Merrimack, NH Renewable Energy Certificates Earn Solar Panel Owners Income

Merrimack, NH Renewable Energy Certificates Earn Solar Panel Owners Income, updated 5/6/23, 1:07 PM


Did you know that you can earn Renewable Energy Certificates for your solar power, regardless of how you use it? Energy Audits Unlimited verifies and reports your energy production so that you're rewarded for the power you produce!

Learn more at or call 603-836-4402.

Energy Audits Unlimited, LLC 85 Yvette St. , Manchester, NH 03102, United States Website Email

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Merrimack, NH Renewable Energy
Certificates Earn Solar Panel Owners
If you have a solar array, or produce any form of renewable energy, you may
be missing out on a whole new source of income in the form of Renewable
Energy Certificates (RECs).
All you have to do is report
the energy production from
the solar panels you
already have installed, and
you can earn for every
Many homeowners are unaware
that the RECs generated from
their solar arrays can be sold
independently of the output of
their panels, making money
even if you use the power!
Energy Audits Unlimited
(EAU) offers their service
as an Independent Monitor
(IM) to help you verify and
report your energy
production to a national
From there, your
energy production
numbers are
bundled into RECs,
which can be sold
by brokers.
Utilities are required to
buy these RECs to prove
their compliance with
sustainability standards
and avoid penalties.
Once the RECs are sold, brokers distribute the sale back to you based on
the percentage of the full megawatt-hour of the REC generated by your
solar array!
Find Out More At