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Water Buffalo
Water Buffalo
Water buffalo cow in Thailand
Scientific classification
Subfamily: Bovinae
B. bubalis
Binomial name
Bubalus bubalis
(Linnaeus, 1758)
The Water Buffalo or domestic Asian wa-
ter buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
is a large
bovine animal, frequently used as livestock in
Asia, and also widely in South America,
southern Europe, north Africa and elsewhere.
In 2000, the United Nations Food and Agri-
culture Organization estimated that there
were approximately 158 million water buffalo
in the world and that 97% of them (approxim-
ately 153 million animals) were in Asia.[1]
There are established feral populations in
northern Australia but the dwindling true
wild populations are thought to survive in In-
dia, Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand. All the do-
mestic varieties and breeds descend from
one common ancestor, the wild Asian water
buffalo, which is now an endangered species.
Buffalo are used as draft, meat and dairy
animals. Their dung is used as a fertilizer and
as a fuel when dried. In Chonburi, Thailand,
and in South Malabar Region in Kerala, In-
dia, there are annual water buffalo races. A
few have also found use as pack animals car-
rying loads even for special forces.
American bison are known as buffalo in
parts of North America, but not normally in
other usages; bison are more closely related
to cattle, gaur, banteng, and yaks than to Asi-
an buffalo. The water buffalo genus includes
water buffalo, tamaraw and anoas—all Asian
species. The ancestry of the African buffalo is
unclear, but it is not believed to be closely re-
lated to the water buffalo.
It is known as "Water Buffalo" because it is
adapted to and enjoys being in water.
Endangered wild Asian
water buffalo
True wild Asian water buffalo (or wild Asiatic
water buffalo) are thought to survive in
Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Thailand.
The IUCN Red List of threatened species
classifies wild Asian water buffalo (Bubalis
arnee) [2] as an Endangered species. The
total number of wild Asian water buffalo left
is thought to be less than 4,000, which sug-
gests that the number of mature individuals
will be less than 2,500, and an estimated con-
tinuing decline of at least 20% within 14
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
years (ca. 2 generations) and at least 50%
within 21 years seems likely given the sever-
ity of the threats, especially hybridization
with the abundant domestic Asian water buf-
falo leading to genetic pollution.[3][4]
Anatomy and
Horn differences between Cape buffalo
(above) and Asian water buffalo (below)
an albino water buffalo in Thailand
Adult Water Buffalo range in size from 400 to
900 kg (880 to 2,000 lb) for the domestic
breeds, while the wild animals are nearly 3 m
(9.8 ft) long and 2 m (6.6 ft) tall, weighing up
to 1,200 kg (2,600 lb); females are about two-
thirds this size.[5]
River buffalo are usually black and have
long curled horns, where as swamp buffalo
can be black or white, or both, with gently
curved horns.[6] The largest recorded horns
are just under 2 metres long.[5]
There are differences between swamp buf-
falo and river buffalo. Swamp buffalo have
swept back horns and are native to the east-
ern half of Asia from India to Taiwan. All are
similar in general appearance. River buffalo
generally have curved horns and are native
to the western half of Asia.
The rumen (the first chamber of the di-
gestive system of a ruminant) of the Water
Buffalo has important differences to that of
other ruminants. It consists of essential mi-
croorganisms; namely bacteria, protozoa and
fungi which digest the food to produce
fermentation end-products via anaerobic fer-
mentation or Embden-Myerhof pathway.[7]
The Water Buffalo rumen has been found
to contain a larger population of bacteria par-
ticularly the cellulolytic bacteria, lower pro-
tozoa and higher fungi zoospores. In addi-
tion, higher rumen ammonia nitrogen (NH3-
N) and higher pH have been found as com-
pared to those in cattle.[8]
The classification of the water buffalo is un-
certain. Some authorities list a single spe-
cies, Bubalus bubalis with three subspecies,
the river buffalo (B. bubalis bubalis) of South
Asia, the carabao or swamp buffalo (B. bubal-
is carabanesis) of the Philippines and South-
east Asia, and the arni, or wild Asian water
buffalo (B. bubalis arnee). Others regard
these as closely-related but separate spe-
The swamp buffalo is primarily found in
the eastern half of Asia and has 48 chromo-
somes. The river buffalo is mostly found in
the western half of Asia (and in Europe and
Africa), and has 50 chromosomes. The two
types do not readily interbreed, but fertile
offspring can occur. Buffalo-cattle hybrids
have not been observed to occur, and the em-
bryos of such hybrids do not reach maturity
in laboratory experiments.[10]
Geologically speaking, the Bovidae is much
recent group as compared to Cervidae be-
cause their members are untraceable in the
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
layers of the earth. The fossil forms of the
buffalo provide a definite link between the In-
dian type and their present extreme repres-
entatives and their extinct allies. All Asiatic
buffaloes seem to form a closely allied group
of species which represent more or less a
passage from one variety to another.
Type Locality: "Habitat in Asia, cultus in
Italia". Restricted by Thomas (1911a:154) to
Italy, Rome, but Linnaeus’ (1758) comment
indicates Asia (India?).
Distribution: Bangladesh, Burma, Cam-
bodia, India (survives in Assam and Orissa),
Nepal, N Thailand, Vietnam, and possibly at
least formerly in Laos; domesticated in N
Africa, S Europe, and even England, east to
Indonesia and in E South America; sup-
posedly feral populations in Sri Lanka, Su-
matra, Java, Borneo, Philippines and other
parts of SE Asia; feral populations resulting
from introductions in New Britain and New
Ireland (Bismarck Arch., Papua New Guinea),
and Australia. Status: CITES – Appendix III
(Nepal) as B. arnee (excludes domesticated
forms - but see comments below; IUCN –
Average lifespan in captivity: up to 25
Water Buffalo ploughing rice fields in
Asia is the native home of the water buffalo,
with 95% of the world population of water
buffalo, with about half of the total in India.
Many Asian countries depend on the water
buffalo as its primary bovine species. It is
valuable for its meat and milk as well as the
labour it performs. As of 1992 the Asian
population was estimated at 141 million. The
fat content of buffalo milk is the highest
amongst farm animals and the butterfat is a
major source of ghee in some Asian coun-
tries. Its success in Asia is evident by its ex-
tensive range. Both variants occur in Asia.
River buffalo are found in elevations of 2,800
m in Nepal, and swamp buffalo are found
throughout the lowland tropics. Part of their
success is due to their ability to thrive on
poor foodstuffs and yet be valuable econom-
ically. Moreover they are much better suited
to plough the muddy paddy fields as they are
better adapted than common cattle (Bos taur-
us) to move in swamps.
Buffalo headcount in 2004
Carabao Cart
Swamp buffalo were introduced into the
Northern Territory early in the 19th century
as a beast of burden. They escaped and be-
came feral, causing significant environmental
damage. As a result of this it may be hunted.
Melville Island is a popular hunting location,
where a steady population of up to 4,000 in-
dividuals exist. Buffalo are also found in
Arnhem Land and the Top End. Safari outfits
run out of Darwin to Melville Island and oth-
er locations in the Top End often with the use
of bush pilots. The government has unsuc-
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
programs. Their only natural predator in Aus-
tralia are large adult saltwater crocodiles,
with whom they share the billabongs.
The buffalo live mainly
in freshwater
marshes and billabongs, and their range can
be quite expansive during the Wet season.
They have developed a different appearance
from the Indonesian buffalo from which they
Europe and Middle East
Introduced into North Africa and the Near
East by 600 AD, the water buffalo was
brought to Europe with returning Crusaders
in the Middle Ages, and herds can be found
in Bulgaria, Romania and Italy. As in Asia,
buffalo of the Middle East and Europe live on
coarse vegetation on the marginal land tradi-
tionally available to peasants. They are an
economic asset by serving as a protein
source, draft animal, and storage of family or
household wealth. In some areas, they also
provide occasional recreation at annual ra-
cing festivals. These buffalo are mostly river
buffalo; due to genetic isolation, they have
adopted a distinct appearance. Buffalo milk is
used for the production of buffalo mozzarella
in Campania and many other
around the world.
Water buffalo are a traditional farm animal in
Egypt, which has a large number of them.
They are used as the main source of red meat
in Egypt. Cows have been introduced in mod-
ern farms, yet water buffalo remain as the
more widespread type of cattle in Egypt.
North America
Water buffalo heifers in Arkansas, USA
There are very limited commercial herds in
North America,
for yogurt and cheese
Importance to humans
There are many breeds of domestic water
Water buffalo have been domesticated for
5,000 years and have become economically
important animals. They provide more than
5% of the world’s milk supply and 20% to
30% of the farm power in Southeast Asia.[12]
Milk from these animals is used by many hu-
man populations, and is the traditional raw
material for mozzarella cheese and curd due
to its higher fat content. In Africa and other
locations, water buffalo milk is used for
yogurt, as in Vermont, USA. The chief dairy
breed of Buffalo is the Murrah breed. Buffalo
meat, sometimes called "Carabeef", is often
passed off as beef in certain regions and is
also a major source of export revenue for In-
dia which has the largest population of buf-
falo in the world. However, in many Asian re-
gions, buffalo meat is less preferred due to
its toughness, however, recipes have evolved
(Rendang for example) where the slow cook-
ing process and spices not only make the
meat palatable, but also preserves it; an im-
portant factor in hot climates where refriger-
ation is not always available. Water buffalo
horns are used for the embouchure of music-
al instruments such as ney and kaval. Water
buffalo hide provides a tough and useful
leather often used for shoes and motorcycle
helmets. The bones and horns are often made
into jewelry, especially earrings.
The water buffalo has promise as a major
source of meat, even the milking ones. The
water buffalo also is the classic work animal
in Asia, an integral part of that continent’s
traditional village farming structure and also
used for hauling cotton, pumping water in
Pakistan and hauling logs in Turkey. The do-
mesticated water buffalo is often referred to
as “the living tractor of the East” as it is re-
lied upon for plowing and transportation in
many parts of Asia.
Milk Composition Analysis, per 100 grams
[13][Full citation needed]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
Sugars (Lactose)
Fatty Acids:
Top Ten Buffalo Milk Producers — 11
June 2008
People’s Repub-
lic of China
85396902 A
No symbol = official figure, P = official fig-
ure, F = FAO estimate, * = Unofficial/Semi-
official/mirror data, C = Calculated figure A
= Aggregate(may include official, semi-offi-
cial or estimates);
Source: Food And Agricultural Organization
of United Nations: Economic And Social De-
partment: The Statistical Devision
Adaptation and
Water buffalo spend much of their day sub-
merged in the muddy waters of Asia’s tropic-
al and subtropical forests. They have wide-
splayed hoofed feet which are used to pre-
vent them from sinking too deeply in the
mud. These adaptations allow them to move
in wetlands and swamps. Water buffalo also
prefer to feed in grasslands on grass and
Water buffalo behavior sometimes differs
from cattle. For example, most water buffa-
loes are not trained to be driven. Instead, the
herdsman must walk alongside or ahead of
them. They then instinctively follow. They
also rub against trees more often than cattle
do, and they sometimes de- bark the trees
causing them to die.
The water buffalo has a reputation for being
a sluggish breeder. Without reasonable nutri-
tion, the animals cannot reach puberty as
early in life or genetic capability would nor-
mally allow. Females normally produce
calves every other year after gestation of 9 to
11 months. Young bulls typically remain with
maternal herds which consist of around 30
buffalo, for three years after birth. They then
go on to form small all- male herds.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
Environmental effects
The water buffalo may affect the environment
in either positve or negative ways.
Wildlife and conservation scientists have
started to recommend and use introduced
populations of feral water buffalo to manage
uncontrolled vegetation growth
in and
around natural wetlands. Introduced Asian
Water Buffalo at home in such environs
provide cheap service by regularly grazing
uncontrolled vegetation and opening up
clogged water bodies for waterfowl, wetland
birds and other wildlife.[14][15] Grazing water
buffalo are sometimes used in Great Britain
for conservation grazing, for example to man-
age Chippenham Fen NNR. These buffalo
have been found to be better suited to the
wet conditions and poor-quality vegetation
than many cattle. [16]
However, in uncontrolled circumstances,
water buffalo can cause environmental dam-
age, such as trampling vegetation, disturbing
bird and reptile nesting sites, and spreading
exotic weeds.[17]
First cloned buffalo
On September 15, 2007, the Philippines an-
nounced its development of Southeast Asia’s
first cloned buffalo. The Philippine Council
for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Re-
(PCARRD), under the Department of Science
and Technology in Los Baños, Laguna ap-
proved this project. The Department of Agri-
culture’s Philippine Carabao Center (PCC)
will implement "Cloning through somatic cell
nuclear transfer as a tool for genetic im-
provement in water buffaloes". "Super buf-
falo calves" will be produced. There will be
no modification or alteration of the genetic
materials, as in GMOs (genetically modified
Super Carabao
On January 1, 2008, the Philippine Carabao
Center in Nueva Ecija, per Filipino scientists
initiated a study to breed the super water
buffalo that could produce 4 to 18 liters of
milk/day (gene-based technology). Also, the
1st test-tube hybrid carabao was born there
in 2004, “Glory,” named after President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Joseph Estrada’s
most successful project as an opposition sen-
ator, the PCC was created through Republic
Act 3707, the Carabao Act of 1992.[19] world
first hand made cloned buffalo was produced
in National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal,
In culture
• Legend has it that the Chinese
philosophical sage Lao Tzu left China
through the Han Gu Pass riding a water
• According to Hindu lore, the god of death
Yama, rides on a water buffalo.
• The carabao variant is considered as a
national symbol in the Philippines.
• In Vietnam, water buffalo are often the
most valuable possession of poor farmers:
"Con trâu là đầu cơ nghiệp". They are
treated as a member of the family: "Chồng
cày, vợ cấy, con trâu đi bừa" ("The
husband ploughs, the wife sows, water
buffalo draw the rake") and are friends of
the children. Children talk to their water
buffalo, "Bao giờ cây lúa còn bông. Thì còn
ngọn cỏ ngoài đồng trâu ăn." (Vietnamese
children are responsible for grazing water
buffalo. They will feed them a lot of
grasses if they work laboriously for men.)
In the old days, West Lake, Hà Nội had the
name of Kim Ngưu- Golden Water Buffalo.
• A golden water buffalo is the mascot of
the 22nd Southeast Asian Games held in
Vietnam as it represents the strength and
martial spirit of the Vietnamese people.
• The water buffalo has also seen its
appearance in a few Veggie Tales
episodes, notably in the very first Silly
Song with Larry, "The Water Buffalo
Song", though it also appears briefly in the
"Song of the Cebu", when Larry says: "Oh
wait—that’s a water Buffalo."
• The film Apocalypse Now depicts an
actual ritual slaughter of a water buffalo
by a Montagnard tribe during the film’s
Some popular water buf-
falo festivals
Fighting festivals
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
An unstaged water buffalo fight

[20],: Moh juj is held every year in Bhogali
Bihu in Assam. Ahotguri in Nagaon is
famous for it.

[21][22] is held each year on the 9th day of
the 8th month of the lunar calendar at Do
Son Township, Haiphong City in Vietnam.
It is one of the most popular Vietnam
festivals & events in Haiphong City. The
preparations for this buffalo fighting
festival begin right from the 5th and the
6th lunar month itself. The competing
buffalo are selected and methodically
trained months in advance. It is a
traditional festival of Vietnam attached to
a Water God worshipping ceremony and
the “Hien Sinh” custom to show marital
spirit of the local people of Do Son,

[23][24] According to ancient records, the
buffalo fighting in Hai Luu Commune has
existed from the 2nd century B.C. General
Lu Gia at that time, had the buffalo
slaughtered to give a feast to the local
people and the warriors, and organized
buffalo fighting for amusement.
Eventually, all the fighting buffalo will be
slaughtered as tributes to the deities.

[25][26] is a very popular event held on
special occasions such as New Year’s Day
in January, and Songkran in mid-April, this
festival features head-wrestling bouts in
which two male Asian water buffalo are
pitted against one another. Unlike in
Spanish Bullfighting, wherein bulls get
killed while fighting sword-wielding men,
Buffalo Fighting Festival held at Ko
Samui, Thailand is fairly harmless contest.
The fighting season varies according to
ancient customs & ceremonies. The first
Buffalo to turn and run away is considered
the loser, the winning buffalo becomes
worth several million baht. Ko Samui is an
island in the Gulf of Thailand in the South
China, it is 700 km from Bangkok and is
connected to it by regular flights.
Racing festivals
Water buffalo racing at Babulang 2006

[27] Thousands of people flock to this
entertainment in downtown Chonburi, 70
kilometers (44 miles) south of Bangkok, at
the annual water buffalo festival. About
300 buffalo race in groups of five or six,
spurred on by bareback jockeys wielding
wooden sticks, as hundreds of spectators
cheer. The water buffalo has always
played an important role in agriculture in
Thailand. For farmers of Chon Buri
Province, near Bangkok, it is an important
annual festival, beginning in mid-October.
It is also a celebration among rice farmers
before the rice harvest. At dawn, farmers
walk their buffalo through surrounding
rice fields, splashing them with water to
keep them cool before leading them to the
race field. This amazing festival started
over a hundred years ago when two men
arguing about whose buffalo was the
fastest ended up having a race between
them. That’s how it became a tradition
and gradually a social event for farmers
who gathered from around the country in
Chonburi to trade their goods. The festival
also helps a great deal in preserving the
number of buffalo, which have been
dwindling at quite an alarming rate in
other regions. Modern machinery is
rapidly replacing buffalo in Thai
agriculture. With most of the farm work
mechanized, the buffalo-racing tradition
has continued. Racing buffalo are now
raised just to race, they don’t work at all.
Few farm buffalo which still do work are
much bigger than the racers because of
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
the strenuous work they perform. Farm
buffalo are in the “Buffalo Beauty
Pageant”, a Miss Farmer beauty contest
and a comic buffalo costume contest etc..
This festival perfectly exemplifies a
favored Thai attitude to life — "sanuk,"
meaning fun.
• Babulang is the largest or grandest of the
many rituals, ceremonies and festivals of
the traditional Bisaya (Borneo) community
of Limbang, Sarawak. Highlights are the
Ratu Babulang competition and the Water
buffalo races which can only be found in
this town in Sarawak, Malaysia.

[28] Each year, millions of Cambodians
visit Buddhist temples across the country
to honor their deceased loved ones during
a 15-day period commonly known as the
Festival of the Dead but in Vihear Suor
village, about 22 miles northeast of the
capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, citizens
each year wrap up the festival with a
water buffalo race to entertain visitors
and honor a pledge made hundreds of
years ago. There was a time when many
village cattle which provide rural
Cambodians with muscle power to plow
their fields and transport agricultural
products died from an unknown disease.
The villagers prayed to a spirit to help
save their animals from the disease and
promised to show their gratitude by
holding a buffalo race each year on the
last day of “P’chum Ben” festival as it is
known in Cambodian. The race draws
hundreds of spectators who come to see
riders and their animals charge down the
racing field, the racers bouncing up and
down on the backs of their buffalo, whose
horns were draped with colorful cloth.
• The Maduranese people of the island of
Madura, East Java, Indonesia, race their
strongest and fastest buffalo in races hold
regularly a few times a year, typically in
August, September and October. It is a
very popular spectacle in the towns of
Pamekasan, Sampang, and Bangkalan.
Besides the prize (and the pride that
comes with it), buffalo that win a race are
regarded very valuable and are a lot more
expensive than their peers. This motivates
the owners to feed their buffalo unusual
cocktails of high calory food comprising
raw eggs, honey, and herbs in addition to
their regular training regime to give them
the edge.
See also
• Wild Asian water buffalo
• Water buffalo rumen ecology
• List of Domestic Asian Water buffalo
• Gaur
• African buffalo (Wild)
• Zebu, the common breed of domestic
cattle from India
• Sacred cows of India
[1] "Water Buffalo, An asset undervalued".
United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization. 2000.
w_buffalo.pdf. Retrieved on 2008-10-18.
[2] The IUCN Red list of threatened species
classifies wild Asian water buffalo
(Bubalis arnee) as "Endangered"
[3] The IUCN Red list of threatened species
classifies wild Asian water buffalo"
(Bubalis arnee) as "Endangered"
[4] Animal Info - Wild Asian (water) buffalo -
Status: Endangered; By: Paul Massicot
[5] ^ "Water buffalo". Encyclopaedia
Retrieved on 2009-05-19.
[6] "Water Buffalo, An asset undervalued".
United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization. 2000.
w_buffalo.pdf. Retrieved on 2008-10-18.
[7] Wanapat, M. et al. 2000. A comparative
study on the rumen microbial population
of cattle and swamp buffalo raised under
traditional village conditions in the
norteast of Thailand. Asian-Aust. J. Anim.
Sci. 13: 918-921.
[8] Wanapat,M. 2001. Swamp buffalo rumen
ecology and its manipulation.
Proceedings Buffalo Workshop,
[9] Roth, J. and P. Myers (2004). "Bubalis
Bubalis". University of Michigan Museum
of Zoology Animal Diversity Web.
Retrieved on 2008-10-18.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
[10]Laboratory report: "In vitro production of
cattle-water buffalo (Bos taurus -
Bubalus bubalis) hybrid embryos"
[11]The Woodstock Water Buffalo Company
[12]Roth, J. and P. Myers (2004). "Bubalis
Bubalis". University of Michigan Museum
of Zoology Animal Diversity Web.
Retrieved on 2008-10-18.
[13]McCance, Widdowson, Scherz, Kloos. [1]
[14]Buffalo improve wildlife habitat - The
Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales
use the formidable beasts to help in
conservation work at the 264-acre Teifi
Marshes reserve; BBC, 15 February,
[15] "Buffaloes and wetlands" -- grazing in
wetland management: A discussion from
the Ramsar Forum over late March 1998
[16] "Buffalo improve wildlife habitat in
Cambridgeshire". Natural England.
Retrieved on 2008-08-10.
[17]Roth, J. and P. Myers (2004). "Bubalis
Bubalis". University of Michigan Museum
of Zoology Animal Diversity Web.
Retrieved on 2008-10-18.
[18]Manila Times, RP to produce Southeast
Asia’s first cloned buffalo
[19], ’Super carabao’ making the
scene in year of the rats
[20]Dutta, Pullock. "Bonfire, feast & lots
more". The Telegraph.
Retrieved on 2008-01-19.
[21]Do Son: buffalo fighting festival
(Vietnam), 14/09/2005, VietNamNet
[22]Do Son Buffalo Fighting Festival
[23]Buffalo Fighting in Hai Luu Commune,
Vietnam News Agency
[24]VIDEO on You Tube:Water Buffalo-
fighting festival: Buffalo-fighting festival
is annually held on the 15th of the lunar
two month in Hai Luu (Vinhphuc City). It
results in this saying: "Go everywhere
you want, but come back on the 15th of
the lunar two month to attend the
buffalo-fighting festival". Eventually, all
those fighting buffalo are slaughtered as
tributes to the deities.
[25]Buffalo Fighting Festival Ko Samui,
[26]Buffalo Fighting Festival, Koh Samui
Festivals & Events, Thailand. Hotel and
Travel Links Co. Ltd. Thailand
[27]Buffalo Racing, Thailand, thailand- (p) some content provided by
Tourism Authority of Thailand, Last
Updated : 01-Jul-2007; Watching the
Buffalo Racing, by Panrit "Gor"
Daoruang, 14 October 2003, Thailand
Life; Running of the buffalo: Thais take
their beasts of burden to the races; by:
Alisa Tang, Associated Press Writer;
Buffalo Racing, The lowdown by Aliwyn
Cole, August 1st, 2005, Urban Lowdown;
"Running with the Buffalo", originally
published in the Learning Post, a
supplement of the Bangkok Post
[28]Buffalo Racing in Cambodia, September
27, 2006
• Clutton-Brock, J. 1999. A Natural History
of Domesticated Mammals. Cambridge
UK : Cambridge University Press. ISBN
• Guinness Book of Records, 2005
• Huffman, B. 2006. The ultimate ungulate
• International Union for Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN).
2006. Syncerus caffer, Bubalus bubalis,
Bubalus quarlesi, Bubalus depressicornis
Bubalus mindorensis.
• Ligda, D.J. 1996. The Water Buffalo.
Website. [2]
• Massicot, P. 2004. Animal Info. Website
Wild Asian (Water) Buffalo
• Nowak, R.M. and Paradiso, J.L. 1983.
Walker’s Mammals of the World.
Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The Johns
Hopkins University Press. ISBN
• Olson, T.J. 2006. Turkey Creek Water
Buffalo Website [3] The best buffalo
• Voelker, W. 1986. The Natural History of
Living Mammals. Medford, New Jersey,
USA: Plexus Publishing, Inc. ISBN
^ Roth, J. and P. Myers. "Bubalis Bubalis",
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Water Buffalo
Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved on 15 Janu-
ary 2009
• Fahimuddin, M. 1989. Domestic Water
Buffalo. Janpath, New Delhi: Oxford & IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. ISBN
• The Water Buffalo: New Prospects For An
Underutilized Animal. Washington, D.C.
1981. National Academy Press. ISBN
• Wilson, D.E. and Reeder, D.M. 1993.
Mammal Species of the World, Second
Edition, A Taxonomic and Geographic
Reference.Smithsonian Institution.
Further reading
• Ruangprim, T. et al.2007. rumen microbes
and ecology of male dairy, beef cattle and
buffaloes. In Proc. Animal Science Annual
Meeting, Khon Kaen University, Khon
Kaen 40002,Thailand.
• Thu, Nguyen Van and T.R. Preston. 1999.
Rumen environment and feed
degradability in swamp buffaloes fed
different supplements. Livestock Research
for Rural Development 11(3)
• Wanapat, M. 2000. Rumen manipulation
to increase the efficient use of local feed
resources and productivity of ruminants in
the tropics. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci.
• Wanapat, M. and P. Rowlinson. 2007.
Nutrition and feeding of swamp buffalo:
Feed resources and rumen approach.
Paper to be presented at the VIII World
Buffalo Congress, October 19-22, 2007,
Caserta, Italy, organized by The
International Buffalo Federation.
External links
• Asian Wild Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis
Linnaeus, 1758) by P.K.Mathur, P.K. Malik
and P.D. Muley. From the “Wildlife
Institute of India” website.
• Pet Facts: Buffaloes
• Breeds of Livestock
• Buffalo QTL Research
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Categories: Beef, Bovines, Livestock, Mammals of Asia, Mammals of India, Fauna of Southeast
Asia, Fauna of Thailand, Fauna of Malaysia, Fauna of Pakistan, Fauna of Vietnam, Mammals
of Indonesia, Domesticated animals, Water buffalo breeds
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Water Buffalo