02-22-2024 Parks Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

02-22-2024 Parks Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, updated 4/4/24, 9:06 PM


About Hillsborough County Parks

The Parks & Recreation Department operates numerous parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, and recreation centers. The department also provides programs, events, and activities to Hillsborough County residents year-round.

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PO Box 1110, Tampa, FL 33601-1110
(813) 744-5871
Donna Cameron Cepeda
Harry Cohen
Ken Hagan
Pat Kemp
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Myers
Michael Owen
Joshua Wostal
Bonnie M. Wise
Christine M. Beck
Peggy Caskey

Dexter L. Barge

Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday February 22, 2024, 12:00 PM
Lesley “Les” Miller, Jr. All People’s Community Park and Life Center

CALL TO ORDER - Chairman, Anthony Sanchez, District 6, called meeting to order at 12:01 PM
a. A welcome to everyone
b. A thank you to Friends of the County Parks and Recreation for providing lunch today.

PUBLIC COMMENTS - No public comment requests received.


a. ELAPP Land Acquisition - Monthly update presented by Forest Turbiville, Conservation Environmental Land
Management Department, Director.
Board Approved Contracts:
Saffold Road Estates (Upper LMR) – 50 acres located on the Little Manatee River
east of US Highway 301. Maps/photos are attached.
TC Ventures (Triple Creek) – Working on final survey for closing on 110 acres in April.
Active Negotiations:
Fee Acquisitions
Cannon (Lower Green Swamp) – 43-acre property is under contract with another
buyer: broker will contact the County if that deal doesn’t close.
Mattaniah (Alafia North Prong) – Appraisals for 623-acre property received by
County on 2/20/2024 and are being evaluated by staff. SWFWMD would like to
partner (50/50) with the County on the acquisition. Maps/photos are attached.
HSH Trust (Cypress Creek) – Awaiting response from bankruptcy counsel on status of
the 10-acre property in the bankruptcy proceeding.
EMH (Balm Scrub Preserve Addition) – Appraisal for 10-acre property finalized on
02/14/2024. Offer pending.


Conservation Easements
Tew (Lower Green Swamp Addition) – County to receive appraisals for 958-acre
property on 02/23/2024. Maps/photos are attached.
Parker/Baker/Varnum/Davis (Alafia South Prong) – Discussions ongoing. Preliminary
CEs are being drafted for review. Acreage TBD.
Possible Donations
Giunta (Cypress Creek) – Ongoing discussions with seller and Natural Resources for
donation of up to 324 acres.
Double Branch Bay – Negotiating a donation agreement over a 10-acre parcel.

Mosaic (N/A) – Working on LOI with CAO and Mosaic (donation and fee acquisition
totaling 4,300 acres).
Tomas (Brooker Creek) – Owner has indicated no deal for now for acquisition of 10-
acre parcel. Will revisit later this year.
Trailside (Rocky-Brushy Creek) – Working on LOI re: exchange of 20’ of UTBT for 5.5
acres of approved ELAPP Lands.

b. Friends of the Parks, Inc - Forest Turbiville, Conservation and Environmental Lands Management Department Director, stated
that the County Internal Auditor’s Office reviewed the Friends of the Parks financial statements and concluded that they are
now in compliance with the language provided in Article 4 of the Agreement. It is recommended that Article 4 of the Agreement
be amended to address the annual financial audit income requirement threshold.

Bill Barrett, Vice-chair District 5, and Scott Levinson, Board member, District 7, stated their disagreement with the Departments’
sponsorship program that generates funds for non-profit organizations since it is their belief that this diverts funds from going
into the Countywide general fund. Diedrea Anthony, Board Member, District 3 provided a brief explanation of how the
Countywide general funds and the department sponsorship funds generated are utilized. Scott Levinson, District 7 Board
member, concluded that, because the agreement between the County and Friends of the Parks was a no-bid process, they should
not be excluded from an annual financial audit to ensure there are no improprieties. Bill Barrett, Board Vice-chair District 5,
stated that he believes there is a conflict of interest with Jack Berlin, Board member, District 1 serving as a Parks Advisory Board
member and also serving as a Friends of the Parks, nonprofit organization, Board member. Discussion ensued regarding the
sponsorship program, funds utilization and the public notification and perception process. Scott Levinson, District 7 Board
member, strongly suggests the Friends agreement financial audit should not be eliminated. The Board voted 3-2, in favor of
recommending an amendment of the financial income requirement of the agreement between the Friends of the Parks and
Hillsborough County to ensure it meets the annual financial requirements required by the State of Florida. Diedrea Anthony,
District 3, Board member motioned and Arron Casteel, District 4, seconded the motion.

c. Discussion of the Parks and Recreation Department Request for Proposal Policy dated August 18, 2020 - Bill Barrett, Vice Chair
District 5, and Scott Levinson, Board Member, District 7, requested clarification of the Request for Proposal Policy. They
questioned the department to ensure they are held accountable for policy compliance. Rick Valdez, Parks and Recreation
Department, Director, clarified the 2020 approved policy purpose and execution. He explained this policy is a Parks and
Recreation departmental policy and process. It is not the same as the County’s Procurement department policy and process.
He reported the Parks department internal policy was executed in the selection of the Providence West field sports organization
selection and was compliant. Two levels of review committees were established in the scoring and selection component. Scott
Levinson, Board Member, District 7, questioned the department’s notification process used in this selection. He indicated he
made a public records request for information; however, information was not located. Rick Valdez, Parks, and Recreation
Director confirmed all organizations were notified and therefore requested clarification of Mr. Levinson’s public information
request statement; as the department Director he was not notified of any type of public information request regarding the
topic. He reported the Park’s department is reviewing the policy for a name change with the approval of the County Attorney.
The department internal policy will have continual reviews for updates; he recognizes the policy language needs to be reviewed
and supports recommendations from the Board. Bill Barrett, Vice-chair, District 5 , recommends all public notifications are
clearly visible advertisement and are always provided to all the public equitably, not only to specific individual prospects.

d. Athletic Organizations meetings - Status update and schedule - Rick Valez, Parks, and Recreation Dept. Director reported
these meetings are going well and thanked all Board members who attended. He indicated the department is gaining
additional insight with the open communication. The usual challenges were encountered, recreation vs competition and
liter control. Chris Kiddy, Parks, Recreation Department , Manager added he has received positive feedback from the
majority of the sport organizations indicating satisfaction with the open communication with the department. Anthony,
Chair, district 6, requests the Parks and Recreation Department provide meetings summary to the Board. Rick Valdez,
Parks, and Recreation Dept, Director , agreed.

NEXT MEETING DATE - April 4, 2024

a. Approve 01-11-2024 meeting minutes. Scott Levinson, made a motion to approve and Anthony Sanchez,
Chair, 2nd the motion. All in favor, no one opposed.
b. Request to reschedule 05/16/2024 meeting to 05/09/2024 - Board not in favor and did not approve. The
meeting date will remain the same ; 5/16/24.

 Scott Levinson, Boad member, district 7 – Thanked the Department for the ongoing athletics organizations
meetings and commented open communication with the sports organization is the key. It demonstrates the
department is willing to work with them and not against them.
 Diedrea Anthony, Board member, District 3. Commented communication is the most important.
 Bill Barrett, Board member, District 5, reminded the Board Chair of the previously discussed invitation to
the County Administrator to attend a Parks Advisory Board meeting. The Board Chair directed the secretary
to prepare the invitation for his signature. A copy of the invitation will be provided to the Board.
 Bill Barett, Vice-Chair requested the Parks Director to provide a list of all closed recreation centers and how
many may not be inhabited by people. He wants these additional centers open for the kids. He thanked Mr.
Wostal, County Commissioner District 7, for attending the meeting and Scott Levinson, Board Member
District 7, agreed. He also recommends all other Parks advisory board members encourage their district
representative to also attend these meetings.
 Bill Barrett, Vice-Chair, District 5, will provide his questions in writing to the Parks Director for his follow-
up and response and the Board secretary can distribute the information to all board members.


Bill Barrett asked if the Shimberg Organization has received a report of the investigation. Rick Valdez, Parks and
recreation Director responded yes. Mr. Hernandez, with the Shimberg Organization asks if he has a right to
appeal the decision and the penalty issued to them by the Parks Department and was advised by the
Department Director, Rick Valdez, to send a written response to the Department for review.

ADJOURNMENT- Chair adjourned meeting at 1:22 PM.