Bitcoin has been predicted to explode soon. But what if monkeypox is the cause of this misgiving?

Bitcoin has been predicted to explode soon. But what if monkeypox is the cause of this misgiving?, updated 6/1/22, 10:59 AM

The controversial article titled "Will Monkeypox Cause Bitcoin And Cryptos To Explode?" is a likely candidate for discussion this week. It argues that monkeypox, is going to cause a widespread epidemic that will affect cryptocurrency holders and will cause Bitcoin and cryptos to explode.

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New article going viral
about Monkeypox &
Bitcoin that has already
upset people
BabySwap Box, has released a potentially controversial article "Will Monkeypox
Cause Bitcoin And Cryptos To Explode?", bringing some cause for concern, as the
article may upset those who trust the government with everything and how they
handled past health crisis.
The 700 word article examines the high
points and low points of whether there is a
connection between major world events and
crypto token prices, in the pursuit of providing
a clear unbiased view of the market for folks
who follow crypto and bitcoin.
In untypical manner though, a certain element of the article is set to
spark discontent amongst traditional pro government and pro
establishment groups.
Below is a portion of the piece, which neatly
exemplifies the controversial element: More
and more people are starting to distrust big
institutions, and the more that distrust grows,
the more institutions will be at risk of it.
It wasn't so long ago when Wells Fargo was caught
scamming their customers by opening fake accounts
without authorization.
This led to a huge loss in
people's trust in Wells Fargo as
well as other big institutions like
A spokesperson for BabySwap Box, Jerry K.
Scott, says "Of course
BabySwap Box, never sets out
to intentionally upset anybody.
The aim of our articles is first and foremost to provide the best and most unbiased
information available to us that our audience might find interesting and relevant
and give a fair analysis of the subject so our readers so they can make their own
minds up.
It is critical that we stay
dedicated to our true voice.
Although our"Will Monkeypox Cause Bitcoin And Cryptos To Explode?" might
unsettle those who trust the government with everything and how they
handled past health crisis, our duty is to our readers.
We believe it's more important to
keep our readers informed so they
can make good choices, than to
please everyone."
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