Learn how to Navigate Gender Bias in the Workplace with New Women’s Report

Learn how to Navigate Gender Bias in the Workplace with New Women’s Report , updated 4/6/21, 4:48 AM

Buki Mosaku releases his new report on how women professionals can navigate gender bias in the workplace. The bias navigation expert helps women become empowered in themselves. Learn more at https://www.thefemalelead.com/post/navigating-gender-bias-in-the-workplace-lessons-from-tackling-racial-bias

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Learn how to Navigate Gender Bias in the
Workplace with New Women’s Report
Have you ever experienced
discrimination in the
workplace just because
you're a woman?
How do you effectively deal
with this while still
maintaining poise and
Buki Mosaku, a bias
navigation and sales training
expert, announces his new
report on how to manage
gender bias in the workplace.
The report offers insights on
dealing with gender
discrimination and empowers
women professionals to claim
their power.
Mosaku released the new report
to guide women on how to
navigate gender bias and
become empowered to speak
with upper management should
a biased event occur.
The report details
techniques Mosaku used to
navigate his own experience
on racial bias.
The new report clarifies that
there are several differences
between racial bias and
gender bias in the
While gender bias is a
phenomenon, women can
increase self-determination by
successfully navigating the
inevitability of unconscious
gender bias in the workplace.
This simple shift in
perception changes the
way a woman deals with
gender bias.
Mosaku writes, "Speak to women
about unconscious or subtle gender
bias in the workplace and it quickly
becomes clear that this is a unique
challenge and frustration that a man
cannot even begin to comprehend."
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om to learn more.