IVU-IGO United Nations Registration (Permanent)

IVU-IGO United Nations Registration (Permanent), updated 10/16/22, 4:32 AM


Photo Evidence of United Nations Registration -- Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is officially registered in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (ECOSOC) Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Database (since March 2013), Registration No. 666857 as an “Inter-Governmental Organization” (IGO).

About Ignita Veritas United

Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is an inter-governmental organization (IGO) advancing human rights.  It features Ignita Veritas University (IV University) - among only 5 universities in the world with diplomatic status, Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) - an international law firm of Barristers as the university law center, and Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) - operated by the independent Judiciary profession.

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Barristers Certification of Legal Facts & Evidence

United Nations Registration as Inter-Governmental

Ignita Veritas United (IVU)

Registered: March 2013 Updated: January 2019

Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) is an inter-governmentally licensed international law firm and legal services center of
Ignita Veritas University (IVU). It holds authorities under UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers including protected client
confidentiality (Preamble: 9, 11, Articles 16, 21, 22), immunities (Articles 16-17, 20) and investigative powers (Article 21),
free from government influence under UN Declaration of Human Rights (Article 20.2), thus representing the independent
Legal Profession. Services are regulated by the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers (2006) of the Council of Bars and Law
Societies of Europe (Brussels, Belgium).

Certified as Verified Statements of Fact and Law:

Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is a sovereign subject of international law with inherent inter-
governmental authorities in its own right, and does not require any recognition by nor
affiliation with the United Nations (UN) to exercise its own independent diplomatic status.
IVU maintains UN registration only for participation as a Civil Society Organization (CSO),
with the declared sanctioned purpose of "UN Reform", as a UN watchdog for human rights.

Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is officially registered in the United Nations Department of
Economic and Social Affairs (ECOSOC) Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Database (since
March 2013), Registration No. 666857 as an "Inter-Governmental Organization" (IGO).

Screen Captures as Evidence of UN Registration

The institution has an approved and permanent registration in the UN CSO database,
among the 80% of accepted profiles which are not publicly listed in its search results.

All profiles are labeled with a disclaimer that this "does not in and of itself connote any
affiliation with the United Nations, unless consultative status" is indicated in the profile.
This does not diminish the legal fact and significance of a valid registration as a recognized
Civil Society Organization (CSO). The institution does not need nor make any claim of
"affiliation" by additional "consultative status", which is optional and not required.

Therefore, the following Screen Captures are provided, proving the official UN database
registration of the institution, as legal documentary evidence of its valid and permanent
registration as an Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO):

Verification by Screen Captures as Legal Evidence

Registration of General Profiles The United Nations online database system provides
"registration of general profiles for civil society organizations" (CSO's), and contains a "large
database of over 24,000" profiles.

Consultative Status Not Required Only about 5,100 CSO's only 20% of registrations
have optional "Consultative status", which is not required, such that 80% of CSO's have
valid and active registrations without that additional status.

Obtaining and maintaining Consultative status requires much bureaucracy, which may be
unnecessary or undesirable for mission-oriented institutions dedicated to maximizing non-
profit budgets and workload for urgent humanitarian projects of worldwide impact.

Majority of Registrations Not Listed As of December 2018, the UN CSO online database
search only allows to "review" profiles which have the optional additional "Consultative
status", such that 80% of validly registered CSO's are not publicly listed nor displayed in the
search results.

Screen Captures as Only Evidence As proven by the above facts, Screen Captures are the
only available legal evidence for verification of official UN registration of a general profile,
for the majority of accepted and approved Civil Society Organizations (CSO's).

Registration by Review and Approval Acceptance of a "profile registration" in the UN
CSO database requires that the application be "reviewed by a substantive officer" of the UN
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), and must be "accepted" and

These facts prove that acceptance and registration in the UN CSO database is a significant
accomplishment, requiring much preparation by strategic development and refinement of a
successful application meeting UN standards. This makes successful registration relevant
and noteworthy for transparency by public statements of the legal fact of such registration.

Barristers of our Bar Chambers have witnessed that numerous non-profits have failed to
achieve approval as a "non-governmental organization" (NGO) without expert legal
support, despite years of efforts. This is even more challenging as an "inter-governmental
organization" (IGO), which must meet higher standards under international law.

Registration Permanent and Active Once approved by the UN Civil Society Organization
(CSO) department, the registration number and profile login remain permanent and active,
and do not expire nor become invalid. Therefore, Screen Captures constitute effective legal
evidence for verification of valid CSO registration, and do not require any further
verification of good standing.

Officially Issued with Law Firm Authority under International Law:

Endorsed and Certified by Official Seal

Administration of the Barristers Chambers

Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC)