This Self-Sufficiency Homeschool Curriculum Helps Kids Build Resilience

This Self-Sufficiency Homeschool Curriculum Helps Kids Build Resilience, updated 6/16/23, 3:27 AM


Are you looking for a homeschool curriculum that teaches your kids real skills for the real world? Running Wild Explorers has curriculum options for homeschool families, with a focus on nature studies, self-sufficiency, and wilderness survival skills. Visit for more details.

Running Wild Explorers 108 South Main Street #1018, Rusk, Texas 75785, United States Website Email

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This Self-Sufficiency Homeschool
Curriculum Helps Kids Build
You want your kids to grow up loving nature and the outdoors and you
want to make sure they can always take care of themselves, no matter
what happens!
The RWE curriculum is designed
for homeschool parents who want
to teach children practical skills
that can be applied in real-world
The lesson plans included in the
curriculum engage your kids with the
outdoors while conveying hands-on
knowledge for a range of different
With several different bundles on offer, the curriculum is aimed at families who love
outdoor activities and wish to acquire skills not often taught in schools.
According to a recent poll conducted by the London Boat Show, over 50% of young
people lack basic skills that were once common for older generations, such as how to
start a fire.
The homeschool curriculum
from Running Wild Explorers
makes sure your children
learn fundamental outdoor
survival skills.
Each RWE season contains a
variety of content and experiences,
including interesting facts, hands-
on experiments, crafts, and access
to additional information.
Find out more at