Specialist Announces New Non-Surgical Approach To Remedy Orthopedic Conditions

Specialist Announces New Non-Surgical Approach To Remedy Orthopedic Conditions, updated 5/2/23, 8:27 AM

“It is only recently that we have discovered treatment methods that use the body’s own innate healing properties to relieve symptoms and at times reverse many of the conditions that affect joints, bones and other related areas,” says Bajaj, founder of Remedy Wellness and Anti-Aging. Remedy Wellness & Anti-Aging 13160 Mindanao Way Suite 200, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292, United States Website https://www.thinkrws.com/ Phone +1-310-818-4020 Email prc.pressagency@gmail.com

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Specialist Announces New Non-
Surgical Approach To Remedy
Orthopedic Conditions
Joint pain, limited range
of motion, bone
deterioration and many
other related conditions
occur in greater
frequency as one ages.
Advances in functional orthopedics are
allowing specialists to adopt new,
nonsurgical therapies that not only
alleviate the symptoms but oftentimes
reverse them.
Thrice board-certified anti-aging specialist
Akash Bajaj, M.D., who treats a number of
professional athletes among others at his
Marina Del Rey, California practice, is a
pioneer in this nascent field that is proving to
be a "Game-changer" for those experiencing
such symptoms.
"It is only recently that we have
discovered treatment methods that
use the body's own innate healing
properties to relieve symptoms and
at times reverse many of the
conditions that affect joints, bones
and other related areas," says Bajaj,
founder of Remedy Wellness and
"This technology allows us to pinpoint the exact
problem areas and deliver highly potent growth
factors to achieve promising results." Bajaj also
uses PRP therapy, a process in which he obtains
platelets from the patient's blood and injects them
into the problem area.
This undertaking has been
found to be particularly effective
in treating tendinitis, arthritis,
ligament injuries, rotator cuff
tears and joint injuries.
His tailor-made
protocol incorporates
taking various
supplements to
optimize orthopedic
"What's new is the combination of these approaches
to treating orthopedic problems when in the past
surgery was the only option," says Bajaj who
encourages the public to be proactive when it
comes to optimizing their health instead of waiting
for a problem to arise.
"The important 'takeaway' from new advances
in functional othopedics is its focus on
optimizing patients' body function before the
deterioration of their bones, joints, muscles,
ligaments and tendons begins." Remedy
Wellness & Anti-Aging - 13160 Mindanao Way,
Suite 200, in Marina Del Rey, California
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