The Gift of Sight Digital Art Collection will consist of landscape images donated that people find beautiful or inspiring — and then digital artists will overlay filters that represent visual impairment
Elena Bulatova Fine Art "The Gift of
Sight Digital Art Collection"
The Gift of Sight Digital Art
Collection will consist of landscape
images donated that people find
beautiful or inspiring — and then
digital artists will overlay filters that
represent visual impairment
The collection is an
expression of living with
visual impairment.
This collection made its real-
world gallery debut at Elena
Bulatova Fine Art on April 14,
2022, in Palm Desert, CA during
the first weekend of sold-out
The opening featured a
selection of NFTs from the
collection for sale.
Your eyesight is a gift and
easy to take for granted.
You can give the gift of
SIGHT to a child or adult
who is facing blindness.
The Gift of Sight raised
$216,000 for four charities that
support people with visual
impairment. The collection sold
out in less than 4 days during
the pre-sale.
The Gift of Sight is impacting the lives
of the visually impaired - raising much-
needed funds for: Education: Voyagers
Community School Pioneers in
progressive education, launching a
scholarship and dedicated community
outreach effort.
Research: Foundation Fighting
Blindness … The world’s leading
private funder of retinal disease
research who have identified over
270 Genes linked to retinal disease
and launched over 40 clinical trials.
Prevention: Orbis International Treating
preventable causes of blindness
internationally. Assistance: Guide Dogs for
The Blind … Trains and provides guide
dogs for the visually impaired at no cost to
the recipient. Celebrating 80 years of
impact and awareness.
Contact Us At:
Sight Digital Art Collection"
The Gift of Sight Digital Art
Collection will consist of landscape
images donated that people find
beautiful or inspiring — and then
digital artists will overlay filters that
represent visual impairment
The collection is an
expression of living with
visual impairment.
This collection made its real-
world gallery debut at Elena
Bulatova Fine Art on April 14,
2022, in Palm Desert, CA during
the first weekend of sold-out
The opening featured a
selection of NFTs from the
collection for sale.
Your eyesight is a gift and
easy to take for granted.
You can give the gift of
SIGHT to a child or adult
who is facing blindness.
The Gift of Sight raised
$216,000 for four charities that
support people with visual
impairment. The collection sold
out in less than 4 days during
the pre-sale.
The Gift of Sight is impacting the lives
of the visually impaired - raising much-
needed funds for: Education: Voyagers
Community School Pioneers in
progressive education, launching a
scholarship and dedicated community
outreach effort.
Research: Foundation Fighting
Blindness … The world’s leading
private funder of retinal disease
research who have identified over
270 Genes linked to retinal disease
and launched over 40 clinical trials.
Prevention: Orbis International Treating
preventable causes of blindness
internationally. Assistance: Guide Dogs for
The Blind … Trains and provides guide
dogs for the visually impaired at no cost to
the recipient. Celebrating 80 years of
impact and awareness.
Contact Us At: