This Hormone Pellet Therapy Center In Scottsdale Addresses Menopause & Andropause Symptoms

This Hormone Pellet Therapy Center In Scottsdale Addresses Menopause & Andropause Symptoms, updated 4/17/24, 4:00 PM

If hormone imbalances are the root of your problems, come to Get Well Scottsdale (480-607-6503) and ask about the latest bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Learn more at

Get Well Scottsdale City: Scottsdale Address: 14300 N Northsight Blvd Website: Phone: +1-480-607-6503 Email:

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This Hormone Pellet Therapy Center In Scottsdale
Addresses Menopause & Andropause
Get Well Scottsdale's Bioidentical Hormone
Replacement Therapy helps address hormone
imbalances in your body by providing it with a
continuous supply of additional hormones.
These hormones—which
are both natural and
bioidentical—are delivered
directly into your
BHRT starts with a
simple blood test to
determine what kinds of
pellets and how many
of them are required to
correct the imbalance
in your body.
Once determined, the
pellets are then
delivered into your
body every day for a
period of up to five
While there are many
symptoms that BHRT can
be used to address, some
of the most common
include depression,
anxiety, fatigue, weakness,
and pain.
BHRT has also been
proven useful in
improving sleep, sex
drive, memory, and
Experts say that BHRT offers
quicker and more reliable
results than any pills,
patches, creams, and shots
are capable of providing.
Go to
therapy to find out more.