Find Out If Your Symptoms Are Strep Throat With This Rapid Home Testing Kit

Find Out If Your Symptoms Are Strep Throat With This Rapid Home Testing Kit, updated 12/9/20, 6:14 PM

Individuals experiencing symptoms of strep throat can be tested from their homes with the Rapid Strep Test Kit. It's available at MyLaBbox and comes with free shipping and telehealth consultation. Visit or to find out how!

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Find Out If Your Symptoms Are For Strep
Throat With This Rapid Testing Kit
With Covid-19 social distancing
restrictions still being the order of
the day in some parts of the
world, MyLaBbox's Rapid Strep
Test kit is just what you need.
With it, you won't have to worry
about you or your child running
the risk of further infections
while getting tested for strep
The company specializes
in providing testing for
different types of infections.
The team at MyLaBbox
recommends that consumers
take the test in conjunction with
the free telehealth consultation
while following the
recommendations of the
According to the indications that
come with the Rapid Strep Test, a
negative strep screen may indicate
that there may be another cause for
the symptoms you or your child are
Once you've been tested
positive for strep throat,
antibiotics are usually the
recommendation for
The company recommends
that after the home test has
been carried out and results
obtained, you should follow the
instructions found in the testing
The process between
ordering a test kit from
MyLaBbox and getting your
results generally takes four
Rapid Strep tests are
considered fast, easy,
safe, and reliable.
Given the name and nature
of the kit, the entire testing
process is conducted from
the comfort of your home.
Go to
to find out more!