A specialist sleep clinic based in San Diego, CA has launched a treatment program designed to help children suffering from bedwetting. It says sleep disordered breathing and bedwetting are linked. You can find out more at https://nexisom.com/index.php/2020/08/26/bedwetting or https://nexisom.com/index.php/bedwetting or https://nexisom.com.
Help Your Child To Stop Wetting The Bed
With This San Diego CA Sleep Clinic
Does your child regularly wet the bed?
Is it a cause of anxiety and frustration?
Have you been to see a specialist? Do
you know there is a scientific link
between sleep disorders and
bedwetting? If you want to find out
more, read on!
In case you are wondering,
Nexisom Sleep Wellness
Centers says Sleep
Disordered Breathing and
bedwetting are linked.
The newly launched treatment
program looks at the two
different types of bedwetting as
defined in a study focused on the
link between SDB and tonsil and
adenoid swelling.
A primary bedwetter is a
child who does not stay dry
at night regularly over a six-
month period.
A secondary bedwetter will
stay dry for six months, but
then starts bedwetting at least
twice a week for approximately
three months.
As part of the study, children with
SDB were clinically examined and
once the sleep disordered
breathing problem was address,
the parents noted the bedwetting
stopped also.
Nexisom Sleep Wellness Centers
says you may be unaware of the
link between sleep issues and
bedwetting and may misdiagnose
your child if you do not receive
professional support.
They say if your child's
bedwetting is caused by sleep
issues, the specialist team at
Nexisom and Schaffer dental
can help them to overcome it.
The long-term results provided by
the program include improved
sleep for your child as well as
your whole family, reduced last-
minute bathroom visits, and
reduced social anxiety.
A company representative said:
“Nexisom Sleep Wellness
Centers has developed a non-
pharmaceutical and no behavioral
therapy treatment option that can
permanently stop bedwetting.”
Visit nexisom.com to
find out more today!
With This San Diego CA Sleep Clinic
Does your child regularly wet the bed?
Is it a cause of anxiety and frustration?
Have you been to see a specialist? Do
you know there is a scientific link
between sleep disorders and
bedwetting? If you want to find out
more, read on!
In case you are wondering,
Nexisom Sleep Wellness
Centers says Sleep
Disordered Breathing and
bedwetting are linked.
The newly launched treatment
program looks at the two
different types of bedwetting as
defined in a study focused on the
link between SDB and tonsil and
adenoid swelling.
A primary bedwetter is a
child who does not stay dry
at night regularly over a six-
month period.
A secondary bedwetter will
stay dry for six months, but
then starts bedwetting at least
twice a week for approximately
three months.
As part of the study, children with
SDB were clinically examined and
once the sleep disordered
breathing problem was address,
the parents noted the bedwetting
stopped also.
Nexisom Sleep Wellness Centers
says you may be unaware of the
link between sleep issues and
bedwetting and may misdiagnose
your child if you do not receive
professional support.
They say if your child's
bedwetting is caused by sleep
issues, the specialist team at
Nexisom and Schaffer dental
can help them to overcome it.
The long-term results provided by
the program include improved
sleep for your child as well as
your whole family, reduced last-
minute bathroom visits, and
reduced social anxiety.
A company representative said:
“Nexisom Sleep Wellness
Centers has developed a non-
pharmaceutical and no behavioral
therapy treatment option that can
permanently stop bedwetting.”
Visit nexisom.com to
find out more today!