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Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
Exploiting the Performance Gains
of Modern Disk Drives by Enhancing Data Locality
Yuhui Deng
Cranfield University Campus, Bedfordshire MK430AL, United Kingdom
Email: deng_derek@emc.com; yuhuid@hotmail.com
Due to the widening performance gap between the RAM and disk drive, a large number of I/O
optimization methods have been proposed and designed to alleviate the impact of the gap. One of the most
effective approaches of improving disk access performance is enhancing the data locality. This is because
the method could increase the hit ratio of disk cache and reduce the seek time and rotational latency. Disk
drives have experienced dramatic development since the first disk drive was announced in 1956. This
paper investigates some important characteristics of modern disk drives. Based on the characteristics and
the observation that data access on disk drives is highly skewed, the frequently accessed data blocks and
the correlated data blocks are clustered into objects and moved to the outer zones of a modern disk drive.
The idea attempts to enhance the spatial locality, improve the efficiency of the aggressive sequential
prefetch, and take advantage of the Zoned Bit Recording (ZBR). An experimental simulation is employed
to investigate the performance gains produced by the enhanced data locality by breaking down the disk
access time into seek time, rotational latency, data transfer time, and hit ratio of the disk cache. The
experimental results provide useful insights into the performance behaviours of a modern disk drive with
enhanced data locality.
Key words: Disk drive; Data Locality; Data access pattern; Block correlation; Data migration;
1 The initial work in this paper was conducted when Yuhui Deng was a research officer in Cranfield
University. This paper was revised and the work was enhanced after Yuhui Deng joined EMC research
China as a senior research scientist.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
1. Introduction
The storage hierarchy in current computer architectures is designed to take advantage of data access
locality to improve overall performance. Each level of the hierarchy has higher speed, lower latency, and
smaller size than lower levels. For decades, the hierarchical arrangement has suffered from significant
bandwidth and latency gaps among the processor, RAM, and disk drive [27, 32, 38]. The performance gap
between processor and RAM has been alleviated by fast cache memories. However, the performance gap
of RAM to disk drive has been widened to 6 orders of magnitude in 2000 and will continue to widen by
about 50% per year [38].
Since the first disk drive was announced in 1956, disk drives have grown by over six orders of
magnitude in density and over four orders in performance [29]. Over the last decade, areal density, track
density and linear density have achieved 100%, 50%, and 30% growth respectively. Revolutions Per
Minute (RPM) has been increased from 3600 in 1981 to 15000 in 2000. Due to the significant growth in
both the linear density and RPM, the Internal Data Rate (IDR) has been growing at an exponential rate of
40% each year over the past 15 years [11]. Unfortunately, the basic mechanical architecture in disk drive
has not changed too much. Slowed by the mechanical delays, the disk access time was improved only
about 8% per year [12]. Therefore, the disk I/O subsystem is repeatedly identified as a major bottleneck to
system performance in many computing systems. The widening gap will be more serious when the disk
drive reaches its physical limits due to the super paramagnetic effect.
The increasing performance gap between RAM and disk drive has long been a primary obstacle to
improve overall system performance. To alleviate the impact of the widening gap, a lot of research efforts
have been invested to improve disk access time. We only mention some of them which are related to our
work in this paper. Ruemmler and Wilkes [36] employed disk shuffling to move frequently accessed data
into the centre of a disk drive and organize the data into an organ pipe to reduce mean seek distances. They
constructed a repeatable simulation environment across a range of workloads and disk drive types for
comparing different shuffling algorithms. The research indicated that the benefits are small to moderate,
but are likely to be much larger with file systems that do not do a good initial data placement. Akyürek and
Salem [1] presented an adaptive technique to copy a small number of frequently referenced disk blocks
from their original locations to a reserved space near the middle of the disk. The experiments showed that
the seek times are reduced 30% to 85% (depending on workloads) by adaptively rearranging about 3% of
the data on the disk drive. FS2 [16] dynamically places multiple copies of data in file system’s free blocks
according to the disk access patterns observed at runtime to reduce the head positioning latencies. Because
one or more replicas can be accessed in addition to their original data block, choosing the nearest replica
that provides the fastest access can significantly improve disk I/O performance.
The above methods can substantially reduce seek time or rotational latency. However, the approaches
may not be effective on modern disk drives due to evolutional disk drive technologies. First of all, disk
access time mainly consists of seek time, rotational latency and data transfer time. Due to the advance of
Voice Coil Motors (VCM) electric drive and the increasing track density, the long distance seeks of
modern disk drives may not involve enormously more overhead than short ones. This results in a
significant proportion decrease of seek time in disk access time. Secondly, due to geometric features, outer
tracks on disk platters are much larger than the inner tracks. Modern disk drives employ a technique called
Zoned Bit Recording (ZBR) to take advantage of the geometry features to increase disk capacity by
varying the number of sectors per track with the distance from the spindle [30]. The characteristic results in
much higher data transfer rate of outer zones than that of inner zones. Finally, the organ pipe which is
formed by placing the most frequently accessed cylinder in the middle of the disk drive, the next most
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
frequently accessed cylinders on either side of the middle cylinder, and so on. The arrangement is provably
optimal for independent disk accesses [36]. However, block correlations are common semantic patterns in
storage systems, so the organ pipe arrangement could destroy the original block correlations [21]. The
combination of the three reasons significantly counteracts the performance improvement of data
In this paper, we explore the performance gains of data reorganization based on a modern disk drive.
Some new characteristics of modern disk drives which are related to the data reorganization are reviewed.
Based on the characteristics, we cluster blocks which are correlated to the frequently accessed block into
objects and migrate the objects to the outer zones of the disk drive. The aggressive sequential prefetch of
the modern disk drive is enhanced and the block correlations remain due to the frequency based objects.
We break down the disk access time into four basic components: seek time, rotational latency, data transfer
time, and hit ratio of disk cache, and analyze each one separately to determine its actual performance gains.
Experimental results provide useful insights into the performance behaviour of block reorganization of a
modern disk drive.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. An overview of modern disk drives is introduced
in Section 2. Section 3 describes some important features of workload. The motivations of this paper are
depicted in section 4. Section 5 illustrates how to implement the block reorganization. The simulation
environment and experimental validation are depicted in section 6. Section 7 concludes the paper with
remarks on main contributions and indications.
2. Modern Disk Drive Overview
Disk access time
is mainly composed of seek time
, rotational latency
data transfer time
. The seek time measures the time for the disk head to move to a specified track.
When the disk head arrives at the required track, the time spent on rotating the required sector to appear
underneath the disk head is called rotational latency. The data transfer time is the amount of data divided
by the data transfer rate.
is expressed as follows:
2.1. Seek Time
The disk head is driven by a VCM to move over the recording surface to seek a target sector. In order
to reduce the heat dissipation of the VCM, the temperature of the coil in the VCM is controlled by
selecting a fixed maximum current for the seek distances which exceed a threshold. The threshold is
typically 35% of a full stroke [40]. For a long seek distance which exceeds the threshold, the current in the
coil reaches the maximum value when the disk head reaches a nominal maximum velocity. At the end of
the acceleration period, the current is removed from the coil, which incurs a coast period that maintains the
nominal maximum velocity. Then, the fixed maximum current is applied to the coil in an opposite direction
to decelerate the disk head. When the disk head reaches the target track, a procedure is triggered to verify
the current position. The time cost for the disk head to settle at the end of a seek is called settling time.
Therefore, a seek time is composed of an acceleration time
, a coast period
, a deceleration time
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
, and a head settling time
. The acceleration time and deceleration time are proportional to the
square root of the seek distance. The cost period is linear in the seek distance. For a short seek (e.g. single
cylinder seek), the disk arm accelerates and decelerates without reaching the nominal maximum velocity.
According to the above discussion, for the seek distances which are shorter than the threshold, the
disk heads will never reach the nominal maximal velocity. This indicates that in this scenario there is no
cost period no matter how fast a VCM is. The average seek time is generally taken to be the average time
needed to seek between two random blocks on the disks which is normally called average seek
. The
for a large number of random seeks is equal to a seek across 1/3 of the
data zone which is shorter than the threshold. Therefore, the coast time of average seeks is zero.
Consequently, we have an acceleration phase followed immediately by a deceleration phase [18], which
can be described as
a ×
a ×
, where
is the acceleration
which is equal to the deceleration
, and the acceleration time
is equal to the deceleration time dec
We assume that
, then we have:
t = dec
t =
Daverage (2)
The average seek time
is computed with the following equation:
Daverage + settle
For random small requests, seek time is a major component of disk access time, because the settling
time dominates the overall short seeks and the settling time has remained largely constant [1]. However,
over the last decade, the areal density has achieved 100% growth. This has resulted in 50% growth of track
density measured in Tracks Per Inch (TPI), and 30% growth of linear density measured in Bits Per Inch
(BPI) [11]. Due to the increased BPI, there are more sectors on a track, which means more sectors in a
cylinder if the number of disk heads is not changed [31]. Within a certain range of data, a bigger cylinder
may impact the disk seek time in two ways: The first one is increasing the probability of reducing the
number of seeks. When dealing with a certain amount of data, having a bigger cylinder raises the
probability that the next data request will be satisfied in the current cylinder, thus avoiding a seek
completely. The second one is reducing the seek distance. If the size of each cylinder is increased, then an
equal amount of data will occupy fewer cylinders compared with before. As a result, the seek distance is
decreased. Both impacts result in shorter seek time in terms of equation (3).
Lumb et al [24] investigated the impact of seek time, rotational latency, and data transfer time that add
up to 100% of the disk head utilization for five modern disk drives which were sold on the market from
1996 to 1999. The investigation indicated that the faster seek of the Cheetah 18LP (average seek time
5.2ms), relative to the Cheetah 9LP and Cheetah 4LP which have average seek time of 5.4ms and 7.7ms
respectively, resulted in lower seek components. The results also showed that as the request size of the
random workload increased, larger request size yielded larger media transfer component, reduced the seek
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
and rotational latency components by amortizing larger transfer over each positioning step.
2.2. Rotational latency
Rotational latency depends on the RPM and the number of sectors that must pass underneath the disk
head. Traditionally, when the disk head arrives at the target track, it must wait for the disk platters to rotate
until it reaches the first sector of the request before it begins to transfer data. The amount of time it takes
for the required sector to appear underneath the disk head is called rotational latency. If the disk head
settles above a sector which is one of the required sectors but not the first one, it will incur almost one
revolution to reach the first sector.
Zero-latency access, which is a new feature of modern disk drives, can start transferring data when
the disk head is positioned above any of the sectors in a request. If multiple contiguous sectors are required
to be read, the disk head can read the sectors from the media into its buffer in any order with zero-latency
access support. The sectors in the buffer are assembled in ascending Logical Block Number (LBN) order
and sent to the host. If exactly one track is required, the disk head can begin reading data as soon as the
seek is completed. It involves no rotational latency because all sectors on the track are needed. The same
concept applies to writes with a reverse procedure which moves the data from host memory to the disk
cache before it can be written onto the media [39]. Therefore, the rotational latency decreases with the
growth of the useful blocks in a track.
2.3. Data Transfer Time and Zoned Bit Recording
Data transfer time is the amount of data divided by data transfer rate. This consists of two parts. The
first part is external data rate adopted to measure the transfer rate between memory and disk cache. The
second part is employed to measure the transfer rate between disk cache and disk storage media, this part is
called IDR. Due to the mechanical components in disk drives, the IDR is much lower than the external
data rate. Generally, the IDR is employed to measure the data transfer rate of disk drives because it is raw
transfer rate. The IDR depends on the combination of BPI and RPM. The BPI indicates how many bits can
be stored on a track, which in turn determines the number of sectors on a track. The data transfer time can
be calculated with following equation:
denotes the number of sectors on a track, and
is the data length of a request
measured in sectors.
Due to the geometric features, outer tracks on disk platters are much larger than the inner tracks.
Modern disk drives employ a technique called ZBR, sometimes called Zoned Constant Angular Velocity
(ZCAV), to take advantage of the geometric features to maximize disk capacity by varying the number of
sectors per track with the distance from the spindle [30]. This technique groups tracks into zones based on
their distance from the spindle, and assigns each zone a different number of sectors per track. Outer zones
are longer and contain more sectors than the shorter inner zones. The ratio of the sectors of the outmost
zone to that of the innermost zone ranges from 1.43 to 1.58, according to the disk characteristics illustrated
in [24]. In terms of equation (4), for the same amount of data, the ZBR results in a much smaller data
transfer time of the outer zones than that of the inner zones.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
2.4. Disk Cache
Almost all modern disk drives employ a small amount of on-board cache (RAM) to speed up access
to data on the disk drives [17]. Today's SDRAM has access time ranging from 7 to 10 nanoseconds. We
assume that 512Byte data (one sector) needs to be accessed in the SDRAM that has 64 bit chip
configuration and 10 nanoseconds access time. The data access overhead is about 6.4×10-4 milliseconds.
The overhead is only 0.032% of the latest Hitachi Ultrastar 15K which has an average access time of 2
milliseconds and an RPM of 15000. Because accessing data from cache is much faster than accessing from
disk media, the disk cache can significantly improve performance by avoiding slow mechanical latencies if
the data access is satisfied from the disk cache (cache hit). The disk cache today can hold more data due to
the increasing cache size (Ultrastar 15K has 16MB disk cache), resulting in a higher hit ratio. As the hit
ratio grows, the benefits of reducing the seek time, rotational latency, and data transfer time decrease.
Hsu and Smith [12] reported that disk cache in the megabyte range is sufficient. For a very large disk
cache, the hit ratio continues to slightly improve as the cache size is increased beyond 4% of the storage
used. This indicates that if the disk cache size grows beyond a certain threshold, the increased cache only
achieves a limited contribution to the hit ratio, which is not cost-effective.
Disk cache works on the premise that the data in the cache will be reused often by temporarily
holding data, thus reducing the number of physical access to the disk media [7]. To achieve this goal,
caches exploit the principles of spatial and temporal locality of reference. The spatial locality implies that
if a block is referenced, then nearby blocks will also soon be accessed. The temporal locality implies that a
referenced block will tend to be referenced again in the near future. As the data locality improves, the hit
ratio of disk cache grows. Of all the I/O optimizations that increase the efficiency of I/Os, reducing the
number of physical disk I/Os by increasing the hit ratio of disk cache is the most effective method to
improve disk I/O performance.
3. Data Access Locality
Data locality is a measure of how well data can be selected, retrieved, compactly stored, and reused for
subsequent accesses. In general, there are two basic types of data locality: temporal, and spatial. The
temporal locality denotes that a data is accessed at one point in time will be accessed in the near future.
The temporal locality relies on the access patterns of different applications and can therefore vary
dynamically. The spatial locality defines that the probability of accessing a data is higher if a data near it
was just accessed. Unlike the temporal locality, the spatial locality is inherent in the data managed by a
storage system. It is relatively more stable and does not depend on applications, but rather on data
3.1. Data Access Pattern and Locality
Data locality is a property of both the access patterns of applications and data organization. Even
though reshaping access patterns can be employed to improve temporal locality [3], it is difficult to modify
the access patterns of those existing applications. Some methods have been proposed in the pattern
recognition community to preserve the locality when the original data is projected into a lower dimensional
feature space [22].
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
Many common access patterns approximate a Zipf-like distribution indicating that a few blocks are
frequently accessed, and others much less often [43]. Staelin and Garcia-Molina [41] observed that there
was a very high locality of reference on very large file systems (on the order of one tera byte). Some files
in the file system have a much higher skew of access than others. The skew of disk I/O access is often
referred to as the 80/20 rule of thumb, or in more extreme cases, the 90/10 Rule. The 80/20 rule indicates
that twenty percent of the storage resources receive eighty percent of the I/O accesses, while the other
eighty percent of the resources serve the remainder twenty percent I/O accesses. Furthermore, the
percentages are applied recursively. For example, twenty percent of the twenty percent storage resources
serve eighty percent of the eighty percent I/O accesses [8, 41].
The skew access patterns bring opportunities for block reorganization or migration. Generally, the
twenty percent of the storage resources which receive eighty percent of I/O accesses are distributed across
the whole disk. If the twenty percent data blocks residing in the storage resources are packed together, the
spatial locality would be enhanced and the frequently accessed blocks could remain in the disk cache
3.2. Block Correlations and Aggressive Prefetch
Block correlations commonly exist in storage systems. Two or more blocks are correlated if they are
linked together semantically. A lot of algorithms can be used to extract the correlations [13, 20, 21]. For
example, C-Miner [21] employs a data mining technique called frequent sequence mining to discover
block correlations in storage systems. The methods are very useful to exploit complex block correlations or
extreme long-range dependence.
Riska and Riedel [34] reported that the seek distances in some traces exhibit extreme long-range
dependence. However, simple block correlations (e.g. spatial locality) are common patterns in storage
systems, because most of the correlated blocks are usually accessed very close to each other though it may
not be true for large files [35]. Fortunately, many studies indicate that the files in a file server are small
files. Baker [2] reported that 80% of file accesses in file servers are less than 10KB. Nine years later,
Roselli et al. [35] found that small files still comprised a large number of file accesses even though the
number of accesses to large files had increased since the study in [2]. Riska and Riedel [34] measured the
disk drive workloads in systems representing the enterprise, desktop, and consumer electronics
environments. They found that the common request size is 4KB across all traces, except the video
streaming and game console which issue 128KB requests. Tanenbaum et al.[42] investigated the file size
distribution on UNIX systems in 1984 and 2005, respectively. They reported that the files which were
smaller than 8KB was 84.97% in 1984, and 69.96% in 2005. Also that 99.18% of files in 1984 and 90.84%
of files in 2005 are smaller than 64K, respectively.
Block correlations generally depend on how the file system above organizes the disk blocks. A lot of
effort has been invested to optimally organize disk blocks, thus improving the access performance of small
files. Fast File System (FFS) [28] determines the location of the last allocated block of its file and attempts
to allocate the next contiguous disk block when a new block is allocated. When blocks of a file are
clustered, multiple block transfers can be used to read/write the file, therefore, reducing the number of disk
I/O and disk access latency. Co-located Fast File System (C-FFS) [10] adjacently clusters the data blocks
of multiple small files especially the small files in the same directory and moves to and from the disk as a
unit. C-FFS attempts to allocate a new block of a small file into an existing unit associated with the same
directory. Reiserfs [33] uses balanced trees to store data and metadata. For extremely small files, the entire
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
file’s data can be stored physically near the file’s metadata, so that both can be retrieved together with little
or no disk seeking time. Log-structured File System (LFS) [23] delays, remaps, and clusters all data blocks
into large, contiguous regions called segments on disks. LFS only write large chunks to the disk, which
exploits disk bandwidth for small files, metadata, and large files. Deng et al. [6] suggested clustering the
small files as the size of the product of one cylinder size and disk number in a network attached system.
The above works illustrate that most modern file systems tend to place correlated disk blocks close to
each other and cluster blocks to reduce the number of disk I/Os and disk access latency. Such behaviours
again confirm that simple locality is an inherent characteristic of disk drive workloads [37]. Based on the
observation that a block is usually semantically correlated to its neighbour blocks especially for small files
(For example, if a file’s blocks are allocated in a disk drive consecutively, these blocks are correlated to
each other. Therefore, in some workloads, these blocks are likely accessed one after another.), most of the
modern disk drivers adopt aggressive sequential prefetch which takes advantage of the spatial locality to
improve disk I/O performance.
4. Motivations
Fig. 1 Disk layout comparison with and without block reorganization
Due to the highly skewed access patterns, if the frequently accessed blocks are distributed across the
whole disk drive, long seek distances from each other may be involved. Most modern disk drives employ
aggressive sequential prefetch to exploit spatial locality and improve I/O access performance, but the effect
of the prefetch could be significantly reduced in the above scenario, because a large number of blocks with
low access frequency could be prefetched to the disk cache, thus reducing the hit ratio of the disk cache.
Moving the frequently accessed data blocks to a small area to enhance the data locality can significantly
improve the effectiveness of the aggressive prefetch. Hsu et al.[14] recommended placing the reorganized
data blocks roughly at a 24-33% radial distance offset from the outer edge. The reason is that most of the
disk reads are either eliminated due to the more effective sequential prefetch, or can be satisfied from the
reorganized area. They believed that the remaining disk reads tend to be uniformly distributed. Therefore,
placing the reorganized data blocks at the centre of the disk can reduce the seek time significantly [1, 36].
However, due to the ZBR technique, the data transfer rate of the outmost zone is much higher than that of
the innermost zone (ranging from 43% to 58% in [24]). Please note that the disk drives in [24] are about
ten years old. Because of the increasing magnetic recording density, the ratio at present is much higher
than that. As discussed in section 3.1, most of the data accesses are highly skewed. For a skew of 90/10,
90% of the data accesses go to the hot areas. In the 90% data accesses, if we assume that 30% of the data
Original Layout
Hot Blocks
Hot Blocks Correlated Blocks
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
accesses are absorbed by the disk cache, the remaining 60% references have to access the disk drive. If the
hot data blocks are placed in the out zones, the 60% references can take full advantage of the ZBR. Even
though the remaining 10% infrequent data accesses could distribute uniformly (It is arguable). On the
contrary, if the hot data blocks are placed at the centre of the disk, 60% of data accesses will lose the
benefits of ZBR, even though the placement can leverage the 10% infrequent data accesses to reduce the
seek time to a certain degree. Therefore, we believe that the benefits achieved by putting the hot data
blocks in the outer zones are bigger than placing the data blocks in the centre of a disk drive.
Our method is based on the observation that only a small portion of blocks are accessed frequently.
We divided a drive disk into a fast band and a slow band. The fast band is used to store the frequently
accessed data on outer cylinders to take advantage of the ZBR. The size of fast band is determined as 10%
of the disk drive capacity in terms of the 90/10 ruler of thumb. Because most of the frequently accessed
blocks are packed into the fast band, the spatial locality is enhanced. Due to the observation that a block is
usually correlated to its neighbor blocks as discussed in section 3.2, a migration unit called object which
packs the frequently accessed blocks and the correlated neighbour blocks together is adopted to maintain
the block correlations. We clustered multiple adjacent blocks into one object and moved objects rather than
cylinders, files or blocks to enhance the aggressive prefetch of modern disk drives.
For decades past, the most common storage interfaces (SCSI and IDE/ATA), which expose storage
capacity as a linear array of fixed-sized blocks to file systems, mainly consist of simple read and write
commands. Data access for read and write is specified by a LBN and a data block length. Disk firmware is
responsible for translating LBN to physical location (C/H/S). Fig. 1 depicts the two disk layouts with and
without block reorganization. In the upper figure, three objects with different access frequency are
distributed across the disk drive which is organized in terms of LBN. Each object consists of frequently
accessed blocks (hot blocks in Fig. 1) and the correlated neighbour blocks. The bottom figure shows the
disk layout after the object 2 and the object 3 are migrated to the outer zones of the disk drive. The object 1
remains in the original location even if it has the highest access frequency, because its location is in the fast
band. The object 3 has higher access frequency than that of object 2, and therefore the object 3 is moved to
the outermost zone first, followed by the object 2. The upper figure illustrates that due to the long
inter-object distance between object 1 and the other objects, long seek distance would be incurred if the
data accesses to the hot blocks contained in the objects are interleaved, and the aggressive prefetch in
modern disk drives could prefetch a large number of useless blocks which will not be accessed for a long
time to the disk cache, thus decreasing the hit ratio of the disk cache. The bottom figure depicts a new disk
layout after block migration. The seek distances among object 1, object 2 and object 3 are reduced
Based on the above block arrangement, if the fast band receives most of the data accesses, we expect
the following benefits:
(1) The disk head lingers over the fast band most of the time and the seek time is significantly
(2) Zero-latency access of modern disk drives could achieve more benefit because the probability that
more useful blocks are accessed within one revolution is increased. Therefore, the rotational latency could
be reduced.
(3) The data transfer time is decreased because most of the frequently accessed blocks are clustered in
the fast band to utilize the ZBR.
(4) The spatial locality is enhanced because most of the frequently accessed blocks are packed in a
relatively narrow area.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
(5) Due to the enhanced spatial locality, the blocks of fast band could reside in the disk cache much
longer, thus increasing the hit ratio.
(6)The number of physical disk I/Os is decreased due to the increased hit ratio.
(7)The block correlations are maintained because the migration unit packs the frequently accessed
blocks and the correlated neighbour blocks together.
5. Implementation
Fig. 2 A schematic of the block reorganization
Our Implementation is composed of a frequency tracker, a mapping table, and a data migration
mechanism. The three major components are illustrated in Fig. 2. The frequency tracker monitors the
stream of I/O requests. Periodically, it produces or updates a mapping table which contains a list of
frequently accessed objects ordered by frequency. A newly incoming request is compared against the
mapping table. The request will be redirected to the new location if the request is hit in the table.
Otherwise, it goes to the original location. The data migration is triggered periodically in terms of the
migration mechanism. The frequently accessed blocks and the correlated blocks will be moved to the fast
band to enhance the spatial locality and take advantage of the ZBR.
5.1. Frequency Tracker
A data structure consisting of the original object location, migrated object location, object access
frequency and unoccupied block number in the object is employed to track the object access frequency and
construct the mapping table. The data structure takes 16 bytes per object. For a 9.1GB disk drive which has
17938986 blocks (the disk we will use in the simulation) with an object size of 32 blocks, it takes
(17938986/32)*16=8969493Bytes=8.55MB storage capacity to track the whole disk drive. By analogy, a
100 GB modern disk needs about 90 MB storage space to track all objects. Although the storage overhead
is much smaller than the disk itself, the data structures should be maintained in memory so that they can be
accessed with little overhead. Therefore, the storage capacity occupied by the data structures is important
and should be kept as small as possible. A more space-efficient alternative is to maintain a small group of
data structures for objects that have been recently accessed frequently. According to the skewed access
pattern (10% storage resources receive 90% I/O accesses), the maximum number of objects which should
be tracked is 10% of the whole objects. It is very easy to calculate that a 100GB disk drive needs about
9MB memory capacity to track the frequency of the most frequently accessed objects. This is acceptable
Mapping Table
Fast Band
Slow Band
Frequency Tracker
Table Modification
Data Migration
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
for a modern computer system.
We used two fixed length Least Recently Used (LRU) lists including a hot list and a recent list to
identify the most frequently and recently accessed objects. When the system receives a request, the
corresponding object will be recorded on the recent list. If the object on the recent list is accessed again in
a short period, the object will be promoted to the hot list. If the promoted object is already on the hot list,
the object will be moved to the head of the hot list. If the hot list is full, the last object on the hot list will
be degraded to the recent list. If the recent list is full, the last object on the recent list will be discarded, and
the fields of object location including the original location and the migrated location will be recorded on a
mapping table. The objects on the hot list are the most frequently accessed objects over a period. However,
the sequence of the objects is not sorted in terms of the frequency. The most recently accessed object is
always on the head of the hot list, the next recently accessed object will follow the previous object.
Therefore, compared with the frequency counting method, our method can further enhance the spatial
locality which indicates that the probability of accessing a data unit is higher if a data unit near it was just
accessed. The method is very effective in our experiment.
When the data migration mechanism is triggered, a process running in the background examines the
hot list. If the objects on the hot list are stored in the slow band, the objects will be moved to the fast band.
If the objects already exist in the fast band, the object locations will be kept unchanged. When the fast
band runs out of its 90% capacity, the objects which are not on the hot list will be migrated to the slow
band. The fields of original object location and migrated object location in the data structure will be
employed to record the objects location and construct the mapping table.
5.2. Object Mapping Table
Data access for read and write is specified by a LBN (Logical Block Number) and a data block length.
Disk firmware is responsible for translating LBN to physical location (i.e. cylinder, head, and sector). This
high-level interface has enabled great portability, interoperability, and flexibility for storage devices and
their vendors [9]. However, the narrow storage interface between file systems and storage hides details
from both sides. Though both sides have made considerable advancement independently, the interface has
limited opportunities for whole system performance improvement due to lacking effective cooperation.
A mapping table is employed to augment the interface in our implementation, because the mapping
table contains some hints of disk access patterns coming from the above file system. The mapping table
contains a list of frequently accessed objects, their original locations, and the locations after data moving.
Newly incoming requests are compared against the list and redirected to the new location if the requested
object resides there.
5.3. Data Migration Mechanism
The data migration could have significant impact on the overall I/O performance. The key point of a
data migration is to complete the data moving process in the shortest possible time with minimal
performance impact on the foreground applications, while guaranteeing QoS. It involves when and what
blocks should be migrated to where.
Because workloads tend to be bursty, there are enough idle periods for the system to analyze and
reorganize the data blocks (e.g. perform the data migration daily) [1, 12, 14, 15]. Hsu and Smith [14]
reported that there is a lot of time during which the storage system is relatively idle. They also proved that
infrequent (daily to weekly) block reorganization is sufficient to realize most of the benefit. Their
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
experiments confirm that the data migration takes only a small fraction of the idle time available between
reorganizations. On the other hand, some intelligent algorithms which can eliminate or alleviate the impact
of data migration have been proposed and developed. Aqueduct [25] uses a control-theoretical approach to
statistically guarantee a bound on the amount of impact on foreground work during a data migration, while
still accomplishing the data migration in a time period as short as possible. Lumb et al [26] proposed a free
block scheduling to replace a disk drive’s rotational latency with useful background media transfers,
potentially allowing the background disk I/O to occur with no impact on foreground service times. The two
methods are supposed to further alleviate or eliminate the performance penalty of data migration. Because
this paper is exploring the performance gains of block reorganization, not the data migration methodology,
the reader is referred to [25, 26] for a comprehensive understanding of data migration methodologies.
6. Experimental Validation
Table 1 Disk characteristics of Quantum Atlas 10K
9100 MB
Disk cache size
Number of Zones
Sectors per track of outermost zone
Sectors per track of innermost zone
Rotation speed (RPM)
Single cylinder seek time
Full strobe seek time
Head switch time
A real implementation of the comprehensive and complicated system would be difficult and take an
extremely long time. Trace driven simulation is a principal approach to evaluate the effectiveness of our
proposed design, because it is much easier to change parameters and configurations in comparison with a
real implementation. The trace driven simulation is a form of event driven simulation in which the events
are taken from a real system that operates under conditions similar to the ones being simulated. By using a
simulator and reference traces, we can evaluate the system in different environments and under a variety of
DiskSim [4] is an efficient, accurate, highly configurable, and trace-driven disk system simulator. To
explore the performance gains of block reorganization based on modern disks, we enhanced DiskSim to
measure the proposed method. Several experimentally validated disk models are distributed with Disksim.
The experimental results reported in this paper were generated by using the validated Quantum Atlas 10K
disk model. The disk drive is divided into 24 Zones in terms of the number of sectors per track, head skew,
cylinder skew and number of spare sectors. The detailed disk characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
Two important metrics normally employed to measure I/O performance are throughput and average
response time. Throughput is the maximum number of I/Os that can be satisfied in a given period by the
system. Measuring the throughput with trace driven simulation is difficult because the workloads recorded
in the trace are constant. Average response time includes both the time needed to serve the I/O request and
the time spent on waiting or queuing for service. In this paper, we measure the average response time and
break down the disk access time into four major components including seek time, rotational latency, data
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
transfer time, and the hit ration of disk cache, and analyze each component separately to determine its
actual performance gains.
6.1. Evaluating the impact of object size
In order to explore the impact of the object size, we employed a real trace ST1 which extracts 50,000
requests from the cello99 trace [5] and modified some fields in terms of the format requirements of the
Disksim. The access type (read or write), request address, request size, and request arrival time are kept
unchanged to maintain the block correlations and data access pattern. The average request size of ST1 is
7.2 KB. 65% requests of ST1 are read accesses. The skew of ST1 is 74/10. This means that 74% I/Os in
ST1 concentrate on 10% disk space.
Object Size (KB)
Average Response Time (ms)
Object Size (KB)
Disk Cache Hit Ratio
Fig. 3 Average response time with trace ST1 Fig. 4 Hit ratio of disk cache with trace ST1
Object Size (KB)
The Number of Physical Disk I/O
Object Size (KB)
Average Seek Time (ms)
Fig. 5 Number of physical disk I/Os with trace ST1 Fig. 6 Average seek time with trace ST1
Object Size (KB)
Average Rotational Latency (ms)
Object Size (KB)
Average Data Transfer Time (ms)
Fig. 7 Average rotational latency with trace ST1 Fig. 8 Average data transfer time with trace ST1
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
We used ST1 to do the first round of measurements. A set of object sizes ranging from 177KB to 8KB
were employed to investigate the optimal block correlations size by measuring the average response time
incurred by the block reorganization. 177KB is the size of one segment of the disk cache extracted from
the Quantum Atlas 10K disk model. The leftmost bar in each figure from Fig. 3 to Fig. 8 denotes the
performance of the baseline system which does not employ any block reorganization.
Fig. 3 shows the average response time of the system which uses different object sizes to migrate
blocks against the baseline system. It illustrates that the performance improvement ranges from 5% to
17.2% due to the block reorganization. According to the performance improvement, the optimal object
size is 32KB. We believe that the object size maintains the block correlations of the baseline system very
well because it achieves the highest performance improvement.
Fig. 4 illustrates the hit ratio of disk cache. Before the test, we expected to see a significant increase
of the hit ratio because of two reasons. The first reason is that the spatial locality is enhanced by gathering
frequently accessed blocks. The second reason is that the prefetch could get more useful data which could
stay in the cache much longer due to the high access frequency. However, as the object size decreases, the
hit ratio also starts to decrease gradually and decrease acutely when the size reaches 16KB. The number of
physical disk I/Os shown in Fig. 5 varies slightly when the object size is changed from 177KB to 32KB,
whereas it has a sharp increase when the object size reaches 16KB. We believe that the object size which is
smaller than 32KB could break the block correlations, accordingly incur more physical disk I/Os and
decrease the hit ratio. Another reason is that the disk cache of the employed disk model in our simulation is
only 2MB. The small disk cache can not take full advantage of the enhanced data locality. The results in
Fig. 5 are consistent with that in Fig. 4.
Fig. 6 depicts that the average seek time is significantly reduced when the object size is changed to
32KB. The seek time is reduced 42.5% when the object size reaches 16KB. This validates our expectation
that the disk head lingers over the fast band most of the time, and the seek time is reduced due to the
reduced seek distance. A basic requirement is a relatively small object size which can cluster the frequently
accessed blocks compactly.
Fig. 7 shows that the rotational latency achieves a slight performance improvement (less than 2.8%)
when the object size varies. Fig. 8 illustrates that the data transfer time starts to decrease when the object
size is changed to 64KB. The data transfer time achieves the highest 2.5% performance improvement when
the object size is 32KB. These two measurements are not expected. According to equation (4), larger
request size yields more performance gains at the data transfer time. Because the average request size of
ST1 is 7.2 KB, we decided to do the second round of test with another trace by varying the request size.
The object size in the second round of test is determined as 32KB because it maintains the basic block
6.2 Evaluating the impact of request size
Synthetic traces have the advantage of isolating specific behaviours which are not clearly expressed in
the real world traces. The trace characteristics can be varied as much as possible in order to cover a wide
range of different workloads. Therefore, we generated a synthetic trace named ST2 to investigate the
impact of the request size. ST2 consists of 25,000 requests which also were extracted from cello99 [5]. In
contrast to the ST1, we changed the request size of ST2 to explore the impact on the system performance.
As discussed in section 3.2, the biggest request size in the disk drive workloads is 128KB. Therefore, we
investigated the request size of 8KB, 16KB, 32KB, 64KB, and 128KB, respectively. We believe bigger
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
request sizes can obtain more benefit from the ZBR [19]. The skew of ST2 is 87/10 which implies that
87% I/Os are accumulated in 10% disk space.
Request size(KB)
Percentage of disk access time
Seek time
Rotational latency
Data transfer time
Fig. 9 Breakdown of disk access time with trace ST2
Table 2 Constitutions of disk access time with different request size
Seek time
Rotational latency
Data transfer time
Fig. 9 lists a breakdown of disk access time produced by ST2 with different request sizes. The test
results are based on the 10025 RPM Quantum Atlas 10K disk. It shows that with the increase of the
average request size, the portion of seek time and rotational latency are decreased, whereas the portion of
data transfer time is increased. This is reasonable because a larger request size involves more data transfer
time. Table 2 shows when the average request size is changed, the percentages of each component
including seek time, rotational latency, and data transfer time which contribute to the disk access time.
Request size (KB)
T1 4.16 5.74 8.92 15.44 16.36
T2 3.36 4.92 8.09 14.70 15.98
64 128
Disk cache
hit ratio
Request size(KB)
T1 38.65%35.60%32.96%27.36%22.12%
T2 37.85%36.34%34.58%28.30%23.41%
Fig. 10 Average response time with trace ST2 Fig. 11 Hit ratio of the disk cache with trace ST2
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
Number of
physical disk
Request size(KB)
T1 18198 18811 19481 20885 23289
T2 18119 18556 18974 20603 22796
Request size(KB)
T1 3.08 3.02 2.96 2.83 2.79
T2 1.63 1.63 1.70 1.72 1.79
Fig. 12 Number of physical disk I/Os with trace ST2 Fig. 13 Average seek time with trace ST2
Request size(KB)
T1 2.56 2.44 2.32 2.14 1.98
T2 2.56 2.47 2.35 2.16 2.07
data transfer
Request size(KB)
T1 1.11 1.91 3.36 6.47 11.52
T2 1.08 1.85 3.43 6.62 12.01
Fig. 14 Average rotational latency with trace ST2 Fig. 15 Average data transfer time with trace ST2
In Fig. 10, Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig. 14, and Fig. 15, T1 denotes the baseline system which does
not involve any data migration, T2 indicates the system which employs a 32KB object size to move data
blocks. Fig. 10 illustrates that the average response time grows with the increase of the average request
size. It is reasonable because bigger request size produces more data transfer time which is a portion of the
average response time. When the request size is changed from 8KB to 16KB, 32KB, 64KB, and 128KB,
the average response times are improved 19%, 14%, 9%, 5%, and 2.3%, respectively. The measurement
indicates that bigger request size achieves less performance improvement. The hit ratios of disk cache in
Fig. 11 show a slight increase when the disk drive conducts data reorganization. Fig. 11 also demonstrates
that the hit ratios are decreased with the growth of request size. The number of physical disk I/Os depicted
in Fig. 12 follows the same trend as the hit ratio. This is reasonable because higher hit ratios imply less
physical disk I/Os. The average seek time shown in Fig. 13 achieves significant reduction ranging from
40% to 47% when the request size is changed from 128KB to 8KB. Fig. 13 also indicates that bigger
request size achieves less seek time reduction, which is consistent with Fig. 10. However, the average
rotational latency depicted in Fig. 14 and the average data transfer time illustrated in Fig. 15 are not
expected. The average rotational latency does not obtain any performance improvement. The highest
performance improvement of the average data transfer time is only 3.1%. When the request size is
increased to 64KB, a slight performance penalty of data transfer time is incurred due to the data
reorganization. Fig. 14 indicates that the average rotational latency of both T1 and T2 are reduced with the
growth of the request size. As discussed in section 2.2, due to zero-latency access, the rotational latency
decreases with the growth of useful blocks in a track. Therefore, bigger request size can take better
advantage of the zero-latency access, thus improving performance. Fig. 15 confirms the observations in
Fig. 9 and Table 2.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
disk access
Request size(KB)
T1 6.75 7.37 8.63 11.44 15.21
T2 5.28 5.97 7.48 10.51 14.68
Request size(KB)
T1 1922.0 2787.43585.8 4145.07852.7
T2 2379.6 3250.23956.2 4354.98010.0
Fig. 16 Average disk access time with trace ST2 Fig. 17 Bandwidth with trace ST2
The above measurements show that the significant reduction of seek time is not dramatically reflected
in the average response time. A very important reason is that the high hit ratio of disk cache reduces the
impact of seek time on the average response time. Therefore, we evaluated the disk access time illustrated
in Fig. 16 which excludes the impact of disk cache. The performance improvements of different request
size are 22%, 19%, 13%, 8%, and 3.5%, respectively. It confirms the illustration in Fig. 10, and shows the
same implication that bigger request size achieves less performance improvement. The tests indicate that
another reason is because the average seek time is only a portion of the average response time. That’s why
the impact of the reduced seek time on the average response time is alleviated.
According to Fig. 15, the data transfer time does not achieve too much benefit from the ZBR. In order
to investigate the reason, we measured the bandwidth because a different request size has different but
straightforward impact on the bandwidth. Fig. 17 depicts that when the average request size is changed to
8KB, 16KB, 32KB, 64KB, and 128KB, the bandwidth achieves 24%, 17%, 10%, 5%, and 2%
improvement, respectively. It does illustrate that our method (T2 in Fig. 17) can take advantage of the ZBR
to improve performance. However, it does not confirm the discussion in section 2.3 that bigger request size
should gain more benefits from the ZBR. The reason is that if the request size is bigger than the object size,
the request will be split into several sub-requests. Therefore, the block correlations could be destroyed. For
a fixed object size, the bigger the request size is, the higher the probability that the requests could be split.
We employed 32KB as the object size in the measurements of this section. That’s why the performance
improvement decreases with the growth of the request size. We tracked the requests in the simulation, and
observed many split requests even when the request size is 8KB. It gives us an indication that though the
object can maintain the basic correlation among data blocks, the object size actually depends on the
workload. For example, 32KB is the optimal object size for ST1 which has an average request size of 7.2
KB. That’s why in the test, 8KB request size achieves the maximal performance improvement. A dynamic
algorithm used to determine the optimal object size for different workloads could alleviate this problem.
6.3 Evaluating the impact of data access pattern
As discussed in section 6.1 and 6.2, the traces ST1 and ST2 are highly skewed. We reorganized the
frequently accessed data blocks into a relatively small area, thus enhancing the data locality which
significantly reduces the average seek time. However, the significant reduction of seek time is not reflected
in the average response time. We believe that a very important reason is the high hit ratio of disk cache.
Therefore, we constructed the third synthetic trace ST3 and the fourth synthetic trace ST4 which have
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
different skews by modifying the trace ST1. The skew of ST3 is 44/10 which means 44% I/Os go to 10%
storage capacity. The request addresses in ST4 are distributed across the disk drive randomly. We believe
that the trace ST4 can simulate an extreme scenario of the online transaction processing, and the decreased
skew can reduce the hit ratio of disk cache.
Average response time(ms)
Hit ratio of disk cache
Fig. 18 Average response time Fig. 19 Hit ratio of disk cache
Average seek time(ms)
Average rotational latency(ms)
Fig. 20 Average seek time Fig. 21 Average rotational latency
Average data transfer time(ms)
Fig. 22 Average data transfer time
In order to compare our method with the existing work, we implemented an organ pipe data layout in
the simulator. In this section, T1 denotes the baseline system which does not involve any data migration,
T2 indicates the system which employs a 32KB object size to move the frequently accessed data blocks to
the fast band, and T3 implies that the moved data blocks are organized in an organ pipe style in the centre
of disk drive.
Fig. 18 illustrates the average response time of the three systems measured by the three different traces.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
It shows that when the traces ST1 and ST3 are employed to evaluate the systems, our method achieves the
best performance, whereas T3 degrades the performance. The reason is because the sequentially accessed
data is split on either side of the organ pipe arrangement, and the disk arm has to seek back and forth
across the disk resulting in decreased performance [36]. It is interesting to observe that the system T3
obtains the best performance improvement (3.8%) when ST4 is adopted to evaluate the systems. This is
because the requests in ST4 are independent. It means that the requests which are not reorganized are
distributed randomly across the disk drive. Placing the hot area in the middle of disk drive can reduce the
seek time when the disk arm has to be moved to locate the remaining data blocks.
Fig. 19 demonstrates the hit ratio of disk cache. As expected, the hit ratio is reduced when the skew is
decreased. When we used ST4 to compare the hit ratios, the actual values of T1, T2, and T3 are 0.004%,
0.04%, and 0.003%, which is too low to be observed in Fig. 19. The low hit ratio is reasonable, because the
requests in ST4 do not contain any data locality including temporal locality and spatial locality. We also
can observe that when ST1 and ST3 are adopted to measure the systems, the hit ratio is decreased when the
data blocks are organized in an organ pipe style.
Fig. 20 depicts the average seek time. The experimental results show that our method does reduce the
average seek time significantly by using the traces ST1 and ST3, whereas the T3 incurs a growth of the
average seek time. This is because T3 destroys the block correlations. As expected, Fig. 20 also shows that
compared with our method, T3 obtains a better performance improvement when ST4 is adopted to measure
the system. This is because the requests in ST4 are independent. However, as discussed in section 3, most
of the real data accesses show some locality. It means our method is much more effective than the organ
pipe in a real scenario. Fig. 21 and Fig. 22 do not show significant performance variation when different
traces are used to measure T1, T2, and T3.
7. Discussion and Conclusion
Since the first disk drive was announced in 1956, disk drives have experienced dramatic development,
but still lagged far behind the performance improvement of processor and RAM. A lot of I/O optimization
methods have been devised to alleviate the gap between the RAM and disk driver. One of the most
effective approaches of improving disk access performance is increasing the hit ratio of disk cache and
thus reducing the number of physical disk I/Os.
We reviewed some important characteristics of modern disk drives and disk access patterns in this
paper. Attempting to take advantage of the characteristics, we clustered the frequently accessed blocks and
the correlated blocks into objects, and moved the objects to the outer zones of a modern disk drive to
enhance the data locality. Synthetic trace driven simulation was adopted to break down the disk access
time into seek time, rotational latency, data transfer time, and hit ratio of disk cache and investigate the
performance gains of each of them due to the enhanced locality. The experimental results give the
following indications:
(1) The data blocks are correlated with each other. When performing the data reorganization, an optimal
object size which compactly cluster the frequently accessed data blocks with the correlated data blocks can
achieve the best performance. Otherwise, the destroyed correlations can incur performance penalty.
(2) By reorganizing the frequently accessed data blocks into a small area, the average seek time achieves
significant reduction due to the enhanced data locality. However, the reduction is not reflected dramatically
in the response time because the high hit ratio of disk cache alleviates the impact. Even so, the reduction of
seek time contributes most of the performance improvement, and the other components constitute a small
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
portion of the improvement.
(3) The zero-latency access does not obtain significant benefit from the enhanced spatial locality.
(4) The ZBR does contribute to the performance improvement, though it is relatively small in comparison
with the contribution of seek time.
(5) The enhanced spatial locality does not give too many opportunities to the disk cache to improve the hit
ratio and reduce the number of physical disk I/Os. This could be caused by the disk model employed in the
simulation. Quantum Atlas 10k is the latest model we can find in the Disksim. The model does support
some new characteristics such as zero-latency, ZBR, etc. However, a disk drive with 9.1GB storage
capacity and 2MB disk cache is old. It can not demonstrate other characteristics such as the high TPI and
DPI, and the small disk cache can not obtain too much performance gains from the enhanced spatial
locality. We believe a disk model with higher storage capacity and bigger disk cache could illustrate more
interesting experimental results. For example, because the long distance seeks of modern disk drive may
not involve enormously more overhead than short ones, the performance improvement of seek time could
decrease, while the bandwidth could further increase.
(6) The data access pattern has an impact on our method. However, as discussed in section 3.1, the
skewed data access is a normal behaviour of the workloads in the real world. Therefore, we believe that the
real applications can benefit from our method.
I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for helping us refine this paper. Their constructive
comments and suggestions are very helpful. Thanks also to my friend Michael Sandling and Andrew
Clemens who polished the language of this paper. In addition, I am grateful to Prof. Witold Pedrycz for
giving me the opportunity to clarify my thoughts.
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[41]. C. Staelin and H. Garcia-Molina, Clustering active disk data to improve disk performance, Tech. Rep.
CS-TR-283-90, Dept. of Computer Science, Princeton University,1990.
[42]. A. S. Tanenbaum, J. N. Herder, H. Bos, File size distribution on UNIX systems: then and now, ACM
SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 40(1) (2006)100-104.
[43]. T. M. Wong and J. Wilkes, My Cache or yours? making storage more exclusive, in: Proceedings of
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX 2002), 2002, pp. 161–175.
Exploiting the Performance Gains
of Modern Disk Drives by Enhancing Data Locality
Yuhui Deng
Cranfield University Campus, Bedfordshire MK430AL, United Kingdom
Email: deng_derek@emc.com; yuhuid@hotmail.com
Due to the widening performance gap between the RAM and disk drive, a large number of I/O
optimization methods have been proposed and designed to alleviate the impact of the gap. One of the most
effective approaches of improving disk access performance is enhancing the data locality. This is because
the method could increase the hit ratio of disk cache and reduce the seek time and rotational latency. Disk
drives have experienced dramatic development since the first disk drive was announced in 1956. This
paper investigates some important characteristics of modern disk drives. Based on the characteristics and
the observation that data access on disk drives is highly skewed, the frequently accessed data blocks and
the correlated data blocks are clustered into objects and moved to the outer zones of a modern disk drive.
The idea attempts to enhance the spatial locality, improve the efficiency of the aggressive sequential
prefetch, and take advantage of the Zoned Bit Recording (ZBR). An experimental simulation is employed
to investigate the performance gains produced by the enhanced data locality by breaking down the disk
access time into seek time, rotational latency, data transfer time, and hit ratio of the disk cache. The
experimental results provide useful insights into the performance behaviours of a modern disk drive with
enhanced data locality.
Key words: Disk drive; Data Locality; Data access pattern; Block correlation; Data migration;
1 The initial work in this paper was conducted when Yuhui Deng was a research officer in Cranfield
University. This paper was revised and the work was enhanced after Yuhui Deng joined EMC research
China as a senior research scientist.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
1. Introduction
The storage hierarchy in current computer architectures is designed to take advantage of data access
locality to improve overall performance. Each level of the hierarchy has higher speed, lower latency, and
smaller size than lower levels. For decades, the hierarchical arrangement has suffered from significant
bandwidth and latency gaps among the processor, RAM, and disk drive [27, 32, 38]. The performance gap
between processor and RAM has been alleviated by fast cache memories. However, the performance gap
of RAM to disk drive has been widened to 6 orders of magnitude in 2000 and will continue to widen by
about 50% per year [38].
Since the first disk drive was announced in 1956, disk drives have grown by over six orders of
magnitude in density and over four orders in performance [29]. Over the last decade, areal density, track
density and linear density have achieved 100%, 50%, and 30% growth respectively. Revolutions Per
Minute (RPM) has been increased from 3600 in 1981 to 15000 in 2000. Due to the significant growth in
both the linear density and RPM, the Internal Data Rate (IDR) has been growing at an exponential rate of
40% each year over the past 15 years [11]. Unfortunately, the basic mechanical architecture in disk drive
has not changed too much. Slowed by the mechanical delays, the disk access time was improved only
about 8% per year [12]. Therefore, the disk I/O subsystem is repeatedly identified as a major bottleneck to
system performance in many computing systems. The widening gap will be more serious when the disk
drive reaches its physical limits due to the super paramagnetic effect.
The increasing performance gap between RAM and disk drive has long been a primary obstacle to
improve overall system performance. To alleviate the impact of the widening gap, a lot of research efforts
have been invested to improve disk access time. We only mention some of them which are related to our
work in this paper. Ruemmler and Wilkes [36] employed disk shuffling to move frequently accessed data
into the centre of a disk drive and organize the data into an organ pipe to reduce mean seek distances. They
constructed a repeatable simulation environment across a range of workloads and disk drive types for
comparing different shuffling algorithms. The research indicated that the benefits are small to moderate,
but are likely to be much larger with file systems that do not do a good initial data placement. Akyürek and
Salem [1] presented an adaptive technique to copy a small number of frequently referenced disk blocks
from their original locations to a reserved space near the middle of the disk. The experiments showed that
the seek times are reduced 30% to 85% (depending on workloads) by adaptively rearranging about 3% of
the data on the disk drive. FS2 [16] dynamically places multiple copies of data in file system’s free blocks
according to the disk access patterns observed at runtime to reduce the head positioning latencies. Because
one or more replicas can be accessed in addition to their original data block, choosing the nearest replica
that provides the fastest access can significantly improve disk I/O performance.
The above methods can substantially reduce seek time or rotational latency. However, the approaches
may not be effective on modern disk drives due to evolutional disk drive technologies. First of all, disk
access time mainly consists of seek time, rotational latency and data transfer time. Due to the advance of
Voice Coil Motors (VCM) electric drive and the increasing track density, the long distance seeks of
modern disk drives may not involve enormously more overhead than short ones. This results in a
significant proportion decrease of seek time in disk access time. Secondly, due to geometric features, outer
tracks on disk platters are much larger than the inner tracks. Modern disk drives employ a technique called
Zoned Bit Recording (ZBR) to take advantage of the geometry features to increase disk capacity by
varying the number of sectors per track with the distance from the spindle [30]. The characteristic results in
much higher data transfer rate of outer zones than that of inner zones. Finally, the organ pipe which is
formed by placing the most frequently accessed cylinder in the middle of the disk drive, the next most
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
frequently accessed cylinders on either side of the middle cylinder, and so on. The arrangement is provably
optimal for independent disk accesses [36]. However, block correlations are common semantic patterns in
storage systems, so the organ pipe arrangement could destroy the original block correlations [21]. The
combination of the three reasons significantly counteracts the performance improvement of data
In this paper, we explore the performance gains of data reorganization based on a modern disk drive.
Some new characteristics of modern disk drives which are related to the data reorganization are reviewed.
Based on the characteristics, we cluster blocks which are correlated to the frequently accessed block into
objects and migrate the objects to the outer zones of the disk drive. The aggressive sequential prefetch of
the modern disk drive is enhanced and the block correlations remain due to the frequency based objects.
We break down the disk access time into four basic components: seek time, rotational latency, data transfer
time, and hit ratio of disk cache, and analyze each one separately to determine its actual performance gains.
Experimental results provide useful insights into the performance behaviour of block reorganization of a
modern disk drive.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. An overview of modern disk drives is introduced
in Section 2. Section 3 describes some important features of workload. The motivations of this paper are
depicted in section 4. Section 5 illustrates how to implement the block reorganization. The simulation
environment and experimental validation are depicted in section 6. Section 7 concludes the paper with
remarks on main contributions and indications.
2. Modern Disk Drive Overview
Disk access time
is mainly composed of seek time
, rotational latency
data transfer time
. The seek time measures the time for the disk head to move to a specified track.
When the disk head arrives at the required track, the time spent on rotating the required sector to appear
underneath the disk head is called rotational latency. The data transfer time is the amount of data divided
by the data transfer rate.
is expressed as follows:
2.1. Seek Time
The disk head is driven by a VCM to move over the recording surface to seek a target sector. In order
to reduce the heat dissipation of the VCM, the temperature of the coil in the VCM is controlled by
selecting a fixed maximum current for the seek distances which exceed a threshold. The threshold is
typically 35% of a full stroke [40]. For a long seek distance which exceeds the threshold, the current in the
coil reaches the maximum value when the disk head reaches a nominal maximum velocity. At the end of
the acceleration period, the current is removed from the coil, which incurs a coast period that maintains the
nominal maximum velocity. Then, the fixed maximum current is applied to the coil in an opposite direction
to decelerate the disk head. When the disk head reaches the target track, a procedure is triggered to verify
the current position. The time cost for the disk head to settle at the end of a seek is called settling time.
Therefore, a seek time is composed of an acceleration time
, a coast period
, a deceleration time
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
, and a head settling time
. The acceleration time and deceleration time are proportional to the
square root of the seek distance. The cost period is linear in the seek distance. For a short seek (e.g. single
cylinder seek), the disk arm accelerates and decelerates without reaching the nominal maximum velocity.
According to the above discussion, for the seek distances which are shorter than the threshold, the
disk heads will never reach the nominal maximal velocity. This indicates that in this scenario there is no
cost period no matter how fast a VCM is. The average seek time is generally taken to be the average time
needed to seek between two random blocks on the disks which is normally called average seek
. The
for a large number of random seeks is equal to a seek across 1/3 of the
data zone which is shorter than the threshold. Therefore, the coast time of average seeks is zero.
Consequently, we have an acceleration phase followed immediately by a deceleration phase [18], which
can be described as
a ×
a ×
, where
is the acceleration
which is equal to the deceleration
, and the acceleration time
is equal to the deceleration time dec
We assume that
, then we have:
t = dec
t =
Daverage (2)
The average seek time
is computed with the following equation:
Daverage + settle
For random small requests, seek time is a major component of disk access time, because the settling
time dominates the overall short seeks and the settling time has remained largely constant [1]. However,
over the last decade, the areal density has achieved 100% growth. This has resulted in 50% growth of track
density measured in Tracks Per Inch (TPI), and 30% growth of linear density measured in Bits Per Inch
(BPI) [11]. Due to the increased BPI, there are more sectors on a track, which means more sectors in a
cylinder if the number of disk heads is not changed [31]. Within a certain range of data, a bigger cylinder
may impact the disk seek time in two ways: The first one is increasing the probability of reducing the
number of seeks. When dealing with a certain amount of data, having a bigger cylinder raises the
probability that the next data request will be satisfied in the current cylinder, thus avoiding a seek
completely. The second one is reducing the seek distance. If the size of each cylinder is increased, then an
equal amount of data will occupy fewer cylinders compared with before. As a result, the seek distance is
decreased. Both impacts result in shorter seek time in terms of equation (3).
Lumb et al [24] investigated the impact of seek time, rotational latency, and data transfer time that add
up to 100% of the disk head utilization for five modern disk drives which were sold on the market from
1996 to 1999. The investigation indicated that the faster seek of the Cheetah 18LP (average seek time
5.2ms), relative to the Cheetah 9LP and Cheetah 4LP which have average seek time of 5.4ms and 7.7ms
respectively, resulted in lower seek components. The results also showed that as the request size of the
random workload increased, larger request size yielded larger media transfer component, reduced the seek
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
and rotational latency components by amortizing larger transfer over each positioning step.
2.2. Rotational latency
Rotational latency depends on the RPM and the number of sectors that must pass underneath the disk
head. Traditionally, when the disk head arrives at the target track, it must wait for the disk platters to rotate
until it reaches the first sector of the request before it begins to transfer data. The amount of time it takes
for the required sector to appear underneath the disk head is called rotational latency. If the disk head
settles above a sector which is one of the required sectors but not the first one, it will incur almost one
revolution to reach the first sector.
Zero-latency access, which is a new feature of modern disk drives, can start transferring data when
the disk head is positioned above any of the sectors in a request. If multiple contiguous sectors are required
to be read, the disk head can read the sectors from the media into its buffer in any order with zero-latency
access support. The sectors in the buffer are assembled in ascending Logical Block Number (LBN) order
and sent to the host. If exactly one track is required, the disk head can begin reading data as soon as the
seek is completed. It involves no rotational latency because all sectors on the track are needed. The same
concept applies to writes with a reverse procedure which moves the data from host memory to the disk
cache before it can be written onto the media [39]. Therefore, the rotational latency decreases with the
growth of the useful blocks in a track.
2.3. Data Transfer Time and Zoned Bit Recording
Data transfer time is the amount of data divided by data transfer rate. This consists of two parts. The
first part is external data rate adopted to measure the transfer rate between memory and disk cache. The
second part is employed to measure the transfer rate between disk cache and disk storage media, this part is
called IDR. Due to the mechanical components in disk drives, the IDR is much lower than the external
data rate. Generally, the IDR is employed to measure the data transfer rate of disk drives because it is raw
transfer rate. The IDR depends on the combination of BPI and RPM. The BPI indicates how many bits can
be stored on a track, which in turn determines the number of sectors on a track. The data transfer time can
be calculated with following equation:
denotes the number of sectors on a track, and
is the data length of a request
measured in sectors.
Due to the geometric features, outer tracks on disk platters are much larger than the inner tracks.
Modern disk drives employ a technique called ZBR, sometimes called Zoned Constant Angular Velocity
(ZCAV), to take advantage of the geometric features to maximize disk capacity by varying the number of
sectors per track with the distance from the spindle [30]. This technique groups tracks into zones based on
their distance from the spindle, and assigns each zone a different number of sectors per track. Outer zones
are longer and contain more sectors than the shorter inner zones. The ratio of the sectors of the outmost
zone to that of the innermost zone ranges from 1.43 to 1.58, according to the disk characteristics illustrated
in [24]. In terms of equation (4), for the same amount of data, the ZBR results in a much smaller data
transfer time of the outer zones than that of the inner zones.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
2.4. Disk Cache
Almost all modern disk drives employ a small amount of on-board cache (RAM) to speed up access
to data on the disk drives [17]. Today's SDRAM has access time ranging from 7 to 10 nanoseconds. We
assume that 512Byte data (one sector) needs to be accessed in the SDRAM that has 64 bit chip
configuration and 10 nanoseconds access time. The data access overhead is about 6.4×10-4 milliseconds.
The overhead is only 0.032% of the latest Hitachi Ultrastar 15K which has an average access time of 2
milliseconds and an RPM of 15000. Because accessing data from cache is much faster than accessing from
disk media, the disk cache can significantly improve performance by avoiding slow mechanical latencies if
the data access is satisfied from the disk cache (cache hit). The disk cache today can hold more data due to
the increasing cache size (Ultrastar 15K has 16MB disk cache), resulting in a higher hit ratio. As the hit
ratio grows, the benefits of reducing the seek time, rotational latency, and data transfer time decrease.
Hsu and Smith [12] reported that disk cache in the megabyte range is sufficient. For a very large disk
cache, the hit ratio continues to slightly improve as the cache size is increased beyond 4% of the storage
used. This indicates that if the disk cache size grows beyond a certain threshold, the increased cache only
achieves a limited contribution to the hit ratio, which is not cost-effective.
Disk cache works on the premise that the data in the cache will be reused often by temporarily
holding data, thus reducing the number of physical access to the disk media [7]. To achieve this goal,
caches exploit the principles of spatial and temporal locality of reference. The spatial locality implies that
if a block is referenced, then nearby blocks will also soon be accessed. The temporal locality implies that a
referenced block will tend to be referenced again in the near future. As the data locality improves, the hit
ratio of disk cache grows. Of all the I/O optimizations that increase the efficiency of I/Os, reducing the
number of physical disk I/Os by increasing the hit ratio of disk cache is the most effective method to
improve disk I/O performance.
3. Data Access Locality
Data locality is a measure of how well data can be selected, retrieved, compactly stored, and reused for
subsequent accesses. In general, there are two basic types of data locality: temporal, and spatial. The
temporal locality denotes that a data is accessed at one point in time will be accessed in the near future.
The temporal locality relies on the access patterns of different applications and can therefore vary
dynamically. The spatial locality defines that the probability of accessing a data is higher if a data near it
was just accessed. Unlike the temporal locality, the spatial locality is inherent in the data managed by a
storage system. It is relatively more stable and does not depend on applications, but rather on data
3.1. Data Access Pattern and Locality
Data locality is a property of both the access patterns of applications and data organization. Even
though reshaping access patterns can be employed to improve temporal locality [3], it is difficult to modify
the access patterns of those existing applications. Some methods have been proposed in the pattern
recognition community to preserve the locality when the original data is projected into a lower dimensional
feature space [22].
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
Many common access patterns approximate a Zipf-like distribution indicating that a few blocks are
frequently accessed, and others much less often [43]. Staelin and Garcia-Molina [41] observed that there
was a very high locality of reference on very large file systems (on the order of one tera byte). Some files
in the file system have a much higher skew of access than others. The skew of disk I/O access is often
referred to as the 80/20 rule of thumb, or in more extreme cases, the 90/10 Rule. The 80/20 rule indicates
that twenty percent of the storage resources receive eighty percent of the I/O accesses, while the other
eighty percent of the resources serve the remainder twenty percent I/O accesses. Furthermore, the
percentages are applied recursively. For example, twenty percent of the twenty percent storage resources
serve eighty percent of the eighty percent I/O accesses [8, 41].
The skew access patterns bring opportunities for block reorganization or migration. Generally, the
twenty percent of the storage resources which receive eighty percent of I/O accesses are distributed across
the whole disk. If the twenty percent data blocks residing in the storage resources are packed together, the
spatial locality would be enhanced and the frequently accessed blocks could remain in the disk cache
3.2. Block Correlations and Aggressive Prefetch
Block correlations commonly exist in storage systems. Two or more blocks are correlated if they are
linked together semantically. A lot of algorithms can be used to extract the correlations [13, 20, 21]. For
example, C-Miner [21] employs a data mining technique called frequent sequence mining to discover
block correlations in storage systems. The methods are very useful to exploit complex block correlations or
extreme long-range dependence.
Riska and Riedel [34] reported that the seek distances in some traces exhibit extreme long-range
dependence. However, simple block correlations (e.g. spatial locality) are common patterns in storage
systems, because most of the correlated blocks are usually accessed very close to each other though it may
not be true for large files [35]. Fortunately, many studies indicate that the files in a file server are small
files. Baker [2] reported that 80% of file accesses in file servers are less than 10KB. Nine years later,
Roselli et al. [35] found that small files still comprised a large number of file accesses even though the
number of accesses to large files had increased since the study in [2]. Riska and Riedel [34] measured the
disk drive workloads in systems representing the enterprise, desktop, and consumer electronics
environments. They found that the common request size is 4KB across all traces, except the video
streaming and game console which issue 128KB requests. Tanenbaum et al.[42] investigated the file size
distribution on UNIX systems in 1984 and 2005, respectively. They reported that the files which were
smaller than 8KB was 84.97% in 1984, and 69.96% in 2005. Also that 99.18% of files in 1984 and 90.84%
of files in 2005 are smaller than 64K, respectively.
Block correlations generally depend on how the file system above organizes the disk blocks. A lot of
effort has been invested to optimally organize disk blocks, thus improving the access performance of small
files. Fast File System (FFS) [28] determines the location of the last allocated block of its file and attempts
to allocate the next contiguous disk block when a new block is allocated. When blocks of a file are
clustered, multiple block transfers can be used to read/write the file, therefore, reducing the number of disk
I/O and disk access latency. Co-located Fast File System (C-FFS) [10] adjacently clusters the data blocks
of multiple small files especially the small files in the same directory and moves to and from the disk as a
unit. C-FFS attempts to allocate a new block of a small file into an existing unit associated with the same
directory. Reiserfs [33] uses balanced trees to store data and metadata. For extremely small files, the entire
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
file’s data can be stored physically near the file’s metadata, so that both can be retrieved together with little
or no disk seeking time. Log-structured File System (LFS) [23] delays, remaps, and clusters all data blocks
into large, contiguous regions called segments on disks. LFS only write large chunks to the disk, which
exploits disk bandwidth for small files, metadata, and large files. Deng et al. [6] suggested clustering the
small files as the size of the product of one cylinder size and disk number in a network attached system.
The above works illustrate that most modern file systems tend to place correlated disk blocks close to
each other and cluster blocks to reduce the number of disk I/Os and disk access latency. Such behaviours
again confirm that simple locality is an inherent characteristic of disk drive workloads [37]. Based on the
observation that a block is usually semantically correlated to its neighbour blocks especially for small files
(For example, if a file’s blocks are allocated in a disk drive consecutively, these blocks are correlated to
each other. Therefore, in some workloads, these blocks are likely accessed one after another.), most of the
modern disk drivers adopt aggressive sequential prefetch which takes advantage of the spatial locality to
improve disk I/O performance.
4. Motivations
Fig. 1 Disk layout comparison with and without block reorganization
Due to the highly skewed access patterns, if the frequently accessed blocks are distributed across the
whole disk drive, long seek distances from each other may be involved. Most modern disk drives employ
aggressive sequential prefetch to exploit spatial locality and improve I/O access performance, but the effect
of the prefetch could be significantly reduced in the above scenario, because a large number of blocks with
low access frequency could be prefetched to the disk cache, thus reducing the hit ratio of the disk cache.
Moving the frequently accessed data blocks to a small area to enhance the data locality can significantly
improve the effectiveness of the aggressive prefetch. Hsu et al.[14] recommended placing the reorganized
data blocks roughly at a 24-33% radial distance offset from the outer edge. The reason is that most of the
disk reads are either eliminated due to the more effective sequential prefetch, or can be satisfied from the
reorganized area. They believed that the remaining disk reads tend to be uniformly distributed. Therefore,
placing the reorganized data blocks at the centre of the disk can reduce the seek time significantly [1, 36].
However, due to the ZBR technique, the data transfer rate of the outmost zone is much higher than that of
the innermost zone (ranging from 43% to 58% in [24]). Please note that the disk drives in [24] are about
ten years old. Because of the increasing magnetic recording density, the ratio at present is much higher
than that. As discussed in section 3.1, most of the data accesses are highly skewed. For a skew of 90/10,
90% of the data accesses go to the hot areas. In the 90% data accesses, if we assume that 30% of the data
Original Layout
Hot Blocks
Hot Blocks Correlated Blocks
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
accesses are absorbed by the disk cache, the remaining 60% references have to access the disk drive. If the
hot data blocks are placed in the out zones, the 60% references can take full advantage of the ZBR. Even
though the remaining 10% infrequent data accesses could distribute uniformly (It is arguable). On the
contrary, if the hot data blocks are placed at the centre of the disk, 60% of data accesses will lose the
benefits of ZBR, even though the placement can leverage the 10% infrequent data accesses to reduce the
seek time to a certain degree. Therefore, we believe that the benefits achieved by putting the hot data
blocks in the outer zones are bigger than placing the data blocks in the centre of a disk drive.
Our method is based on the observation that only a small portion of blocks are accessed frequently.
We divided a drive disk into a fast band and a slow band. The fast band is used to store the frequently
accessed data on outer cylinders to take advantage of the ZBR. The size of fast band is determined as 10%
of the disk drive capacity in terms of the 90/10 ruler of thumb. Because most of the frequently accessed
blocks are packed into the fast band, the spatial locality is enhanced. Due to the observation that a block is
usually correlated to its neighbor blocks as discussed in section 3.2, a migration unit called object which
packs the frequently accessed blocks and the correlated neighbour blocks together is adopted to maintain
the block correlations. We clustered multiple adjacent blocks into one object and moved objects rather than
cylinders, files or blocks to enhance the aggressive prefetch of modern disk drives.
For decades past, the most common storage interfaces (SCSI and IDE/ATA), which expose storage
capacity as a linear array of fixed-sized blocks to file systems, mainly consist of simple read and write
commands. Data access for read and write is specified by a LBN and a data block length. Disk firmware is
responsible for translating LBN to physical location (C/H/S). Fig. 1 depicts the two disk layouts with and
without block reorganization. In the upper figure, three objects with different access frequency are
distributed across the disk drive which is organized in terms of LBN. Each object consists of frequently
accessed blocks (hot blocks in Fig. 1) and the correlated neighbour blocks. The bottom figure shows the
disk layout after the object 2 and the object 3 are migrated to the outer zones of the disk drive. The object 1
remains in the original location even if it has the highest access frequency, because its location is in the fast
band. The object 3 has higher access frequency than that of object 2, and therefore the object 3 is moved to
the outermost zone first, followed by the object 2. The upper figure illustrates that due to the long
inter-object distance between object 1 and the other objects, long seek distance would be incurred if the
data accesses to the hot blocks contained in the objects are interleaved, and the aggressive prefetch in
modern disk drives could prefetch a large number of useless blocks which will not be accessed for a long
time to the disk cache, thus decreasing the hit ratio of the disk cache. The bottom figure depicts a new disk
layout after block migration. The seek distances among object 1, object 2 and object 3 are reduced
Based on the above block arrangement, if the fast band receives most of the data accesses, we expect
the following benefits:
(1) The disk head lingers over the fast band most of the time and the seek time is significantly
(2) Zero-latency access of modern disk drives could achieve more benefit because the probability that
more useful blocks are accessed within one revolution is increased. Therefore, the rotational latency could
be reduced.
(3) The data transfer time is decreased because most of the frequently accessed blocks are clustered in
the fast band to utilize the ZBR.
(4) The spatial locality is enhanced because most of the frequently accessed blocks are packed in a
relatively narrow area.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
(5) Due to the enhanced spatial locality, the blocks of fast band could reside in the disk cache much
longer, thus increasing the hit ratio.
(6)The number of physical disk I/Os is decreased due to the increased hit ratio.
(7)The block correlations are maintained because the migration unit packs the frequently accessed
blocks and the correlated neighbour blocks together.
5. Implementation
Fig. 2 A schematic of the block reorganization
Our Implementation is composed of a frequency tracker, a mapping table, and a data migration
mechanism. The three major components are illustrated in Fig. 2. The frequency tracker monitors the
stream of I/O requests. Periodically, it produces or updates a mapping table which contains a list of
frequently accessed objects ordered by frequency. A newly incoming request is compared against the
mapping table. The request will be redirected to the new location if the request is hit in the table.
Otherwise, it goes to the original location. The data migration is triggered periodically in terms of the
migration mechanism. The frequently accessed blocks and the correlated blocks will be moved to the fast
band to enhance the spatial locality and take advantage of the ZBR.
5.1. Frequency Tracker
A data structure consisting of the original object location, migrated object location, object access
frequency and unoccupied block number in the object is employed to track the object access frequency and
construct the mapping table. The data structure takes 16 bytes per object. For a 9.1GB disk drive which has
17938986 blocks (the disk we will use in the simulation) with an object size of 32 blocks, it takes
(17938986/32)*16=8969493Bytes=8.55MB storage capacity to track the whole disk drive. By analogy, a
100 GB modern disk needs about 90 MB storage space to track all objects. Although the storage overhead
is much smaller than the disk itself, the data structures should be maintained in memory so that they can be
accessed with little overhead. Therefore, the storage capacity occupied by the data structures is important
and should be kept as small as possible. A more space-efficient alternative is to maintain a small group of
data structures for objects that have been recently accessed frequently. According to the skewed access
pattern (10% storage resources receive 90% I/O accesses), the maximum number of objects which should
be tracked is 10% of the whole objects. It is very easy to calculate that a 100GB disk drive needs about
9MB memory capacity to track the frequency of the most frequently accessed objects. This is acceptable
Mapping Table
Fast Band
Slow Band
Frequency Tracker
Table Modification
Data Migration
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
for a modern computer system.
We used two fixed length Least Recently Used (LRU) lists including a hot list and a recent list to
identify the most frequently and recently accessed objects. When the system receives a request, the
corresponding object will be recorded on the recent list. If the object on the recent list is accessed again in
a short period, the object will be promoted to the hot list. If the promoted object is already on the hot list,
the object will be moved to the head of the hot list. If the hot list is full, the last object on the hot list will
be degraded to the recent list. If the recent list is full, the last object on the recent list will be discarded, and
the fields of object location including the original location and the migrated location will be recorded on a
mapping table. The objects on the hot list are the most frequently accessed objects over a period. However,
the sequence of the objects is not sorted in terms of the frequency. The most recently accessed object is
always on the head of the hot list, the next recently accessed object will follow the previous object.
Therefore, compared with the frequency counting method, our method can further enhance the spatial
locality which indicates that the probability of accessing a data unit is higher if a data unit near it was just
accessed. The method is very effective in our experiment.
When the data migration mechanism is triggered, a process running in the background examines the
hot list. If the objects on the hot list are stored in the slow band, the objects will be moved to the fast band.
If the objects already exist in the fast band, the object locations will be kept unchanged. When the fast
band runs out of its 90% capacity, the objects which are not on the hot list will be migrated to the slow
band. The fields of original object location and migrated object location in the data structure will be
employed to record the objects location and construct the mapping table.
5.2. Object Mapping Table
Data access for read and write is specified by a LBN (Logical Block Number) and a data block length.
Disk firmware is responsible for translating LBN to physical location (i.e. cylinder, head, and sector). This
high-level interface has enabled great portability, interoperability, and flexibility for storage devices and
their vendors [9]. However, the narrow storage interface between file systems and storage hides details
from both sides. Though both sides have made considerable advancement independently, the interface has
limited opportunities for whole system performance improvement due to lacking effective cooperation.
A mapping table is employed to augment the interface in our implementation, because the mapping
table contains some hints of disk access patterns coming from the above file system. The mapping table
contains a list of frequently accessed objects, their original locations, and the locations after data moving.
Newly incoming requests are compared against the list and redirected to the new location if the requested
object resides there.
5.3. Data Migration Mechanism
The data migration could have significant impact on the overall I/O performance. The key point of a
data migration is to complete the data moving process in the shortest possible time with minimal
performance impact on the foreground applications, while guaranteeing QoS. It involves when and what
blocks should be migrated to where.
Because workloads tend to be bursty, there are enough idle periods for the system to analyze and
reorganize the data blocks (e.g. perform the data migration daily) [1, 12, 14, 15]. Hsu and Smith [14]
reported that there is a lot of time during which the storage system is relatively idle. They also proved that
infrequent (daily to weekly) block reorganization is sufficient to realize most of the benefit. Their
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
experiments confirm that the data migration takes only a small fraction of the idle time available between
reorganizations. On the other hand, some intelligent algorithms which can eliminate or alleviate the impact
of data migration have been proposed and developed. Aqueduct [25] uses a control-theoretical approach to
statistically guarantee a bound on the amount of impact on foreground work during a data migration, while
still accomplishing the data migration in a time period as short as possible. Lumb et al [26] proposed a free
block scheduling to replace a disk drive’s rotational latency with useful background media transfers,
potentially allowing the background disk I/O to occur with no impact on foreground service times. The two
methods are supposed to further alleviate or eliminate the performance penalty of data migration. Because
this paper is exploring the performance gains of block reorganization, not the data migration methodology,
the reader is referred to [25, 26] for a comprehensive understanding of data migration methodologies.
6. Experimental Validation
Table 1 Disk characteristics of Quantum Atlas 10K
9100 MB
Disk cache size
Number of Zones
Sectors per track of outermost zone
Sectors per track of innermost zone
Rotation speed (RPM)
Single cylinder seek time
Full strobe seek time
Head switch time
A real implementation of the comprehensive and complicated system would be difficult and take an
extremely long time. Trace driven simulation is a principal approach to evaluate the effectiveness of our
proposed design, because it is much easier to change parameters and configurations in comparison with a
real implementation. The trace driven simulation is a form of event driven simulation in which the events
are taken from a real system that operates under conditions similar to the ones being simulated. By using a
simulator and reference traces, we can evaluate the system in different environments and under a variety of
DiskSim [4] is an efficient, accurate, highly configurable, and trace-driven disk system simulator. To
explore the performance gains of block reorganization based on modern disks, we enhanced DiskSim to
measure the proposed method. Several experimentally validated disk models are distributed with Disksim.
The experimental results reported in this paper were generated by using the validated Quantum Atlas 10K
disk model. The disk drive is divided into 24 Zones in terms of the number of sectors per track, head skew,
cylinder skew and number of spare sectors. The detailed disk characteristics are summarized in Table 1.
Two important metrics normally employed to measure I/O performance are throughput and average
response time. Throughput is the maximum number of I/Os that can be satisfied in a given period by the
system. Measuring the throughput with trace driven simulation is difficult because the workloads recorded
in the trace are constant. Average response time includes both the time needed to serve the I/O request and
the time spent on waiting or queuing for service. In this paper, we measure the average response time and
break down the disk access time into four major components including seek time, rotational latency, data
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
transfer time, and the hit ration of disk cache, and analyze each component separately to determine its
actual performance gains.
6.1. Evaluating the impact of object size
In order to explore the impact of the object size, we employed a real trace ST1 which extracts 50,000
requests from the cello99 trace [5] and modified some fields in terms of the format requirements of the
Disksim. The access type (read or write), request address, request size, and request arrival time are kept
unchanged to maintain the block correlations and data access pattern. The average request size of ST1 is
7.2 KB. 65% requests of ST1 are read accesses. The skew of ST1 is 74/10. This means that 74% I/Os in
ST1 concentrate on 10% disk space.
Object Size (KB)
Average Response Time (ms)
Object Size (KB)
Disk Cache Hit Ratio
Fig. 3 Average response time with trace ST1 Fig. 4 Hit ratio of disk cache with trace ST1
Object Size (KB)
The Number of Physical Disk I/O
Object Size (KB)
Average Seek Time (ms)
Fig. 5 Number of physical disk I/Os with trace ST1 Fig. 6 Average seek time with trace ST1
Object Size (KB)
Average Rotational Latency (ms)
Object Size (KB)
Average Data Transfer Time (ms)
Fig. 7 Average rotational latency with trace ST1 Fig. 8 Average data transfer time with trace ST1
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
We used ST1 to do the first round of measurements. A set of object sizes ranging from 177KB to 8KB
were employed to investigate the optimal block correlations size by measuring the average response time
incurred by the block reorganization. 177KB is the size of one segment of the disk cache extracted from
the Quantum Atlas 10K disk model. The leftmost bar in each figure from Fig. 3 to Fig. 8 denotes the
performance of the baseline system which does not employ any block reorganization.
Fig. 3 shows the average response time of the system which uses different object sizes to migrate
blocks against the baseline system. It illustrates that the performance improvement ranges from 5% to
17.2% due to the block reorganization. According to the performance improvement, the optimal object
size is 32KB. We believe that the object size maintains the block correlations of the baseline system very
well because it achieves the highest performance improvement.
Fig. 4 illustrates the hit ratio of disk cache. Before the test, we expected to see a significant increase
of the hit ratio because of two reasons. The first reason is that the spatial locality is enhanced by gathering
frequently accessed blocks. The second reason is that the prefetch could get more useful data which could
stay in the cache much longer due to the high access frequency. However, as the object size decreases, the
hit ratio also starts to decrease gradually and decrease acutely when the size reaches 16KB. The number of
physical disk I/Os shown in Fig. 5 varies slightly when the object size is changed from 177KB to 32KB,
whereas it has a sharp increase when the object size reaches 16KB. We believe that the object size which is
smaller than 32KB could break the block correlations, accordingly incur more physical disk I/Os and
decrease the hit ratio. Another reason is that the disk cache of the employed disk model in our simulation is
only 2MB. The small disk cache can not take full advantage of the enhanced data locality. The results in
Fig. 5 are consistent with that in Fig. 4.
Fig. 6 depicts that the average seek time is significantly reduced when the object size is changed to
32KB. The seek time is reduced 42.5% when the object size reaches 16KB. This validates our expectation
that the disk head lingers over the fast band most of the time, and the seek time is reduced due to the
reduced seek distance. A basic requirement is a relatively small object size which can cluster the frequently
accessed blocks compactly.
Fig. 7 shows that the rotational latency achieves a slight performance improvement (less than 2.8%)
when the object size varies. Fig. 8 illustrates that the data transfer time starts to decrease when the object
size is changed to 64KB. The data transfer time achieves the highest 2.5% performance improvement when
the object size is 32KB. These two measurements are not expected. According to equation (4), larger
request size yields more performance gains at the data transfer time. Because the average request size of
ST1 is 7.2 KB, we decided to do the second round of test with another trace by varying the request size.
The object size in the second round of test is determined as 32KB because it maintains the basic block
6.2 Evaluating the impact of request size
Synthetic traces have the advantage of isolating specific behaviours which are not clearly expressed in
the real world traces. The trace characteristics can be varied as much as possible in order to cover a wide
range of different workloads. Therefore, we generated a synthetic trace named ST2 to investigate the
impact of the request size. ST2 consists of 25,000 requests which also were extracted from cello99 [5]. In
contrast to the ST1, we changed the request size of ST2 to explore the impact on the system performance.
As discussed in section 3.2, the biggest request size in the disk drive workloads is 128KB. Therefore, we
investigated the request size of 8KB, 16KB, 32KB, 64KB, and 128KB, respectively. We believe bigger
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
request sizes can obtain more benefit from the ZBR [19]. The skew of ST2 is 87/10 which implies that
87% I/Os are accumulated in 10% disk space.
Request size(KB)
Percentage of disk access time
Seek time
Rotational latency
Data transfer time
Fig. 9 Breakdown of disk access time with trace ST2
Table 2 Constitutions of disk access time with different request size
Seek time
Rotational latency
Data transfer time
Fig. 9 lists a breakdown of disk access time produced by ST2 with different request sizes. The test
results are based on the 10025 RPM Quantum Atlas 10K disk. It shows that with the increase of the
average request size, the portion of seek time and rotational latency are decreased, whereas the portion of
data transfer time is increased. This is reasonable because a larger request size involves more data transfer
time. Table 2 shows when the average request size is changed, the percentages of each component
including seek time, rotational latency, and data transfer time which contribute to the disk access time.
Request size (KB)
T1 4.16 5.74 8.92 15.44 16.36
T2 3.36 4.92 8.09 14.70 15.98
64 128
Disk cache
hit ratio
Request size(KB)
T1 38.65%35.60%32.96%27.36%22.12%
T2 37.85%36.34%34.58%28.30%23.41%
Fig. 10 Average response time with trace ST2 Fig. 11 Hit ratio of the disk cache with trace ST2
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
Number of
physical disk
Request size(KB)
T1 18198 18811 19481 20885 23289
T2 18119 18556 18974 20603 22796
Request size(KB)
T1 3.08 3.02 2.96 2.83 2.79
T2 1.63 1.63 1.70 1.72 1.79
Fig. 12 Number of physical disk I/Os with trace ST2 Fig. 13 Average seek time with trace ST2
Request size(KB)
T1 2.56 2.44 2.32 2.14 1.98
T2 2.56 2.47 2.35 2.16 2.07
data transfer
Request size(KB)
T1 1.11 1.91 3.36 6.47 11.52
T2 1.08 1.85 3.43 6.62 12.01
Fig. 14 Average rotational latency with trace ST2 Fig. 15 Average data transfer time with trace ST2
In Fig. 10, Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig. 14, and Fig. 15, T1 denotes the baseline system which does
not involve any data migration, T2 indicates the system which employs a 32KB object size to move data
blocks. Fig. 10 illustrates that the average response time grows with the increase of the average request
size. It is reasonable because bigger request size produces more data transfer time which is a portion of the
average response time. When the request size is changed from 8KB to 16KB, 32KB, 64KB, and 128KB,
the average response times are improved 19%, 14%, 9%, 5%, and 2.3%, respectively. The measurement
indicates that bigger request size achieves less performance improvement. The hit ratios of disk cache in
Fig. 11 show a slight increase when the disk drive conducts data reorganization. Fig. 11 also demonstrates
that the hit ratios are decreased with the growth of request size. The number of physical disk I/Os depicted
in Fig. 12 follows the same trend as the hit ratio. This is reasonable because higher hit ratios imply less
physical disk I/Os. The average seek time shown in Fig. 13 achieves significant reduction ranging from
40% to 47% when the request size is changed from 128KB to 8KB. Fig. 13 also indicates that bigger
request size achieves less seek time reduction, which is consistent with Fig. 10. However, the average
rotational latency depicted in Fig. 14 and the average data transfer time illustrated in Fig. 15 are not
expected. The average rotational latency does not obtain any performance improvement. The highest
performance improvement of the average data transfer time is only 3.1%. When the request size is
increased to 64KB, a slight performance penalty of data transfer time is incurred due to the data
reorganization. Fig. 14 indicates that the average rotational latency of both T1 and T2 are reduced with the
growth of the request size. As discussed in section 2.2, due to zero-latency access, the rotational latency
decreases with the growth of useful blocks in a track. Therefore, bigger request size can take better
advantage of the zero-latency access, thus improving performance. Fig. 15 confirms the observations in
Fig. 9 and Table 2.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
disk access
Request size(KB)
T1 6.75 7.37 8.63 11.44 15.21
T2 5.28 5.97 7.48 10.51 14.68
Request size(KB)
T1 1922.0 2787.43585.8 4145.07852.7
T2 2379.6 3250.23956.2 4354.98010.0
Fig. 16 Average disk access time with trace ST2 Fig. 17 Bandwidth with trace ST2
The above measurements show that the significant reduction of seek time is not dramatically reflected
in the average response time. A very important reason is that the high hit ratio of disk cache reduces the
impact of seek time on the average response time. Therefore, we evaluated the disk access time illustrated
in Fig. 16 which excludes the impact of disk cache. The performance improvements of different request
size are 22%, 19%, 13%, 8%, and 3.5%, respectively. It confirms the illustration in Fig. 10, and shows the
same implication that bigger request size achieves less performance improvement. The tests indicate that
another reason is because the average seek time is only a portion of the average response time. That’s why
the impact of the reduced seek time on the average response time is alleviated.
According to Fig. 15, the data transfer time does not achieve too much benefit from the ZBR. In order
to investigate the reason, we measured the bandwidth because a different request size has different but
straightforward impact on the bandwidth. Fig. 17 depicts that when the average request size is changed to
8KB, 16KB, 32KB, 64KB, and 128KB, the bandwidth achieves 24%, 17%, 10%, 5%, and 2%
improvement, respectively. It does illustrate that our method (T2 in Fig. 17) can take advantage of the ZBR
to improve performance. However, it does not confirm the discussion in section 2.3 that bigger request size
should gain more benefits from the ZBR. The reason is that if the request size is bigger than the object size,
the request will be split into several sub-requests. Therefore, the block correlations could be destroyed. For
a fixed object size, the bigger the request size is, the higher the probability that the requests could be split.
We employed 32KB as the object size in the measurements of this section. That’s why the performance
improvement decreases with the growth of the request size. We tracked the requests in the simulation, and
observed many split requests even when the request size is 8KB. It gives us an indication that though the
object can maintain the basic correlation among data blocks, the object size actually depends on the
workload. For example, 32KB is the optimal object size for ST1 which has an average request size of 7.2
KB. That’s why in the test, 8KB request size achieves the maximal performance improvement. A dynamic
algorithm used to determine the optimal object size for different workloads could alleviate this problem.
6.3 Evaluating the impact of data access pattern
As discussed in section 6.1 and 6.2, the traces ST1 and ST2 are highly skewed. We reorganized the
frequently accessed data blocks into a relatively small area, thus enhancing the data locality which
significantly reduces the average seek time. However, the significant reduction of seek time is not reflected
in the average response time. We believe that a very important reason is the high hit ratio of disk cache.
Therefore, we constructed the third synthetic trace ST3 and the fourth synthetic trace ST4 which have
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
different skews by modifying the trace ST1. The skew of ST3 is 44/10 which means 44% I/Os go to 10%
storage capacity. The request addresses in ST4 are distributed across the disk drive randomly. We believe
that the trace ST4 can simulate an extreme scenario of the online transaction processing, and the decreased
skew can reduce the hit ratio of disk cache.
Average response time(ms)
Hit ratio of disk cache
Fig. 18 Average response time Fig. 19 Hit ratio of disk cache
Average seek time(ms)
Average rotational latency(ms)
Fig. 20 Average seek time Fig. 21 Average rotational latency
Average data transfer time(ms)
Fig. 22 Average data transfer time
In order to compare our method with the existing work, we implemented an organ pipe data layout in
the simulator. In this section, T1 denotes the baseline system which does not involve any data migration,
T2 indicates the system which employs a 32KB object size to move the frequently accessed data blocks to
the fast band, and T3 implies that the moved data blocks are organized in an organ pipe style in the centre
of disk drive.
Fig. 18 illustrates the average response time of the three systems measured by the three different traces.
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
It shows that when the traces ST1 and ST3 are employed to evaluate the systems, our method achieves the
best performance, whereas T3 degrades the performance. The reason is because the sequentially accessed
data is split on either side of the organ pipe arrangement, and the disk arm has to seek back and forth
across the disk resulting in decreased performance [36]. It is interesting to observe that the system T3
obtains the best performance improvement (3.8%) when ST4 is adopted to evaluate the systems. This is
because the requests in ST4 are independent. It means that the requests which are not reorganized are
distributed randomly across the disk drive. Placing the hot area in the middle of disk drive can reduce the
seek time when the disk arm has to be moved to locate the remaining data blocks.
Fig. 19 demonstrates the hit ratio of disk cache. As expected, the hit ratio is reduced when the skew is
decreased. When we used ST4 to compare the hit ratios, the actual values of T1, T2, and T3 are 0.004%,
0.04%, and 0.003%, which is too low to be observed in Fig. 19. The low hit ratio is reasonable, because the
requests in ST4 do not contain any data locality including temporal locality and spatial locality. We also
can observe that when ST1 and ST3 are adopted to measure the systems, the hit ratio is decreased when the
data blocks are organized in an organ pipe style.
Fig. 20 depicts the average seek time. The experimental results show that our method does reduce the
average seek time significantly by using the traces ST1 and ST3, whereas the T3 incurs a growth of the
average seek time. This is because T3 destroys the block correlations. As expected, Fig. 20 also shows that
compared with our method, T3 obtains a better performance improvement when ST4 is adopted to measure
the system. This is because the requests in ST4 are independent. However, as discussed in section 3, most
of the real data accesses show some locality. It means our method is much more effective than the organ
pipe in a real scenario. Fig. 21 and Fig. 22 do not show significant performance variation when different
traces are used to measure T1, T2, and T3.
7. Discussion and Conclusion
Since the first disk drive was announced in 1956, disk drives have experienced dramatic development,
but still lagged far behind the performance improvement of processor and RAM. A lot of I/O optimization
methods have been devised to alleviate the gap between the RAM and disk driver. One of the most
effective approaches of improving disk access performance is increasing the hit ratio of disk cache and
thus reducing the number of physical disk I/Os.
We reviewed some important characteristics of modern disk drives and disk access patterns in this
paper. Attempting to take advantage of the characteristics, we clustered the frequently accessed blocks and
the correlated blocks into objects, and moved the objects to the outer zones of a modern disk drive to
enhance the data locality. Synthetic trace driven simulation was adopted to break down the disk access
time into seek time, rotational latency, data transfer time, and hit ratio of disk cache and investigate the
performance gains of each of them due to the enhanced locality. The experimental results give the
following indications:
(1) The data blocks are correlated with each other. When performing the data reorganization, an optimal
object size which compactly cluster the frequently accessed data blocks with the correlated data blocks can
achieve the best performance. Otherwise, the destroyed correlations can incur performance penalty.
(2) By reorganizing the frequently accessed data blocks into a small area, the average seek time achieves
significant reduction due to the enhanced data locality. However, the reduction is not reflected dramatically
in the response time because the high hit ratio of disk cache alleviates the impact. Even so, the reduction of
seek time contributes most of the performance improvement, and the other components constitute a small
Information Sciences, Vol. 179, No. 14. 2009, pp. 2494-2511.
portion of the improvement.
(3) The zero-latency access does not obtain significant benefit from the enhanced spatial locality.
(4) The ZBR does contribute to the performance improvement, though it is relatively small in comparison
with the contribution of seek time.
(5) The enhanced spatial locality does not give too many opportunities to the disk cache to improve the hit
ratio and reduce the number of physical disk I/Os. This could be caused by the disk model employed in the
simulation. Quantum Atlas 10k is the latest model we can find in the Disksim. The model does support
some new characteristics such as zero-latency, ZBR, etc. However, a disk drive with 9.1GB storage
capacity and 2MB disk cache is old. It can not demonstrate other characteristics such as the high TPI and
DPI, and the small disk cache can not obtain too much performance gains from the enhanced spatial
locality. We believe a disk model with higher storage capacity and bigger disk cache could illustrate more
interesting experimental results. For example, because the long distance seeks of modern disk drive may
not involve enormously more overhead than short ones, the performance improvement of seek time could
decrease, while the bandwidth could further increase.
(6) The data access pattern has an impact on our method. However, as discussed in section 3.1, the
skewed data access is a normal behaviour of the workloads in the real world. Therefore, we believe that the
real applications can benefit from our method.
I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for helping us refine this paper. Their constructive
comments and suggestions are very helpful. Thanks also to my friend Michael Sandling and Andrew
Clemens who polished the language of this paper. In addition, I am grateful to Prof. Witold Pedrycz for
giving me the opportunity to clarify my thoughts.
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