What Do People Fear The Most?

What Do People Fear The Most?, updated 2/12/18, 3:36 PM




About James H Burns

Since 1977 Jim Burns has been working with students who have learning disabilities and behavioral problems.  He has almost 40 years of experience working as an administrator, teacher, college instructor, and seminar leader.  He is committed to helping administrators, parents, and teachers establish standards of excellence and help them build successful relationships with their staff, students, and children.  He has written and designed The Bully Proof Classroom, a graduate course that is now offered at The College of New Jersey, and La Salle University in Pennsylvania in partnership with The Regional Training Center. This course has been endorsed by the NJEA.  He has also written “Anti Bullying 101.” A book that provides teachers, administrators, support staff and parent’s 101 tips on how to achieve permanent help in dealing with unruly behavior and can be used as part of any anti-bullying program. In May of 2015 Jim was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by Gratz College in recognition of his almost forty years of work in student behavior management and anti bullying.   He is available for on sight in-services and keynotes.

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What Do People Fear The Most?
As our students move forward in life, their desire to have meaningful relationships with the
opposite sex intensifies and dating becomes a real novelty. Discussions in high school, and even
middle schools, are continually taking place about who is seeing whom, and who likes whom.
Even people who are older and have been away from the dating seen for a while find this type of
situation awkward, and at times, uncomfortable. Just take a look at two people who are in the
initial stages of building a relationship. He/she seems to be the greatest. Get to know them, I
mean really know them, and what they are really about. Get on the inside track, and the
indecisiveness of whether or not to stay will cause such fear, that arguments will be more
common than holding hands. Young daters, and by young I mean high school age ,are more
prone to being harassed and intimidated in a relationship then ever before. They enter in and
really don't know how to get out. And, often when they try to get out, they are harassed with
rumors and gossip flooding the school building, destroying a person's reputation. What do
people fear the most? Sadly, people fear each other, and the closer they get to someone, the more
they fear them. At the high school level our students need to be taught the ins and outs of dating.
But, more emphasis needs to be placed on reading someone's motives and knowing how to make
a graceful exit when necessary. Teenagers stay in abusive relationships for many reasons; low
self-esteem is one of them. Teach your students that they have a choice and to stay firm when
they decide to either stay in or get out. The divorce rate is already too high.
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