Best Hammond, IN Upholstery & Area Rug Cleaning With Colorfastness Testing

Best Hammond, IN Upholstery & Area Rug Cleaning With Colorfastness Testing , updated 9/27/23, 9:40 PM


Looking for the best Carpet Cleaning service in Hammond? Call Ajax Carpet Service (219-933-1019) to revive, restore, and renew your flooring. Go to for more details.

Ajax Carpet Service City: Hammond Address: 7011 Monroe Ave. Website Phone +1-219-933-1019 Email

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Best Hammond, IN Upholstery & Area Rug
Cleaning With Colorfastness Testing
Walked on by a constant flow of feet and hosts to
various spills, bunches of hair, dust, critters, and germs,
our carpets go through a lot to keep us warm and cozy
every day!
So, if your carpet’s
looking a bit worse for
wear, it's time to call Ajax
Carpet Service - the
experts in carpet care!
The company’s services
include hot water extraction
(HWE) cleaning for embedded
stains and grime, to leave your
floors beautifully soft, healthy,
and renewed!
In addition to improving the
brightness and buoyancy of
carpets, Ajax Carpet
Service’s deep cleaning
method helps to improve
indoor air quality.
Since HWE combines the use of
hot water and high pressure, it can
remove harmful particles and
bacteria - contributing to a safer
environment for people with
allergies and asthma.
For customers that want a fast-
drying surface clean, the
company offers bonnet cleaning.
This option is an ideal
maintenance solution between
HWE or steam cleaning
Other services include upholstery
and area rug cleaning and carpet
Go to
for more details.