Experiences of Test Automation

Experiences of Test Automation , updated 6/4/15, 4:46 AM

Case Studies of Software Test Automation - Automated testing—it’s the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth, and the Philosopher’s Stone all rolled into one. For decades, testers have looked to automated testing for relief from the drudgery of manual testing—constructing test cases and test data, setting system preconditions, executing tests, comparing actual with expected results, and reporting possible defects. Automated testing promises to simplify all these operations and more.

About Jack Berlin

Founded Accusoft (Pegasus Imaging) in 1991 and has been CEO ever since.

Very proud of what the team has created with edocr, it is easy to share documents in a personalized way and so very useful at no cost to the user! Hope to hear comments and suggestions at info@edocr.com.

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