A newly updated lazy eye treatment service for children has been launched by the team at Arizona Vision Therapy Center. They pride themselves on high quality, caring service. Learn more at: http://www.azvisiontherapy.com/therapies/strabismus-amblyopia
Get Effective, Friendly & Approachable
Children’s Lazy Eye Treatment In Tucson
Are you looking for the best
vision correction and lazy
eye treatments for kids in
Tucson, Arizona?
Dr Amy Thomas of the Arizona
Vision Therapy Center offers
specialist lazy eye or therapy
and serves Tucson, AZ and the
surrounding area.
Lazy eye, otherwise known
as amblyopia or strabismus,
is one of the leading causes
of sight loss in children.
Amblyopia manifests as
decreased vision in one or
both eyes and is due to the
nerve connections not
receiving enough stimulation.
Strabismus, or eye turn, is an
issue where the eyes are not
simultaneously aligned and
need therapy to improve the
Arizona Vison Therapy Center
offers children a customizable
program to improve depth
perception abilities and to
decrease eye strain.
The sessions will teach
children how to improve the
vision in the non-dominant
eye and how to fuse the
images of both eyes.
The team strives to ensure
that you and your little ones
have a stress-free and
enjoyable experience.
The visual remediation
services on offer through
Arizona Vision Therapy
Center can help patients by
addressing a range of needs.
Browse their full range of
treatments today!
Learn more at
Children’s Lazy Eye Treatment In Tucson
Are you looking for the best
vision correction and lazy
eye treatments for kids in
Tucson, Arizona?
Dr Amy Thomas of the Arizona
Vision Therapy Center offers
specialist lazy eye or therapy
and serves Tucson, AZ and the
surrounding area.
Lazy eye, otherwise known
as amblyopia or strabismus,
is one of the leading causes
of sight loss in children.
Amblyopia manifests as
decreased vision in one or
both eyes and is due to the
nerve connections not
receiving enough stimulation.
Strabismus, or eye turn, is an
issue where the eyes are not
simultaneously aligned and
need therapy to improve the
Arizona Vison Therapy Center
offers children a customizable
program to improve depth
perception abilities and to
decrease eye strain.
The sessions will teach
children how to improve the
vision in the non-dominant
eye and how to fuse the
images of both eyes.
The team strives to ensure
that you and your little ones
have a stress-free and
enjoyable experience.
The visual remediation
services on offer through
Arizona Vision Therapy
Center can help patients by
addressing a range of needs.
Browse their full range of
treatments today!
Learn more at