Invention List - Fred Charles Thomas III - Update 1-23-2021

Invention List - Fred Charles Thomas III - Update 1-23-2021, updated 4/16/23, 3:36 PM


List of Fred Thomas' patent inventions. 100+ inventions and 180+ patents. 9x different companies as assignees (HP / Hewlett-Packard / Britta Technologies / Iomega / EMC / Dell / 3M / Cole National / Texas Instruments). 19 different coutries with issued patents 19 (United States of America / Benelux / Canada / EPC / France / Germany / Japan / Malaysia / PCT / Singapore / Taiwan / UK / China / Australia / Philippines / WO / Brazil / India / Korea). 

About Fred C Thomas III

Fred Charles Thomas III - Engineer and Inventor

Fred Thomas received a BS in Mechanical Engineering with a Minor in Physics from Bucknell University in 1982. In 1990 he received a MS in Mechanical Engineering specializing in Control Systems and Non-linear Dynamics.

His awards include the International Design Excellence Award in 2009, Industrial Forum Product Design Award in 2008, "Nano50 Award" for "Subwavelength Optical Data Storage" in 2005, Lemelson-MIT "Inventor of the Week" Award in 2004, Iomega "Exceptional Invention Award" in 1999, and Laser Focus World "Electro-Optic Application of the Year Award" in 1994. 

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