CEREC 3D Instant Teeth: Get Same-Day Dental Crowns From St Heliers Restorative Dentist

CEREC 3D Instant Teeth: Get Same-Day Dental Crowns From St Heliers Restorative Dentist, updated 11/11/23, 8:00 AM


Auckland, NZ— Dr Dave Richards—Dentist St Heliers (09 585 0205)—can restore your damaged tooth with crowns, so you can smile confidently once again. Check out Dr Dave Richards, his dental crown treatment, and restorative dentistry services at https://www.drdaverichards.nz/crowns

Dr Dave Richards - Dentist St Heliers City: St Heliers Address: 188 Saint Heliers Bay Road Website https://drdaverichards.nz/ Phone +64-9-585-0205 Email shane@shanewotherspoon.net

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CEREC 3D Instant Teeth: Get Same-Day Dental Crowns
From St Heliers Restorative Dentist
If you're in St Heliers, there is a dentist who
can certainly make your smile bright and
beautiful – no matter how discoloured or
damaged it is.
Dr Dave Richards offers
whole-tooth restoration using
dental crowns to improve the
aesthetics and functionality of
your teeth.
The dental crowns
are made from
strong ceramic
materials fashioned
to feel, look, and
function like your
natural teeth.
The crowns can
be used for both
single-tooth and
They are placed over
the affected teeth
and cemented in
place to restore their
Dr Dave can fabricate and fit
the crown in one visit. He
uses computer-aided
technology to fast-track the
process, taking precise
images of your mouth and
The tooth caps made from
this process fit better, are
four times stronger than a
natural tooth, and are
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