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Thursday February 25, 2010
Dra. Andrea Saenz-Arroyo and Meredith de la Garza:
From Saturday February 27, 2010 on, a friend of Pax Terra fluent in Spanish and English will
stay in Chejo’s tourist Yurt at Puerto Magdalena to assist Chejo and the Puerto Magdalena
community with PROCODER document questions.
I understand last Sunday February 21, 2010 a representative of COBI and/or Niparaja delivered a
46 page PROCODER document to Chejo at Puerto Magdalena.
I understand the representative(s) gave Chejo & Christina a 15-minute review of the
PROCODER documents and asked Chejo to share the information with Chejo’s community.
I understand on Wednesday February 24, 2010 COBI and/or Niparaja representative called
Chejo to ask which program Chejo’s community would apply for.
As Pax Terra has over the previous nine months assisted the community of Puerto Magdalena to
diversify their income potentials in a variety of ways, Chejo yesterday requested Pax Terra assist
his community in understanding PROCODER before responding to COBI/Niparaja’s
Pax Terra is most happy to help and, in turn, formally request that you and the individuals copied
in this email assist Pax Terra in obtaining the best possible PROCODER outcome for Chejo,
Christina and the community of Puerto Magdalena.
PROCODER is an extremely complex document, deserving of the deepest consideration and
discussion with the people of Puerto Magdalena.
If a document of this complexity was released to similar communities in the USA or Canada, it
would require major discussion and clarification of the contents and many more details. Pax
Terra believes that three days is an insufficient time to allow for proper discussion and
At your earliest convenience, please contact me with your thoughts on the matter.
Harry Geil - CEO
Ps –
As background information, attached is my 2009 Christmas newsletter I sent friends, family &
United States clients of my time and objectives in Bahia Magdalena and Baja California Sur.
Dr. Joel Villegas Ibarra – Presidente Municipal Comondu Baja California Sur
Biol. Benito R. Bermudez Almada – CONANP Director Regional Peninsula de Baja
California Y Pacifico Norte
Ing. Marco Antonio Gonzalez Viscarra – SEMARNAT Delegado Federal en B.C.S.
Dip. Adolfo Gonzalez Agundez – Fraccioon Parlamentaria del PAN
L.A.E. J. Jesus Robles Gonzalez – API-BCS Gerente de Puerto San Carlos
Sue Arnold – President California Gray Whale Coalition
Marco Antonio Mendoza – Presidente Magdalena Contigo Siempre, A.C.
Lorenzo Rosenzweig Pasquel – Director General FONDO Mexicano Para la
Conservacion de la Naturaleza, A.C.
Biol. Mar. Armando Vega Velazquez – Coordinador Programa Langosta
Teodoro Beltran de la Toba – Presidente Bahia Magdalena S.C.L.
Dr. Gustavo Hinojosa – Centre Director Centro de Estudios de Campo
The School for Field Studies
Robin R. Sears Ph.D – Dean, The School for Field Studies
Delgado Humberto Arias – Delegacion Municipal Puerto San Carlos BCS
Martin Grossman – CKO Chief Knowledge Officer Pax Terra
Jose Valdez Romero “Chejo” – Puerto Magdalena, Magdalena Island BCS