User Manual - spacedesk

User Manual - spacedesk, updated 2/6/17, 7:18 AM

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User Manual
Version 0.9.9.z.12 BETA III
February 06th, 2017
Disclaimer: This document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document,
including URL and other Internet website references, may change without notice. Some information
relates to pre-released product which may be substantially modified before it’s commercially released.
daronicsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. You
bear the risk of using it.
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Table of Contents
Introduction and setup..................................................................................................5
Risk information........................................................................................................5
System requirements................................................................................................6
Primary Windows Machine (network display server)............................................6
Secondary Machine or Device (network display client)........................................6
Windows Primary Machine...................................................................................7
Step 1: Uninstall any previously installed versions ........................................7
Step 2: Run the spacedesk setup installer......................................................7
Step 3: Windows security confirmation for driver install (Windows 7 only)...8
Step 4: Reboot................................................................................................8
Android Secondary Machine or Device install.......................................................8
Windows Secondary Machine or Device install.....................................................8
HTML5 VIEWER on other Secondary Machines or Devices ..................................9
Connecting a new display monitor over the network..................................................11
Establishing the network connection..................................................................11
Step 1: Find out Windows Server network IP address and machine name...11
Step 2: On the client side, try to discover the server....................................11
Step 3: On the client side, initiate connection to server...............................11
Step 4: On the Windows server side, check if the connection is established
Connecting a display by Android VIEWER...........................................................12
Connecting a display by Windows VIEWER.........................................................13
Connecting a display by HTML5 VIEWER.............................................................14
Operation and configuration settings..........................................................................15
Display Control Panel for selecting desktop extension or desktop duplication
Display Switch for selecting desktop extension and desktop duplication (mirror)
Screen resolution................................................................................................16
Automatic Reconnect..........................................................................................16
Full screen upon Connect....................................................................................16
Keyboard, Touch and Mouse Remote Control....................................................16
Disable spacedesk network server......................................................................17
Performance tuning.....................................................................................................17
Network bandwidth............................................................................................17
Screen resolution................................................................................................18
Color depth and image compression..................................................................18
spacedesk performance settings.........................................................................18
Troubleshooting Primary Machine..............................................................................19
Step 1: Check installed versions...................................................................19
Step 2: Check if service is operating.............................................................19
Step 3: Check if spacedesk version is updated.............................................19
Network Connection...........................................................................................20
Step 1: Check if Windows Firewall is open for spacedeskService.exe...........20
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Step 2: Check if Network Discovery and File Sharing is enabled...................20
spacedesk Display Driver disabled......................................................................20
Incompatible Display Hook Driver detected........................................................21
Step 1: Check if system tray bubble reports incompatible display hook driver
Step 2: Uninstall known products using incompatible display hook drivers.21
Step 3: Check if incompatible products did not uninstall OSBase driver......21
Step 1: Detached second display..................................................................21
Step 2: Mirror mode failed...........................................................................22
Step 3: Windows 7 Aero “Glass Look” is disabled (Transparent effect)........22
Step 4: Clear All Display Settings..................................................................22
Known issues.......................................................................................................22
Several issues on some 3D games / application launcher............................22
Multi-GPU Technology not supported..........................................................23
Virtual Machines...........................................................................................23
Crashing Nvidia Control Panel......................................................................23
Emergency procedure.........................................................................................23
Start Windows in safe mode.........................................................................23
Troubleshooting Network Connection and Secondary Machine.................................23
Network connection test.....................................................................................23
Ping test on Windows desktop/laptop.........................................................23
Ping test on Android and iOS device.............................................................24
Android VIEWER..................................................................................................24
Step 1: Check updated Android VIEWER version..........................................24
Step 2: Android VIEWER app on Smart/Android TV not supported..............24
Windows VIEWER................................................................................................24
Step 1: Reset the Windows VIEWER settings in the registry.........................24
Step 2: Slow screen update on Windows VIEWER........................................24
HTML5 VIEWER...................................................................................................25
Step 1: Check the browser version for HTML5 VIEWER................................25
Step 2: HTML5 VIEWER on Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge not
Step 3: Multiple HTML5 VIEWER connection not supported........................25
Uninstall on Windows Primary Machine......................................................................26
Uninstall using Windows Control Panel..............................................................26
Uninstall using .msi file.......................................................................................26
Step 1: Run the setup installer .....................................................................26
Step 2: Click the remove button ..................................................................26
Step 3: Reboot..............................................................................................26
Troubleshooting uninstall...................................................................................27
Step 1: Missing spacedesk program files......................................................27
Step 2: Try Microsoft Fix...............................................................................27
Step 3: Manual uninstall of drivers and services..........................................27
Manual uninstall (troubleshooting only).............................................................27
Step 1: Uninstall services..............................................................................27
Step 2: Uninstall spacedesk Display Auxiliary (for Windows 7 only).............27
Step 3: Uninstall spacedesk Mouse and Keyboard drivers...........................28
Step 4: Reboot..............................................................................................28
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Step 5: Delete files........................................................................................28
Windows Secondary Machine uninstall..............................................................28
List of incompatible Windows applications.........................................................29
Applications conflicting and causing system instability while spacedesk
Display driver is enabled...............................................................................29
Applications not working in full screen mode on spacedesk display monitor
File list (Windows Primary Machine)...................................................................29
Files on all systems.......................................................................................29
Files on 64 bit systems only..........................................................................29
Release Notes.....................................................................................................29
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Introduction and setup
At least 2 machines are needed to operate spacedesk. These machines are connected
via a network and running two different software programs:
1. The Primary Machine is a Windows PC, laptop or Surface Pro tablet. It runs the
spacedesk DRIVER software. It includes network display server software and display
device drivers. This allows to extend or duplicate the Windows Desktop to the screen
of another machine over the network.
2. The Secondary Machine runs spacedesk VIEWER program which acts as the
secondary display. It can be one (or multiple) of the following:
- Android tablet or phone (Android VIEWER)
- Windows PC, laptop or Surface Pro tablet (Windows Desktop application)
- Apple Mac, iPad or iPhone (HTML5 VIEWER)
- Linux PC and a variety of other machines (HTML5 VIEWER)
The network connection between the two machines can be via cable or wireless. If
available, a cable is preferred. Cables usually achieve better performance than
wireless connections. It can be one (or multiple) of the following:
- Ethernet cable connecting to a hub
- Crossover Ethernet cable between two machines
- USB to Ethernet cable between two machines
- Firewire (IEEE 1394) cable between two machines
Risk information
Virtual displays are NOT supported by Microsoft Windows. spacedesk WDDM Filter
Hook Driver on the Primary Machine is using approaches and technologies which are
officially unsupported by Microsoft Windows.
This is why there will always be certain software applications which are not working
while spacedesk DRIVER is installed and spacedesk display driver is turned on. A list of
known incompatible applications can be found in the appendix.
There is always a slight risk that individual features of the spacedesk driver can
conflict with the Windows operating system on the Primary Machine. This could
result in unavailability of Windows features, crashes and even Windows not booting
any more or becoming unusable. Currently no such conflicts are known.
To avoid any such conflicts, spacedesk has a safety feature:
spacedesk is disabling itself on the Primary Machine whenever the Windows
operating system crashes and whenever Windows is not shut down properly. No
matter if this was due to spacedesk or not. spacedesk even disables itself when the
power plug is pulled. It can be enabled again in the System Tray menu item
“spacedesk Display Driver ON”.
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System requirements
To operate spacedesk. At least two machines must be connected via a Local Area
Network (e.g. Ethernet or Wireless) supporting TCP/IP network protocol.
Primary Windows Machine (network display server)
The spacedesk server runs a Windows service and the WDDM Filter Hook Display
Driver which is visible to Windows just as additional virtual monitors on the primary
video card. These additional virtual displays can mirror the main screen or extend the
Windows Desktop. spacedesk DRIVER software is capturing their screen content,
compressing it and transmitting it over the LAN (Local Area Network) to the
spacedesk VIEWERs.
- Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7
- Graphics adapter Nvidia / AMD / Intel / Basic Display
- WDDM 2.1/ 2.0 / 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.1
- DirectX 12 / 11 / 10 / 9
Secondary Machine or Device (network display client)
Android VIEWER on tablets and phones.
- Android (> version 4.1)
Windows VIEWER on Windows PCs, laptops and Surface.
- Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7
- DirectX 10
- DirectX WARP (Min. 800 MHz CPU / Min. 512MB RAM)
HTML5 VIEWER on any device running operating system with HTML5 Web browsers
Chrome (> 16), Safari (> 5.1) Internet Explorer (> 10), Opera (> 27) e.g.:
- iPad and iPhone (iOS 8)
- Android tablets and mobile phones (Android)
- Windows Phones (Windows Phone 10 / 8.1)
- Windows Surface, tablet, laptop and PC (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP)
- Mac (OSX)
- Linux PC and laptop
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Windows Primary Machine
Step 1: Uninstall any previously installed versions
Before installing a new spacedesk version, uninstall any previous version. Skipping
this step may result in driver conflict and improper operation. Uninstall of spacedesk
can be done on Windows Control Panel → Programs and Features.
Step 2: Run the spacedesk setup installer
spacedesk_32_driver_099_BETA_III.msi for x86 platform
spacedesk_64_driver_099_BETA_III.msi for x64 platform

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Step 3: Windows security confirmation for driver install (Windows 7 only)
A “Windows Security” window will pop up. Select “install” to proceed with the setup.
Step 4: Reboot
After the installation has completed, reboot the system.

Android Secondary Machine or Device install
Android VIEWER is installed from the Google Play Store. Uninstalled can be done by
simply removing the app on the local tablet or phone operating system's settings.
Windows Secondary Machine or Device install
A Windows PC, laptop or Surface tablet can be used as Secondary Machine.
spacedesk Windows VIEWER needs to be downloaded from the spacedesk website. It
needs setup and installation as shown below.
Run the spacedeskWindowsVIEWER setup installer,

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After a successful installation of Windows VIEWER application a shortcut is created
on the desktop.
HTML5 VIEWER on other Secondary Machines or Devices
For spacedesk HTML5 VIEWER, no setup installation is needed on the Secondary
Machine. HTML5 VIEWER operates with a standard web browser without any setup
needed upfront. It can be opened directly from the website
It is important to understand, that spacedesk HTML5 VIEWER does not operate over
the internet. It does not need an internet connection. It does not even need to be
opened over the internet as described above. The HTML5 page can be saved locally.
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Local install (optional): The web page can be saved to be used off-line even without
internet connection. Follow the instructions below:
- Refresh using Ctrl-F5 keys after opening HTML5 page
(this ensures that everything is updated).
- For Google Chrome browser, use the the menu "Tools" and select "Add to task bar".
- For Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, use the the menu "Tools" and select "Add
site to apps"
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Connecting a new display monitor over the network
Establishing the network connection
Step 1: Find out Windows Server network IP address and machine name
The IP address of the server can be determined in various ways:'
- Typing ipconfig in a Windows command prompt.
- In spacedesk system tray icon left mouse click -> About...
- In spacedesk system tray menu -> About..
Step 2: On the client side, try to discover the server
In most cases, spacedesk network clients can do automatic server discovery.
Step 3: On the client side, initiate connection to server
If the server could be discovered in the previous step, the connection can be
established right away.
If the server could not be discovered, then the server IP address or machine name
needs to be entered manually before initiating the connection.
Step 4: On the Windows server side, check if the connection is established
When hovering the mouse over the spacedesk System Tray icon on the spacedesk
server, the number of successfully established connections can be seen.
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Connecting a display by Android VIEWER
Step 1: To connect, just open the spacedesk Android VIEWER.
Step 2: Type the IP address of primary machine where the spacedesk DRIVER is
installed, or you can check the “Auto Network Search” above the Connect button to
easily discover the spacedesk DRIVER IP address of your server machine.
While the “Settings” option allows the user to adjust the image quality and resolution
settings of the client screen.
Step 3: After selecting the server's IP address, click the “Connect” button to start the
Note: At this point, connection was successfully established and Android VIEWER can
now “extend” or “duplicate” the display of the primary PC.
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Step 4: In case the screen of the device automatically goes off and needs to tap the
screen, it can be easily set on the device's settings to prevent from screen timeout
from happening frequently.
On Android, for example just go to Settings → Display → Screen Timeout then set to
its maximum (e.g. 30 minutes).
On iPhone or iPad, just go to Settings → General ->Auto-Lock then set to its maximum
(e.g. 5 minutes) or set it to “Never” so it will be turned off temporarily.
Step 5: Once connected, the user can be able to disconnect the Android VIEWER
properly by tapping the back button of the Android device.
Connecting a display by Windows VIEWER
Step 1: Run the shortcut of Windows VIEWER located on the desktop of the
secondary machine.
Step 2: The “Connect” dialog box of the Windows VIEWER running in the secondary
machine allows the user to connect to the machines that has the spacedesk DRIVER
running by selecting its computer name with its corresponding IP Address in the
Network Search box.
spacedesk users can also choose to manually enter the hostname or the IP address of
the spacedesk server machine. This advanced option can be helpful in case network
search box is not displaying a particular server machine.

Note: At this point, connection was successfully established and Windows VIEWER is
now able to “extend” or “duplicate” the display of the primary computer depending
on the mode (Desktop Extension or Desktop Duplication) that was previously selected
by the user.
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Step 3: To enable Full screen mode of the application just select View → Full screen
or press “Alt + Enter” key or just by double clicking the viewer screen. Upon entering
the full screen mode it will prevent the client from switching to display-off or the
screensaver application as long as the login screen display on resume is disabled. To
exit from full screen mode just press the “Esc”or “Alt + Enter” key or double click it
Connecting a display by HTML5 VIEWER
Step 1: To connect via HTML5 VIEWER, a Windows PC or other device such as
smartphone, tablet, iPad, etc. can be used as secondary machine. The device needs
an updated web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Opera, etc) installed. Go to
“” (careful – case sensitive)
Step 2: Type the IP address of primary machine where the spacedesk DRIVER is
installed. The “Need Help?” button below the Connect button provides an
instructions on how to get the IP address of server machine.
While the “Advanced Performance Options” button allows the user to choose the
advanced settings of the HTML5 VIEWER, such as the desired appearance whether in
full screen or windowed, the scaling type, compression quality to adjust the image
quality and the color depth type for the color quality of the image. (see the definition
of color depth type on Performance tuning chapter of this manual).
Step 3: Type the server's IP address on the HTML5 VIEWER then click the “Connect”
button to start the connection.
Step 4: Once connected, the user can be able to reconnect or disconnect the HTML5
VIEWER properly by selecting the “Show Menu” option at the upper right corner of
the view.
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Operation and configuration settings
Below a few configuration settings to adjust spacedesk operation to individual needs.
Display Control Panel for selecting desktop extension or desktop
duplication (mirror)
Right Mouse Click on Desktop → context menu “Screen Resolution” leads to Display
Control Panel. Display Control Panel can be used to change display resolutions and to
verify proper operation. During Desktop Extension the following status should be
During Desktop Duplication (Mirror) the following status should be shown:
During Single Output (Second Screen Only) the following status should be shown:
Display Switch for selecting desktop extension and desktop duplication
Display Switch (Windows logo + P) can also be used to change modes
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Screen resolution
The “Resolutions” dialog box of the Windows VIEWER Settings allows the users to use
up to two resolutions. The client's native resolution can be enable and use by
checking the box of “Native Screen Resolutions”.Then the user can also add another
resolution by selecting one of the typical screen resolutions on the combo box.
Automatic Reconnect
The “Automatic Reconnect” option of the Windows VIEWER Settings allows the user
to enable the automatic re-connection of the VIEWER to the server machine in case
of sudden disconnection from system sleep or hibernate or from any kind of
unwanted disconnection.
Full screen upon Connect
The “Full screen upon Connect” option on Windows VIEWER Settings will enable the
automatic switching to full screen mode upon connecting to the server.
Keyboard, Touch and Mouse Remote Control
The “Mouse and keyboard Remote Control (BETA)” option on Windows VIEWER will
enable the remote control feature of spacedesk. Users can now use the keyboard and
mouse control from the client machine. To exit from remote control mode just press
“Alt+Shift” key combination.
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On Android VIEWER, touch screen feature is now supported. It is enabled by default
on Settings → Remote control → Enable Touch Screen Control option.

On HTML5 VIEWER, just go to Advanced Performance Settings → Remote Control to
enable remote control feature. However, no keyboard control only mouse and
touchscreen support.
Below are the touch gestures for Android and HTML5 Viewer:
Move pointer: Tap with one finger and drag anywhere on the screen.
Left-click: Tap the screen with one finger
Right-click: Tap and hold the screen, then release.
Drag Windows/Object: Tap two times, hold then drag.
Disable spacedesk network server
Disabling the spacedesk network service temporarily to prevent other spacedesk
client connection can be done via spacedesk tray menu → Exit.

Performance tuning
The following variables are influencing display performance:
- Network bandwidth
- Screen Resolution
- Color depth
- Image compression
Network bandwidth
The faster the network, the faster the display performance. Cable networks tend to
have better performance than wireless networks. The fastest option is always a direct
connection via network cable, e.g. a Gigabit Ethernet.
Currently minimum reasonable network bandwidth needed by spacedesk BETA
ranges around 50 Mbit/sec. Substantial improvements including support of slower
networks are planned for the first release version.
Another way to improve performance with wireless network is by configuring the
Mobile Hotspot option on Windows PC/laptop. Just go to Start → Settings → Network
& Internet → Mobile Hotspot, then turn it ON. Try to connect the client
device(phone/tablet/laptop) to the wireless network name generated by the Mobile
Hotspot. Then run the spacedesk VIEWER and connect to the IP address of server
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machine, in this case it should be the IP address of the Mobile Hotspot network
generated (Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter).
Screen resolution
The lower the resolution of the networked display screen, the faster the display
Color depth and image compression
spacedesk uses image compression to improve display performance. This mechanism
reduces image size before transferring images over the network. The spacedesk
image compression algorithm is lossy. It reduces quality and color depth of the image
On fast networks, color depth and image quality can be kept very high while still
achieving good performance.
On slow networks, color depth and image quality need to be reduced to achieve good
spacedesk performance settings
The “Compression Quality” dialog box of the Windows VIEWER Settings allows the
user to enable or disable the compression of screen updates. To choose OFF means
to use RGBA 32-bit color format of screen image and no image quality reduction will
be done. To choose On means that the user allows to reduce color depth by Chroma
Downsampling and adjusts the compression quality to find the ideal image quality
and performance speed.
YUV 4:4:4 - No reduction of color information. High quality of screen image but,
performance intensive. Can only be used on very fast networks
YUV 4:2:2 - Reducing the color information by 1/3 (from 24 bit to 16bit) reducing
color quality of screen image and improving performance.
YUV 4:2:0 - Reducing the color information by 50% (from 24 bit to 12bit) to achieve
best possible performance.
The color loss caused by the above mechanism typically not very much noticeable for
the human eye, especially when there is a lot of motion on the screen (e.g. playing a
video). Thus YUV:4:2:0 is the default setting which can apply to many user
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The compression setting can be varied between 100 (no compression) and 0
(maximum possible compression). The default value is 70 which still tends to show a
clear enough and detailed enough image for many user applications.
Troubleshooting Primary Machine
Step 1: Check installed versions
First, make sure that the most recent version is properly installed.
Step 2: Check if service is operating
Make sure that spacedesk service has started.
Step 3: Check if spacedesk version is updated.
Check spacedesk version by hovering the cursor over the spacedesk tray icon or by
clicking the “About..” option of spacedesk tray menu.

Then compare this version with the website version.

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Network Connection
Step 1: Check if Windows Firewall is open for spacedeskService.exe
Check the firewall if spacedeskService.exe is allowed on private or public network.
Open Control Panel → Windows Firewall → Allow an app through Windows Firewall,
allow an another app then browse for spacedeskService.exe located at
“C:\Windows\System32” folder.
Step 2: Check if Network Discovery and File Sharing is enabled.
If spacedesk VIEWER is unable to discover the IP address of server machine, check if
network discovery and file sharing is enabled. Go to Windows Control Panel →
Network and Internet → Network and Sharing Center → Change advanced sharing
spacedesk Display Driver disabled
Spacedesk display driver can be enabled and disabled via system tray menu. This
error message indicates that the spacedesk Display Driver is disabled.

Re-enabling the spacedesk driver can be done through spacedesk Tray icon menu →
Advanced → spacedesk Display Driver ON option.
spacedesk driver has the ability to detect if Windows is not properly shut down or if
there is a system crash (no matter if it is the fault of spacedesk or any other software)
and it will disable itself
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Incompatible Display Hook Driver detected
Step 1: Check if system tray bubble reports incompatible display hook driver
This error message indicates that another WDDM filter hook display driver is present
on the system.
Step 2: Uninstall known products using incompatible display hook drivers
This is usually installed by a USB-Display or Zero-Client of the following brands:
Display Link, Duet Display, Fresco Logic, MCT, Microchip/SMSC, OSBase, Splashtop X-
Display and Extended Display HD, etc.
Display hook drivers are not standard Windows drivers. All products relying on such
drivers are incompatible with each other. They cannot coexist on the same system.
This includes spacedesk.
Uninstall the other product using a WDDM filter hook display driver. Then reboot the
spacedesk server machine and try to connect spacedesk client again.
Step 3: Check if incompatible products did not uninstall OSBase driver
Various products using the OSBase driver do not properly remove it upon uninstall.
After uninstalling their product, the leftovers of the OSBase driver still need to be
removed manually following the instructions below:
 Go to Control Panel -> "Add Remove Programs". If you can find OSBase
display driver software, uninstall it.
 Check if OSBASE drivers are installed by running the following commands:
"sc query ddkmd"
"sc query ddkmdldr"
"sc query ddmgr"

If installed, uninstall OSBASE drivers by running the following commands:
"sc stop ddmgr"
"sc delete ddmgr"
"sc delete ddkmdldr"
"sc delete ddkmd"
 Reboot your PC.
Step 1: Detached second display.
In case of gray screen in Windows desktop application or always connecting status on
HTML5 VIEWER or “Display is detached” message showing in Android VIEWER, check
the windows display settings of the server machine. Just select "Display Settings" in
spacedesk tray menu. If a detached display is shown, try to attach it by selecting
extend or duplicate. Another way to check is to click the spacedesk displays
connected window on the task bar and if it is “detached”, just attach the display via
Display Settings window.
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Step 2: Mirror mode failed.
If desktop extension is working but duplication is always failing, make sure that the
"Settings → Resolutions → Other Screen Resolution" of Windows VIEWER OR the
"Advanced Performance Options → Custom Resolution" of HTML5 VIEWER OR the
“Settings → Resolution” of Android VIEWER, should matched the native resolution of
the server machine monitor.
Step 3: Windows 7 Aero “Glass Look” is disabled (Transparent effect)
Select “Troubleshoot problems with transparency and other Aero effects.
Under some circumstances setup is disabling Aero “Glass Look”. Only clicking the link
on the screen shot below enables it again.
Step 4: Clear All Display Settings.
In case a previous version of spacedesk was installed, it is recommended to Clear the
existing Display Settings on primary pc that may prevent spacedesk from working
properly. After a successful installation of latest spacedesk version, make sure to
right-click the spacedesk Tray icon then select the Advanced → Clear All Display
Setting before trying to connect with spacedesk VIEWER.
Known issues
Several issues on some 3D games / application launcher.
A noticeable slower frame rate, screen tearing or crashing 3D games or application
launcher, if spacedesk is installed, may be observed. In this case, an option to disable
spacedesk driver (temporarily without uninstallation) in tray menu can be applied.
Just select Advanced → “spacedesk Display Driver OFF” then restart the machine to
apply the settings.
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Multi-GPU Technology not supported.
spacedesk is currently not compatible with Nvidia SLI Technology or AMD Crossfire.
In case SLI is enabled, spacedesk will not work properly.
Virtual Machines
Virtual machines are officially not supported by spacedesk. It may work on some
cases but some problems may occur such as strange mouse pointer behavior, black
screen on client, etc.
Crashing Nvidia Control Panel
Nvidia Control Panel may not work properly while spacedesk driver is enabled.
Temporary solution for this issue would be disabling the spacedesk driver through
spacedesk Tray icon menu. Just select Advanced → “spacedesk Display Driver OFF”
then restart the machine to apply the settings.
Emergency procedure
Start Windows in safe mode.
If the installation of spacedesk has caused a problem (e.g. unable to start windows
anymore , black screen on main monitor, etc.) it is recommended to boot into safe
Windows 7 safe mode: Press and hold f8 key upon computer restart and before the
windows logo appeared. Then in advanced boot option screen use the arrow keys to
select the safe mode option then press Enter key.
Windows 8/8.1/10 safe mode: There are 2 ways to go to Startup Setting:
a) Press Shift + Restart button then a Startup Settings screen will appear,
b) If Automatic Repair shows upon restart a boot menu will appear click
Troubleshoot → Advanced Option → Startup Settings.
Press Restart button, after pc restart use number/function keys to select the
corresponding number to enable the safe mode.
Troubleshooting Network Connection and Secondary Machine
Network connection test
Ping test on Windows desktop/laptop
If spacedesk cannot plug the Virtual Display Monitor try to ping test the IP address of
another machine to verify if it is reachable across the local network.
A ping test is done to confirm if the machine is successfully connected to a network.
Using the Command prompt, type “ping 192.168.x.x”,and check if it will get a reply
from the other machine that will indicate that it is also connected to a same network.
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Ping test on Android and iOS device
To do ping test on any Android or iOS device, just download any terminal emulator
application on Playstore or App store, then try to ping the IP address of the Windows
primary machine.
For example, on Android device, just download and install Android Terminal Emulator
app from Playstore, then open the terminal and type the command: “ping -c4
192.168.x.x”, -c stands for counter and 4 being the number of times of ping. Then
check if it will get a reply from the primary machine that will verify that both primary
and secondary are connected on the same network and reachable to each other.
Android VIEWER
Step 1: Check updated Android VIEWER version.
Check spacedesk Android VIEWER app's About option if installed version is the same
as the website version.
Step 2: Android VIEWER app on Smart/Android TV not supported.
spacedesk Android VIEWER app is currently not supported on any Android/Smart TV
platforms. This feature is already included in the list of features to be implemented
but this is not to be expected anytime soon.
Windows VIEWER
Step 1: Reset the Windows VIEWER settings in the registry.
If the latest spacedesk Windows VIEWER is not connecting anymore while an older
version works, it is recommended to reset the Windows Desktop registry settings.
Just open the registry editor by searching for the keyword "regedit". Then go to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software then delete the "datronicsoft" registry key, then
try to connect again.
Step 2: Slow screen update on Windows VIEWER.
There are some cases that the rendering of screen update in Windows VIEWER is very
slow. One of the possible reason is that Windows client machine only has a DirectX 9
graphics driver. It is recommended to upgrade to DirectX 10 - above graphics driver to
achieve better performance.
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spacedesk User Manual - 25
Step 1: Check the browser version for HTML5 VIEWER.
If the spacedesk HTML5 VIEWER is unable to connect, check the version of the web
browser and make sure that it is updated. If the secondary machine is a smartphone
or tablet device the browser and OS needs to be most recent versions supporting
websockets. Just go to to verify.
Step 2: HTML5 VIEWER on Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge not supported.
spacedesk's HTML5 VIEWER is currently not supported in Mozilla Firefox web
browsers due to performance limitations. Please use other web browsers
recommended in system requirements chapter.
Step 3: Multiple HTML5 VIEWER connection not supported.
Simultaneous connection of two or more spacedesk HTML5 VIEWER is not supported.
spacedesk only allows 1 HTML5 VIEWER client connection at a time.
Note: If these troubleshooting procedures does not solve your problem please contact
our spacedesk support at and don't forget to
include the list of information we requested on the page.
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spacedesk User Manual - 26
Uninstall on Windows Primary Machine
Uninstall using Windows Control Panel
Uninstall of spacedesk can be done on Control Panel → Programs and Features.
Uninstall using .msi file
An alternative way to uninstall spacedesk is using the spacedesk msi installer file.
Step 1: Run the setup installer
Run the spacedesk Setup installer.
spacedesk_32_driver_099_BETA_III.msi for x86 platform
spacedesk_64_driver_099_BETA_III.msi for x64 platform
Step 2: Click the remove button
After the installation has completed, reboot the system.

Step 3: Reboot
After the uninstallation has completed, reboot the computer before proceeding with
any other task.
Note: Please do not manually delete or remove the C:\Program Files\datronicsoft\
spacedesk folder and its files , to prevent uninstallation problem.
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spacedesk User Manual - 27
Troubleshooting uninstall
Step 1: Missing spacedesk program files.
Manually deleting spacedesk program files located in chosen directory folder (e.g.
C:\Program Files\datronicsoft\spacedesk) is extremely not advisable, doing so may
result to uninstallation failure of spacedesk with an error message below.
To fix the problem, just restore the program files (please check your Recycle bin)to its
original location and try to uninstall again using the same msi installer version or by
Windows Control Panel → Programs and features.
Step 2: Try Microsoft Fix.
If uninstall problem still persist after restoring spacedesk program files, try the
Install/Uninstall troubleshooter program from the Microsoft Fix article. If spacedesk is
not on the program list, just select “Not Listed” then paste the product code of
current spacedesk version below.
spacedesk_32_driver_099z12_BETA.msi: {F605A97C-955E-4717-8021-BE7B0EF8291C}
spacedesk_64_driver_099z12_BETA.msi: {9784E8EA-3455-445B-80B2-C9A3DEB8E8D4}
for previous spacedesk version:099z11
spacedesk_32_driver_099z11_BETA.msi - {1C4AA483-4CFC-4FD1-ADE5-376A42F6849D}
spacedesk_64_driver_099z11_BETA.msi - {A48BDAC0-49A3-4998-B9C4-B8536BB7A48D}
Step 3: Manual uninstall of drivers and services
After successfully troubleshooting uninstall, spacedesk should be removed from “Programs
and Features”. To make sure that drivers and services are comprehensively removed, all the
steps in the next section “Manual uninstall” need to be executed.
Manual uninstall (troubleshooting only)
The steps in this chapter should only be done in exceptional cases if needed and if
previously discussed with spacedesk support. The regular way to uninstall spacedesk
is using Windows Control Panel or the spacedesk msi installer file as described above.
Step 1: Uninstall services
Run a Command Prompt (cmd.exe) "as administrator" and enter the two commands
sc delete spacedeskHookKmode
sc delete spacedeskService
Step 2: Uninstall spacedesk Display Auxiliary (for Windows 7 only)
For Windows 7 32bit and 64bit OS, manually uninstall the spacedesk Display Auxiliary
on the Device Manager.
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Step 3: Uninstall spacedesk Mouse and Keyboard drivers
Manually uninstall the spacedesk Mouse and Keyboard driver on Device Manager.

Step 4: Reboot
Reboot the system and ensure that the two registry keys below have been removed:
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\spacedeskService
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\spacedeskHookKmode
Step 5: Delete files
Delete all files listed in the appendix of this document underneath “File list” in the
Appendix of this document.
Windows Secondary Machine uninstall
Uninstallation of Windows VIEWER on Secondary Machine can be done on Control
Panel → Programs and Features. Another way to uninstall is by using the msi installer.
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List of incompatible Windows applications
Applications conflicting and causing system instability while spacedesk Display
driver is enabled
Skype for business
gdb debugger
Fortinet security software
Applications not working in full screen mode on spacedesk display monitor
Various DirectX games (e.g. Witcher 2, Project Cars, Asseto Corsa, Battlefield, etc.)
File list (Windows Primary Machine)
Files on all systems
For Windows 7 only:
Files on 64 bit systems only
Windows\SysWOW64\ spacedeskHookUmode.dll
Release Notes
1. Bug fix missing texts on Windows 10 Indsider Preview Build 15014-later version.
2. Bug fix Virtual Machine start on Virtual Box and HyperV.
3. Potential bug fix on Skype for Business issue.
4. Improved spacedesk Windows VIEWER.
5. Bug fix spacedeskAuxilary and spacedeskKTM setup.
© 2017 datronicsoft. All rights reserved.