09-21-2023 Parks Advisory Board Meeting Minutes-Approved

09-21-2023 Parks Advisory Board Meeting Minutes-Approved, updated 12/12/23, 8:17 PM


About Hillsborough County Parks

The Parks & Recreation Department operates numerous parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, and recreation centers. The department also provides programs, events, and activities to Hillsborough County residents year-round.

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PO Box 1110, Tampa, FL 33601-1110
(813) 744-5871
Donna Cameron Cepeda
Harry Cohen
Ken Hagan
Pat Kemp
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Myers
Michael Owen
Joshua Wostal
Bonnie M. Wise
Christine M. Beck
Peggy Caskey

Dexter L. Barge

Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 21, 2023, 12:00 PM
Lesley “Les” Miller, Jr. All People’s Community Park and Life Center

CALL TO ORDER - Chairman, Anthony Sanchez, District 6 Parks Advisory Board Member, called the meeting to order
at 12:02 PM.

a. A welcome to everyone.
b. A thank you to Friends of the County Parks and Recreation for providing lunch today.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (Limited to (3) minutes

a. Alayne Unterberger PhD - Florida Institute for Community Services, Inc.(FICS) non-profit organization. Their current
lease of the building at Morgan Woods Elementary school at Shimberg Park ends October 2023 and they request open
dialogue with Parks and Recreation of their use intentions of this vacant building and department strategic plan. Rick
Valdez , Director, Parks and Recreation indicated Parks and recreation intends to serve the community and the
strategic plan is to always facilitate community access. Ms. Unterberger will need to address the land development
inquiry to Hillsborough County Land Development services Department. Mr. Valdez and Jack Berlin, District 1, Parks
Advisory Board Member, both agreed to meet with the organization to discuss further and review the organizations’
lease noncompliance . Status update requested at next Board meeting.
b. Larry Sanders - (Citizen) Presented a proposal to name Progress Village Sports Complex after Jeff Keys, a worthy leader
and committed volunteer in the youth sports community over 20+ years. Scott Levinson, District 7, Parks Advisory
Board member, in agreement of the proposal, offered his personal recommendation. Rick Valez, Director, Parks, and
Recreation, agrees. Bill Barrett, District 7, Board member made a 1st motion to approve and Scott Levinson, District
7, Parks Advisory Board Member, 2nd the motion. All Board members in favor with no objections.


c. Herman Arango - Town and Country FC Tampa Soccer_- Youth Sports Organization Board Member - Indicated the
organization is being harassed by Parks and Recreation staff asking for documents relating to financial records. He
presented a box of paper files and indicated they don’t have time to establish electronic files. He requests Parks
departments’ cooperation to continue serving the community youth. Rick Valdez, Director , Parks and Recreation, stated
a discovery was made this organization partnered with another organization, subleasing the field and noncompliant of
the field use agreement. He reiterated donations for use of facilities are not permitted therefore the organization has
been requested to provide financial records. This is not harassment. Kaleb Crump -Town and Country FC Tampa Soccer-
Youth Sports Organization Member provided a statement of justification and circumstances of the exchange of money,
between members and not the organization, and stated the funds were consumed for the sporting team needs and this
can be substantiated with receipts. Diedrea Anthony, District 3 , Parks Advisory Board Member and Bill Barrett, District
5, Parks Advisory Board Members, indicated the circumstances relating to this were reviewed and they were penalized
as deemed. Government does not dictate who can serve as board members and further action towards the organization
should not continue. Parks and Recreation staff can’t suggest who serve on the youth sports organization board. Rick
Valdez, Director, Parks and Recreations, stated for the record the Department staff will not dictate who can serve on the
Youth Sports Organizations Board. Anthony Sanchez District 6, Parks Advisory Board Chairman, indicated the Youth
sports organizations are being requested to provide financial bank records and the Field Use Agreement needs to be
updated for the action accordingly. He recommended a method for citizens to provide input and any noncompliance
concerns, is needed.
d. Beth Stuart - PS 91 Nonprofit organization - Requests to utilize the Keysville Community Center and indicated they
are not able to afford the costs to provide the community with family life improvement skills and courses. She proposes
to Parks and Recreation Department for the opportunity for the nonprofit organization to provide these types of skills for
the families and youth in the community.
e. Marilyn Cook - PS 91 Nonprofit Organization - Expressed appreciation to Rick Valdez, Director, Parks and Recreation,
for cooperating with the organization and engaging in the open dialogue for the needs of the organization and community.
Larry Cook - PS91 nonprofit Organization - Thanked Scott Levinson, District 7, Parks Advisory Board Member for
providing information of this Parks Advisory Board meetings with public comment open forum and feels he has gained
the attention for and communication of their needs. Mr. Cook compared the opening of the newest Apollo Beach Sports
Complex associated costs with the existing closed 8 community centers reopening costs. He recommends the maximum
rentals fee should be $150. Rick Valdez, Director, Parks and Recreation, indicated the departmental budgetary deficit
needs and funding to staff the closed locations. However, he is meeting with District 4, Board of County Commissioner,
Michael Owen, to review the community needs and use of the closed facilities and the availability to the community.
g. Dave Coleman - Citizen - Provided his gratitude for the accommodations made to the meeting room for his hearing
impairment he expressed at the last meeting. He also recommended everyone should attend the BOCC Board budget
meeting for the insight of the County budget plans for the community.



a. ELAPP Acquisition. Ross Dickerson provided a status update.

*Peltier Property - Under contract.
* Triple Creek Property - Under contract. Currently working on CDD issues.
* There is a possible land Donation - Known as the Bower tract near Upper Tampa Bay Park.
* Holmberg Property near Balm Boyette area - In negotiations.
* 5 Sites are under appraisal:

* Tew Property - 1st conservation easement in the program.

* Tomas Property - ten acres adjacent to Brooker Creek Headwaters Preserve.

* HSH property - Cypress Creek Preserve.

* Buchannan property airfield at Lower Green Swamp preserve.

* Saffold Estates property along the Little Manatee River.

Chairman adjourned meeting 1:15 PM
Chairman called meeting back to order 1:20 PM


Status - Friends of the Parks agreement - Jack Berlin - Friends of the Parks member - Provided status - Stated
the Friends Organization has been requested to complete an audit. He recognizes the organization is out of
compliance due to a lack of understanding of the agreement language. Mr. Berlin read aloud an email from the
bookkeeper , Kathryn, stating she does not understand the audit request, there is no wrongdoing, and they are
not hiding anything and provided a history of her booking responsibilities. Jack Berlin stated his personal history
of serving the Parks Advisory Board and serious committed responsibilities. After an internal review by Parks and
Recreation Department, it was determined the agreement between Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation
Department and Friends of the Park non-profit organization is out of compliance. He indicated this audit request
appears as a lack of trust of the Friends organization. Mr. Berlin requests a waiver of an audit and stated the cost
of an independent auditor is unsubstantial, and the funds would be better utilized to serve the sports teams. He
requests an alternate method to go forward to comply and not incur the additional expense. The Director of
Parks and Recreation, Rick Valdez and Director of Conservation Environmental Land Management, Forest
Turbiville, met with the County Attorney and the Internal Auditor to review an agreement compliance. It was
confirmed the Directors will have approval to request an audit and the final due date. The Directors denied the
Friends of The Parks Organization audit waiver request. The financial audit request will remain in effect. They
approved a final due date extension and are currently communicating for agreement compliance. Bill Barrett,
District 5 Parks Advisory Board Member, stated for the record there is no insinuation Friends organization is
hiding anything. It is a contract issue and agreements should be enforced and this audit request should not be
perceived as a mistrust. He suggests reviewing state statue 496407 paragraph two reference financial statement
limits for audits. He also recommended The Parks Advisory Board meeting lunches provided for the Parks Advisory
Board members by The Friends of The Parks organization should not continue and the funds could be utilized for
organization’s needs. Scott Levinson , District 7, Parks Advisory Board Member - Requests all entities are treated
respectfully, fairly, and equitably. Work through it with the understanding of who it effects in the end.
Anthony Sanchez, District 1, Chairman Parks Advisory Board – Confirmed, The Friends of the Parks Organization
is out of compliance and an audit is requested with the final date established by the Department Directors.
Pete Fowler, President, Friends of the Parks Organization - Requested a clarification of the state statue 496407
mentioned previously. Status update requested at next Board meeting.

c. Youth Sporting Events Athletic Trainers - Scott Levinson District 7, Parks Advisory Board Member. Strongly
recommends medical staff is available at all park sporting events for the safety of players and spectators. He
provided examples of why medical personnel should be present at the events. He suggests the potential assistance
by donations from the community. Rick Valdez, Director, Parks, and Recreation Department - Suggests this action
could be perceived as favoritism and should be reviewed before donations are requested from the community and
a review of the sponsorship program vs community donations for all sports activities is needed. Status update
requested at next Board meeting.


IV. NEXT MEETING DATE - November 9, 2023.
 Chairman proposal for 2024 Meeting calendar
 Review December 2023 optional meeting need

BOARD ACTION - Approve August 10, 2023, meeting minutes. Jack Berlin District 5, Parks Advisory Board Member
made 1st motion to approve the minutes and Diedrea Anthony, District 3, Parks Advisory Board Member made a
2nd motion to approve. All Park Advisory Board Members were in favor with no objections.


 Bill Barrett, District 5, Parks Advisory Board Member - Expressed his appreciation to The Parks and Recreation
Department for Knowledgeable Staff and communication during the site visits.

Board Member, requested all Board members be advised of any community events of Parks and Recreations
involvement. It was agreed the Parks Advisory Board Secretary will forward the weekly departmental newsletter
to the Parks Advisory Board members.

VII. ADJOURNMENT - Chairman, adjourned the meeting at 2:15 PM.