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Toward Equality of Access
The Role of Public Libraries
in Addressing the Digital Divide
This report has been sponsored by the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and
developed in partnership with:
Pew Internet & American Life Project
has served as research advisor.
Ninety-five percent of public libraries in the United States
offer free access to computers and the Internet, often
providing the only Internet access for residents of the
nation’s poorest areas. This report evaluates the
importance of these library-based computers in addressing
the digital divide.
Drawing from government statistics and independent
research, the report finds widespread acceptance of
library-based computer and Internet access from patrons
and librarians. But more importantly, the report finds that
public access computing is benefiting those socioeconomic
groups with the greatest need.
However, the report also notes urgent—but manageable—
challenges facing libraries as they seek to maintain and
further develop their role in providing access to digital
information. This valued public service can only be
sustained by the continued support of policymakers,
librarians, and community advocates.
he term “digital divide” has been used since the 1990s to describe patterns of
unequal access to information technology—primarily computers and the Internet—
based on income, ethnicity, geography, age, and other factors. Over time it has
evolved to more broadly define disparities in technology usage, resulting from a lack
of access, skills, or interest in using technology.
Nearly a decade after the phrase was coined, Internet use has increased
substantially among all socioeconomic groups. But despite these gains, recent
government data show that significant gaps remain between so-called “haves” and
“have-nots.” In particular, traditionally disadvantaged groups—including African
Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and those with lower income and education
levels—continue to be less likely than other segments of the population to have the
access and skills to effectively use computers and the Internet.
Studies also indicate that physical and sociological barriers—such as concerns over
cost, or fears of difficulty—have prevented many non-users from exploring computers
and the Internet.
Public libraries have made tremendous strides in giving people
access to technology. Yet, more than 40 percent of Americans still
do not regularly use the Internet, and many cite barriers to
access or lack of skills as the reason.1
By reaching nearly all communities, library
computers have been an effective way to reach
the “digitally divided.”
Following years of government and private funding and
support, public access computers are now available in more
than 95 percent of the nation’s public libraries.2 More than 14
million Americans (about 10 percent of all Internet users)
regularly use these computers.3 Studies confirm that public
access computers are popular and that most Americans now
expect their library to provide them. According to a recent
study conducted by the Marist College Institute for Public
Opinion, Americans believe that providing computers for public
use is one of the three most important things their library can
do.4 Between 1996 and 2001, library visits increased more
than 17 percent, a trend partially attributable to the availability
of computers with Internet access.5
Moreover, extensive research on how library-based
computers are used reveals some key findings:
> Public
library computers are reaching
disadvantaged groups consistently identified as
lacking technology access and skills. To a greater extent
than the general population, certain ethnic groups and people
with lower income and education levels rely on library
computers as their only means of accessing computers and
the Internet. The reliance is even more pronounced with
children and adolescents in these disadvantaged groups.
> Library patrons use public library computers to learn
basic computer and Internet skills. As institutions built to
promote education and access to information, public
libraries are appropriate environments for learning computer
and Internet skills. Librarians provide one-on-one training on
a daily basis, and evidence suggests that librarians are
serving this role well. Information-seeking which then leads
to basic computer training—often the progression of
instruction in libraries—provides the necessary context to
make the training useful and lasting for patrons. Some
libraries also are able to provide formal training classes.
> Library computers are helping patrons communicate,
learn, work, and create. Computer and Internet access
allows patrons to keep in touch with family and friends,
complete homework assignments, find job listings, and write
“When we all come together
to expand public access
computing, children can explore
the universe of knowledge,
businesses can expand, and
communities can thrive.”
—Peggy Rudd, Director
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
reports. Library computers serve the special needs of
distinct communities. For example, elderly library users have
a significantly higher interest in online medical information.
> The impact of library computers is especially
pronounced in rural communities. Nearly 80 percent of all
library systems serve rural areas and small towns. The benefits
of increased access in these communities are numerous and
dramatic. Residents now can use library computers to find
employment, research health issues, complete academic
assignments, or stay in touch with distant friends. Library
computers also have led to increased patron visits and
enhanced the libraries’ standing in their communities.6
Despite the successful expansion of public
access computers into most libraries, current
funding cuts jeopardize these gains. Lack of
access could become a problem again—
especially in the poorest communities.
The current challenge for libraries is to sustain their ability to
provide public access. This requires ongoing investment and
support in five key areas:
> Hardware and software upgrades
> Internet connectivity
> Keeping systems running
> Staff training
> Keeping libraries open
However, current funding cuts in library staff, services, or
building hours threaten the access and opportunities that are
the promise of public access computing. Patrons who rely
exclusively on library computers—the ones best served by
them—are most affected by cuts. Rural and small-town
libraries are especially at risk because their funding is less
reliable, their staffs tend to be older and less comfortable with
technology and they have trouble getting technical support.
But it’s not too late to preserve the gains in public access
to the Internet that communities all over the country have
made. The evidence in this report shows that communities
made the right bet when they put public-access computers in
their libraries. Now it will require sustained effort, and funding,
from policymakers, state librarians, and other advocates to
make that investment truly pay off.
Public Libraries Offering Internet Access
Public Library Buildings With Public Internet Access
Public Library Buildings Without Public Internet Access
Public Library Systems With Public Internet Access
Public Library Systems Without Public Internet Access
Source: U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science and Public Libraries
and the Internet 2002 by J. C. Bertot and C. R. McClure
mpirical proof of the digital divide first
appeared in Falling Through the Net, a 1995 report by the U.S.
Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA).7 Subsequent NTIA reports
confirmed a gap in the use of information technology,
attributable largely to socioeconomic factors of race, income,
education, and geography. The explicit concern in these
reports and among policymakers was that unequal access to
computers and the Internet would perpetuate or even
exacerbate existing social divisions. Disadvantaged groups
were in danger of watching the Information Age pass them by.
National attention on the digital divide perhaps reached its
peak in 1999. With the rise of dot-com startups and increasing
Internet use, the media highlighted the issue of technology
“haves” and “have-nots.” Suspicion that market forces alone
would not adequately solve technology inequalities led to
government involvement (such as the creation of the E-rate, a
federal program to offset connectivity costs), while some
private organizations targeted their efforts and capital to help
narrow the digital divide.
An Evolving Debate
Loss of the Spotlight…
In recent years, however, the tone of this policy debate has
become more muted. Some of this is explained by a change
in overall context from the late 90s. A shift in domestic
priorities, the onset of major world events, and reduced hype
surrounding the Internet all contributed to a reduced focus on
the digital divide.
New evidence also seemed to minimize the existence or
the consequences of a technology divide. The most recent
NTIA report published in 2002, A Nation Online, led with an
optimistic conclusion that “all groups of individuals are using
[computer and Internet] technologies in increasingly greater
numbers.”8 Media coverage, far less frequent than before,
simply amplified the high-level findings of A Nation Online or
used other reports to conclude that many Internet “non-users”
were voluntarily avoiding the Internet. In light of these findings,
previously dire predictions that unequal access to technology
would aggravate societal divisions seemed off the mark.9
Yet a closer look at the actual data in the NTIA report and
other sources confirms that gaps in technology usage among
certain segments of the population are still very much a reality.
…But the Problem Still Exists
In aggregate the data do show increasing numbers of
Americans using computers and the Internet. But the same
data also show that underserved communities—the same
ones originally identified in the mid 90s—still lag significantly
behind and that the digital divide remains a persistent problem.
For example, Internet use among African Americans (39.8
percent) and Hispanics (31.6 percent) substantially trails that
of whites. Families with incomes below $25,000 report much
lower Internet use (around 30 percent) than those at higher
income levels (over 70 percent).10 While the number of older
persons using the Internet continues to grow, adults over 50
are less likely to use the Internet (37.1 percent) than all other
age groups.
A 2003 study from the Pew Internet & American Life
Project presents a more nuanced picture of the divide today.
Seniors are defying the conventional wisdom
that they are technophobes by logging on to
the Internet in increasing numbers and using
computers for everything from checking
e-mail to managing retirement accounts
online. In fact, the 55 years and older seg-
ment is the fastest growing Internet demo-
graphic group. In recognition of this senior
surfing surge, the Cleveland Public Library
offers classes that are geared toward
enabling seniors to become full participants
in the digital age. The classes are well
attended, and seniors report feeling more
confident with the technology.
Using e-mail to keep in touch with family
and friends ranks as the top use of the
Internet among seniors. For some, like
Sandra Jones from Shaker Heights, Ohio,
communicating online took some getting
used to. Ten years ago, when e-mail was first
instituted at her workplace she used, “to
gripe and gripe that we were losing the per-
sonal touch.” Now her only Internet access is
at a public library where she e-mails her
daughters in Germany and Hawaii.
Researching information on the Web is
another priority for seniors. As more and
more services targeting this age bracket
move to the Internet, including investment
and retirement planning, and social secu-
rity and Medicare information, it is critical
that seniors have access to and know how
to find this information. Library computers
and training courses go a long way
toward ensuring that seniors aren’t left out
of the digital world.
The study found that 42 percent of Americans do not use the
Internet, sometimes by choice and sometimes because of
factors beyond their control. For instance, lack of interest
and perceived lack of benefit were among the top responses
given for avoiding the Internet. Though not all of these
respondents may understand what the Internet has to offer,
it is fair to conclude that this segment of the offline
population is “choosing” not to participate.
But a large number of responses indicate that barriers to
access and lack of skills are perceived as obstacles to Internet
use. Forty-six percent of non-users indicated that “the Internet
is too complicated and hard to understand,” while another 48
percent indicate “cost” is a reason they are not online.
Embarrassment over lack of knowledge and fears over
personal ability to learn new skills also surfaced in the study.12
For proponents of reducing the digital divide, the Pew findings
are significant on at least two levels. First, they underscore that
three preconditions are necessary for an individual to achieve
technology literacy: the person must have access to technology,
the skills and knowledge to use the technology, and the interest
to learn and use it. Second, the Pew study suggests that those
with interest, but no access or skills—a substantial segment of
the offline population—are within the reach of services or
programs targeted to assist them.
The most current data sources inevitably lead to the
following conclusions:
> Though Internet adoption rates rose among all
segments of the population over the past several
years, the rates of adoption are not equal among
different groups.
> Societal disparities in computer usage, based largely
on socioeconomic factors, persist.
> Efforts to remove barriers to technology usage, by
providing access and skills training, are likely to benefit
a substantial segment of the current offline population.
By Race
Asian American
African American
By Income
< $15,000
$15,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
> $75,000
By Age
50 +
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002. A Nation Online: How Americans are Expanding Their Use of the Internet
Disparities in Internet Use
“I think that the computer
is a necessity these days.
Unfortunately the gap
between the haves and
have nots is big.”
—Community resident (as reported
in an anonymous survey)
Selected Reasons Why Non-Users Aren’t Online
It’s too expensive
I don’t have time
The Internet is too complicated
Don’t have a computer
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet Population
Not a
Why the Digital Divide Still Matters
Surveying the situation in 1995, the authors of the original
Falling Through the Net report offered the following observation:
[We live] in a society where individuals’ economic and social
well-being increasingly depends on their ability to access,
accumulate, and assimilate information. While a standard
telephone line can be an individual’s pathway to the riches
of the Information Age, a personal computer and modem
are rapidly becoming the keys to the vault.13
This argument is even more compelling today. Our society
is moving online and continuing to do so. Information
resources for every imaginable purpose have migrated online.
And our methods of communication are increasingly e-mail
based. Without question, if one wants the full benefits of
economic and social participation in the United States today,
computer skills and Internet access are required.
Equality of opportunity resonates powerfully in American
history and culture. The notion that all Americans, by their own
choosing, should be able to participate in the current
Information Age—or, conversely, that those who are unable to
use computers and the Internet are deprived of opportunities—
remains the core concern over the digital divide.
Technology is not a panacea for social inequities, but no one
can dispute its transforming effect on our society and culture.
Publicly and privately funded attempts to harness this change
for maximum public benefit reflect the same sentiment that led
to our national system of public schools and libraries—a belief
that sometimes creating equal opportunity requires a conscious
investment in a public good.
The main branch of the Detroit Public
Library holds a vast array of special
departments and collections, but one of its
most popular offerings is the Career and
Employment Information Center. Detroit
residents without jobs can access the
center to get personalized help in finding
employment. Many of those who recently
became unemployed
feel lost because they
are unfamiliar with
new ways to conduct a
job search in the
Information Age.
“When some of these people start
looking for a job, they have to play catch
up,” said Dorothy Manty, librarian at the
Career and Employment Information
Center. The center provides hands-on
computer training in creating a resume,
posting it on the Internet, searching Web-
based job banks, and filling out online job
applications. Since some companies only
accept employment applications online,
learning these skills is a crucial part of
looking for a job.
Manty noted that the Internet has
become an essential job search tool in a
number of ways, including researching on
potential employers. “There’s no way
anyone would ever go to an interview these
days without first looking up the employer
on the Internet,” Manty said. When library
patrons succeed in finding employment,
often they’ll go visit Manty to tell her about
it or to show off their new uniform. But
Manty is just as happy when she never sees
her customers again: “That usually means
they’ve found a job.”
A Brief History
here is a pivotal role to be assumed in the new electronic
age by the traditional providers of information access for the
general public—the public schools and libraries.”
—Falling Through the Net, NTIA, 1995
Although they refrained from making specific policy
recommendations, the authors of Falling Through the Net
made it clear that schools and libraries were to be part of the
solution. Public libraries were a logical fit for any strategy to
provide public access across the country. Libraries have the
attraction of being:
> open and accessible to all residents;
> community-based with a history and tradition of offering
lifelong educational opportunities at no cost;
> structured by law to cover 97 percent of the nation’s
But it was also clear in the mid 90s that “wiring” the nation’s
library system would require a substantial investment. In 1996
only 28 percent of library systems, most often in urban areas,
offered direct patron access to the Internet.15 The costs of
public access—computer hardware, software, and Internet
connectivity—were immediate obstacles for most librarians.
The widespread lack of in-house technical skills, training
opportunities, and staff resources necessary to assume a new
service presented other major challenges.
Funds and Support Begin to Flow
Responding to the findings of the NTIA reports, government
policy and philanthropic support targeted much-needed funds
toward wiring the nation’s schools and libraries. The
Telecommunications Act of 1996 updated the definition of
“universal service” to include the Internet as a communications
tool, while giving rise to the Schools and Libraries Universal
Service Fund, or “E-rate.” The E-rate created a $2.25 billion
annual fund to provide discounts primarily on connectivity costs
associated with Internet access for schools and libraries. Also
in 1996, the Library Services and Construction Act was
reauthorized as the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)
with an increased emphasis on access to technology and
collaboration. LSTA authorizes the Institute of Museum and
Library Services (IMLS) to distribute federal funds to states that
in turn support local library services. Since 1998 approximately
$1 billion in LSTA funds have flowed to local libraries.
Funding for public libraries was supplemented further in
1997 with a $250 million commitment from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. Its U.S. Library Program reached public
libraries in the nation’s poorest areas and provided them with
public access computers and software, while simultaneously
providing training and technical support for librarians. Other
funding sources for library-based public access computing
included state
funds, one-time
appropriations from state governments, private sector
support, and local funding.16
The Harmon branch of the Phoenix Public
Library has taken the idea of serving the
community to a new level. In a partner-
ship with Friendly House, South Mountain
Community College, the Phoenix Housing
Drug and Elimination Program and the
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, the library created the
Harmon Institute, a computer lab dedicat-
ed to teaching computer skills to resi-
dents of the local housing project.
Students are offered a variety of introduc-
tory computer-related classes, including
basic word processing and resume writ-
ing. Because these are college-level
courses, students can receive credit at
the community college.
Raquel Elizalde started out as a student
in a similar program, became a tutor, and
is now an instructor with the institute. She
said her students have used the skills
they’ve learned to attain employment in a
variety of places, including pharmacies,
banks, and city offices. “One student is
now studying at the university,” remarked
Elizalde. “She told me the institute was the
first step that helped her to continue her
education.” Elizalde is proud of the fact
that her classes are always full, with as
many as 20 students attending each day.
To ensure turnout remains strong, each
semester she passes out fliers all over the
area, particularly at the housing project,
and posts information on the institute’s
Web site.
Impressive Results
The combined support of government, philanthropy, state and
local communities, and librarians resulted in a rapid diffusion
of public access computing throughout the public library
system—with impressive results.
Today, more than 95 percent of public libraries offer
Internet access to their patrons, with an average of 7.5
workstations per location.17 More than 14 million Americans
(about 10 percent of all Internet users) access the Internet
through computers in public libraries. Though most Internet
users in the United States get online from home, public
libraries rank fourth among other locations behind work,
schools, and someone else’s home.18 The investment in
technology and training has allowed libraries to become points
of Internet access across the country, reaching communities
that were previously unable to participate in online resources.
Source: U.S. Department of Education, 2003. Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001
Public Library Funding Sources
xtensive surveys confirm that, in addition to
being a widespread service, public access computing has been
well received. The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion
reports that Americans believe computer access is one of the
top three services their library should provide. Demand for use
of the computers is strong. In fact, the greatest frustration for
patrons is often related to too many people wanting to use too
few computers.19 Beneath these broad trends, a visit to most
any local library—with computer terminals often continuously full
and patrons waiting for their turn—validates the popularity of
public access computers.
As more people have discovered and used these computers,
libraries have become synonymous with public access. Today,
the service has become so normalized that the general public
now expect their local libraries to provide computers with
Internet access. The Pew Internet & American Life Project found
that a majority of both Internet users (76 percent) and non-users
(60 percent) knew of public access sites,20 and that 90 percent
Evaluating the
Investment in Libraries
Under $15,000
$15,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - $49, 999
$50,000 - $74,999
Over $75,000
African American
Public Library Users with Other Computer Access
Public Library Users with Exclusive Reliance on Library-Based Computers
Public Library Users with Other Computer Access
Public Library Users with Exclusive Reliance on Library-Based Computers
Public Library Internet Users by Income
Public Library Internet Users by Race
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding
Their Use of the Internet.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding
Their Use of the Internet.
of those aware respondents identified the public library as a
point of access.21 State librarians also report that communities
across the nation expect that their local public library will provide
computing and Internet services.22
Beyond high patron satisfaction and demand, public access
computers have revitalized libraries and aided librarians.
Librarians across the country report that public access
computers enhance the reputations of their institutions and
attract new patrons. Nationwide, total visits to the library have
increased by more than 17 percent between 1996 and 2001,
a trend partially attributable to the introduction of public
access computers.23 The computers enable library staffs to
do a better job of providing more information, more quickly.
Despite the added concerns that accompany the support of
computing services, most librarians report increasing comfort
with their responsibilities.24
Addressing the Digital Divide
As popular as library computers are with patrons and
librarians, an original goal of the investment in libraries was to
help “bridge” the digital divide. How have libraries performed
against this objective? Again, evidence from national surveys
and library-specific research leads to some generally positive
conclusions. As originally anticipated, public library computers
have played an important role in addressing inequalities in both
access to information technology and the ability to use it.
1. Public library computers reach the disadvantaged
groups originally identified as lacking access and skills.
Government and independent data show that patrons across the
socioeconomic and ethnic spectrum use public library
computers. But the groups consistently identified as the
“digitally divided” rely significantly more on them. This is true
along lines of race, income, education, and geographic location:
> African Americans (18.7 percent) and Hispanics (13.8
percent) use public library computers more than whites
(8.6 percent).25
> Among library users African Americans and Hispanics
When it comes to Internet connectivity in
libraries, Maine always seems to be one
step ahead of the pack. In 1996, Maine
State Library, Maine Department of
Education and others created the Maine
School and Library Network, which provided
Internet access to every library and school
in the entire state. In 2000, the state used
a grant from the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation
to add upgraded equipment
and training to their
already impressive
networking capabilities.
Still not satisfied with the
technological resources it
provides to its patrons,
Maine State Library is in the process of
offering wireless connectivity to up to 50
libraries statewide. “There was a growing
awareness in the library community that
this was the next step,” said John Clark,
library systems specialist. Adding to the
need to offer this new service was the
legislature’s decision to equip all seventh
and eighth graders with their own laptop.
Now, school children can bring their
laptops to the library and plug in for
instant access to the Internet. “For a lot of
these kids who don’t have connectivity at
home, this effectively expands the school
day,” said Clark, who pointed out that the
service is also geared toward local
businesses and visiting tourists who often
complain they can’t use their laptops at
area hotels.
The Arlington County Library in Virginia
understands that if patrons are going to
use the computer labs to their full poten-
tial, library staff must be prepared to guide
them. So after opening the first of its two
new CyberCenters in February 2000, the
library turned its attention to training its
staff. Over the past two years, the library
has held 73 training classes with almost
650 staff participants. Ronald Altemus, the
coordinator of the CyberCenters, explained
that training is a must as the library gets
new computers and software.
Rather than being seen as a
burden, the classes have been
popular with library staff. “It
allows an interplay and exchange
of ideas among staff members,”
commented Altemus, who said the
classes are a great way for staff
members from all the different
branches to come together.
Classes are held in either the Columbia
Pike branch, home of the first lab, or the
Central branch lab, which opened in June
2001. Having well-trained librarians is par-
ticularly important in a community with a
large immigrant population. Altemus noted
that recent immigrants often come to take
advantage of the computers’ multimedia
capabilities, which allow them to access
international radio broadcasts over the
Internet so they can keep abreast of what’s
happening in their home countries.
rely exclusively on the library computer for Internet
access to a greater degree than their white and Asian
> Native Americans show an even more pronounced
reliance on library computers and are nearly three
times more likely to use them than whites.27
Similar and predictable patterns are seen among individuals at
different income levels.
> Lower income users are more likely to rely, often
exclusively, on public library computers for Internet
access than those with higher incomes.
> Those individuals at the lowest income levels (under
$15,000) tend to be more reliant on library computers
than those at the highest levels (over $75,000) by a
factor of two to three times.28
Children and adolescents from certain ethnic groups and
income levels are also heavily reliant on library computers for
computer and Internet access.29
> Twenty-nine percent of African-American and 20
percent of Hispanic youth use public libraries for
Internet access, compared to 12 percent of white youth.
> More than 27 percent of youth from families with
annual incomes less than $20,000 use library
computers, compared to 11 percent of youth from
families with annual incomes of more than $75,000.
Education and employment status of library users are also
significant factors.30
> Patrons of all education levels use library computers,
but those with less than a high school education are
much more likely, once again, to have access only at
the library.
> Library computer use is more prevalent among, and
more important to, the unemployed and those who are
working part-time.
barriers to Internet use referenced in the Pew study—such as
fear or misconceptions about difficulty—can be overcome with
a helpful, trained librarian. Librarians are serving this role well:
80 percent of patrons report that they are satisfied with the
computer assistance they receive from librarians.32
Informal, one-on-one assistance from librarians has the
additional benefit of teaching basic computer skills in the context
of the patron’s own search for information. Research in
information literacy and user behavior has shown that technology
skills are best learned when they are taught in a problem-solving
context.33 An uncertain library patron wishing to engage online
resources presents an ideal training opportunity. This is exactly
where librarians are making their impact on the digital divide.
Some libraries go beyond one-on-one training and offer more
formal training workshops on basic computer skills, accessing
the Internet, word processing, or using database applications.
2. Libraries provide an effective environment for basic
computer and Internet skills training.
Simply providing an individual with access to computers is not
enough to bridge the digital divide; the skills and knowledge
to use information technology effectively are equally
important. And to begin the journey toward basic technology
literacy, one must have the interest to learn. Library
environments meet these requirements through their legacy
as institutions of public education and, most importantly,
through the librarians themselves.
Today, almost all libraries provide basic computer and
Internet training on a daily basis through individual assistance
from librarians. Americans are accustomed to asking librarians
for help and answers. Nearly two-thirds of computer-using
patrons report that they ask librarians for help when they have
a problem with library computers.31
Importantly, the emotional
Library Computer Benefits
Keep in touch with family/friends
Write/print reports
Get information about current events
Learn/practice computer skills
Do schoolwork
Learn about medical problem
Source: Andrew Gordon, “The Gates Legacy,” Library Journal, March 1, 2003.
Formal classes allow librarians to educate more people more
efficiently and provide more advanced training. They also reduce
the one-on-one training burden on staff. But lack of resources
currently limits most libraries as formal trainers: Among a survey
of select states, only 40 percent of libraries offer such formal
training, indicating a clear opportunity.34
3. Library computers help patrons communicate, learn,
work, and create.
Research shows that patrons are using library computers for
life-enhancing purposes. Keeping in touch with family, writing
reports, doing homework, seeking information, and finding a
job all rank highly on surveys of library computer use.35
Although library users perform online activities similar to
those of the general population, certain disadvantaged groups
show different usage patterns based on their needs.
Consequently, library visitors in lower-income neighborhoods
are more likely to use computers for job seeking needs,36 while
patrons in rural, remote locations are more likely to seek
medical information.37 But the real benefits come into focus on
the individual level. As the adjacent sampling of feedback
indicates, the opportunities afforded by personal access to
library computers are varied, unique, and numerous.
4. The impact of library computers is especially
pronounced in rural communities.
Nearly 80 percent of all library systems serve rural areas or
small towns, accounting for nearly 17 percent of the total
population. Libraries in these often-remote areas are, by their
very nature, small facilities with fewer staff and modest
budgets. More likely to serve poorer populations with lower
literacy rates than their urban counterparts, they represent a
large component of the digitally-divided.38
Because of these limitations, computers and Internet
access have had a particularly strong impact on rural and
small town libraries and their communities. Research confirms
that these libraries have been strengthened—resulting in
tangible benefits for their patrons—in three main areas:39
When the people of Elbow Lake, population
1,275, set out to create a computer lab for
Thorson Memorial Library, they made it a
community effort. Everyone from the City
Council to the Economic Development
Association to the local telephone company
to ordinary citizens
pulled together to
secure funding, prepare
the facility, and make
the lab a place to which
people from all over the
county would flock. Now
that the lab is complete,
the people of Elbow
Lake and the surround-
ing communities do indeed come to use the
lab’s 11 top-of-the-line computers and take
advantage of this hands-on learning center.
“It’s exciting to see people using the
resources in a variety of ways,” said
Library Director Gail Hedstrom. Kids come
in after school to play computer games
and do their homework. Adults like to use
the built-in tutorials to learn how to use
popular software programs. Job seekers
check for employment opportunities and
write their resumes. Students conduct
research, take proxy tests online, and
sometimes complete entire college
degrees via the Web.
The lab has been particularly helpful to
businesses, nonprofit organizations, and
government agencies, which use it to con-
duct seminars and training programs for
employees. According to Hedstrom, it’s the
only place in the entire county with a com-
puter lab for public use. “The lab has really
blossomed into a vibrant facility,” said City
Councilman Dale Champ. “It’s been such a
tremendous asset to the community.”
> Access to information. Historically, budget and space
constraints have severely limited the selection of books and
other printed materials available to these libraries. Now,
public access computers allow patrons to connect to vast
resources available via the Internet. A previously unavailable
world of information is within reach of these communities. In
addition to faster access to news and e-mail, the ability to
independently gain medical information—often in short
supply in more remote areas—has been of particular benefit
to rural library patrons. For students in these remote areas,
Internet access greatly enhances their ability to use
reference materials from state-supported online databases
of academic and mainstream publications.
> Increased library traffic. Public access computers are popular
and have drawn the small town communities into their local
library. Over the last five years, nearly 90 percent of these
rural and small town libraries experienced a noticeable
increase in traffic after public access computers were
installed. Furthermore, librarians also report that new patrons
drawn to the library by the computers often begin using other
library services. Approximately half of rural and small town
libraries report an increase in circulation since public access
computers were installed.
> Librarian satisfaction. In the past few years many of these
small libraries received computers with Internet access for
the first time. The role of librarians in these communities as
both technology provider and community educator was
crucial for public access computing to be successful. Today,
research confirms that these librarians have embraced their
new responsibilities enthusiastically. Though the computers
bring new stresses, the librarians report an increase in job
satisfaction since the arrival of computers. Their support
has allowed rural and small town communities to participate
fully in the opportunities afforded by library computers.
On the Front Line of the Digital Divide
Today nearly all U.S. public libraries, even in some of the
poorest areas of the country, have public computer terminals
When the staff of the Hartford Public
Library recognized that the Internet was
becoming an essential tool in accessing
information, they were determined not to
leave the residents of Hartford, Connecticut
on the far side of the digital divide.
Beginning in 1996, when the library
received funding to install computers with
Internet access, there was a
strong push toward making a wide
variety of information available
online. Today, not only is the
library’s catalog of 500,000
books, videos, compact disks and
other materials accessible from
the Web, a variety of other
databases have been created to
assist the public in gathering important
The Hartford Community Information
Database offers information on nonprofit
organizations and groups devoted to
"social and personal betterment and
enrichment." Users of the database can
get help with everything from finding a day
care center to planting a garden to starting
a business. Another handy tool is the data-
base of City Council reports, which con-
tains the minutes of meetings since 1996
and is word searchable. But beyond the
creation of these useful online resources,
the library has made it a point to educate
the community about its availability. "It’s
been important to the library that we con-
nect with the community and reach out to
people," said Catherine D’Italia, public rela-
tions and development officer. "We need to
put information in the hands of the people
who need it."
with Internet access. Considering the library’s traditional
mission of providing access to information, public access
computers are indeed a logical fit. Library patrons enjoy and
benefit from their presence. Heavy use and high demand for
time on the computers is the norm. Librarians, key to
supporting a quality user experience, have embraced their role
in providing public access. In addition, the computers have
helped strengthen public libraries themselves, resulting in
higher overall traffic and enhanced presence in the community.
Libraries are on the front lines of efforts to reduce the
digital divide. Patrons with little or no other access to the
Internet rely on library computers. Public access to the Internet
affords these patrons new opportunities for learning, working,
creating, and communicating. But the essential, unique
ingredient of public access in libraries is the trained librarian
who can provide support and assistance.
Of course, though the broad trends are encouraging, not all
library computer experiences are alike. The quality of access
continues to vary substantially between poorer libraries and well-
funded ones. This is evident in age and quality of hardware and
software, availability of computer terminals and connectivity
speeds. Some libraries offer a wide range of training classes,
while others offer none at all because resources are tight. Many
non-users do not realize that their local library provides free
access to a computer terminal with an Internet connection.40
Despite these shortcomings, the evidence strongly affirms
the original goal of making libraries points of public access to
the Internet. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reminds
us that patrons must have access to computers and interest in
using them before they can develop technology skills.
Libraries provide the ideal environment for this mix. Library
computers attract a self-selecting stream of “interested”
users, in a setting that is conducive to learning and asking for
help. Librarians who provide either formal or informal
assistance at that moment of interest provide the necessary
context for the training to be meaningful and lasting. The result
is that beyond just providing simple access, libraries are
effectively helping people bridge the digital divide.
“The library computer was the
only source for me to search
for jobs while I was
unemployed. I did not have a
computer of my own and the
nearest friend [or] relative with
computer access was an hour
drive away.”
—Library patron
Cementing the Gains
in a Climate
of Funding Cuts
ith 95 percent of public libraries offering
direct Internet access to patrons, the first phase of library-
based public access computing has drawn to a close. The
promise of reducing access barriers to technology through
public libraries has largely been realized. Looking forward, the
challenge is to sustain this initial investment in technology. In
some libraries this means expanding or improving computer
services; in others, it simply means keeping existing computers
running. In almost all cases, local libraries will need help.
The lifeblood of public access computing, as with any library
service, is a consistent funding source. The costs of providing
computing services to the public are ongoing and unavoidable.
But unlike in the late 90s—when the digital divide was a national
priority, addressed during a time of economic prosperity—
guaranteeing support today is far more challenging.
Severe budget crises have led to state cuts in funding for
public libraries across the country. With millions of Americans
relying on their local library’s computers, the funding cuts have
an additional harsh dimension: cuts in library services inevitably
erode the gains made in recent years to reduce the digital divide.
Keeping Public Access Alive in Libraries
Libraries are already beginning to witness the sensitivity of
public access computing to funding shortages. Underlying the
overall funding crisis are five specific areas where libraries
need ongoing assistance and where support from public and
private sources is crucial:
1. Hardware and Software Upgrades
Hardware and software are the most recognizable costs.
Heavy demand from patrons means that library computers are
subject to constant use. The public access environment places
“As a director, the greatest
challenge is to keep our
technology going.”
—Library director
a heavy toll on sensitive equipment such as the keyboard and
mouse. Consequently, regular computer lifecycles are often
shortened due to inexperienced users and nonstop activity.
The replacement or upgrading of computers is an inevitability.
Often it is only through one-time grants that libraries are able
to meet their hardware and software replacement needs.
2. Internet Connectivity
Far less appreciated by the public, telecommunications and
Internet access costs are an ongoing concern for public
libraries. In addition, the pressure to upgrade to broadband
access only increases as online content becomes richer. Here,
the libraries most in need have relied on the federal E-rate
program, which offers deep discounts in connectivity costs.
Many libraries are using E-rate funding to cover monthly
telecommunications and Internet access fees, while others
have used the E-rate program to purchase higher bandwidth
Internet connectivity sooner than they could otherwise have
afforded.41 But the continuance of the E-rate is far from
guaranteed, a point of concern for librarians and proponents
of reducing the digital divide.42 To illustrate the dependence on
the E-rate program, a recent multi-state survey of librarians
asked them to rank a list of concerns over public access
computing. Hypothetically removing E-rate funding caused
“connectivity” to jump from the lowest rank to the highest.43
3. Keeping Systems Running
Ensuring that computers are working increases a community’s
return on investment in public access computing. Yet, in-house
technical support is often unavailable to all but the largest
libraries. For the rest, the prohibitively high cost of support
often leads to downtime for computers.
4. Staff Training
A recent survey in 10 states found that nearly 40 percent of
libraries do not offer any formal technology training for their
staff, despite the many benefits that result.44 A trained librarian
Librarians are the backbone of public
access computing, sharing information
and support to help patrons get the most
from their online experiences. Whether
the task is checking e-mail, surfing the
Web, or searching job databases, librari-
ans are there to answer any questions
that arise. But when librarians have ques-
tions where can they turn? WebJunction—
http://webjunction.org—is an online
resource that provides practical informa-
tion that addresses real
problems that librarians
face every day.
The Web site offers
technical support and
advice on topics that
range from how to buy
hardware and software
to tips for conducting outreach campaigns
to promote the library’s activities. The
heart of the site is the “Community
Center,” which is powered by librarians
and others who facilitate public access
computing. Here, members offer knowl-
edge and encouragement based on expe-
rience. “Sharing common problems and
finding solutions to those problems is
never more than a few mouse clicks
away,” said Harry Pike, a librarian and
network administrator at The Goodwin
Library in Farmington, New Hampshire.
“As a librarian, tech person and online
conferencing devotee, WebJunction com-
bines the best of all my worlds!”
Continued learning and staying on top of
trends allows librarians to be more effective
in their role of technology facilitator and to
better assist the public in gaining access to
the power of the online world.
who is comfortable with technology provides users with a
more productive experience—or, as is needed with some
embarrassed first time users, a “safe” one. Trained librarians
expand their abilities beyond locating printed sources to
finding digital information or imparting basic computer skills.
Trained librarians also can perform basic troubleshooting
functions that keep computers working. Staff turnover
increases the necessity of ongoing training.
By contrast, a librarian who is uncomfortable with computers
will point individuals to terminals with a warning of “you’re on your
own,” and be unable to offer support for novice users. Untrained
librarians are unable to address simple technical issues, leading
to poor user experience and even computer downtime.
5. Keeping Libraries Open
In a disturbing trend across the country, many libraries—big or
small, urban or rural—are reducing their services or building
hours to meet ever-shrinking budgets.45 Dwindling levels of
access to the public library have always been a disservice to
communities, but now these cuts limit computer and Internet
use for some patrons who rely on the service.
Most at Risk: Rural and Small Towns
Remote, isolated libraries face even greater risks. More than
in other communities, these libraries are actually in danger of
losing their public access services altogether.
Every one of the five concerns above is an especially urgent
problem in these small town libraries. Many of these libraries
must cover their public access costs using one-time donations.
Libraries in these areas rely heavily on E-rate or LSTA funds to
cover their connectivity and sometimes cannot navigate the
complex E-rate application. The staff is often older and less
experienced or comfortable with technology, and staff turnover
is likely to exacerbate the problem. For isolated libraries not
associated with regional support cooperatives, securing
technical support is particularly difficult. The costs of bringing
an outside technician from a distant location can overwhelm tiny
operating budgets. Since they rarely interact with other
Native Americans living on rural tribal land
are often the most isolated people in the
United States. Many reservations lack the
basic infrastructure—roads, water, power,
and telecommunications—that urban areas
take for granted. Statistics from the 2000
Decennial Census estimated that 67.9 per-
cent of all American Indian households living
on American Indian reservation and trust
lands had telephone service, compared with
94.6 percent for all American homes. In New
Mexico, a state where 10 percent of the land
is tribal, home computer ownership for Native
families is estimated at 14 percent
and home Internet access at 8 per-
cent. Clearly, Native communities
face a significant digital divide and
tribal libraries lead the way in pro-
viding access and training for their
The Pueblo of Jemez is a small
Native community of 2,000 people
located 50 miles northwest of Albuquerque,
New Mexico, and for most members of this
community the Jemez Pueblo Community
Library offers their primary access to com-
puters and Internet. Librarian Tamara Sandia
describes an overwhelming demand for com-
puter usage at her library. Surveys have
shown that 70 percent of the library’s patrons
are there exclusively to use the computers.
“We know that most people come here
because our connectivity is fast and because
we’re willing to help with research, applying
for jobs, and for e-mail.” The library also has
a two-page waiting list of names for computer
classes. Librarians Sandia and Shelley
Waquiu teach basic computer classes—intro-
ductions to word processing, spreadsheets,
Internet searching, and e-mail—in both
English and their Towa language.
librarians, they are unlikely to learn the “best practices” that
support public access computing.46
Preserving public access in rural and small town libraries will
take a sustained commitment from the public and the
private sector. These libraries serve the very communities
identified as technology “have-nots” in early digital divide reports,
and, as mentioned, their ability to provide access to computers
and the Internet has dramatically benefited their communities.
They should not be left to slide back into further isolation.
“Having access to computers is a
blessing for many families ... that
would never have the Internet
available to them. Even small,
rural communities––especially
small towns––are no longer left
off the information highway.”
The digital divide is persistent and still with us, but public libraries are making a
difference. On a national scale, library computers have helped reduce barriers to
accessing technology and are well suited for basic skills development. The strong
positive response from both patrons and librarians, combined with the clear importance
of technology literacy in today’s world, justifies continued investment and support in
public access computers and the library infrastructure necessary to support them.
In today’s Information Age, to empower individuals in the use of technology is to
support the fundamental American ideal of equal opportunity. Policymakers, librarians,
and communities must continue their commitment to this standard of equality—and to
the simple truth in nearly all areas of the United States: Today, if you can reach a public
library, you can reach the Internet.
A Public Good Requiring Continued Support
1 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet Population
by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003].
2 Bertot, J.C. and McClure, C.R. 2002. Public Libraries and the Internet 2002:
Internet Connectivity and Networked Services. Available [online]:
http://www.ii.fsu.edu/Projects/2002pli/2002.plinternet.study.pdf [5 Februrary 2004].
3 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003].
4 Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. 2003. The Public Library: A National
Survey 2003. Available [online]:
http://midhudson.org/funding/advocacy/Marist_Poll_2003.ppt [1 November 2003].
5 U.S. Department of Education. 1998-2003. National Center for Education
Statistics. E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=041#052 [22 December 2003].
6 Heuertz, L. et al. 2003. Impact of Public Access Computing on Rural and Small
Town Libraries. Available [online]:
0301.pdf [22 December 2003].
7 U.S. Department of Commerce. 1995. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. Falling Through the Net: A Survey of the “Have Nots” in
Rural and Urban America. Available [online]:
http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fallingthru.html [22 December 2003].
8 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003].
9 See for example, Samuelson, R. J. March 20, 2002. Debunking the Digital
Divide. The Washington Post, p. A33.; Stone, A. August 20, 2003. The Digital Divide
That Wasn't. BusinessWeek Online.
10 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003].
11 Ibid.
12 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet
Population by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003].
13 U.S. Department of Commerce. 1995. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. Falling Through the Net: A Survey of the “Have Nots” in
Rural and Urban America. Available [online]:
http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fallingthru.html [22 December 2003].
14 U.S. Department of Education. 2003. National Center for Education Statistics.
E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2003399 [22 December 2003].
15 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. 1997. The 1996
National Survey of Public Libraries and the Internet: Progress and Issues by J. C.
Bertot, C. R. McClure and D. L. Zweizig. Available [online]: http://slis-
two.lis.fsu.edu/~cmcclure/nspl96/NSPL96_T.html [22 December 2003].
16 McClure, C. R. and Bertot, J.C. 2002. Public Library Internet Services: Impacts
on the Digital Divide. Available [online]: http://slis-
two.lis.fsu.edu/~jcbertot/DDFinal03_01_02.pdf [22 December 2003].
17 U.S. Department of Education. 2003. National Center for Education Statistics.
E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2003399 [22 December 2003].
18 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003]. p. 40.
19 Gordon, M. et al. 2001. Library Patrons Heavily Use Public Access Computers
& Other Library Services, and Want More. Available [online]:
/Patron_501.pdf [22 December 2003].
20 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet
Population by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003]. pp. 3-4.
21 Per discussions with the report’s principal author, Amanda Lenhart.
22 Heuertz, L. et al. 2002. Variations on a Theme: State Librarians Reflect on the
U.S. Library Program. Available [online]:
e020316.pdf [5 february 2004].
23 U.S. Department of Education. 1998-2003. National Center for Education
Statistics. E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=041#052 [22 December 2003].
24 Moore, E. et al. 2001. Library Administrators Confirm Value, Complexities of
Public Access Computing. Available [online]:
Lib_administrators_501.pdf [22 December 2003].
25 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003]. p. 40.
26 Heuertz, L. et al. 2002. Public Libraries and the Digital Divide: How Libraries
Help. Available [online]:
20729.pdf [22 December 2003].
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.
29 U.S. Department of Education. 2003. National Center for Education Statistics.
Computer and Internet Use by Children and Adolescents in 2001. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2004/2004014.pdf [22 December 2003].
30 Heuertz, L. et al. 2002. Public Libraries and the Digital Divide: How Libraries
Help. Available [online]:
20729.pdf [22 December 2003].
31 Ibid, p. 16.
32 Gordon, A. et al. [Forthcoming]. Library Challenges and Successes in Offering
Training to Patrons in Computer and Internet Use: A Working Paper. Public Access
Computing Project. University of Washington.
33 The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Digest. 2002. Computer
Skills for Information Problem-Solving: Learning and Teaching Technology in Context by
Michael Eisenberg and Doug Johnson. Available [online]:
http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed465377.html [September 2002]
34 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. Most Libraries Maintaining Public Access Computing
Programs, but 25% Are Still Fragile. Available [online]:
[11 February 2003].
35 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. The Gates Legacy. Library Journal. Available [online]:
on=libraryjournal [22 December 2003].
36 Moore, E. et al. 2002. It’s Working: People from Low-Income Families
Disproportionately Use Library Computers. Available [online]:
09.pdf [22 December 2003].
37 Heuertz, L. et al. 2003. Impact of Public Access Computing on Rural and Small
Town Libraries. Available [online]:
0301.pdf [22 December 2003].
38 Ibid. p.4. Defined as those in rural and small town settings outside a
metropolitan area, generally serving legal service areas of less than 25,000
39 Ibid.
40 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet
Population by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003].
41 McClure, C. R. and Bertot, J.C. 2002. Public Library Internet Services: Impacts
on the Digital Divide. Available [online]: http://slis-
two.lis.fsu.edu/~jcbertot/DDFinal03_01_02.pdf [22 December 2003].
42 Stern, Christopher, Washington Post, FCC Alters Rules for School Fund;
Program Cuts Cost Of Web Equipment [December 18, 2003].
43 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. Most Libraries Maintaining Public Access Computing
Programs, but 25% Are Still Fragile. Available [online]:
[11 February 2003].
44 Ibid.
45 See for example, Oder, Norman. January 15, 2004. "Budget Blues".
Library Journal.
46 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. Most Libraries Maintaining Public Access Computing
Programs, but 25% Are Still Fragile. Available [online]:
[11 February 2003].
The Role of Public Libraries
in Addressing the Digital Divide
This report has been sponsored by the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and
developed in partnership with:
Pew Internet & American Life Project
has served as research advisor.
Ninety-five percent of public libraries in the United States
offer free access to computers and the Internet, often
providing the only Internet access for residents of the
nation’s poorest areas. This report evaluates the
importance of these library-based computers in addressing
the digital divide.
Drawing from government statistics and independent
research, the report finds widespread acceptance of
library-based computer and Internet access from patrons
and librarians. But more importantly, the report finds that
public access computing is benefiting those socioeconomic
groups with the greatest need.
However, the report also notes urgent—but manageable—
challenges facing libraries as they seek to maintain and
further develop their role in providing access to digital
information. This valued public service can only be
sustained by the continued support of policymakers,
librarians, and community advocates.
he term “digital divide” has been used since the 1990s to describe patterns of
unequal access to information technology—primarily computers and the Internet—
based on income, ethnicity, geography, age, and other factors. Over time it has
evolved to more broadly define disparities in technology usage, resulting from a lack
of access, skills, or interest in using technology.
Nearly a decade after the phrase was coined, Internet use has increased
substantially among all socioeconomic groups. But despite these gains, recent
government data show that significant gaps remain between so-called “haves” and
“have-nots.” In particular, traditionally disadvantaged groups—including African
Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and those with lower income and education
levels—continue to be less likely than other segments of the population to have the
access and skills to effectively use computers and the Internet.
Studies also indicate that physical and sociological barriers—such as concerns over
cost, or fears of difficulty—have prevented many non-users from exploring computers
and the Internet.
Public libraries have made tremendous strides in giving people
access to technology. Yet, more than 40 percent of Americans still
do not regularly use the Internet, and many cite barriers to
access or lack of skills as the reason.1
By reaching nearly all communities, library
computers have been an effective way to reach
the “digitally divided.”
Following years of government and private funding and
support, public access computers are now available in more
than 95 percent of the nation’s public libraries.2 More than 14
million Americans (about 10 percent of all Internet users)
regularly use these computers.3 Studies confirm that public
access computers are popular and that most Americans now
expect their library to provide them. According to a recent
study conducted by the Marist College Institute for Public
Opinion, Americans believe that providing computers for public
use is one of the three most important things their library can
do.4 Between 1996 and 2001, library visits increased more
than 17 percent, a trend partially attributable to the availability
of computers with Internet access.5
Moreover, extensive research on how library-based
computers are used reveals some key findings:
> Public
library computers are reaching
disadvantaged groups consistently identified as
lacking technology access and skills. To a greater extent
than the general population, certain ethnic groups and people
with lower income and education levels rely on library
computers as their only means of accessing computers and
the Internet. The reliance is even more pronounced with
children and adolescents in these disadvantaged groups.
> Library patrons use public library computers to learn
basic computer and Internet skills. As institutions built to
promote education and access to information, public
libraries are appropriate environments for learning computer
and Internet skills. Librarians provide one-on-one training on
a daily basis, and evidence suggests that librarians are
serving this role well. Information-seeking which then leads
to basic computer training—often the progression of
instruction in libraries—provides the necessary context to
make the training useful and lasting for patrons. Some
libraries also are able to provide formal training classes.
> Library computers are helping patrons communicate,
learn, work, and create. Computer and Internet access
allows patrons to keep in touch with family and friends,
complete homework assignments, find job listings, and write
“When we all come together
to expand public access
computing, children can explore
the universe of knowledge,
businesses can expand, and
communities can thrive.”
—Peggy Rudd, Director
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
reports. Library computers serve the special needs of
distinct communities. For example, elderly library users have
a significantly higher interest in online medical information.
> The impact of library computers is especially
pronounced in rural communities. Nearly 80 percent of all
library systems serve rural areas and small towns. The benefits
of increased access in these communities are numerous and
dramatic. Residents now can use library computers to find
employment, research health issues, complete academic
assignments, or stay in touch with distant friends. Library
computers also have led to increased patron visits and
enhanced the libraries’ standing in their communities.6
Despite the successful expansion of public
access computers into most libraries, current
funding cuts jeopardize these gains. Lack of
access could become a problem again—
especially in the poorest communities.
The current challenge for libraries is to sustain their ability to
provide public access. This requires ongoing investment and
support in five key areas:
> Hardware and software upgrades
> Internet connectivity
> Keeping systems running
> Staff training
> Keeping libraries open
However, current funding cuts in library staff, services, or
building hours threaten the access and opportunities that are
the promise of public access computing. Patrons who rely
exclusively on library computers—the ones best served by
them—are most affected by cuts. Rural and small-town
libraries are especially at risk because their funding is less
reliable, their staffs tend to be older and less comfortable with
technology and they have trouble getting technical support.
But it’s not too late to preserve the gains in public access
to the Internet that communities all over the country have
made. The evidence in this report shows that communities
made the right bet when they put public-access computers in
their libraries. Now it will require sustained effort, and funding,
from policymakers, state librarians, and other advocates to
make that investment truly pay off.
Public Libraries Offering Internet Access
Public Library Buildings With Public Internet Access
Public Library Buildings Without Public Internet Access
Public Library Systems With Public Internet Access
Public Library Systems Without Public Internet Access
Source: U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science and Public Libraries
and the Internet 2002 by J. C. Bertot and C. R. McClure
mpirical proof of the digital divide first
appeared in Falling Through the Net, a 1995 report by the U.S.
Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA).7 Subsequent NTIA reports
confirmed a gap in the use of information technology,
attributable largely to socioeconomic factors of race, income,
education, and geography. The explicit concern in these
reports and among policymakers was that unequal access to
computers and the Internet would perpetuate or even
exacerbate existing social divisions. Disadvantaged groups
were in danger of watching the Information Age pass them by.
National attention on the digital divide perhaps reached its
peak in 1999. With the rise of dot-com startups and increasing
Internet use, the media highlighted the issue of technology
“haves” and “have-nots.” Suspicion that market forces alone
would not adequately solve technology inequalities led to
government involvement (such as the creation of the E-rate, a
federal program to offset connectivity costs), while some
private organizations targeted their efforts and capital to help
narrow the digital divide.
An Evolving Debate
Loss of the Spotlight…
In recent years, however, the tone of this policy debate has
become more muted. Some of this is explained by a change
in overall context from the late 90s. A shift in domestic
priorities, the onset of major world events, and reduced hype
surrounding the Internet all contributed to a reduced focus on
the digital divide.
New evidence also seemed to minimize the existence or
the consequences of a technology divide. The most recent
NTIA report published in 2002, A Nation Online, led with an
optimistic conclusion that “all groups of individuals are using
[computer and Internet] technologies in increasingly greater
numbers.”8 Media coverage, far less frequent than before,
simply amplified the high-level findings of A Nation Online or
used other reports to conclude that many Internet “non-users”
were voluntarily avoiding the Internet. In light of these findings,
previously dire predictions that unequal access to technology
would aggravate societal divisions seemed off the mark.9
Yet a closer look at the actual data in the NTIA report and
other sources confirms that gaps in technology usage among
certain segments of the population are still very much a reality.
…But the Problem Still Exists
In aggregate the data do show increasing numbers of
Americans using computers and the Internet. But the same
data also show that underserved communities—the same
ones originally identified in the mid 90s—still lag significantly
behind and that the digital divide remains a persistent problem.
For example, Internet use among African Americans (39.8
percent) and Hispanics (31.6 percent) substantially trails that
of whites. Families with incomes below $25,000 report much
lower Internet use (around 30 percent) than those at higher
income levels (over 70 percent).10 While the number of older
persons using the Internet continues to grow, adults over 50
are less likely to use the Internet (37.1 percent) than all other
age groups.
A 2003 study from the Pew Internet & American Life
Project presents a more nuanced picture of the divide today.
Seniors are defying the conventional wisdom
that they are technophobes by logging on to
the Internet in increasing numbers and using
computers for everything from checking
e-mail to managing retirement accounts
online. In fact, the 55 years and older seg-
ment is the fastest growing Internet demo-
graphic group. In recognition of this senior
surfing surge, the Cleveland Public Library
offers classes that are geared toward
enabling seniors to become full participants
in the digital age. The classes are well
attended, and seniors report feeling more
confident with the technology.
Using e-mail to keep in touch with family
and friends ranks as the top use of the
Internet among seniors. For some, like
Sandra Jones from Shaker Heights, Ohio,
communicating online took some getting
used to. Ten years ago, when e-mail was first
instituted at her workplace she used, “to
gripe and gripe that we were losing the per-
sonal touch.” Now her only Internet access is
at a public library where she e-mails her
daughters in Germany and Hawaii.
Researching information on the Web is
another priority for seniors. As more and
more services targeting this age bracket
move to the Internet, including investment
and retirement planning, and social secu-
rity and Medicare information, it is critical
that seniors have access to and know how
to find this information. Library computers
and training courses go a long way
toward ensuring that seniors aren’t left out
of the digital world.
The study found that 42 percent of Americans do not use the
Internet, sometimes by choice and sometimes because of
factors beyond their control. For instance, lack of interest
and perceived lack of benefit were among the top responses
given for avoiding the Internet. Though not all of these
respondents may understand what the Internet has to offer,
it is fair to conclude that this segment of the offline
population is “choosing” not to participate.
But a large number of responses indicate that barriers to
access and lack of skills are perceived as obstacles to Internet
use. Forty-six percent of non-users indicated that “the Internet
is too complicated and hard to understand,” while another 48
percent indicate “cost” is a reason they are not online.
Embarrassment over lack of knowledge and fears over
personal ability to learn new skills also surfaced in the study.12
For proponents of reducing the digital divide, the Pew findings
are significant on at least two levels. First, they underscore that
three preconditions are necessary for an individual to achieve
technology literacy: the person must have access to technology,
the skills and knowledge to use the technology, and the interest
to learn and use it. Second, the Pew study suggests that those
with interest, but no access or skills—a substantial segment of
the offline population—are within the reach of services or
programs targeted to assist them.
The most current data sources inevitably lead to the
following conclusions:
> Though Internet adoption rates rose among all
segments of the population over the past several
years, the rates of adoption are not equal among
different groups.
> Societal disparities in computer usage, based largely
on socioeconomic factors, persist.
> Efforts to remove barriers to technology usage, by
providing access and skills training, are likely to benefit
a substantial segment of the current offline population.
By Race
Asian American
African American
By Income
< $15,000
$15,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - $49,999
$50,000 - $74,999
> $75,000
By Age
50 +
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002. A Nation Online: How Americans are Expanding Their Use of the Internet
Disparities in Internet Use
“I think that the computer
is a necessity these days.
Unfortunately the gap
between the haves and
have nots is big.”
—Community resident (as reported
in an anonymous survey)
Selected Reasons Why Non-Users Aren’t Online
It’s too expensive
I don’t have time
The Internet is too complicated
Don’t have a computer
Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet Population
Not a
Why the Digital Divide Still Matters
Surveying the situation in 1995, the authors of the original
Falling Through the Net report offered the following observation:
[We live] in a society where individuals’ economic and social
well-being increasingly depends on their ability to access,
accumulate, and assimilate information. While a standard
telephone line can be an individual’s pathway to the riches
of the Information Age, a personal computer and modem
are rapidly becoming the keys to the vault.13
This argument is even more compelling today. Our society
is moving online and continuing to do so. Information
resources for every imaginable purpose have migrated online.
And our methods of communication are increasingly e-mail
based. Without question, if one wants the full benefits of
economic and social participation in the United States today,
computer skills and Internet access are required.
Equality of opportunity resonates powerfully in American
history and culture. The notion that all Americans, by their own
choosing, should be able to participate in the current
Information Age—or, conversely, that those who are unable to
use computers and the Internet are deprived of opportunities—
remains the core concern over the digital divide.
Technology is not a panacea for social inequities, but no one
can dispute its transforming effect on our society and culture.
Publicly and privately funded attempts to harness this change
for maximum public benefit reflect the same sentiment that led
to our national system of public schools and libraries—a belief
that sometimes creating equal opportunity requires a conscious
investment in a public good.
The main branch of the Detroit Public
Library holds a vast array of special
departments and collections, but one of its
most popular offerings is the Career and
Employment Information Center. Detroit
residents without jobs can access the
center to get personalized help in finding
employment. Many of those who recently
became unemployed
feel lost because they
are unfamiliar with
new ways to conduct a
job search in the
Information Age.
“When some of these people start
looking for a job, they have to play catch
up,” said Dorothy Manty, librarian at the
Career and Employment Information
Center. The center provides hands-on
computer training in creating a resume,
posting it on the Internet, searching Web-
based job banks, and filling out online job
applications. Since some companies only
accept employment applications online,
learning these skills is a crucial part of
looking for a job.
Manty noted that the Internet has
become an essential job search tool in a
number of ways, including researching on
potential employers. “There’s no way
anyone would ever go to an interview these
days without first looking up the employer
on the Internet,” Manty said. When library
patrons succeed in finding employment,
often they’ll go visit Manty to tell her about
it or to show off their new uniform. But
Manty is just as happy when she never sees
her customers again: “That usually means
they’ve found a job.”
A Brief History
here is a pivotal role to be assumed in the new electronic
age by the traditional providers of information access for the
general public—the public schools and libraries.”
—Falling Through the Net, NTIA, 1995
Although they refrained from making specific policy
recommendations, the authors of Falling Through the Net
made it clear that schools and libraries were to be part of the
solution. Public libraries were a logical fit for any strategy to
provide public access across the country. Libraries have the
attraction of being:
> open and accessible to all residents;
> community-based with a history and tradition of offering
lifelong educational opportunities at no cost;
> structured by law to cover 97 percent of the nation’s
But it was also clear in the mid 90s that “wiring” the nation’s
library system would require a substantial investment. In 1996
only 28 percent of library systems, most often in urban areas,
offered direct patron access to the Internet.15 The costs of
public access—computer hardware, software, and Internet
connectivity—were immediate obstacles for most librarians.
The widespread lack of in-house technical skills, training
opportunities, and staff resources necessary to assume a new
service presented other major challenges.
Funds and Support Begin to Flow
Responding to the findings of the NTIA reports, government
policy and philanthropic support targeted much-needed funds
toward wiring the nation’s schools and libraries. The
Telecommunications Act of 1996 updated the definition of
“universal service” to include the Internet as a communications
tool, while giving rise to the Schools and Libraries Universal
Service Fund, or “E-rate.” The E-rate created a $2.25 billion
annual fund to provide discounts primarily on connectivity costs
associated with Internet access for schools and libraries. Also
in 1996, the Library Services and Construction Act was
reauthorized as the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)
with an increased emphasis on access to technology and
collaboration. LSTA authorizes the Institute of Museum and
Library Services (IMLS) to distribute federal funds to states that
in turn support local library services. Since 1998 approximately
$1 billion in LSTA funds have flowed to local libraries.
Funding for public libraries was supplemented further in
1997 with a $250 million commitment from the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. Its U.S. Library Program reached public
libraries in the nation’s poorest areas and provided them with
public access computers and software, while simultaneously
providing training and technical support for librarians. Other
funding sources for library-based public access computing
included state
funds, one-time
appropriations from state governments, private sector
support, and local funding.16
The Harmon branch of the Phoenix Public
Library has taken the idea of serving the
community to a new level. In a partner-
ship with Friendly House, South Mountain
Community College, the Phoenix Housing
Drug and Elimination Program and the
Department of Housing and Urban
Development, the library created the
Harmon Institute, a computer lab dedicat-
ed to teaching computer skills to resi-
dents of the local housing project.
Students are offered a variety of introduc-
tory computer-related classes, including
basic word processing and resume writ-
ing. Because these are college-level
courses, students can receive credit at
the community college.
Raquel Elizalde started out as a student
in a similar program, became a tutor, and
is now an instructor with the institute. She
said her students have used the skills
they’ve learned to attain employment in a
variety of places, including pharmacies,
banks, and city offices. “One student is
now studying at the university,” remarked
Elizalde. “She told me the institute was the
first step that helped her to continue her
education.” Elizalde is proud of the fact
that her classes are always full, with as
many as 20 students attending each day.
To ensure turnout remains strong, each
semester she passes out fliers all over the
area, particularly at the housing project,
and posts information on the institute’s
Web site.
Impressive Results
The combined support of government, philanthropy, state and
local communities, and librarians resulted in a rapid diffusion
of public access computing throughout the public library
system—with impressive results.
Today, more than 95 percent of public libraries offer
Internet access to their patrons, with an average of 7.5
workstations per location.17 More than 14 million Americans
(about 10 percent of all Internet users) access the Internet
through computers in public libraries. Though most Internet
users in the United States get online from home, public
libraries rank fourth among other locations behind work,
schools, and someone else’s home.18 The investment in
technology and training has allowed libraries to become points
of Internet access across the country, reaching communities
that were previously unable to participate in online resources.
Source: U.S. Department of Education, 2003. Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001
Public Library Funding Sources
xtensive surveys confirm that, in addition to
being a widespread service, public access computing has been
well received. The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion
reports that Americans believe computer access is one of the
top three services their library should provide. Demand for use
of the computers is strong. In fact, the greatest frustration for
patrons is often related to too many people wanting to use too
few computers.19 Beneath these broad trends, a visit to most
any local library—with computer terminals often continuously full
and patrons waiting for their turn—validates the popularity of
public access computers.
As more people have discovered and used these computers,
libraries have become synonymous with public access. Today,
the service has become so normalized that the general public
now expect their local libraries to provide computers with
Internet access. The Pew Internet & American Life Project found
that a majority of both Internet users (76 percent) and non-users
(60 percent) knew of public access sites,20 and that 90 percent
Evaluating the
Investment in Libraries
Under $15,000
$15,000 - $24,999
$25,000 - $34,999
$35,000 - $49, 999
$50,000 - $74,999
Over $75,000
African American
Public Library Users with Other Computer Access
Public Library Users with Exclusive Reliance on Library-Based Computers
Public Library Users with Other Computer Access
Public Library Users with Exclusive Reliance on Library-Based Computers
Public Library Internet Users by Income
Public Library Internet Users by Race
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding
Their Use of the Internet.
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 2002. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding
Their Use of the Internet.
of those aware respondents identified the public library as a
point of access.21 State librarians also report that communities
across the nation expect that their local public library will provide
computing and Internet services.22
Beyond high patron satisfaction and demand, public access
computers have revitalized libraries and aided librarians.
Librarians across the country report that public access
computers enhance the reputations of their institutions and
attract new patrons. Nationwide, total visits to the library have
increased by more than 17 percent between 1996 and 2001,
a trend partially attributable to the introduction of public
access computers.23 The computers enable library staffs to
do a better job of providing more information, more quickly.
Despite the added concerns that accompany the support of
computing services, most librarians report increasing comfort
with their responsibilities.24
Addressing the Digital Divide
As popular as library computers are with patrons and
librarians, an original goal of the investment in libraries was to
help “bridge” the digital divide. How have libraries performed
against this objective? Again, evidence from national surveys
and library-specific research leads to some generally positive
conclusions. As originally anticipated, public library computers
have played an important role in addressing inequalities in both
access to information technology and the ability to use it.
1. Public library computers reach the disadvantaged
groups originally identified as lacking access and skills.
Government and independent data show that patrons across the
socioeconomic and ethnic spectrum use public library
computers. But the groups consistently identified as the
“digitally divided” rely significantly more on them. This is true
along lines of race, income, education, and geographic location:
> African Americans (18.7 percent) and Hispanics (13.8
percent) use public library computers more than whites
(8.6 percent).25
> Among library users African Americans and Hispanics
When it comes to Internet connectivity in
libraries, Maine always seems to be one
step ahead of the pack. In 1996, Maine
State Library, Maine Department of
Education and others created the Maine
School and Library Network, which provided
Internet access to every library and school
in the entire state. In 2000, the state used
a grant from the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation
to add upgraded equipment
and training to their
already impressive
networking capabilities.
Still not satisfied with the
technological resources it
provides to its patrons,
Maine State Library is in the process of
offering wireless connectivity to up to 50
libraries statewide. “There was a growing
awareness in the library community that
this was the next step,” said John Clark,
library systems specialist. Adding to the
need to offer this new service was the
legislature’s decision to equip all seventh
and eighth graders with their own laptop.
Now, school children can bring their
laptops to the library and plug in for
instant access to the Internet. “For a lot of
these kids who don’t have connectivity at
home, this effectively expands the school
day,” said Clark, who pointed out that the
service is also geared toward local
businesses and visiting tourists who often
complain they can’t use their laptops at
area hotels.
The Arlington County Library in Virginia
understands that if patrons are going to
use the computer labs to their full poten-
tial, library staff must be prepared to guide
them. So after opening the first of its two
new CyberCenters in February 2000, the
library turned its attention to training its
staff. Over the past two years, the library
has held 73 training classes with almost
650 staff participants. Ronald Altemus, the
coordinator of the CyberCenters, explained
that training is a must as the library gets
new computers and software.
Rather than being seen as a
burden, the classes have been
popular with library staff. “It
allows an interplay and exchange
of ideas among staff members,”
commented Altemus, who said the
classes are a great way for staff
members from all the different
branches to come together.
Classes are held in either the Columbia
Pike branch, home of the first lab, or the
Central branch lab, which opened in June
2001. Having well-trained librarians is par-
ticularly important in a community with a
large immigrant population. Altemus noted
that recent immigrants often come to take
advantage of the computers’ multimedia
capabilities, which allow them to access
international radio broadcasts over the
Internet so they can keep abreast of what’s
happening in their home countries.
rely exclusively on the library computer for Internet
access to a greater degree than their white and Asian
> Native Americans show an even more pronounced
reliance on library computers and are nearly three
times more likely to use them than whites.27
Similar and predictable patterns are seen among individuals at
different income levels.
> Lower income users are more likely to rely, often
exclusively, on public library computers for Internet
access than those with higher incomes.
> Those individuals at the lowest income levels (under
$15,000) tend to be more reliant on library computers
than those at the highest levels (over $75,000) by a
factor of two to three times.28
Children and adolescents from certain ethnic groups and
income levels are also heavily reliant on library computers for
computer and Internet access.29
> Twenty-nine percent of African-American and 20
percent of Hispanic youth use public libraries for
Internet access, compared to 12 percent of white youth.
> More than 27 percent of youth from families with
annual incomes less than $20,000 use library
computers, compared to 11 percent of youth from
families with annual incomes of more than $75,000.
Education and employment status of library users are also
significant factors.30
> Patrons of all education levels use library computers,
but those with less than a high school education are
much more likely, once again, to have access only at
the library.
> Library computer use is more prevalent among, and
more important to, the unemployed and those who are
working part-time.
barriers to Internet use referenced in the Pew study—such as
fear or misconceptions about difficulty—can be overcome with
a helpful, trained librarian. Librarians are serving this role well:
80 percent of patrons report that they are satisfied with the
computer assistance they receive from librarians.32
Informal, one-on-one assistance from librarians has the
additional benefit of teaching basic computer skills in the context
of the patron’s own search for information. Research in
information literacy and user behavior has shown that technology
skills are best learned when they are taught in a problem-solving
context.33 An uncertain library patron wishing to engage online
resources presents an ideal training opportunity. This is exactly
where librarians are making their impact on the digital divide.
Some libraries go beyond one-on-one training and offer more
formal training workshops on basic computer skills, accessing
the Internet, word processing, or using database applications.
2. Libraries provide an effective environment for basic
computer and Internet skills training.
Simply providing an individual with access to computers is not
enough to bridge the digital divide; the skills and knowledge
to use information technology effectively are equally
important. And to begin the journey toward basic technology
literacy, one must have the interest to learn. Library
environments meet these requirements through their legacy
as institutions of public education and, most importantly,
through the librarians themselves.
Today, almost all libraries provide basic computer and
Internet training on a daily basis through individual assistance
from librarians. Americans are accustomed to asking librarians
for help and answers. Nearly two-thirds of computer-using
patrons report that they ask librarians for help when they have
a problem with library computers.31
Importantly, the emotional
Library Computer Benefits
Keep in touch with family/friends
Write/print reports
Get information about current events
Learn/practice computer skills
Do schoolwork
Learn about medical problem
Source: Andrew Gordon, “The Gates Legacy,” Library Journal, March 1, 2003.
Formal classes allow librarians to educate more people more
efficiently and provide more advanced training. They also reduce
the one-on-one training burden on staff. But lack of resources
currently limits most libraries as formal trainers: Among a survey
of select states, only 40 percent of libraries offer such formal
training, indicating a clear opportunity.34
3. Library computers help patrons communicate, learn,
work, and create.
Research shows that patrons are using library computers for
life-enhancing purposes. Keeping in touch with family, writing
reports, doing homework, seeking information, and finding a
job all rank highly on surveys of library computer use.35
Although library users perform online activities similar to
those of the general population, certain disadvantaged groups
show different usage patterns based on their needs.
Consequently, library visitors in lower-income neighborhoods
are more likely to use computers for job seeking needs,36 while
patrons in rural, remote locations are more likely to seek
medical information.37 But the real benefits come into focus on
the individual level. As the adjacent sampling of feedback
indicates, the opportunities afforded by personal access to
library computers are varied, unique, and numerous.
4. The impact of library computers is especially
pronounced in rural communities.
Nearly 80 percent of all library systems serve rural areas or
small towns, accounting for nearly 17 percent of the total
population. Libraries in these often-remote areas are, by their
very nature, small facilities with fewer staff and modest
budgets. More likely to serve poorer populations with lower
literacy rates than their urban counterparts, they represent a
large component of the digitally-divided.38
Because of these limitations, computers and Internet
access have had a particularly strong impact on rural and
small town libraries and their communities. Research confirms
that these libraries have been strengthened—resulting in
tangible benefits for their patrons—in three main areas:39
When the people of Elbow Lake, population
1,275, set out to create a computer lab for
Thorson Memorial Library, they made it a
community effort. Everyone from the City
Council to the Economic Development
Association to the local telephone company
to ordinary citizens
pulled together to
secure funding, prepare
the facility, and make
the lab a place to which
people from all over the
county would flock. Now
that the lab is complete,
the people of Elbow
Lake and the surround-
ing communities do indeed come to use the
lab’s 11 top-of-the-line computers and take
advantage of this hands-on learning center.
“It’s exciting to see people using the
resources in a variety of ways,” said
Library Director Gail Hedstrom. Kids come
in after school to play computer games
and do their homework. Adults like to use
the built-in tutorials to learn how to use
popular software programs. Job seekers
check for employment opportunities and
write their resumes. Students conduct
research, take proxy tests online, and
sometimes complete entire college
degrees via the Web.
The lab has been particularly helpful to
businesses, nonprofit organizations, and
government agencies, which use it to con-
duct seminars and training programs for
employees. According to Hedstrom, it’s the
only place in the entire county with a com-
puter lab for public use. “The lab has really
blossomed into a vibrant facility,” said City
Councilman Dale Champ. “It’s been such a
tremendous asset to the community.”
> Access to information. Historically, budget and space
constraints have severely limited the selection of books and
other printed materials available to these libraries. Now,
public access computers allow patrons to connect to vast
resources available via the Internet. A previously unavailable
world of information is within reach of these communities. In
addition to faster access to news and e-mail, the ability to
independently gain medical information—often in short
supply in more remote areas—has been of particular benefit
to rural library patrons. For students in these remote areas,
Internet access greatly enhances their ability to use
reference materials from state-supported online databases
of academic and mainstream publications.
> Increased library traffic. Public access computers are popular
and have drawn the small town communities into their local
library. Over the last five years, nearly 90 percent of these
rural and small town libraries experienced a noticeable
increase in traffic after public access computers were
installed. Furthermore, librarians also report that new patrons
drawn to the library by the computers often begin using other
library services. Approximately half of rural and small town
libraries report an increase in circulation since public access
computers were installed.
> Librarian satisfaction. In the past few years many of these
small libraries received computers with Internet access for
the first time. The role of librarians in these communities as
both technology provider and community educator was
crucial for public access computing to be successful. Today,
research confirms that these librarians have embraced their
new responsibilities enthusiastically. Though the computers
bring new stresses, the librarians report an increase in job
satisfaction since the arrival of computers. Their support
has allowed rural and small town communities to participate
fully in the opportunities afforded by library computers.
On the Front Line of the Digital Divide
Today nearly all U.S. public libraries, even in some of the
poorest areas of the country, have public computer terminals
When the staff of the Hartford Public
Library recognized that the Internet was
becoming an essential tool in accessing
information, they were determined not to
leave the residents of Hartford, Connecticut
on the far side of the digital divide.
Beginning in 1996, when the library
received funding to install computers with
Internet access, there was a
strong push toward making a wide
variety of information available
online. Today, not only is the
library’s catalog of 500,000
books, videos, compact disks and
other materials accessible from
the Web, a variety of other
databases have been created to
assist the public in gathering important
The Hartford Community Information
Database offers information on nonprofit
organizations and groups devoted to
"social and personal betterment and
enrichment." Users of the database can
get help with everything from finding a day
care center to planting a garden to starting
a business. Another handy tool is the data-
base of City Council reports, which con-
tains the minutes of meetings since 1996
and is word searchable. But beyond the
creation of these useful online resources,
the library has made it a point to educate
the community about its availability. "It’s
been important to the library that we con-
nect with the community and reach out to
people," said Catherine D’Italia, public rela-
tions and development officer. "We need to
put information in the hands of the people
who need it."
with Internet access. Considering the library’s traditional
mission of providing access to information, public access
computers are indeed a logical fit. Library patrons enjoy and
benefit from their presence. Heavy use and high demand for
time on the computers is the norm. Librarians, key to
supporting a quality user experience, have embraced their role
in providing public access. In addition, the computers have
helped strengthen public libraries themselves, resulting in
higher overall traffic and enhanced presence in the community.
Libraries are on the front lines of efforts to reduce the
digital divide. Patrons with little or no other access to the
Internet rely on library computers. Public access to the Internet
affords these patrons new opportunities for learning, working,
creating, and communicating. But the essential, unique
ingredient of public access in libraries is the trained librarian
who can provide support and assistance.
Of course, though the broad trends are encouraging, not all
library computer experiences are alike. The quality of access
continues to vary substantially between poorer libraries and well-
funded ones. This is evident in age and quality of hardware and
software, availability of computer terminals and connectivity
speeds. Some libraries offer a wide range of training classes,
while others offer none at all because resources are tight. Many
non-users do not realize that their local library provides free
access to a computer terminal with an Internet connection.40
Despite these shortcomings, the evidence strongly affirms
the original goal of making libraries points of public access to
the Internet. The Pew Internet & American Life Project reminds
us that patrons must have access to computers and interest in
using them before they can develop technology skills.
Libraries provide the ideal environment for this mix. Library
computers attract a self-selecting stream of “interested”
users, in a setting that is conducive to learning and asking for
help. Librarians who provide either formal or informal
assistance at that moment of interest provide the necessary
context for the training to be meaningful and lasting. The result
is that beyond just providing simple access, libraries are
effectively helping people bridge the digital divide.
“The library computer was the
only source for me to search
for jobs while I was
unemployed. I did not have a
computer of my own and the
nearest friend [or] relative with
computer access was an hour
drive away.”
—Library patron
Cementing the Gains
in a Climate
of Funding Cuts
ith 95 percent of public libraries offering
direct Internet access to patrons, the first phase of library-
based public access computing has drawn to a close. The
promise of reducing access barriers to technology through
public libraries has largely been realized. Looking forward, the
challenge is to sustain this initial investment in technology. In
some libraries this means expanding or improving computer
services; in others, it simply means keeping existing computers
running. In almost all cases, local libraries will need help.
The lifeblood of public access computing, as with any library
service, is a consistent funding source. The costs of providing
computing services to the public are ongoing and unavoidable.
But unlike in the late 90s—when the digital divide was a national
priority, addressed during a time of economic prosperity—
guaranteeing support today is far more challenging.
Severe budget crises have led to state cuts in funding for
public libraries across the country. With millions of Americans
relying on their local library’s computers, the funding cuts have
an additional harsh dimension: cuts in library services inevitably
erode the gains made in recent years to reduce the digital divide.
Keeping Public Access Alive in Libraries
Libraries are already beginning to witness the sensitivity of
public access computing to funding shortages. Underlying the
overall funding crisis are five specific areas where libraries
need ongoing assistance and where support from public and
private sources is crucial:
1. Hardware and Software Upgrades
Hardware and software are the most recognizable costs.
Heavy demand from patrons means that library computers are
subject to constant use. The public access environment places
“As a director, the greatest
challenge is to keep our
technology going.”
—Library director
a heavy toll on sensitive equipment such as the keyboard and
mouse. Consequently, regular computer lifecycles are often
shortened due to inexperienced users and nonstop activity.
The replacement or upgrading of computers is an inevitability.
Often it is only through one-time grants that libraries are able
to meet their hardware and software replacement needs.
2. Internet Connectivity
Far less appreciated by the public, telecommunications and
Internet access costs are an ongoing concern for public
libraries. In addition, the pressure to upgrade to broadband
access only increases as online content becomes richer. Here,
the libraries most in need have relied on the federal E-rate
program, which offers deep discounts in connectivity costs.
Many libraries are using E-rate funding to cover monthly
telecommunications and Internet access fees, while others
have used the E-rate program to purchase higher bandwidth
Internet connectivity sooner than they could otherwise have
afforded.41 But the continuance of the E-rate is far from
guaranteed, a point of concern for librarians and proponents
of reducing the digital divide.42 To illustrate the dependence on
the E-rate program, a recent multi-state survey of librarians
asked them to rank a list of concerns over public access
computing. Hypothetically removing E-rate funding caused
“connectivity” to jump from the lowest rank to the highest.43
3. Keeping Systems Running
Ensuring that computers are working increases a community’s
return on investment in public access computing. Yet, in-house
technical support is often unavailable to all but the largest
libraries. For the rest, the prohibitively high cost of support
often leads to downtime for computers.
4. Staff Training
A recent survey in 10 states found that nearly 40 percent of
libraries do not offer any formal technology training for their
staff, despite the many benefits that result.44 A trained librarian
Librarians are the backbone of public
access computing, sharing information
and support to help patrons get the most
from their online experiences. Whether
the task is checking e-mail, surfing the
Web, or searching job databases, librari-
ans are there to answer any questions
that arise. But when librarians have ques-
tions where can they turn? WebJunction—
http://webjunction.org—is an online
resource that provides practical informa-
tion that addresses real
problems that librarians
face every day.
The Web site offers
technical support and
advice on topics that
range from how to buy
hardware and software
to tips for conducting outreach campaigns
to promote the library’s activities. The
heart of the site is the “Community
Center,” which is powered by librarians
and others who facilitate public access
computing. Here, members offer knowl-
edge and encouragement based on expe-
rience. “Sharing common problems and
finding solutions to those problems is
never more than a few mouse clicks
away,” said Harry Pike, a librarian and
network administrator at The Goodwin
Library in Farmington, New Hampshire.
“As a librarian, tech person and online
conferencing devotee, WebJunction com-
bines the best of all my worlds!”
Continued learning and staying on top of
trends allows librarians to be more effective
in their role of technology facilitator and to
better assist the public in gaining access to
the power of the online world.
who is comfortable with technology provides users with a
more productive experience—or, as is needed with some
embarrassed first time users, a “safe” one. Trained librarians
expand their abilities beyond locating printed sources to
finding digital information or imparting basic computer skills.
Trained librarians also can perform basic troubleshooting
functions that keep computers working. Staff turnover
increases the necessity of ongoing training.
By contrast, a librarian who is uncomfortable with computers
will point individuals to terminals with a warning of “you’re on your
own,” and be unable to offer support for novice users. Untrained
librarians are unable to address simple technical issues, leading
to poor user experience and even computer downtime.
5. Keeping Libraries Open
In a disturbing trend across the country, many libraries—big or
small, urban or rural—are reducing their services or building
hours to meet ever-shrinking budgets.45 Dwindling levels of
access to the public library have always been a disservice to
communities, but now these cuts limit computer and Internet
use for some patrons who rely on the service.
Most at Risk: Rural and Small Towns
Remote, isolated libraries face even greater risks. More than
in other communities, these libraries are actually in danger of
losing their public access services altogether.
Every one of the five concerns above is an especially urgent
problem in these small town libraries. Many of these libraries
must cover their public access costs using one-time donations.
Libraries in these areas rely heavily on E-rate or LSTA funds to
cover their connectivity and sometimes cannot navigate the
complex E-rate application. The staff is often older and less
experienced or comfortable with technology, and staff turnover
is likely to exacerbate the problem. For isolated libraries not
associated with regional support cooperatives, securing
technical support is particularly difficult. The costs of bringing
an outside technician from a distant location can overwhelm tiny
operating budgets. Since they rarely interact with other
Native Americans living on rural tribal land
are often the most isolated people in the
United States. Many reservations lack the
basic infrastructure—roads, water, power,
and telecommunications—that urban areas
take for granted. Statistics from the 2000
Decennial Census estimated that 67.9 per-
cent of all American Indian households living
on American Indian reservation and trust
lands had telephone service, compared with
94.6 percent for all American homes. In New
Mexico, a state where 10 percent of the land
is tribal, home computer ownership for Native
families is estimated at 14 percent
and home Internet access at 8 per-
cent. Clearly, Native communities
face a significant digital divide and
tribal libraries lead the way in pro-
viding access and training for their
The Pueblo of Jemez is a small
Native community of 2,000 people
located 50 miles northwest of Albuquerque,
New Mexico, and for most members of this
community the Jemez Pueblo Community
Library offers their primary access to com-
puters and Internet. Librarian Tamara Sandia
describes an overwhelming demand for com-
puter usage at her library. Surveys have
shown that 70 percent of the library’s patrons
are there exclusively to use the computers.
“We know that most people come here
because our connectivity is fast and because
we’re willing to help with research, applying
for jobs, and for e-mail.” The library also has
a two-page waiting list of names for computer
classes. Librarians Sandia and Shelley
Waquiu teach basic computer classes—intro-
ductions to word processing, spreadsheets,
Internet searching, and e-mail—in both
English and their Towa language.
librarians, they are unlikely to learn the “best practices” that
support public access computing.46
Preserving public access in rural and small town libraries will
take a sustained commitment from the public and the
private sector. These libraries serve the very communities
identified as technology “have-nots” in early digital divide reports,
and, as mentioned, their ability to provide access to computers
and the Internet has dramatically benefited their communities.
They should not be left to slide back into further isolation.
“Having access to computers is a
blessing for many families ... that
would never have the Internet
available to them. Even small,
rural communities––especially
small towns––are no longer left
off the information highway.”
The digital divide is persistent and still with us, but public libraries are making a
difference. On a national scale, library computers have helped reduce barriers to
accessing technology and are well suited for basic skills development. The strong
positive response from both patrons and librarians, combined with the clear importance
of technology literacy in today’s world, justifies continued investment and support in
public access computers and the library infrastructure necessary to support them.
In today’s Information Age, to empower individuals in the use of technology is to
support the fundamental American ideal of equal opportunity. Policymakers, librarians,
and communities must continue their commitment to this standard of equality—and to
the simple truth in nearly all areas of the United States: Today, if you can reach a public
library, you can reach the Internet.
A Public Good Requiring Continued Support
1 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet Population
by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003].
2 Bertot, J.C. and McClure, C.R. 2002. Public Libraries and the Internet 2002:
Internet Connectivity and Networked Services. Available [online]:
http://www.ii.fsu.edu/Projects/2002pli/2002.plinternet.study.pdf [5 Februrary 2004].
3 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003].
4 Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. 2003. The Public Library: A National
Survey 2003. Available [online]:
http://midhudson.org/funding/advocacy/Marist_Poll_2003.ppt [1 November 2003].
5 U.S. Department of Education. 1998-2003. National Center for Education
Statistics. E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=041#052 [22 December 2003].
6 Heuertz, L. et al. 2003. Impact of Public Access Computing on Rural and Small
Town Libraries. Available [online]:
0301.pdf [22 December 2003].
7 U.S. Department of Commerce. 1995. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. Falling Through the Net: A Survey of the “Have Nots” in
Rural and Urban America. Available [online]:
http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fallingthru.html [22 December 2003].
8 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003].
9 See for example, Samuelson, R. J. March 20, 2002. Debunking the Digital
Divide. The Washington Post, p. A33.; Stone, A. August 20, 2003. The Digital Divide
That Wasn't. BusinessWeek Online.
10 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003].
11 Ibid.
12 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet
Population by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003].
13 U.S. Department of Commerce. 1995. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. Falling Through the Net: A Survey of the “Have Nots” in
Rural and Urban America. Available [online]:
http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fallingthru.html [22 December 2003].
14 U.S. Department of Education. 2003. National Center for Education Statistics.
E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2003399 [22 December 2003].
15 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. 1997. The 1996
National Survey of Public Libraries and the Internet: Progress and Issues by J. C.
Bertot, C. R. McClure and D. L. Zweizig. Available [online]: http://slis-
two.lis.fsu.edu/~cmcclure/nspl96/NSPL96_T.html [22 December 2003].
16 McClure, C. R. and Bertot, J.C. 2002. Public Library Internet Services: Impacts
on the Digital Divide. Available [online]: http://slis-
two.lis.fsu.edu/~jcbertot/DDFinal03_01_02.pdf [22 December 2003].
17 U.S. Department of Education. 2003. National Center for Education Statistics.
E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States: Fiscal Year 2001. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2003399 [22 December 2003].
18 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003]. p. 40.
19 Gordon, M. et al. 2001. Library Patrons Heavily Use Public Access Computers
& Other Library Services, and Want More. Available [online]:
/Patron_501.pdf [22 December 2003].
20 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet
Population by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003]. pp. 3-4.
21 Per discussions with the report’s principal author, Amanda Lenhart.
22 Heuertz, L. et al. 2002. Variations on a Theme: State Librarians Reflect on the
U.S. Library Program. Available [online]:
e020316.pdf [5 february 2004].
23 U.S. Department of Education. 1998-2003. National Center for Education
Statistics. E.D. Tab: Public Libraries in the United States. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/getpubcats.asp?sid=041#052 [22 December 2003].
24 Moore, E. et al. 2001. Library Administrators Confirm Value, Complexities of
Public Access Computing. Available [online]:
Lib_administrators_501.pdf [22 December 2003].
25 U.S. Department of Commerce. 2002. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration. A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use
of the Internet. Available [online]: http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/dn/ [22
December 2003]. p. 40.
26 Heuertz, L. et al. 2002. Public Libraries and the Digital Divide: How Libraries
Help. Available [online]:
20729.pdf [22 December 2003].
27 Ibid.
28 Ibid.
29 U.S. Department of Education. 2003. National Center for Education Statistics.
Computer and Internet Use by Children and Adolescents in 2001. Available [online]:
http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2004/2004014.pdf [22 December 2003].
30 Heuertz, L. et al. 2002. Public Libraries and the Digital Divide: How Libraries
Help. Available [online]:
20729.pdf [22 December 2003].
31 Ibid, p. 16.
32 Gordon, A. et al. [Forthcoming]. Library Challenges and Successes in Offering
Training to Patrons in Computer and Internet Use: A Working Paper. Public Access
Computing Project. University of Washington.
33 The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Digest. 2002. Computer
Skills for Information Problem-Solving: Learning and Teaching Technology in Context by
Michael Eisenberg and Doug Johnson. Available [online]:
http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC_Digests/ed465377.html [September 2002]
34 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. Most Libraries Maintaining Public Access Computing
Programs, but 25% Are Still Fragile. Available [online]:
[11 February 2003].
35 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. The Gates Legacy. Library Journal. Available [online]:
on=libraryjournal [22 December 2003].
36 Moore, E. et al. 2002. It’s Working: People from Low-Income Families
Disproportionately Use Library Computers. Available [online]:
09.pdf [22 December 2003].
37 Heuertz, L. et al. 2003. Impact of Public Access Computing on Rural and Small
Town Libraries. Available [online]:
0301.pdf [22 December 2003].
38 Ibid. p.4. Defined as those in rural and small town settings outside a
metropolitan area, generally serving legal service areas of less than 25,000
39 Ibid.
40 Pew Internet & American Life Project. 2003. The Ever-Shifting Internet
Population by A. Lenhart et al. Available [online]:
http://www.pewinternet.org/reports/toc.asp?Report=88 [22 December 2003].
41 McClure, C. R. and Bertot, J.C. 2002. Public Library Internet Services: Impacts
on the Digital Divide. Available [online]: http://slis-
two.lis.fsu.edu/~jcbertot/DDFinal03_01_02.pdf [22 December 2003].
42 Stern, Christopher, Washington Post, FCC Alters Rules for School Fund;
Program Cuts Cost Of Web Equipment [December 18, 2003].
43 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. Most Libraries Maintaining Public Access Computing
Programs, but 25% Are Still Fragile. Available [online]:
[11 February 2003].
44 Ibid.
45 See for example, Oder, Norman. January 15, 2004. "Budget Blues".
Library Journal.
46 Gordon, A. et al. 2003. Most Libraries Maintaining Public Access Computing
Programs, but 25% Are Still Fragile. Available [online]:
[11 February 2003].