I Love BoB Inc. launches Indiegogo campaign to launch online business directory

I Love BoB Inc. launches Indiegogo campaign to launch online business directory, updated 4/4/21, 5:35 PM


I Love BoB launches Indiegogo campaign to help build an online business directory for small to medium sized black owned businesses in the United States.

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I Love BoB Inc. launches Indiegogo campaign
to launch online business directory
Indiegogo Campaign More
information can be found
at: https://www.
It is also a proven way for
FOBs to find more products
and services to buy.
Ilovebob.com The newly launched
online directory is designed to
increase the presence, visibility, and
brand awareness of black owned
businesses regardless of the
physical location, age of the venture,
or industry.
The initiative has come from
I Love Black owned
Businesses in a bid to
nurture a supportive online
Providing a platform to promote
local, independent, and family-run
black owned companies is one way
to create more opportunities, long-
term growth, and sustainable
enterprises for now and future
Many owners may be
unaware of the advantages
of utilizing a business
directory listing.
While in the past a listing in a physical
directory may have been useful for sales
managers and business owners to have, today
it should be considered a digital marketing tool
that can enhance any local communications
strategy and enable an organization to
achieve long-term sustainable growth.
A spokesperson said: "I love BoB is a
movement designed to build generational
wealth and prosperity for small businesses."
"Buying from black owned businesses is
important for a variety of reasons, but one of
the main factors is that it also helps to support
black communities," they added.
To find out more,
interested parties are
invited to visit the links
More details can be
viewed via the platform's
Facebook page at
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