New book by Dr. B Bootstaylor helps expecting parents to Bring Birth Back!

New book by Dr. B Bootstaylor helps expecting parents to Bring Birth Back!, updated 6/11/20, 3:48 PM

Dr. B Bootstaylor is launching His brand new book, “Shared Decision Making: Bring Birth Back Into The Hands Of Mothers Vol1”, available through Amazon targeted at fans of the Maternal & Midwifery world. More information is available at the website: Learn More

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New book by Dr. B
Bootstaylor helps
expecting parents to
Bring Birth Back!
Dr. B. Bootstaylor ascribes to a philosophy of “Shared
Decision Making”
Maternity care based on his
extensive training, deep
experience, and genuine belief in
empowering your birth journey.
This is the first book Bootstaylor has authored.
The book was written to outline
Shared Decision Making in a
clear, concise fashion.
Dr. B. is Board Certified in both Ob/Gyn & MFM.
Dr. B. obtained his M.D. from
the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine in 1988.
Founded SeeBaby Inc. 2010
Dr. B has been In practice in
Atlanta, GA since 1996 as an
Ob & MFM.
Bootstaylor hopes that the book will help expecting
parents to understand that this process is intuitive
In a recent interview, the author
made a point of thanking his
patients for allowing him to share
in their birth journeys.
In working with many health care professionals such as
Doulas, Midwives, and Child Birth Educators.
Dr. B has developed his Shared
Decision-Making Model of care into an
inviting process that encourages the
mother to engage her maternity care
and birth confidently and safely.
Learning more about the book visit