CLASH OF THE BAY 2023 Sponsorships (1)

CLASH OF THE BAY 2023 Sponsorships (1), updated 6/16/23, 6:43 PM


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Attention all sports fans and athletes! Hillsborough
County is proud to present the first-ever "Clash of the
Bay" 4v4 flag tournament - a thrilling competition that
promises to be a weekend of fun for the whole family!

The tournament will showcase the region's top talent,
with 48 teams competing in three divisions at two

Your sponsorship will help support this large-scale
tournament while bringing exposure to your brand.
Sponsor provided promo items in athlete packet
Verbal recognition at Opening & Closing Ceremonies
Display table one day of the event
Logo placement on event t-shirt, banner, and program
MVP Package - $1,200
Logo on MVP sponsor signage
Sponsor provided promo items in athlete packets
Verbal recognition throughout both days of the event
Display table for both days of the event
Elevated logo placement on event t-shirt, banner, and
Rookie PACKAGE - $300
Sponsor provided promo items in athlete packet
Logo placement on event t-shirt, banner, and program
Mini-Games Add On - $500*
Mini-game presented by
"Sponsor" verbal
throughout championship day
Sponsor recognition on trophy
Add on package for MVP and Pro sponsors only.
Mini-Games available, 40 Yard Dash, Longest Field Goal, Longest Throw, Best Team Name, Best Dressed
*Monetary contribution only
Organization Name
Contact Number
Sponsorship Level
Is your sponsorship monetary, in-kind or
both? If in-kind, please describe the in-kind
and it's value.
Sponsors may not sell products or services at county activities. Sponsors may not mention
or display materials that include price information or that make reference to sponsors'
competitors. Sponsors' displayed materials and presentations are subject to review by the
county on the day of the event and are subject to the county's sponsorship policy.
Hillsborough County Government possesses sole and final decision-making authority to
determine the appropriateness of a sponsorship relationship and reserves the right to
refuse to enter into any proposed sponsorship contract or relationship. In-kind donations
must be approved before sponsorship and must meet a need of the events or athletes.
Email completed form to Rodney Jones,, with a high-resolution logo no
later than September 1st. Invoices will be sent by Friends of the County Parks & Recreation.