You can reduce your school’s bills by as much as 15-30% with Recession Resister. Keep your funds for teaching and learning and spend on what matters with their expert help. Go to to find out more.
Recession Resister City: Portland Address: 11923 NE Sumner St Website: Email: support@recessionresister.comTag Cloud
Contract Negotiation Help For Private
Schools Improves Financial & Energy
With Recession Resister you can cut your school’s core bills,
operational overheads and utilities, and the best thing is, you
won’t have to spend a dime upfront.
With their new no-save, no-pay
contract negotiation program for
private schools, Recession
Resister will take on the burden
of your school’s bills and utilities.
This includes electricity,
natural gas, water, phones,
internet, waste
management, pest control,
security, water deliveries,
and more.
Given that, in 2024, energy bills
alone represent on average
15% of any business or
organization’s total expenditure,
these are large and influential
Recession Resister will renegotiate
contracts with your service
providers, audit prior bills for
overcharges and implement bill
auto-switching so you always have
the best rate.
They will also introduce physical energy efficiency initiatives
like smart HVAC systems to ensure that they cut your
expenses by between 15 and 30%.
Recession Resister said, “Our service is simple: You send us
your bills, and we contact your providers and negotiate to
lower your current charges."
Go to
to find out more.
Schools Improves Financial & Energy
With Recession Resister you can cut your school’s core bills,
operational overheads and utilities, and the best thing is, you
won’t have to spend a dime upfront.
With their new no-save, no-pay
contract negotiation program for
private schools, Recession
Resister will take on the burden
of your school’s bills and utilities.
This includes electricity,
natural gas, water, phones,
internet, waste
management, pest control,
security, water deliveries,
and more.
Given that, in 2024, energy bills
alone represent on average
15% of any business or
organization’s total expenditure,
these are large and influential
Recession Resister will renegotiate
contracts with your service
providers, audit prior bills for
overcharges and implement bill
auto-switching so you always have
the best rate.
They will also introduce physical energy efficiency initiatives
like smart HVAC systems to ensure that they cut your
expenses by between 15 and 30%.
Recession Resister said, “Our service is simple: You send us
your bills, and we contact your providers and negotiate to
lower your current charges."
Go to
to find out more.