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Discovery Place
Charlotte, North Carolina
Our work with Discovery Place
included not only the planning,
programming and conceptual design for
transformative change at the existing
160,000–sq. ft. science center in
downtown Charlotte, but also
comprehensive master planning for
future development and positioning
of multi-venue facilities representing
Discovery Place as a brand.
E. Verner Johnson and Associates
Existing Facility
Programming, Master Plan, and
Conceptual Design for existing building and new facilities
Charlotte, North Carolina
Our work with Discovery Place
included not only the planning,
programming and conceptual design for
transformative change at the existing
160,000–sq. ft. science center in
downtown Charlotte, but also
comprehensive master planning for
future development and positioning
of multi-venue facilities representing
Discovery Place as a brand.
E. Verner Johnson and Associates
Existing Facility
Programming, Master Plan, and
Conceptual Design for existing building and new facilities