Hunting Lease Agreement Template_

Hunting Lease Agreement Template_, updated 7/31/24, 2:00 AM

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This Hunting Lease Agreement (“Lease”) is entered by and between _______________
(“Landowner”) and _______________ (“Hunter(s)”) on _______________. Landowner
and Hunter(s) may collectively be referred to as the “Parties.”

The Parties agree as follows:

The Landowner agrees to grant the Hunter(s) the right to shoot and hunt on the
Property to be leased, in compliance with the laws and regulations of the United States
and the State of _______________. Hunting practices will be carried out on the tract(s)
of land described as follows:
referred to as the “Leased Property”.

PURPOSE: Hunter(s) may only use the Leased Property exclusively for the purpose of
hunting. It may not be used for other purposes unless otherwise stated in this
Agreement. This Agreement may grant the Hunter(s) the following privileges: (check all
that apply)

 - Hunting animals
 - Shooting animals
 - Protecting animals
 - Playing games permitted for hunting
 - Other: __________________________________________________________

LEASE TERM AND PAYMENT: Hunter(s) agrees to pay Landowner rent for the use of
Property in the amount of $_________________ for a term commencing on
_______________, (the “Commencement Date”) and ending on _______________ (the
“Expiration Date”), unless the legal hunting season in ends earlier pursuant with state
laws and regulations.

SURRENDER OF PROPERTY: Upon the expiration of the term hereof, Hunter(s) shall
surrender the Leased Property in as good a state and condition as they were at the
commencement of this Agreement, reasonable use and wear and tear thereof and
damages by the elements excepted.

COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: The parties agree to act in accordance with local, state and
federal laws and any other regulations governing hunting and shooting. Hunter(s) will
report and testify any violation of the law or regulations and will provide assistance to

the law enforcement officers. If the Hunter(s) represent an organization, the word
“Hunter(s)” shall apply to the organization and to any or all of its members. Terms and
conditions of this Agreement will also apply to any and all guests of the Hunter(s)’s

FIRE PREVENTION: Hunter(s) shall not cause any fire on the Leased Property.
Hunter(s) agrees to use every safety measure and exercise due care to protect the
Leased Property from fire or any other damage.

WAIVER: No provision of this Agreement shall be considered waived unless such a
waiver shall be expressed in writing as a formal amendment to this Agreement and
executed by the Hunter(s) and Landowner. Landowner shall have no responsibility or
liability to Hunter(s) or to any other individual or entity for any loss, injury, damage or
death arising from anything done or omitted under this Agreement. Hunter(s) hereby
agrees, to release and hold Landowner harmless from and against any and every claim
or demand, including but not limited to attorney fees, interests or any costs resulting
from the Hunter(s) activities on the Leased Property.

ASSIGNMENT AND SUB-LETTING: Hunter(s) shall not assign this Agreement, or
sublet or grant any license to use the Leased Property or any part thereof without the
prior written consent of Landowner. A consent by Landowner to one such assignment,
subletting or license shall not be deemed to be a consent to any subsequent
assignment, sub-letting or license. An assignment, sub-letting or license without the
prior written consent of Landowner or an assignment or sub-letting by operation of law
shall be absolutely null and void and shall, at Landowner’s option, terminate this

CONDITION OF PROPERTY: Hunter(s) stipulates, represents and warrants that
Hunter(s) has examined the Leased Property, and that it is in good and acceptable
condition at the time of this Agreement.

INSPECTION OF PROPERTY: Landowner and Landowner’s agents shall have the right
at all reasonable times during the term of this Agreement and any renewal thereof to
enter the Leased Property for the purpose of inspecting the Property. And for the
purposes of making any repairs, additions or alterations as may be deemed appropriate
by Landowner for the preservation of the Leased Property. Landlord and its agents shall
further have the right to exhibit the Leased Property and to display the usual “for sale”,
“for rent” or “vacancy” signs on the Leased Property. The right of entry shall likewise
exist for the purpose of removing placards, signs, fixtures, alterations, or additions that
do not conform to this Agreement or to any restrictions, rules or regulations affecting the
Leased Property.

TERMINATION: Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, it is
expressly understood and agreed that Landowner and Hunter(s) each reserve the right

to cancel this Lease, with or without cause, at any time during the Term of this
Agreement. In the event of cancellation by Hunter(s), all rentals theretofore paid and
unearned shall be retained by the Landowner as compensation for Landowner's
overhead expenses in making the Land available for lease, and shall not be refunded to

no additional provisions)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Lease to be executed the day
and year first above written.

Hunter Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Hunter Signature: ___________________________ Date: _________________

Landowner’s Signature: _________________________ Date: _________________