Edocr Site Updates

Edocr Site Updates, updated 11/12/21, 8:02 PM

collectionsBlog Posts

Publishing documents on edocr is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing (brochures, data sheets, press releases, white papers and case studies), sales (slides, price lists and pro-forma agreements), operations (specifications, operating manuals, installation guides), customer service (user manuals) and financial (annual reports and financial statements) documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions. #SEO #leadgen #content #analytics

About edocr

I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

Publishing documents on edocr.com is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.

Get publishing now!

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Edocr Site Updates
We at edocr have decided to update our site so we can better help our users share their content across
the web. We want to ensure our site remains modern and easy to use, and we want to provide the best
SEO indexing possible so our customers can compete with the professionals. You can read about the
many new changes that will be coming to the site within the next few months below, and as always we
are open to any suggestions our users might have on other ways we could improve.
Our highest priority has always been making SEO indexing and sharing easy for everyone, and we’ve
now updated our subscription plans to reflect that. Documents uploaded by free accounts will not be
automatically indexed, but upon request edocr can change the status of individual documents so that
they will be. Premium and Business accounts come with SEO available and are able to purchase
additional SEO packages, allowing users to select what content they want to have shared or stored
privately. If you would like to review your options you can visit our pricing page here.
As part of our new subscription plans we have also changed our rules surrounding the deletion of
documents and profiles. We are no longer going to be indexing profiles which have yet to upload any
documents, and as of May 1st documents which haven’t received any views will begin being deleted.
Content we believe to be in violation of our rules with no views will be deleted within 100 days, while
regular content which has yet to receive any views will be deleted within 200 days. Indexed content
posted by free accounts will be given 400 days before deletion, while indexed content belonging to
Premium users will not be deleted. We advise our users to monitor their storage as well, as those who
exceed the limit for their account status will have their documents deleted on a first in, first out basis.
We hope these changes will help to increase content sharing and keep all your best documents
At the suggestion of a few of our users we will also be improving our tagging, categorization, and
collection features. We are expanding upon our category and tagging system, creating a wider variety
of topics users will be able to search through and share with others. While users will still have to select
one primary category, adding your own tags manually will help to strengthen and organize our
database. We will also be changing how Premium users are able to contribute to collaborative
collections, and in addition will be making our document analytics available for entire collections to
ensure users can manage and review all of their documents.
We will also soon be introducing ads to our mobile site and increasing the number of ads displayed
across our website. Though this may not seem like a positive addition, we do offer Premium users the
ability to reduce or turn off ads within their profile. All you have to do is click the gear icon in the top
right corner, select ‘Account Settings’ from the dropdown, and then scroll down to ‘Disable Ads’/ and
then select ‘Disable Ads’ from within the ‘Account Information’ section. And as always, the ad below
the document description is your to customize. By uploading a document with a shareable logo and
creating a template from it, you can apply a logo ad to all your documents to catch the attention of
your readers.
One of the biggest changes we’re looking forward to is the new visual interface. In an effort to keep the
site modern and up-to-date we will be improving upon the original structure and colour scheme,
brightening up our page and making it easier to navigate. Part of this will include streamlining our
upload process to make it a far simpler and quicker process, as well as releasing a new on-site and
embeddable document viewer. Our new site will be cleaner and less confusing to navigate, helping us
to better share and store your content.
If you are simply using edocr to store files and are concerned any of these features may negatively
affect you, it may be time to consider upgrading to a Premium or Business account. Users who do will
have their profiles indexed and are given increased long term storage, which will not be subject to
these new features. We offer many different payment options here, and you can upgrade your profile
to Premium for 3 months free here.
Service Level
1 GB storage
(Excludes externally stored content)
Two Collections
One vanity URL
Text Extraction
Disable copy text
Document Analytics
Most documents will not be
submitted to search engines
5 GB storage
(Excludes externally stored content)
10 Collections
One vanity URL
Lead Generation
Text Extraction
Save Annotations
Private or Secure Collections
Document Analytics
Engagement Analytics
Bulk Upload
Document Conversion
Contributor Accounts
$9.95 USD/Year
Includes 100 indexed
$1.95 USD/Month
10 indexed documents /
month up to 100 / yr
Add more indexed documents
at any time
90 Day Premium Trial at no charge
via Profile Upgrade Button, but
please Submit documents for
Same as Premium
(Verification required)
20 GB storage
(Excludes externally stored content)
25 Collections
One vanity URL
Lead Generation
Text Extraction
Save Annotations
Private or Secure Collections
Bulk Upload
Document Conversion
$39.95 USD/Year
Includes 300 indexed
$3.95 USD/Month
30 indexed documents /
month up to 300 / yr
Add more indexed documents
at any time
Contributor Accounts
Disable Advertisements on your documents
Document Analytics
Engagement Analytics
CRM Integration
Callable API
90 Day Premium Trial at no charge
via Profile Upgrade Button, but
please Submit documents for
Documents for
SEO Indexing
If you are a Premium or Professional User but
need to exceed the number of 'Indexed
Documents' you are publishing, edocr will offer
you a plan based on your volume. Our most
common case is shown here, but if your volume
is higher, please contact info@edocr.com
(This is not time based, but a Fee Based Service
Level is required)
$6.95 USD
for 300 additional indexed
We hope these new changes will help us continue to improve, and we thank you for your continued
support. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the new updates you can contact
us through the Help Center or at info@edocr.com.