Dental Veneers & Teeth Whitening Services: Cosmetic Dentist in Portage Lakes

Dental Veneers & Teeth Whitening Services: Cosmetic Dentist in Portage Lakes , updated 7/14/23, 6:35 AM


Inconsistent oral hygiene practices can do more than just damage your teeth - they can damage your confidence! Visit the Blue Heron Dentistry (330-668-1016) office to treat yourself to teeth whitening services or natural-looking porcelain veneers!

Schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation by visiting

Blue Heron Dentistry 4645 Medina Rd,, Copley, OH 44321, United States Website Email

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Dental Veneers & Teeth Whitening Services:
Cosmetic Dentist in Portage Lakes
Looking for a cosmetic dentist capable of
correcting tooth discoloration or damage? Blue
Heron Dentistry offers professional teeth
whitening and veneers for a perfect smile!
From its Copley-based dental
office, Blue Heron Dentistry will
take you on as a patient if you
live in Portage Lakes or the
surrounding communities!
A survey conducted by
OnePoll revealed that
around 57 percent of
Americans cover their
mouths when they
laugh due to insecurity
over their teeth.
Blue Heron Dentistry's
cosmetic treatments
will optimize the
appearance and
functionality of your
teeth so that you can
smile with confidence.
The team can address your
aesthetic concerns with
resin-composite or porcelain
veneers designed to restore
teeth with a natural-looking,
long-lasting finish.
With its routine examinations,
the team can diagnose and
treat the signs of gum disease,
cavities, bruxism, and tooth
decay before they worsen and
cause you greater concerns.
The team at Blue Heron
Dentistry has years of
experience in corrective and
restorative dentistry - book an
appointment by calling 330-
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