Dr Carmen Aramburu - who.int

Dr Carmen Aramburu - who.int, updated 2/22/19, 12:16 PM

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Dr Carmen Aramburu

Director of Health and Social Policy in
Catalonia, Ministry of Health, Spain.

Dr Aramburu is also the State Nominated
IHR Expert for Spain.

She graduated as a medical doctor in
Madrid,and has a Master's in Public Health
for Developing countries from the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
and is a Field Epidemiologist (EPIET cohort
9, Switzerland).

Over a period of fifteen years she has undertaken humanitarian work with WHO, the
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), UNHCR and a number of NGOs. As a WHO
consultant field officer and epidemiologist, she has worked on cholera epidemics in
Papua New Guinea, Mozambique and Haiti. She also participated in the Marburg
outbreak response in Angola and retrospective mortality study in Darfur, Sudan.

Dr Aramburu was the senior UNHCR Public Health Officer responsible for the area of
Public Health for refugees and displaced people in specific settings, especially refugee
camps and displaced people camps.

As Director of Health and Social Policy in Catalonia, she is responsible for:

Border control of the import/export of pharmaceutical and sanitary products
and the management of drug and narcotic substances.
Sanitary veterinary control of merchandises for human consumption through the
BIPs (port, airport and road)

International Health Regulations (IHR)
Sanitary inspection and control of vessels

International vaccination centers (traveller's consultations)