crib list and
has been instructed on how to pump the spectator. So he simply performs
the basic effect over the phone.
This is a very strong trick because no one knows the identity of the
card, it's a mental selection! This floors anyone who thinks you might try to
code the card. You never touch the phone and the phone number is open at
all times. This is also an excellent way to help you and your friend promote
any private reading business you may have going.
-22- The $1,000,000 Telephone Test
Effect: Show a phone number written on the back of a business card and
return it to your wallet. A spectator thinks of a card he sees in a deck. He
dials the number on the back of the business card and asks for the name of
the person printed below the number. The party on the other end of the line
is able to immediately tell the spectator the mentally selected card.
Method: You briefly show a business card in your wallet. Written on
the back of the business card is a name and phone number of a famous spirit
medium. The force card is seen by riffling The Cassandra Deck™. After the
spectator names the card he saw in the deck, you hand him the business card
telling the spectator to call the medium and ask him about what he's
The wallet is a Himber style wallet with one business card on one
side and nine more on the other side. Each business card has the same phone
number, the same first and last name but a different middle initial. The initial
letter queues the medium as to which force card was selected.
Looking at the crib we see the first force card is JH and this is
represented with an initial "A". The second force card is 2H and is queued
with a '"B" initial. (This type of code is credited to many, but Al Baker's
name comes up most often. In his phone test you needed to know 52
different names to code each card!)
The "A" initial business card is on one side of the wallet. If the JC
(the first force card) is selected, you take the single business card out openly.
If another playing card is mentally selected, you don't show the inside of the
wallet while removing the appropriate business card from among the other
nine on the other side of the wallet.
-23- Good-outitude
Effect: A woman asks to see a demonstration of your powers. You
ask her, "Red or black?" She is slightly confused by your question, but
answers red. You riffle a deck of cards and she thinks of any red card she
sees. You ask her the name of the mentally selected card. She answers, "It is
the Queen of Diamonds'". You tell her to look under an ashtray on a table.
She lifts it and finds a slip of paper. Written on the paper is a prediction that
states she would think of the Queen of Diamonds. This proves you knew in
advance of which card she would think.
Method: Before the demonstration, write the names of the five
different red force cards on slips of paper and hide them in five different
places around the room. Using a clockwise mental picture, remember the
five hiding places.
The red cards are forced with a simple red or black Equivoque. If the
woman selects red you use the red cards. If she selects black you eliminate

the black cards. *
Riffle The Cassandra Deck™ for her mental selection of any red card.
When the spectator reveals the thought of card, tell her to go to a particular
spot and read the note placed there earlier. You, of course, direct her to look
under the appropriate object to find the correct prediction that will match her
card. This trick seems very impressive because — with the use of the red and
black Equivoque — she feels she had a free choice of any of 52 cards!
* You can use all ten force cards in The Cassandra Deck™
eliminating the need for the Equivoque if you desire. The obvious drawback-is
remembering the ten various hiding places for the ten different predictions.
-24- Hypnometer
Effect: You announce you will hypnotize a spectator. Under your
spell, the spectator will believe he can read minds. You think of a playing
card and write its name on a slip of paper. The paper is folded and put under
a nearby book. You wave your hands over the eyes of the spectator, put him
in a trance and show him a deck of playing cards. The spectator names any
card he saw. The slip of paper is retrieved and on it is written the name of
the card the spectator named. The spectator has apparently read your mind.
You explain that the spectator did not read your mind because that
would be impossible. Rather he saw an hypnotic image of a card; a card
that was not in the deck. You show the mentally chosen card is not in the
deck but, having been removed earlier, is in your wallet! The spectator was
psychically drawn to the card you had in mind.
Method: This is, in fact a card version of my book test. The Wizard's
Manual. The two matchbook indices are in your pants pockets. The original
slip is palmed away and ditched when you act like you put it under the book.
Riffle The Cassandra Deck™ and instruct the spectator to think of
any card he sees. The spectator names the mentally selected card and you use
the matchbook indices. Find the matching billet and palm it. While picking
up the book, secretly drop the billet under it.
The Cassandra Deck™ is displayed face-up, showing all indifferent
cards. A Himber style wallet has one duplicate force card on one side and
nine other duplicate force cards on the opposite side of the wallet. The cards
seem to be from The Cassandra Deck™ because of the matching back
-25- Q'ed
Effect: The hostess of a cocktail party is brought up to assist you in a
psychic demonstration. You apparently hypnotize her and whisper
somnambulistic instructions. A man is also brought forward. He is
instructed to think of any card he sees in a deck of cards. While deep in
trance, the woman looks into a crystal ball. She is able to read the man's
mind and reveal what card is there.
Method: After the party's hostess is comfortably seated in a chair,
The Cassandra Deck™ is riffled for another spectator. He mentally chooses
any card he sees and remains in his seat.
While apparently hypnotizing the spectator you are giving her
instructions. You explain that you will show her what statements she must
make. All she has to do is make statements queued her by a crystal ball. The
statements will be clearly seen, she simply reads aloud.
All her statements are on a small set of white 2x3 inch cards and
held under a thin white silk. The crystal ball is placed on the silk. Nothing
can be seen through the silk until you push the cards against the silk and
ball. Then the words written on the card is clearly seen magnified through
the glass ball.
There are two sets of five cards and they have the same basic effect
statements written on them. On the back of each statement card is the name
of the playing card connected with a negative response. For example: One
card reads, "You are thinking of a diamond..." and on the back it reads,
"...or a heart. Yes a heart, the Nine of Hearts." If the statement is correct go
on to the next card by secretly flipping the card to the bottom of the stack
under the silk. If the response is negative turn the card over and let the
woman read the name of the selected card through the crystal.
There are two sets of five queue cards. One set is for the black cards
and the other set is for the red cards. There is also an additional starting
queue card. It reds, "You wouldn't be thinking of a red card would you?"
And on its other side it reads, "Yes, I thought so." This is to determine
whether the spectator is thinking of a red or black card. Whatever the
response the hostess reads both sides of the starting queue card.
The see-through silk and crystal ploy is an idea of Punx and was
published in my magazine, The New Invocation.
-26- The Hame
Effect: A spectator thinks of any card he sees in a deck. He writes the
name of the mentally selected card on a slip of paper and folds it. The paper
is torn and burned. The spectator's wife then looks into the burnt paper and
reveals the man's thought.
Method: Prepare a book of matches by writing the initials of the ten
force cards on each match head in pencil. Write the initials on the backs of
the match heads. When the match is burned it will leave the letter and
number in a different ash on the match head. There are 20 matches in a
typical matchbook. Repeat the ten force cards twice.
Riffle The Cassandra Deck™ and allow the man to think of any card
he sees. Tell the wife that she will be able to read her husband's mind if she
will watch for signs.
Have the man write the name of the card in the center of a slip of
paper. Perform the center tear and note the chosen card. Remove the match
with the correct card's initials written on it. Strike the match and light the
paper bits. Blow out the match and let the paper burn away. As you stir the
ashes with the burnt match, verbally guide her to look for signs and she will
see the initials on the match head.
If she doesn't get the queue ask for a spirit sign to appear. Strike the
second prepared match and hand it to the woman. Make your spirit request,
blow out the match and show the initials burned into the match head. Either
way, this is a strong presentation.
-27- Fingers Sensitivus
Effect: A spectator mentally notes a card. The deck is cut and placed
in your jacket pocket. By touch alone you are able to find the spectator's
Method: The Cassandra Deck™ is riffled so the spectator sees one of
the force cards. The deck is false cut and put in your jacket pocket.
The usual pumping by statements is performed. The card will be
within the top 20 cards. As you get each bit of information you are really
separating the indifferent cards from the force cards by turning the force cards
90° on their ends. This turns the deck into a ten card pocket index.
You proceed as in the basic effect with the exception of how you
make the statements. You don't envision the card mentally, but rather you
are feeling the card. You indicate that you think you are feeling a card with
the spectator's vibrations and it feels like as red card. Continue based on the
spectator's responses. You are using touch and this gives you a lot of leeway
in making statements.
When the chosen card is known, you count to that force card.
Because there are only ten or less cards to count, the action is fast. The value
of the card tells you where it is in the stack. You then pull the card from the
deck and cut the deck there. Later, when you replace the card on top, the
deck will be in the same set-up order for more tricks later.
-28- An Honest Deal
Effect: You turn away from a spectator. You ask him if he wants to
use an odd or even number. He says he will use an even number. While you
have your back turned, the spectator deals cards face-down off the top of the
deck and silently counts them. He stops dealing wherever he wishes, as long
as he stops on an even number. The spectator takes the next card, looks at it
and sets it face-down on the pile of dealt cards. He cuts off a few cards from
the talon and sets them aside. He deals a few more cards on top of his chosen
card. Then he mixes all the dealt cards in the pile together.
You pick up the pile of dealt cards and cut it a few times. You look
through the cards for a moment and miraculously find his chosen card.
Method: The spectator is instructed to deal as many cards as he
wants, but you must know whether he is dealing an odd number or even
number of cards. If he uses an even number he will look at the next card. If
he chooses an odd number he looks at the last card dealt. Either way he
looks at a force card.
After dealing, the spectator takes the appropriate force card and notes
it; either the next or last card. He places the card face-down on the dealt
cards. He cuts a few cards off the talon and sets them aside. This keeps the
"Bottom Twelve" from interfering with the system. It doesn't matter if he
cuts an indifferent card to the top or not. The spectator deals a few more
cards on top of his card. He can deal as many as he wishes, but only as many
as he holds in his hand. He cannot pick up cards from the table previously
cut from the talon. The dealt cards are mixed together face-down. Get a
glimpse of the bottom force card of the talon held in the spectator's hand.
This card queues you as to first card of the second run of force cards. If the
spectator doesn't flash it to you, take the cards from him and set them down,
spotting the bottom card.
Pick up the dealt cards. Tap them on a table and the long cards can
be easily stripped out. Separate the force cards from the indifferent cards and
move them to the bottom of the packet with a series of cuts. Look through
the cards and put the force cards in numerical order. There will be two runs
of force cards. A gap will separate the two runs. The last force card of the first
run (before a skip in the cycle) is the chosen card. For example: You know
the 6C is on the bottom of the unused talon. You hold the JH, 2H, 3C, QC-
7D, 8H, 9S, and 10D. The next force card above the 6C is the 7C so it
begins the second run. The last card of the first run is the QC That is the
chosen card.
There is one wrinkle in this trick, but it makes for a stronger effect. If
the spectator make his second cut at a force card that is next in the cycle,
there will not be a gap in the cycle when you look for his card. For example:
you arrange the force cards and see the 6C, 1C, 8H, 9S, and 10D. There is
no gap in sequence. If this happens look at the bottom card of the talon. It
should be a force card (or the card above it will be). That force card matches
the chosen card!
I don't really expect people to perform this, as there is a certain
amount of work involved. But it is very old school style and deserves a place
-29- Hey Nineteen
Effect: A spectator is told to think of a number under nineteen. The
spectator deals cards face-down off the top of a deck. He stops at his chosen
number. The spectator looks at the top card of the pile. He deals exactly
nineteen more cards on top of his chosen card.
You take the unused talon of cards and set them aside. You say that
finding the chosen card would be easy if you took nineteen cards off the pile.
It would be more difficult if the pile was cut, and you cut the pile of cards.
You state that it would be impossible to find the selected card if the two
halves of the deck were shuffled together. You hand the unused pile to the
spectator who shuffles both piles together.
You ask the name of the card and show that the card is no longer in
the deck. You let the spectator reach into your jacket pocket or purse. There
is the chosen card! The shuffled pile never left the spectator's sight and you
seemed to never touched it except to show the card was gone.
Method: After the spectator has mentally chosen a number under
nineteen, ask him if the number is odd or even. Whatever the reply you add,
"Good." If the spectator's number is even instruct him to deal that many
cards face-down and look at the next card. After he looks at the card he must
place it on top of the pile of dealt cards. If he says his number is odd have
him deal the cards face-down and look at the card on top of the pile dealt.
Either way he looks at a force card. Adding exactly nineteen more cards to
the pile brings a duplicate of the chosen card to the top of the unused pile
(the talon).
Pick up the talon. While talking about the difficulty of finding the
chosen card, you secretly push the top card off the side of the talon a bit.
Drag the talon over your jacket pocket or open purse and catch the top card
against the edge of the pocket. Allow the card to fall inside.
Hand the talon to the spectator so he can shuffle all the cards
together. After he shuffles the deck, show the force card is gone by riffling
The Cassandra Deck™ face-up. This move shows only the indifferent cards.
The chosen card is found in your pocket. It may be hidden anywhere you
feel is appropriate.
The misdirection is perfect. You never touch the pile of dealt cards
that contains the chosen card, yet it vanishes. This has fooled some of the
best card guys!
-30- Miracle Thought
Effect: You turn away from the spectator. The spectator cuts the deck
and takes a card. He looks at it and puts the card in his pocket. The
spectator cuts the deck again and hands it to you. You merely shuffle the
deck and put it aside. You are able to immediately reveal the card!
Method: While your back is turned, the spectator is told to place The
Cassandra Deck™ face-up in his hand and hold it by the long edges. He cuts
the deck (by the narrow ends) and puts the cut half face-down on the table.
The spectator takes the top card of the tabled half and looks at it. This
ensures the selection of a force card. He puts the chosen card in his pocket.
He replaces the half in his hand face-down on the tabled half. This puts two
indifferent cards together, but leaves a space where the force card was
removed. The deck is cut several times. This will not disturb the two short
cards lying next to each other.
You take the deck and riffle it to the two indifferent cards. The
noticeable skip indicates the gap. Cut the cards there, above the two short
cards, and glimpse the bottom force card while dovetail shuffling the deck. In
the brief time it takes to complete the shuffle, you know the next force card
in the series. That is the chosen card. For example: if you spot the Six of
Clubs on the bottom after the cut, the chosen force card is the Seven of
-31- Par Optic Divination
Effect: a spectator takes A group of cards from the center of the deck.
The cards are dealt into two piles. The spectator chooses a pile and places it
in his pocket. The spectator removes a single card from his pocket and looks
at it. You name the card. The spectator removes another card from his
pocket and looks at it. You also identify the card. Finally, the last card is
named without being removed from the pocket - in fact it is not seen until
removed from the pocket.
Method: This is The Cassandra Deck™ version of Ted Annemann's
Par Optic Vision. The spectator is allowed to pull about six to eight cards
from the center of the deck. You cut the deck at that point where the cards
are removed. The spectator deals the six to eight cards into two face-down
piles. Look at the bottom card of The Cassandra Deck™ after completing
the cut. If the bottom card is a force card, all the cards in the right hand pile
are also force cards. If the bottom card is an indifferent card all the cards in
the left hand pile are force cards. The first force card in the pile is the next
higher valued card of the bottom card. If the bottom card is an indifferent
card you must sight the force card above it to know what cards are in the
force pile. For example: if you the JH on the bottom of the deck you know
the three force cards in the pile are the 2H, 3C, and QC.
You force the pile of all force cards with the magician's choice. The
spectator puts that group of cards in his pocket. When asked to bring out a
card, the spectator will most often bring out the first or highest valued card
of the group as it is on top of the pile. You can name it by stating, "It is
red.... It is a diamond..." etc. (If the spectator brings out a different card the
you use a simplified pumping system.) There are only three or four force
cards in his pocket. It is an easy matter to pump for one of the three. Name
the next card in order. The final card is left in the pocket until you name it.
-32- Major Tom's a Junky
Effect: You ask the spectator the month and day of her birth. She's
instructed to add the numbers together and deal that many cards off the top of
a deck. She looks at the next card and remembers it as her lucky card.
The spectator then writes a wish on a slip of paper and folds it. You
tear the paper and burn the bits. You rub the ashes on your forearm. The
dark marks begin to make a picture and you reveal the wish. Suddenly, the
ashes seem to form a number and a letter. It is the initials of her lucky card!
This is proof her wish will come true.
Method: The ''ashes on the arm" trick is very old. It has many
variations. In The New Invocation Phil Goldstein conceived a trick using 12
zodiac symbols on the forearms. In our effect, the spectator seems to have a
choice of all 52 cards, but is actually limited to only ten.
Write the initials of the ten force cards on your forearms in soap -
jack through five on the right and six through ten on the left. When the soap
dries, the ashes will stick to it even though the soap remains invisible.
When the spectator announces her birthday you mentally add the
numbers, apply the Harder But Better Formula (see appendix), and know
what card will appear at that number. You also know where to rub the ashes;
if the card is the Five of Hearts, rub the ashes in the fifth spot.
The wish is written on a slip of paper and the center is stolen. Read
the center and you will know the wish. Reveal it while rubbing the ashes on
your arm. Simply interpret the marks as small pictures describing the wish.
You must make certain to rub the ashes only where the appropriate initials
are located. When the card's initials appear it is very stunning to the
spectator. It comes as a complete surprise and culminates the effect.
-33- Thought Poker
Effect: the spectator who deals two poker hands; one to you and one
to himself cuts The deck. You push your cards aside and turn away from the
spectator. He mentally selects one of the five cards in his hand. You
concentrate for a moment and tell him he has a very good hand; a straight.
You ask him if he is thinking of a black card. He says, "Yes".
You tell him, "Then you don't need the red cards. Give me the..."
and call for the red cards by name! You continue asking for the precise cards
he did not choose until he holds one card. You name the card and it is
the one he mentally selected.
Method. Allow the spectator to cut the deck by riffling the cards and
having him insert his forefinger. Let the "Bottom Twelve" cards fall first.
Cut the deck at the point where the spectator put his finger and note the
bottom card of the deck. This queues you as to the top five force cards. He
will deal the cards - and to himself - the top five force cards. You know
these cards because they are the next five in the force cycle. You receive
only indifferent cards.
Without looking at their faces, your cards are set aside. Because you
know his cards, he will have either a straight or a four card straight*. You
reveal this as the first part of the trick.
Make a guess of his mentally selected card by stating its color.
Whatever the spectator's response, tell him he won't need - and name all the
cards he holds that is not be the color of the one he selected. He hands them
to you. This is repeated until he holds one card; his mental selection. You
name this card.
For example. You note the 6C on the bottom of the deck, the 6th
force card. You know he holds 7C, 8H, 9S, 10D, JH, the 7th, 8th, 9th, l0th
and 1st force cards. Chances are 3 to 2 that the selected card is red. You
state the card is red. He says yes, so you add he should hand you all the
black cards such as the 7C, and the 9S! State his card is a heart. He says no.
You ask for the 8H and the JH. This leaves him with his selected card - the
one card of the known five for which you have not openly asked. In this case
it is the 10D.
* If the spectator's hand contains the Jack of Hearts (as 1) or the
Queen of Clubs (as 4) you must state that he has a very good hand; almost a
This is a very powerful stage demonstration.
-34- Black Jacked
Effect: You show a twenty dollar bill in you wallet. Stuck to it is a
Post-it™ note. The deck is cut. The spectator deals two hands of Blackjack.
The twenty dollar bill and note is removed from your wallet. You propose a
wager with the double sawbuck. If the note doesn't predict the spectator's
blackjack hand, the twenty is his.
The spectator's cards are turned face-up. The note is removed from the
twenty and read aloud. It accurately predicts the two cards dealt the
spectator, a l-in-2,652 possibility!
Method. In this trick the spectator can cut The Cassandra Deck™ as
long as he doesn't cut the :Bottom Twelve" too near the top. Watch the cut
and if the Ace of Clubs comes too near the top have the spectator cut a
second time*. The wallet is a Himber style. On one side is a twenty dollar
bill with a Post-it™ note stuck to the top of it. On the other side of the
wallet is a twenty dollar bill and nine more notes stuck to the wallet flap
near the bill.
Each note has the names of two force cards written on it. The first
note names the jack and the two. The second note names the two and the
three. The third note names the three and the queen. This is continued
through the tenth note, which names the ten and the jack. Because the force
cards are stacked in a series there are only ten possible two-card
combinations. The single note on the first side of the wallet names the jack
and the two.
Cut the deck at the narrow ends and note the bottom card of the top
half. The spectator will deal himself the next two higher valued force cards,
because the indifferent cards are dealt to you. When you know the force
cards the spectator holds, you open the wallet, secretly lift off the correct
note, stick it to the twenty and remove the bill. This is done without showing
the wallet's interior. If the spectator's cards are the jack and the two you
openly remove the bill with the single note on it from the wallet. Because
there are two cards predicted, this appears to be an extraordinary feat. The
ratio of l-to-2,652 is obtained by multiplying l-in-52 by 51.
This leaves many patter possibilities. A well mixed deck, that is
handled by the spectator and still you knew the cards before they were dealt.
A strong performer will turn this into a dramatic demonstration of
* / have put an edge mark on the Ace of Clubs. This enables me to see
where it lies in the deck.
-35- Colded
Effect: After several tricks with a deck of cards, you perform one final
trick. Two spectators mentally select cards. The deck is placed in your jacket
pocket. You read each spectator's mind and reveal his or her mental
selections. Using touch alone, you reach into your pocket and find both cards.
The deck is removed from your pocket. You are left with an
examinable deck of cards. A cold deck, if you will.
Method: Riffle The Cassandra Deck™ for two spectators. The first
spectator chooses any black card he sees. Repeat the riffle for a woman. She
chooses any red card she sees. You explain that by using different colored
suits the cards mentally chosen will certainly be different.
Before the trick, place a duplicate deck in your pocket. Arrange the
duplicate deck so all five of the red force cards are on top. On the bottom of
the deck place all five black force cards. It will take no time at all to find the
correct cards from either the top or bottom of the duplicate deck.
After riffling the cards, place The Cassandra Deck™ in your pocket
and pump the first spectator for his card. Touching the cold deck, keep a
finger on each stranger card as you make your statements. If you get a
negative response you immediately pull the card from your pocket and throw
it on the table. The basic effect pumping takes very little time. Pump the
woman for her mentally selected card and remove it from the top of the
duplicate deck. Throw it down face-up on top of the man's selection. You
have performed a very strong trick.
Take the 50 card duplicate deck (it is minus the two selected cards)
from your pocket and add the two cards from the table to it. You have a
complete deck of ordinary cards. Just walk away, you can't do anything
stronger! Unless you decide to work this in reverse. Perform a few tricks
with a regular deck and then perform Colded. This leaves you with The
Cassandra Deck ready for use. Of course, you must adjust the handling so
you pull the cards from The Cassandra Deck.
-36- Reverse Hype
Effect: A spectator selects a card by inserting his forefinger into a
deck. You both note the selected card above his finger. You square the deck
and set it down. You explain that a good gambler can estimate the position of
any card and then control the card by means of a series of cuts.
You quickly cut the deck twice and declare that the chosen card is
now directly under the top card. "Not only that," you add, "but I also
reversed it." You slide the top card aside to reveal the selected card facing up.
Method: The Cassandra Deck™ is not limited to mental effects. This
trick seems to be a demonstration of expert finger flinging.
The bottom indifferent card (the Ace of Clubs) is moved to the top.
The bottom force card (the Six of Clubs) is placed aside for this trick. The
top ten force cards are reversed. The deck is riffled for viewing but the last
bunch of cards fall as a block. This action hides the reversed cards.
The spectator selects a card from the riffled deck. You secretly thumb
counts down from the top of the deck, one less than the value of the card
seen and hold a break. Because of the long/short principle, the cards are
thumb counted in pairs. For example, if the Three of Clubs was noted, two
card pairs are thumb counted. The deck is double under cut bringing the
duplicate force card second from the top. The top card is slid aside without
flashing any other face-up cards to reveal the chosen card now face-up.
Spring the cards face-down in a ribbon spread and all the cards will seem
This trick can be performed with a mental selection if you are careful
not to flash the top cards while riffling The Cassandra Deck™.
-37- The Premonitionist
Effect: A spectator is told to think of any card he sees in a deck as it
is riffled. He is handed the deck and asked to quickly count the cards face-
down on a table. As he does you reveal the card in the spectator's mind. The
spectator finds there are only fifty-one cards in the deck. The deck is
displayed and his chosen card is not seen. You explain that you knew the
identity of the chosen card before it was even chosen. The spectator reaches
into your jacket pocket or purse to find the mentally selected card; having
obviously been placed there earlier.
Method: Based on the classic effect, this version allows for a single
deck to be used and is somewhat stronger in effect. The Cassandra Deck™ is
riffled for a mental selection of a card. Later you change the memories of the
audience by claiming that the spectator merely "thought of any card".
As the cards are being counted face-down*, reveal the card bit-by-bit
as in the basic effect. There are five duplicate red force cards in your right
pants pocket (one of each) and five duplicate black force cards in your left
pants pocket. To show the card is not in the deck, it is displayed by riffling it
This is arguably the easiest Premonition ever devised and actually
stronger than the original presentation in the eyes of the audience because
the card is telepathically ascertained.
* You can deal the cards face-up without the duplicates being seen
because the spectator is counting and being asked ahout the suit and value
of his card. This is the method Ted Lesley uses.
-38- In the Corner Pocket
Effect: A spectator thinks of any card she sees in a deck. You fan the deck
and put one card in your pocket. The spectator is shown the deck and asked
if she sees her card. She answers she does not. Her card is named and you
remove it from your pocket.
Method: You have five red suit duplicate force cards (one of each) in
order in a small paper clip and five duplicate black suit force cards in order
in a large paper clip, both sets hidden in your pocket. If wearing dress pants
you wedge the sets of cards up in the corner of your pocket. You can pull the
lining of your pocket out to ''be certain the pocket is empty". The cards will
remain hidden. The Cassandra Deck™ is riffled for a mental selection of
any card. After the mental selection, look at the card faces and remove any
force card you wish. Place the card in the same pocket as the two indices.
The Cassandra Deck™ is displayed face-up so only indifferent cards
show. The spectator names her card and you remove the correct duplicate
from your pocket. The large and small clips help you feel which set is red
suits and which is black suits.
-39- One in the Side Pocket
Effect: A spectator mentally selects a card from The Cassandra
Deck™. You reveal the card and then allow the spectator to reach in your
pocket and remove a card from the pocket. It is the very card the spectator
mentally chose.
Method: The card is revealed using the basic effect technique. You
have duplicate force cards in ten different pockets on your person.
Depending on which card is revealed, you let the spectator remove the
appropriate card from your pocket. The average man's suit and shirt
combination (forgive the lack of pockets in women's fashion) has at least ten
pockets: right and left outside jacket, right and left inside jacket, right and
left front pants, right and left hip pants, jacket breast and shirt. The first five
cards are located on the left and the second five on the right. The pockets are
numbered mentally and the appropriate cards placed in them. This is really
-40- Sound Advice
Effect: A spectator mentally selects a card. He writes the initials on a
slate. Without a single word spoken between you and spectator, you write the
name of the mentally selected card on another slate.
Method: This is a very powerful trick, but requires more practice
than a novice will probably give it. However, the professional will make a
reputation of it. Practicing the art of sound reading takes time, but when you
need to know ten different sound queues only, the task is considerably
When the spectator writes, listen for the value of the card first. You
will probably know what he is writing. Double check your guess with the
sound of the suit. If you don't catch the value, the "stranger" principle can
queue you. A couple of evening's practice will reward you with a trick that
can't be equaled. Within a few performances you will be able to sound read
all numbers and letters without any gimmicks.
* Susurrus Arcanus by Docc Hilford is an audio tape teaching sound
reading techniques for professional performers. It is available from the
-41- Penciled In
Effect: A spectator mentally selects any card he sees. He writes its
name on the back of your business card and holds it out of your view. You
never touch the business card or the cards after the spectator's mental
selection, but are able to read his mind. You don't ask any questions or
make any statements. You simply write a card's name on the back of
another of your business cards. When both business cards are turned over,
they both contain the name of the same card!
Method: The Cassandra Deck™ allows you to practice the art of
pencil reading without fear of failure. By knowing there are only ten
possible selections from the deck, you are able to read the movements of the
top of the pencil to ascertain what is being written. If you are incorrect, you
have the option of concluding this trick by orally revealing the card as in the
basic effect, or by any of the other methods explained in this book.
This is one of the few "safe" methods of practicing pencil reading -an
almost lost art.
-42- Cartouche
Effect: You display a deck of unusual playing cards and ask someone
to hold them until later. A woman and a man are asked to think of any card
she sees in another deck. You reveal the cards mentallv chosen bv both the
woman and the man, then ask for the unusual deck. It is opened and spread
with the faces to the audience. There are two cards from another deck facing
the other way in the deck. They are removed and turned over. They prove to
be identical to the mental selections of the woman and man.
Method: This very '"Jaksian" effect allows you to perform a double
Brain Wave effect. The first half of the trick consists of riffling The
Cassandra Deck™ and revealing the two selected cards as in the basic effect
(or as in Juliet and her Romeo).
The second half utilizes a modified Brain Wave deck similar to one
from The Confidence Man Video by Docc Hilford. Only ten force cards
from an odd backed deck are roughed and placed reversed in another strange
deck. Use the same force cards as are in The Cassandra Deck™. By
displaying the deck face-out to the audience, the ten reversed force cards are
visible only to you. Simply separate the two selected cards while spreading
the deck and the selected cards will appear reversed in the deck.
-43- Destiny
Effect: You purpose an experiment in precognition. You take a deck
and give it a good mixing. A spectator calls out any number between 1 and
52 inclusive. Another spectator begins dealing cards off the top of the deck.
While he is dealing the cards, you remove your wallet and lay it on the table.
When the dealing is finished you tell the spectator to open you wallet, unzip
the side compartment and remove the folded business card. He unfolds it
and reads a quickly scrawled note. Written on the back of the business card
are the numerals 32 and the initials 7C. The next card is dealt face-up and it
is the Seven of Clubs!
Method: Pre-fold a business card and secure it to a small square of
cardboard with a rubber band. This is secreted in your pocket along with a
pencil stub. After handing The Cassandra Deck™ to a spectator, stand with
you hands in your pockets. When you hear the number called, use the stub to
jot the number on the business card. Use the "Hard" formula to determine
the card at the called position and jot the card's initials on the business card.
You have lots of time to jot the information and remove the card from the
pad while the dealing is taking place. Fold the card while in your pocket and
palm it out. Load it into your wallet as you reach in your jacket pocket. Just
like a "Card-in-Wallet" trick.
When the dealing is finished, tell the spectator to turn over either the
last card dealt (if an odd number was called) or the next card (if an even
number was called). The force card will match your prediction. This trick
has a double impact because both the chosen number and the card were
-44- Cessation!
Effect: You get a psychic impression and write a prediction on a slip
of paper and fold it up. The prediction is dropped on a table. A deck of
cards is handed to a spectator and he deals as many cards onto a pile as he
wants. The spectator stops dealing and sets a card aside. You pick up the
billet and hand it to the spectator as he turns the selected card face-up. The
name of the selected card is written on the paper.
Method: The ubiquitous dual matchbook indices are in your pockets.
The paper on which you apparently write the prediction, is really just a
dummy billet. Watch the spectator as he deals the cards and count them.
When he stops counting use the "Soft" formula (see appendix) to calculate
the correct force card.
As soon as you know the identity of the card, cop the correct billet and
pick up the dummy. Tell the spectator to turn the card face-up as you switch
the billets. Hand the new billet to the spectator and you are out of danger of
being caught changing billets. He opens it and reads your prediction, which,
of course, matches the chosen card.
-45- Aussie Even
Effect: You get a premonition and write something on the back of a
business card, fold it and toss it on a table. You hand some cards to a
spectator and tell him to call out any Australian number. He asks you what
an Australian number is. You tell him an even number under twenty is an
Aussie number. The spectator calls out an even number under twenty. You
tell him to deal that many cards face-up in a pile. When he is finished he
must pick up the pile, turn it face-down, and do an Australian deal. You
explain that it's a "down under" deal. That is one card down on the table,
and one card under the pile he holds, until he has only one card in his hand.
While the spectator is dealing, you pick up the folded business card
and hand it to someone in the audience. When the spectator has one card he
turns it so everyone can see it. The audience member with the business card
unfolds it and reads the writing on the back aloud. On the business card you
state the name of the playing card the spectator is holding. An Aussie
Method: Move the Ace of Clubs to the top of the deck. Set the bottom
force card (the Six of Clubs) aside for this trick. The spectator deals an even