February 2024

February 2024, updated 2/21/24, 4:23 PM


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Accusoft’s Monthly Company Newsletter
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It is hard to believe that we are already on the brink of March and beginning to plan our next
AccuTalk in Q2. There is so much exciting stuff happening at Accusoft - from finalizing our new
West Wing to Philanthropy partnerships, sales process work, a ton of engineering projects,
management training and so much more. When we met in Tampa last month I introduced our
strategic focus areas for this year including our theme - Balance for Growth. I wanted to expand a
little on that message here and reinforce a few key areas.
People: we are making a definitive and strong tilt back toward a people-centric culture. Our HR
team have moved into more hands-on business partner roles, working very directly with our
managers to hire, develop and retain talent as well as to develop their own leadership
capabilities. We have also begun some really cool work around DEIB and Philanthropy and will
continue to spend time and budget dollars on engagement events for our team. I want to reiterate
that it is critical that your voice be heard - we are lucky to be a small company because it gives us
so much flexibility with the types of programs and benefits we offer. Continue to speak up and ask
for what you want in this area. We won't always be able to say yes but we will always work, in
transparency, to get you what you need if we are able.
Company Values: we will continue to find ways to fully adopt our new company values. Please
look out for training opportunities offered through the HR team and find ways to bring the values
to life as you work in your individual teams. I have them printed and stuck up at my desk for now,
and I can genuinely say I think about them every day. They have already helped me reframe my
thinking, consider my position and reflect on decisions I need to make. I encourage you to do the
Goals: when we meet in April I plan to talk about our goals. I want to set the tone for how we think
about goals as a company. How can we stay laser focused on achieving goals yet stay motivated
when we fail to meet our own expectations for success? Start to think about how you set goals in
your life, what they mean to you and how we can approach this at Accusoft. For me goals are
incredibly important. I am in a constant state of growth, both personal and professional, and I
regularly set goals for myself and our team. I also fail and make mistakes A LOT. A VERY LOT (:
Yet I keep going, staying focused and driven and motivated by the PROGRESS I and we have
made. I'd like to share some more thoughts with you all on this soon and for now leave you with
my best tip for continued optimism through adversity.. .
Recently my 5 year old started to put some pressure on me to 'give up' something for Lent and I
couldn't think of anything I really wanted to forgo (step away from my caffeine, child). So instead I
decided to do something EXTRA every day. Until Easter I will be spending time each morning
either meditating, journaling or writing my daily gratitude list. Outside of goal setting, I use
gratitude to keep me positively focused on the future and in a low state of anxiety. A gratitude
practice is a powerful tool for me (and I am always happy to talk about it if you're interested) so I
have been thinking about this a lot lately. One of my favorite quotes about gratitude is from
Michael J Fox and I love the link he makes between staying hopeful and being grateful. So as I
close I will leave you this quote: "I realize, with gratitude, optimism is sustainable. I mean if you
find something to be grateful for, then you'll find something to look forward to, and you carry on"
And if you have 8 mins (you do) far better to hear it from the man himself:
Be Well, Do Better.
Executive Note
By Megan Brooks
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February Celebrations
Stephanie Abad
Manager, Brand and Communications
John Armenia
Alex Libertowski
Keri Lane
Brian O‘Leary
Rachel Samuel
1 Year
Dylan McCaughan
Hillary Lewis
2 Years
John Fonnotto
3 Years
Gabby Da Rosa Masiero
6 Years
Austin Mann
7 Years
Michelle Tsoukalas
A c c u S p o t l i g h t
C e l e b r a t i n g O u r P e o p l e
Rachel Samuel
Leif Wright
Max Amneus
8 Years
Tracy Schlabach
18 Years
Ed Berberian
20 Years
Robert Amidon
Roderick McMullen
37 Years
Butch Taylor
Butch Taylor
Rod McMullen
Celebrating 20 Years
What do you like best about
working for Accusoft?
Celebrating 37 Years
What is your most proud
accomplishment since
starting here?
“Back when I was working on FormFix, we visited Lockheed as
they were getting ready for the 2000 US census project. At one
point, their engineer asked if we'd considered making the form
identification algorithm more configurable so they could fine-tune
it to their application. That was a little depressing because our
design goal had been to have it work great out of the box. After a
brief discussion, they admitted that they had yet to find a single
instance where FormFix could not recognize one of their forms.”
"Accusoft has provided me many opportunities to contribute to
its success while keeping a meaningful work-life balance. Since
joining Accusoft, I have written code for many of our SDK
products, joined customer calls to provide direct assistance,
helped interview future colleagues, and run a few marathons
outside work hours."
Nurturing Your Wellness Journey
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COMING UP: March Activities for World
Sleep Day (3/15).
In March, we will be talking about the
importance of sleep and sleep hygiene.
Additional information on our Sleep Challenge
coming soon!

In support of having healthy
hearts, 13 employees are
competing in a fitness challenge!
The Healthy Heart Challenge
started on February 12th and will
last for 6 weeks (until March 24).
The first-place winner will receive
a $50 gift card, and the second and
third places will each receive a $25
gift card!
Behavioral Awareness Series: Children and Families
Is your child affected by a mood or anxiety disorder, or dealing with depression? These free
seminars are open to anyone who would like to learn more about children and adolescent
behavioral disorders and receive expert advice on how to handle day-to-day challenges.
View the children and families seminar schedule
The winner of our
wellness kick-off challenge is
Crystal Nichols.
Thank you to all who participated!
As an organization, we united wearing red to raise and
spread awareness to eradicate heart disease and stroke
in millions of women all over the nation.
American Heart Month
January Activities
If you missed the MyCigna
Portal webinar or want to
view again, check it out
Black-Owned Tampa Bay Businesses to Support
One of the best ways to support the Tampa Bay Black
community is to shop small. Here is a list of Black-owned
restaurants, shops, crafters, and more from around the Bay area.
7th and Grove
Al’s Finger Licking Good Bar-B-Que
Ben and Jerry’s
Blue Flame Southern Restaurant & Lounge
You can find the complete list here.
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February marks Black History Month, a time for reflection, celebration, and education
about the diverse experiences and contributions of Black communities.
Cultivating Inclusion, Together
Educational Material and Events:
Events in the Tampa Bay Area.
Black History Month Resource Guide for Educators and Families.
Black History Month
Seven Sites to Explore Black History in Tampa
Thank you to all the participants of our DEIB + Engagement Employee Voice Survey.
We want to recognize and celebrate all of our employees for their diversity. If
there are specific ways that if there are ways we can recognize and celebrate YOU,
please email hr@accusoft.com or submit anonymous feedback here.
Click above to watch
Thanks to all who participated
in our January DEIB activity!
We encourage employees who are not local to the area to
check out events and businesses in their local community!
Lesser Known Black Voices
Simone Biles and Constance
Baker Motley.
Fritz Pollard and Jane Bolin.
Max Robinson and Bessie
Since 1976, February has been an opportunity to recognize and
celebrate the Black community and their contributions to society.
This year's theme is "African Americans and the Arts."
Check out some resources we've put together to recognize the rich
talent, creativity, resilience, and profound impact the Black
community has made in the arts and beyond.
Black History Month
Celebrate Black History Month 2024 - NMAAHC
February is Black History Month
Black History Month - History
Join Us on February 29th for the Charity Partner Lunch and Learn:
The vote is in and our 2024 charity partner is the Friends of Joshua House! Thank you all for
participating in this selection process . Dannielle Roque, Development Coordinator, for the
Friends of Joshua House will be joining us to share all the amazing ways kids are supported at
the Joshua House .
This will be our monthly on-site event for February. If you are local to the Tampa Bay area or
surrounding communities, please plan to join us in person. If you have any questions, please
reach out to your manager, leadership team member, or HR.
For those outside the local areas, we encourage your virtual participation.
The presentation will be followed by a catered lunch.
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Inspiring Change in Our Community and Beyond
We continue to explore how we deliver on our mission of making the world in which
we live a better place. If you have suggestions, please reach out to one of the below
committee members.
Philanthropy Committee Members:
Megan Brooks, Executive Champion
John Armenia
Ryan Calvin
Jamison Prianos
Ren DeGroff
Amber Hadley
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Inspiring Change in Our Community and Beyond
Philanthropy Program Policy Changes
We acknowledged your feedback on the Championing a
Charity program. As such, our Championing a Charity
Policy is being replaced with a Matching Charitable
Gifts Policy .
Accusoft is committed to supporting causes that are
important to our employees. The matching gifts program
enables all regular, full-time employees to have their
personal charitable donations matched by the company
up to $500 per calendar year (previously $100).
Corporate Citizenship Day is Now Volunteer Time Off
Accusoft is committed to investing in the communities in which we live and work by
supporting employees engaging in volunteering activities. By providing all regular, full-
time employees with 8 hours of paid time off each year to volunteer, Accusoft can have a
meaningful and purposeful impact in the community, It’s easy to utilize VTO, just select
the “VOL” code in Paylocity.
Any matching done by the organization in support of employer chosen causes will
be separate from the individual calendar year match maximum.
VTO hours do not need to be applied when volunteering at the Joshua House. With
that said, employees should first seek their supervisor’s approval to participate in
these organized charity events.
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Open Positions
In recognition of Employee Appreciation Day on March 1st, we will have a light breakfast
available at HQ Thursday, February 29th . For employees who are outside the Tampa Bay and
surrounding areas, be on the lookout for an emailed gift card.
It is the tenacious dedication of our people and our individual
talents collectively brought together that enables our successes.
Thank you for being part of Accusoft!
We have several job opportunities available and would love for you to share with your family, friends, and
network! Postings listed above can be found on our Internal Careers Page, or our Careers Page for external
To apply, direct referrals to our Careers Page and remind them to note your name on the application. Here’s how
you can earn a BONUS by referring. You can also share our job postings directly from the job posting page. Just
under the “Apply Now” box, you will find options for sharing via email and several social media platforms.
Did you know you can earn up to $5000 for
your referrals? Learn how below.
Lead Generation Coordinator
Sr. Enterprise Account Executive
Senior Product Marketing Manager
Accountant I
IT Intern
A c c u W o r k
B u i l d i n g a n d S u p p o r t i n g O u r T e a m
We Appreciate Our People -
Employee Appreciation Day and Every Other Day
New Holiday Reminder:
As a reminder, Accusoft will be closed on Friday, March 29 . Our current list of company holidays
can be found on the P&P siteunder our Holiday Policy.