Stafford, TX Practice Offers Prostate Cancer Screening, Hormone Testing

Stafford, TX Practice Offers Prostate Cancer Screening, Hormone Testing, updated 1/31/24, 8:30 AM

Take charge of your health - make an appointment for your regular checkup even if you feel in great shape with Benech Family Clinic (281-502-4602) near Stafford, TX! Schedule your appointment at

Benech Family Clinic Braeswod Blvd City: Houston Address: 8622 S Braeswood Blvd, Website Phone +12815024602 Email

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Stafford, TX Practice Offers Prostate
Cancer Screening, Hormone Testing
Prevention is the best medicine, but as we reach adulthood,
keeping our health in check is no longer among our top
Often, we only
appreciate our
health when it is
This is especially true for
men - they tend to avoid
doctors like the plague
and seek out care only if
they are really, really sick.
But Benech Family
Clinic wants to break
this pattern once and
for all - schedule
your appointment
The practice offers
yearly check-ups to
detect diseases such as
cardiovascular disease,
diabetes, and some
cancers in their early
You will go through a standard physical exam that will
encompass weight, blood pressure, and heart rate checks.
The team can then administer additional testing should you present with risk
factors for common conditions affecting men, such as diabetes, high blood
pressure high cholesterol.
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